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Topic 10: You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year.

Recently a new neighbor

moved in who has loud parties several times a week. Write an email with at least 150 words
complaining about this to the landlord. In your email:

● explain the situation

● describe why it bothers you

● suggest a solution

Dear [Host name],

I am writing to express my concern about a recent problem that occurred at our apartment
complex. The new person moving into an apartment near me constantly holding noisy parties
and affecting others

These actions are affecting our daily lives, especially our rest and relaxation time at home. Music
and voice loudly often until late at night, affecting my ability to sleep well. This situation is
creating an unpleasant living environment for us and other neighbors.

I am writing this email, I respectfully request your support. Perhaps reminding all residents about
noise and quiet hours, specifically a conversation with the new mover, will help resolve this
situation. I believe that this approach will contribute to maintain a peaceful and harmonious living
space for all.

Topic 11: You are going to take a short holiday in Singapore and you want to rent a holiday
apartment while you are there. Write a letter with at least 150 words to the tourist information
office. In your letter:

● explain what you need

● where/what kind of apartment you want to live

● say when you plan to be there

● ask for information about prices

Dear [Tourist Information Office],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I'm planning a short vacation in
Singapore in the coming weeks. I am writing this letter with the hope of renting a vacation
apartment during my vacation.

Ideally, I'm looking for an apartment near the ocean with full amenities and a sea view. I hope
you can provide information about apartments near the beach
I plan to be in Singapore from 15 July 2024 to 20 July 2024 and I would like to have an apartment
available during this period. Additionally, I am interested in information about rental prices and
terms related to booking.

I hope you can provide complete information about the reservation so that my vacation is good

Thank you in advance for your support. I look forward to your response after mirroring this email

Topic 12: Your neighbors have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your
house/flat. Write an email with at least 150 words to your neighbors. In your email:

● explain the reasons for the noise

● apologize for inconvenience

● describe what action you will take

Dear [Neighbor's Name],

First, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and other neighbors.

I realized that the noise level was causing a disturbance and I wanted to be sure that the
apartment complex was disturbing my hard work. Apartment repairs cause a lot of noise

To solve the problem, I engaged an engineer to minimize the noise as much as possible after
reading your email. I would remind him to keep the noise to a minimum and finish the job as
soon as possible

I commit to minimizing noise during the day and not making repairs at night

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and hope for your understanding. Thank

Best regards,

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