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4215 EXTENSION OF TIME RESULTING FROM ABNORMAL RAINFALL Extension of te in terms of the 1 General Conditone of Contract in rainfall sha be determined in terms of Mathod 1 Sew, Unless the Project Specticatons determine that Method 2 Sshallbe sed, ‘The macemum extension of tine which wil be considered in respectofagivenpertd, willbe number of working days Inthe parad concemed an which work may be execttod accordance with he provisions othe relat clause of the General Condens of Contact (2) Method 4 (Rainfall formats) Extension of tine in accordance wth tis method shal be calulated separately for each calendar month of part thereof according 10 the formula below. It shall be calculated for he fl paid of completion of the Contac, ineluding) any extension thereof which may Rave Boon searted Ve (Nw Nn + {Rn} * Irany value of V's nogative ants absolut value excoeds In thon V shall bo taken as equal to minus No, ‘The symbols shal have he folowing meanings = Estension of ime in ealndar days in respect ofthe Calendar month under cons aration. INw=" Actual numberof days during the calondar month on ‘which aranfallo'Y mm or morehas been rorarded ws Actual rainfall in may forthe calendar mont under Nn= Average number of days in the relovantcalandar month, a= derved irom existing rainfall records provided inthe Projet Spocicatons, on which a Fatal f ¥ mm or more has boon recorded Rn = Average rafal in mm forthe eslendar month, 38 Gdarved trom the rainfall records supplied In the Project Spectications X= 20, unless otherwise. provided in the Project Spociicatons, Y= 10, unless otherwise provided in the Project Spectieaions. ‘The otal extension ofime shal beth algebraic sum of the ‘monthly totals forthe peri under consieration. But the ‘yard (lal 's negative the time for competion shal no be Fetes on account of abermal aia. Extension of tine forparts ofa month shal be calculated by prorata values of Nana Rn being use ‘Tre factor (Nw -Nr) shal be considered to reprosont a fair alowanes for variation rom the average number of daye ‘ering hich ainallexcooes Y mm. The facto: (R= Ro) = X'sha be consdored to ropasont a fa allowance for ‘afations trom the average forthe umber of days ding thi rainfall does. not exceed. Ym but when. wat Concitons prevented ar dstuptes work. This formula dos ot taks inte azcount any Neos damage, which cou cause 1208 futher or concurtent delays and should be tated ‘separately no far as extension of tine is concomed ‘Accurate rain gaugings shall be taken at a sutable pont on {he ste, and the Contactor shal at his own expense, te lllnacessary precautions fo enaure ‘hat the ran gouges ‘cannot be interfered with by unauthorised persons. Informaton rogarsing exsting rafal records if avaiable ‘tom gutable ail sation nea hes, wilde supplied inthe Project SpeciTeatons, togetnor with caleulations of ‘terslons of imeorprovous year in accordance wine ‘shove formula If no suitable rainfall records are avalable, the above formula wl nat ay. (©) Method 2 (Crtical-path method) Where the etic-path method ls spectied inthe Project ‘Spectcaons for determing extensin of tne resulting ‘fem abnormal rafal shall be eppled as follows: @)_Adelay causesby clement weator condition wi bo rogardd as a delay only if in the opinion of the Engneer al progress on an em of Heme of work on the ical path ofthe working programme athe Contractor has been brought toa nat Delays on working days only (based ona five-day working wack) wi be taken ino account for the extension of time, But the Contactor shall make proviso in his programme of werk for an expected delay of i working days caused by normal rainy weather, fr which ro wil nt recive any exonsion of ima. The valu of" ‘shall be given in he Projet Spectators (i)___ Beensionoftme during working days wilbe granted {o the degree to which actual cays, at defined above, ‘xcoedihe rumbor of" workings days as mentonedin the Project Spocieations. 1216. INFORMATION FURNISHED BY THE EMPLOYER Certain information contained In these Contract documents ‘or provides separately Is being ofered in good fath bun the ereumstances periaining tothe type of information ‘urnishod, no guarantea canbe given tat alte information & necessanly coroct or roprseniave of tho In stu condone Ths applies more speciealy oa sol tests, soll mapping, cuing resus, geophysical surveys, geological repors omtompt information, materal surveys and reports, and Simlar information, tha accuracy of which Is necessary Subject to tho Imtatons of testing, samping. the natural ‘araton ot mateialor formations being nvesigaledandthe ‘measure of certainty with when condusions ean be a4 ‘tom any stwesigalons made. h also apples 10 any materis-utisaion dlagram provided, asthe ciagram may be subject to major alteratone dung the progress of the work depending onsite conditions ‘Tho Employer wll nt accopt any abil forthe comociness

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