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This chapter presents the Background of the study, Conceptual Paradigm,

Significance of the study, Scope and Delimitation of the study, And the Definition of


1.1 Background of the study

The Senior High School (SHS) program is a critical stage in the education

system of the Philippines. This educational level provides students with various tracks

that will prepare them for their future careers, whether it is in academics, technical-

vocational, or entrepreneurship. Choosing the appropriate SHS track is an essential

decision for grade 10 students because it can have a significant impact on their future

academic and professional careers. However, despite its importance, there is a lack of

understanding of the factors that influence student’s preference for SHS tracks.

The SHS program was introduced in the Philippines in 2012 as part of the k-12

program to improve the country’s educational system. The SHS program aims to

provide students with specialized education and training that will prepare them for

their chosen career path after graduation from high school. The program is divided

into different tracks, namely, Academic, Technical Vocational-Livelihood (TVL), and

Sports, Arts, ad Design (SAD), each of which has its unique curriculum and learning


Choosing the right SHS track is a critical decision that every grade 10 student

has to make. The choice they will determine their future academic and professional

careers, and it is a decision that cannot be taken lightly. There are several factors that

can influence student’s track preference, including the interest, aptitudes, family

background, socio-economic status, peer pressure, and the availability of resources ad

Several studies have been conducted on the factors that influence students

track preference, and they have identified several determinants of SHS track

preference. for instance, Dela Cruz et al. (2020) fond that academic performance, peer

influence, parental guidance, and career aspirations were significant predictors of

students track preference. Lorenz et al. (2020) found that student’s interest, career

goals, and perceived benefits of the track were the primary factors that influenced

their track preference.

However, these studies were limited in scope and did not comprehensively

examine all the determinants of SHS track preference. Therefore, there is still a need

for a more comprehensively study that will explore all the factors that influence

student’s track preference.

1.2 Theoretical Framework of the Study

The school year 2016-2017 marks the start of senior high school in the

Philippines as part of the K to 12 program implemented by the Department of

Education (DepEd)(Department of Education 2016). There are four career tracks in the

program: academics track, arts and design track, sports track, and the technical

vocational track. The academics track and the technical vocational track are further

divided into sub-tracks or what they refer to as “strands”. Under the academics track,

four strands are available: accountancy and business management (ABM); humanities

and social sciences (HUMSS); general academic strand (GAS); and science, technology,

engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The technical vocational track consists of four

strands as well: agrifishery arts, home economics, industrial arts, and information and

communication technology (ICT). Hence, before entering senior high school, students

need to select one track from these ten choices.

The concept of intelligence isn’t confined to just one facet of “being smart.”

Howard Gardner, a Harvard psychologist and professor, believed that the traditional

concept of intelligence is far too narrow and limited. Further, IQ tests often miss out

on other facets of being smart that one may have. Instead, his theory says that people
can possess 8 multiple intelligences. These go beyond the usual aptitudes in math or

languages. With that, how do multiple intelligences influence teaching and learning?

In this day and age, more and more know the value of soft skills and even other skills

and abilities a student can have. In fact, educators use this to help them assess their

students’ learning styles while accepting the fact that students have various abilities.

Now, being able to see a glimpse of

Yourself as a student and knowing the levels of your intelligence will help you

make wiser steps on choosing the best senior high school (SHS) strand or track for

you. Read on for the main strengths, traits, and best course and career options suited

for each type.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This research study is to determine the factors influencing career choice among

Grade 10 students towards their Senior High School strand.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents be described as to;

A. Age

B. Gender

2. How are the related factors that influencing attitudes toward the strand be


A. Family factor and Peer factor

B. Teacher factor

3. How is the attitude towards choosing a strand be described?

4. Is there a significant difference on the perception towards related factors: family and

peer, school, teacher influencing attitudes towards the strand when grouped according

to all profiles?
1.4 Conceptual Paradigm

Figure 1 presents the conceptual paradigm of this study, which includes the

independent and dependent variable.

Choosing a Strand


Interpersonal Factors Characteristics

Figure 1 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

1.5 Significance of the study

The study focused on explaining the factors affecting the choice of incoming

Senior High School students in choosing a strand.

Moreover, the result of this study is beneficial to the following:

Respondent: The object and priority of education, they will be able to identify the

difference factors affecting their choice and will have an awareness on the importance

of choosing strand in Senior High School student and as role on the improvement of

their education and enable them to adjust and strength their minds.

