Pluralsight - InsertionOrder - by Nikhil 9711

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Advertiser Name: Pluralsight

Campaign Name: Pluralsight (7490)

Insertion Order Name: Public Terms (95795)
Last Modified: N/A

Online Trial: $5.00 USD


Payout Groups

Rank Condition Payout

List for Item SKU is Monthly Free Trial

1 $0.00 per item
Item SKU contains -FT

2 List for Item SKU is Premium Free Trial $0.00 per item

All Other $5.00 per item


Action Locking Actions are locked 27 day(s) after end of the month they are tracked

Payout Scheduling Approved transactions are paid 3 day(s) after end of the month they


Credit Policy Last Click

Referral Window Allow referrals from clicks within 60 day(s)

Converted Trial: 13.4%-39% USD


Payout Groups

Rank Condition Bonus Payout

List for Item SKU is Annual 13.4% of item sale

1 Tier 1: 15%
Subscription amount
List for Item SKU is Premium 13.9% of item sale
2 Tier 1: 15%
Subscription amount

List for Item SKU is Monthly 33% of item sale

3 Tier 1: 15%
Subscription amount

List for Item SKU is Business 0% of item sale

4 Tier 1: 15%
Professional amount

List for Item SKU is Premium 39% of item sale

5 Tier 1: 15%
Monthly Subscription amount

0% of item sale
All Other Tier 1: 15% amount

Note that bonus payout increases will be paid in the form of a monthly performance bonus

Bonus Tiers
Increase payout for all actions based on revenue for each month

Tier Definition

1 $1,500.00+ revenue


Action Locking Actions are locked 27 day(s) after end of the month they are tracked

Payout Scheduling Approved transactions are paid 3 day(s) after end of the month they


Credit Policy Winner of Online Trial then cascades to Last Click

Referral Window Allow winning referrals from parent actions within 400 day(s)
Allow referrals from clicks within 60 day(s)

Direct Purchase: 15%-50% USD


Payout Groups

Rank Condition Payout

1 List for Item SKU is Annual Subscription 15% of item sale amount

2 List for Item SKU is Premium Subscription 15% of item sale amount

3 List for Item SKU is Monthly Subscription 50% of item sale amount

4 List for Item SKU is Monthly Gift 0% of item sale amount

5 List for Item SKU is 3 Month Gift 0% of item sale amount

6 List for Item SKU is Annual Gift 0% of item sale amount

7 List for Item SKU is Premium Gift 0% of item sale amount

8 List for Item SKU is Business Professional 15% of item sale amount

List for Item SKU is Premium Monthly

9 50% of item sale amount

All Other 0% of item sale amount


Action Locking Actions are locked 27 day(s) after end of the month they are tracked

Payout Scheduling Approved transactions are paid 3 day(s) after end of the month they


Credit Policy Last Click

Referral Window Allow referrals from clicks within 60 day(s)

General Terms
Currency Financial transactions covered by this insertion order will be
processed in the USD currency. Currency exchanges will occur when
you or your partner(s) have set a different default currency in
account settings.

Change Notification The insertion order can be changed or cancelled with 1 day(s)
Period notification to the media partner.
Reversal Policy Reversal of performance advertising actions are decided by the
Advertiser governed by a max reversal percentage of 100%

Media Partner Advertiser allows media partner to fire their tracking pixel when the
Tracking Pixel consumer action is completed.

Paid Search Policy Search marketing campaigns cannot use the Pluralsight trademark
or any variation of the Pluralsight trademark. Partners are NOT
ALLOWED to link directly to Pluralsight from paid search campaigns.
Plularsight monitors this very closely, any partners found bidding
on trademark terms or direct linking will immediately be removed
from the program and have all commissions reversed.

Pluralsight Affiliate See attached

Pluralsight Affiliate Terms

Pluralsight Affiliate Agreement

These terms and conditions supplement the Impact Master Campaign Agreement and govern your
performance marketing relationship with Pluralsight. The policy below sets out the agreement between
Pluralsight and You for your participation in any Action (as defined in the Master Campaign Agreement
with Impact Tech, Inc.).

