Writing 5

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Advantages and disadvantages of city life.

At the moment, I live in a little village but sometimes, I go to the city because I study in the
University. In my opinion, live in a city is more comfortable than live in a village. In this essay,
I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of city life.
In one hand, in the city there are a lot of different people, and you can make many friends. Also,
you can buy things that there are not in the village, as technology or clothes.
In the other hand, the city is more stressful than the village, and I personally prefer living in the
village because you can do walking across de forest, or practice fishing in the river.
In conclusion, if you prefer to respire fresh air, the city is not for you.

Story: The call.

I felt nervous when the phone rang. I was trying to sleep in midnight, but the phone rang.
There was too late, and I asked myself who it was. I waked up so fast and I ran to the phone.
When I took the phone, anybody talked.

Suddenly, I listened a voice, but it wasn’t sound in the phone. My blood was frozen. I was very
frightened, and I tried to call the police, but the phone had disappeared, so I decided running
to my bedroom. The window was broken and there was a strange shadow with evil red eyes. I
didn’t know what I should to do. The monster beat me and then, I waked up.

It was only a nightmare, because the last night I watched the scariest film than I ever seen in
my life.

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