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Name: _____________________________________________ Section: ______________________________
I. Decode Them Right: Complete the crossword puzzle below by writing one letter in each box. Words are inter-crossed in
vertically (down) and horizontally (across) positions.
1. It is a tropical cyclone category that
has a wind speed of 68 to 88 kph.
6. The national agency is dedicated to
providing flood and typhoon warnings,
public weather forecasts, and advisories.
8. It is a bag containing equipment,
supplies, and medication needed.
9. The term used in the Philippines that
is equivalent to a typhoon.
10. It is a violent wind that has a circular
movement in the West Atlantic Ocean.
2. Philippine Area of Responsibility
3. It is a system of thunderstorms that moves
in a circular motion.
4. Public Storm Warning Signal
5. It is a tropical cyclone category
that has a wind speed of 118 to 220 kph.
7. It is a localized condition over a place.
II. Let’s Plot The PAR: Plot the following points (Table 1) on the map (Figure 1). Connect the plotted points to identify the
regions within the PAR.
Table 1. Lat-Long Position of PAR Figure 1. Map of the Philippines and its Vicinity
Points Latitude, Longitude
a 5°N, 115°E
b 15°N, 115°E
c 21°N, 120°E
d 25°N, 120°E
e 25°N, 135°E
f 5°N, 135°E
Questions: Answer with Yes or No.
1. If the typhoon is located at 17 °N,
138 °E, is it within PAR? _____
2. If the typhoon is at 19 °N, 115 °E,
is it within PAR? _____
3. If the typhoon is at 18 °N, 125 °E
location, is it within PAR? _____
4. If the typhoon is located at 8 °N,
130 °E, is it within PAR? _____
III. Lecture Discussion: Write your answer in your Science Notebook.
1. Define the following terms:
a. Tropical Depression; b. Tropical Storm; c. Severe Tropical Storm; d. Typhoon; and e. Super Typhoon
2. How do typhoons develop?
3. What are the Classification of Tropical Cyclone and its corresponding Wind Speed?
4. What are the Public Storm Warning Signals (PSWS)?
5. What to do during a typhoon depending on the Public Storm Warning Signals?
6. What to do after a typhoon?
IV. What’s The Link: Study carefully the picture shown below. V. Fill Your Emergency Kit: List down the different
With what you see, write your thoughts about the effects of a things that should be included in an emergency kit. Choose
typhoon on the community. Check on the rubric to guide you in from the listed materials below. Write your answers on the
crafting. Answer in your Science Notebook. lines of the bag.

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