1. Term. This Agreement is effective from the date of your approval by Pluralsight set out above
and continues until your relationship with Impact terminates, or until Pluralsight terminates for
any reason (“Term”).
2. Pluralsight Promotions. During the Term, in the event you publish any communication
promoting Pluralsight (including, but not limited to, social media posts, links, newsletters, email,
website posts, etc.) (collectively, “Posts”) you agree to follow the following requirements:
a. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
b. You are responsible for complying with the Federal Trade Commission's Guides
Concerning Endorsements and Testimonials. You must clearly and conspicuously
disclose your "material connection" with us, making it clear that you are a paid
influencer and may receive compensation from Pluralsight. You must place the
disclosure in plain sight and in close proximity to any audio or visual communications
that you make about us, our brands, and our products or services. You may not bury the
disclosure in a link or place the disclosure in a string of hashtags or other disclosures.
We require this disclosure regardless of any space limitations of the platform (like
Twitter), where you can use hashtags for the disclosure (like #ad or #sponsored). If a
platform does not allow for a clear and conspicuous disclosure, you should not use that
c. Your Posts should only make factual statements about Pluralsight and our products and
services which you know for certain are true and can be proven or verified.
d. Your Posts will be original and created solely by you.
e. Your Posts will not include the intellectual property of other parties, including any third-
party music, photographs, artwork, trademarks, logos, or slogans.
f. Your Posts will not include any person, or personally identifiable information about
anyone, other than you.
g. Your Posts will comply with the rules of the applicable social media platforms.
h. Your Posts will comply with our standards of conduct set out in section 3 below.
3. Standards of Conduct. You agree to comply with Pluralsight standards set forth below. Any
Affiliate Partners found violating the policies set forth in this paragraph 3 will immediately be
removed from the Pluralsight Affiliate Partner Program and have all commissions reversed.
a. Affiliate Partner Search Policy: Search marketing campaigns cannot use the Pluralsight
trademark or any variation of the Pluralsight trademark. Partners are NOT ALLOWED to
link directly to Pluralsight from paid search campaigns. Pluralsight monitors this very
closely, any partners found bidding on trademark terms or direct linking will
immediately be removed from the program and have all commissions reversed.
b. Affiliate Partner Coupon Policy: Affiliate Partners may only promote valid offers
available to partners via the Pluralsight program powered by Impact. Use of
coupons/promotional codes not currently available to affiliate partners through Impact
Pluralsight Affiliate Terms

will void commission and cash back. Affiliate Partners must remove
coupons/promotions no longer valid and must not use misleading ad copy or messaging
expired offers. Affiliate Partners found violating the above Coupon Policy will
immediately be removed from the Pluralsight Affiliate Partner Program and have all
commissions reversed.
c. Affiliate Partner Unsuitable Web Site Policy: You may not place Links to Pluralsight
Web site or Web site content on Web sites nor may you promote Pluralsight using
methods that Pluralsight deems, at its sole discretion, unsuitable for its Program,
including, but not limited to, Web sites or promotional methods that:
i. promote sexually explicit materials;
ii. promote violence, promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion,
nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
iii. promote illegal activities;
iv. are in any way unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, harassing,
or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;
v. incorporates any materials which infringe or assist others to infringe on any
copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights or to violate the law;
vi. any other website that you operate, explicitly or implied in a manner which
resembles our website nor design your website in a manner which leads
customers to believe you are or any other Affiliate Partnered
vii. any promotion via traffic sharing programs, pop-ups or popunders; or
viii. may damage or tarnish the goodwill of Pluralsight.
d. Affiliate partner Unsuitable Action Policy: Affiliate Partner shall not transmit any so-
called “interstitials,” “Parasiteware,” “Parasitic Marketing,” “Shopping Assistance
Application,” “Toolbar Installations and/or Add-ons,” “Shopping Wallets” or “deceptive
pop-ups and/or pop-unders” to consumers from the time the consumer clicks on a
qualifying link until such time as the consumer has fully exited the site
(i.e., no page from our site or any’s content or branding is visible on the
end-user’s screen). As used herein “Parasiteware™” and “Parasitic Marketing” shall
mean an application that (a) through accidental or direct intent causes the overwriting
of Affiliate Partner and non-Affiliate Partner commission tracking cookies through any
other means than a customer initiated click on a qualifying link on a web page or email;
(b) intercepts searches to redirect traffic through an installed software, thereby causing,
pop ups, commission tracking cookies to be put in place or other commission tracking
cookies to be overwritten where a user would under normal circumstances have arrived
at the same destination through the results given by the search (search engines being,
but not limited to, Google, MSN, Yahoo, Overture, AltaVista, Hotbot and similar search
or directory engines); (c) set commission tracking cookies through loading of the site in IFrames, hidden links and automatic pop ups that open’s site; (d) targets text on web sites, other than those web sites 100%
owned by the application owner, for the purpose of contextual marketing; (e) removes,
replaces or blocks the visibility of Affiliate Partner banners with any other banners,
other than those that are on web sites 100% owned by the owner of the application.
Pluralsight Affiliate Terms

