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Name: _____________________________________________ Section: ______________________________
I. Mix & Match: Match the definition in column A to the words in column B. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Column A Column B
___ 1. A rapidly rotating storm system characterized by low-pressure- A. landfall
center, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms.
___ 2. A term referring to tropical cyclones in the northwestern part of the B. typhoon
Pacific Ocean.
___ 3. It refers to a tropical cyclone that arrives over land. C. emergency kit
___ 4. A term referring to tropical cyclone in the northeastern part of the D. hurricane
Pacific Ocean and Northern part of Atlantic.
___ 5. A box or bag containing the equipment, supplies, and medications E. PAGASA
needed during emergencies.
F. bagyo
G. tropical cyclone
II. Track My Tail: Shown below are the tracks (paths) of four tropical cyclones that entered the PAR in the past years. The
tracks were plotted by PAGASA. Study and analyze the maps.

Guide Questions
1. Based on the illustrations above, where is the origin of the formation of the cyclone?
2. What can you tell about the track of the typhoon in 2017-2020?
3. In what direction did the tropical cyclones move?
4. Which part of the Philippines was hit by the four tropical cyclones?
5. In the case of Jolina, Ompong, and Ambo, where did they die out? Near land or in the middle of the ocean?
III. Fill Me Up: Fill in the correct processes of how landforms and bodies of water affect typhoons. Choose the letter of the
correct process by writing the letter.

IV. Precautionary Measures: Give the precautionary measures before, during, and after the typhoon by filling the three
Before During After

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