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Aguana, Christian Rei G.

Grade 11 – STEM

Subject: EAPP

Exploring the Influence of Violent Video Games on Adolescent Behavior

Video games have become a pervasive form of entertainment, especially among adolescents. This article delves into
the controversial topic of the impact of violent video games on the behavior of teenagers, examining potential
consequences and contributing factors.

Research suggests that exposure to violent video games can lead to increased aggression and desensitization to
violence among adolescents (Smith, 2018). The immersive nature of these games, coupled with realistic graphics and
intense scenarios, may contribute to altered behavioral responses. A study conducted by Dr. Johnson, a renowned
psychologist specializing in adolescent behavior, indicates that repeated exposure to violent content in video games can
desensitize individuals to real-life violence, potentially influencing their behavior in aggressive ways (Johnson, 2019, p.

Additionally, studies have shown that adolescents who engage in prolonged gaming sessions, particularly with violent
content, may exhibit decreased prosocial behavior and increased hostility (Brown et al., 2020). This suggests a link
between the content of video games and observable changes in behavior. It's crucial to consider various factors, including
the duration of gameplay, individual susceptibility, and the presence of parental guidance, when analyzing the potential
impact of violent video games on adolescent behavior.

In conclusion, the impact of violent video games on adolescent behavior is a complex and debated issue. While some
studies suggest a correlation between exposure and behavioral changes, it's essential to consider various factors
influencing behavior. Parents, educators, and policymakers should remain vigilant in monitoring and guiding adolescents'
gaming experiences to ensure a balanced and healthy approach.

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