4. Monitoring Posts. You understand that we will be monitoring your Posts for compliance with
this Agreement. We have the right to address noncompliant Posts by any taking any of the
following actions alone or in combination:
a. Requiring you to fix the Post.
b. Withholding payment of the Fee.
c. Reversing previously paid Fees.
d. Terminating the Agreement under Paragraph X for a material breach.
5. Confidentiality. You understand that you may be exposed to information about Pluralsight’s
products and services, advertising campaigns, and marketing or brand strategies, and ideas that
may not have been disclosed to the public (collectively, the "Confidential Information"). You
agree to maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Information disclosed to you (or which
otherwise becomes available to you) in connection with the Actions, and will hold all
Confidential Information in strict confidence. You further agree to refrain from disclosing or
using Confidential Information for any purpose other than participating in the Actions. The
obligation to maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information shall survive termination
and continue for three (3) years.
6. Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that your Posts:
a. are your sole and original creation;
b. have not been, and prior to our publication of them will not be, published or otherwise
made publicly available, in whole or in part;
c. are not libelous or otherwise defamatory; and
d. do not, and our use or them will not, infringe or otherwise violate any right of any third
party, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual
property right, or any right of publicity or privacy.
7. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Pluralsight and our
affiliates, and our and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, successors, and
assigns, from and against any claims, judgments, damages, liabilities, settlements, losses, costs,
and expenses, including attorneys' fees and disbursements, arising from or relating to any
breach by you of your representations, or warranties, or other obligations hereunder.
8. Termination. Pluralsight may terminate this Agreement immediately on written notice to you if
a. commit a material breach of this Agreement. To avoid any doubt, failure of a Post to
comply with the requirements of Sections 2 and/or 3 is a material breach.
b. commit or are alleged to have committed any criminal act or other act involving moral
turpitude, drugs, or felonious activities;
c. commit any act or become involved in any situation or occurrence which brings you into
public disrepute, contempt, scandal, or ridicule, or which shocks or offends the
community or any group or class thereof, or which reflects unfavorably upon Pluralsight
or reduces the commercial value of our association with you; or
d. information becomes public about your having, in the past, so conducted yourself as in
(a) through (c).
e. In addition, Pluralsight may terminate this Agreement for convenience at any time.
9. Relationship of the Parties.
Pluralsight Affiliate Terms

a. You understand that you are an independent contractor of Pluralsight, and this
Agreement does not create any association, partnership, joint venture, employee, or
agency relationship between you and us for any purpose. You have no authority (and
will not hold yourself out as having authority) to bind Pluralsight and will not make any
agreements or representations on our behalf without our prior written consent.
b. We are not responsible for withholding or paying any income, payroll, Social Security, or
other taxes, making any insurance contributions, including unemployment or disability,
or obtaining worker's compensation insurance on your behalf. You are solely
responsible for all such taxes and contributions, including penalties and interest. You are
not eligible under this Agreement to participate in any of our employee benefits, such as
time off, medical, profit sharing, or retirement benefits.

These terms and conditions supplement the Impact Master Campaign Agreement and govern your
performance marketing relationship for this campaign with this partner. Your participation in any
Pluralsight Actions shall confirm your agreement to the above terms.

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