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Era Fashion
Elizabethan Era Fashion
Elizabethan Era clothes had many different
colours, as the clothes people wore
reflected their social status.

Many of the clothes during the time was

seen to be a bit big but due to the weather,
people needed to wear them.

This new fashion was influenced by other

regions. Later, they began to trade these
clothes which helped them create new
Styles fashionable for men and women
Men Usually wore
linen shirts with a
collar up the neck.
From the waist
down, they wore
breeches, which are
tight knee-length
trousers. Some also
wore ruffs and linen
Women clothing was inspired and
influenced by the Queen of
England. Besides facial changes,
high-class women wore brocades,
fabric often made with silk,
sometimes gold and silver. Under
their dress was hoop skirt.

Their leading clothing was long

billowing dresses with stockings
from the foot and up. These
dresses were decorated with
diamond jewels and pearls.
Fashion Designs

Most of the fashion was

influenced and inspired by The
Queen of England, Elizabeth I.
Most people would copy the way
she would dress, with cheaper
fabric, which may lead to
problems with the authorities.
Fashion Impact on Society

The clothes people wore

indicated their social status, not
just being poor or rich, it
reflected their position in the
Elizabethan class system. If
lower class people would dress
in high class clothes, there
would be many punishments.
Materials used in clothes

Women’s brocades is fabric made with

coloured silk and sometimes with gold
threads. Inspired by the queen, this
fabric was used a lot during the time.
Linen and wool were also used. Their
dresses were often decorated with
jewels and diamond.
How did Clothes Influence Romeo
and Juliet play?

Like I said before, clothes indicated

a person’s social status so Romeo
wearing the wrong clothes
wouldn’t be accurate and
confusing, same for juliet. So
because both come from a wealthy
family, they must be wearing high
class clothes.


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