Parents: The result of this will help parent of the respondent to feel the secured to

guide and support the interest of their child. Thus, if enables there to guide their

children or a better learning and study practices. That will help their children cope

and adjust with the adversities of senior high school life.

Teacher: The result of this study will help the teacher provide encouragement to think

of ideas that will give proper guidance to the students. This may also increase their

competency. This may also increase their competency. This may serve as a facilitor in

enhancing the minds of student in case of choosing a strand in senior high school to

make interesting, meaningful, and effective; this it will also serve the guiding path of

the teacher to monitor the student.

Future Researcher: The finding of this study will be serving as reference material and

a guide for future researcher who will to conduct the same experimental study or ay

study related to mentoring this study.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study focuses on Factors that influenced Grade 10 students in choosing

Senior High School Track and Strand, and explaining the factors affecting the choice

of incoming Senior High School students in choosing their strand. The respondents of

this study is delimited to the total enumeration of one sixty four (164) Grade 10

students. This study will be conducted in Tampilisan National High School, Poblacion

Tampilisan Zamboanga Del Norte.

1.7 Definition of terms

Age- The period of time someone has been alive or something has existed.

Attitude- A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically

one that is reflected in a person’s behaviour.

Career- A field for a pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in

public, professional, or business life.

Course- A number of lectures or other matter dealings with a subject.

Decision- Conclusion or resolution or resolution reached after consideration.

Peer- A person of the same legal status.

Respondents- A person who replies to something, especially one supplying

information for a survey or questionnaire or responding to a advertisement.

Gender- The range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between,

masculinity and feminity.

Influence- The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour

of someone or something, or he effect itself.

Family- The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their

Education- Discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning.

Opportunities- A set of circumstances that make it possible to do something.



This chapter presents the review of related literature, related studies and local

study that provide details and information, which all researchers have chosen for the

subject this desertion, presents the factors that influence career choice among Grade

10 students towards their Senior High School strand.

2.1 Related Literature

In choosing a course, there are a lot of factors that student must consider.

According to Boyer (1987, “in taking a course, one of the life’s major decisions is being

made. A lot of time, money, and effort will be involved. The shape of excellence of the

Student’s life may rest on the result.”

In choosing a junior, senior academic tract and strand, a student be a risk-

taker F. yates, Veinotle et al. (2003) define a decisions as a “a commitment to a course

of action that is intended to produce a satisfying state of affairs.”

Making decision implies that there are choices to be considered, and in such

case we want only to identify as many alternatives as possible but to choose the best

fits with their choices Havris in 2021,”Decision making is the best way to get satisfying

life. One decent decision that a person will do can make a huge impact in his or her


A short definition of career can be the development and actions taken by a

person throughout his/her lifetime, expressly related to that person’s occupations. A

career not only refer to one’s position but also englobed the job held, titles earned, and

work accomplished over a lengthy period. Thus, career selection is an extremely

important decision that impacts an individual’s entire future. Therefore, effective

career exploration is a must as the individuals actively seeks of information from

various professionals such as counsellors. This process can be stressful for the young

adult, but variables that influence career exploration in adolescents should be

identified and acknowledge the factors underlying career choice led to mounting

interest to educators, counsellors, ministers, ad social scientists. Some people

maintain the young adult does not exercise career choice, but their socio-economic

environment determined their career choices, while others agree that the individual

who exert a choice can either leads to a wise and fulfilling career choice or an

unsatisfying choice, it is useful to study the viewpoints of economists, sociologists,

psychologists, ad among others. While economists argued that the opportunities of the

labour market strongly influence the vocational choices. The most significant factor in

career choice is the birth right of the individual which tells about the individual family,

nationality, race, residential district, social class and to large extent the educational

and cultural opportunities for the person. The range of occupations chosen by an

individual is largely determined by the status expectations of his social class (Friesen

1981).Moreover psychologists found that the inner world of the individual and

personality theory which comprise of psychoanalytic, trait, self and development

theory play an important role in vocational choice.

2.2 Related Studies

The Senior High School (SHS) program in the Philippines has different tracks

that students can choose from to prepare them for their future careers. The process of

choosing the appropriate SHS track is a critical decision for grade 10 students. This

section provides a review of the literature on the determinants of SHS track preference

among grade 10 students in the Philippines.

Several studies have identified various factors that influence student’s SHS

track preference. Lorenz et al. (2020) found that academic performance, peer

influence, parental guidance and career aspirations were significant predictors of

student’s track preference. The study found that students with high academic

performances tended to choose academic tracks, while those with lower academic

performance preferred TVL tracks. The study also found that peer influence and

parental guidance played a crucial role in shaping students who had peers and
parents who supported their preferred track were more likely to choose it. Moreover,

career aspiration also influenced student’s track preference, with students who had

clear career goals more likely to choose tracks that aligned with their career


Juttler, et al. (2021) found that student’s interest, career goals, and perceived

benefits of the track were the primary factors that influenced their track preference.

The study found that students who had a genuine interest factors that influenced

their track preference. The study also found that students who saw the potential

benefits of a track, such as employment opportunities and earning potential, were

more likely to choose it.

A study by Lu, et al (2021) found that the availability of resources and

opportunities was a crucial factor that influenced student’s track preferences. The

study found that students who had access to resources and opportunities related to a

particular track, such as equipment and facilities, were more likely to choose it.

Several studies have also explored the role of gender and socio-economic status

in student’s SHS track preference. Bansal et al. (2020) found that students from

higher socio-economic backgrounds were more likely to choose academic tracks, while

those from lower socio-economic backgrounds preferred TVL tracks.

2.3 Local Study

According to Mark Catarroja, the K-12 system in the country aims to develop the

social and economic progress. This progress is being promoted since January 20,

2012, by President Benigno Aquino. Signed A contract by which it is approving the K-

12 education system. This make education system better. The kindergarten education

law has been started successfully the K-12 system. By which all of the country have

this system except for the Philippines, the President want that the educational system

much suitable for the new students in which students can have their job when they

finish the K-12. In the K-12 system, the studies are being enhanced. This K-12 system
have lengthen the year for High School students that it adds two more years by which

we call the students from Grade 11 and 12 as Senior High school (SHS) and some

know this more likely as college students. In the K-12 system, you have 4 tracks to

choose for these are academic, technical vocational livelihood, sports and arts design

track. This RA10533 which is to expand job opportunity by the reducing job skill for

High School graduates.

In this article, researchers did have read, how is this K-12 system apply to the

students and talks about how can you get a job when you finished this K-12 system?

You can choose tracks in the K-12 system by which involve your skills. This system

that students who can’t go to college can have a descent by basing it to their skills.



This chapter discusses the research design, research locale respondents of the

study research instrument, reliability and validity of research instruments, ethical

consideration, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

3.1 Research Design

The research design utilized statistical information to examine whether various

factors, such as Personality, Interest, career, Socio Demographic Significantly

impacted the decision-making process of grade 10 students when choosing their track

for senior high school. From a total of approximately three hundred thirty one (331)

students, one sixty four (164) were chosen through random selection to be the

3.2 Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study has the total enumeration of one sixty four (164)

Grade 10 students.

Table 1.Respondents of the study

Sections Number of Number of Percentage

students Respondents

1. Maxwell (SSP) 46 23 14%

2.Galileo 50 25 15%

3.Einstein 45 22 13%

4. Archimedes 46 23 14%

5. Pascal 51 25 15%

6. Newton 46 23 14%

7. Edison 47 24 15%

Total 331 164 100%

3.3 Research Instrument

The survey questionnaire was composed of an item that is rating scale.

3.4 Validity of Reliability

The researchers submitted the questionnaire to the adviser for correction, and

enrichment. Further, it is submitted to the committee of expert for content validation.

Each item was validated for relevance. Items found not relevant to the study was

deleted and suggestions from the members of the panel is considered in the final draft

of the questionnaire before it is finally administered to the respondents of the study.

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the administration of the assessment, the researcher ask permission

from the office to the Principal of Tampilisan National High School to conduct or

gather data that are relevant to the study. Then the assessment is personally

distributed by the researchers to the respondents of the study. After the assessment

answered by the respondents, it is then retrieved, and the information gathered is

tallied and tabulated.

3.6 Statistical treatment

The data generated from the questionnaire is tabulated and analysed. The

mean is computed statistically to establish evidence to support all the questions that

was raised in the research study.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

The results of the exam or the assessment and the grade of the respondents is

treated confidentially and professionalism.


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