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Lab N o .

: 230131331 Pat ien t n am e : ‫ ابوالحسن عبدالشافى محمد‬- ‫السيد‬

Sam plin g
D at e : 2023-11-28 09:00:22 Passpo rt N o . : Male - 42Y

Glycosylated Hb(HbA1c)
Glycosylated Hb(HbA1c) 7.2 %
Mean plasma glucose level 160 mg/dl
during the last 3 months

The American Diabetes Association has set age appropriate targets for HbA1c, which include: • For children < 6 years: the target
is 7.5 % - 8.5 %. • For 6 – 12 years: the target is < 8 %. • For 13 – 19 years: the target is < 7.5 %. • For adults: the target is < 7 %.
Screening and diagnosis, some results that may be seen include: • A nondiabetic person: will have an A1c result between 4% -
6%. • Diabetes: A1c level is 6.5% or higher. • Pre-diabetes: (increased risk of developing diabetes in the future): A1c is 5.7% -
Lab N o . : 230131331 Pat ien t n am e : ‫ ابوالحسن عبدالشافى محمد‬- ‫السيد‬
Sam plin g
D at e : 2023-11-28 09:00:22 Passpo rt N o . : Male - 42Y

Lipid Profile
Serum triglycerides 160 mg/dl (< 150 )
Total Cholesterol 190 mg/dl (< 200 )
HDL -Cholesterol ( High-density 44 mg/dl (> )
LDL (Low-density Lipoprotein) 144 mg/dl (< 110 )
VLDL ( very-low-density 32 mg/dl (< 40 )
Lipoprotein )
LDL / HDL Ratio 3.27
T. cholesterol / HDL ratio 4.32

Guideline for lab. assessment of coronary-arterial diseases: Desirable prognosis Borderline high High Triglycerides(mg/dl) <
150 150 – 199 > 199 Cholesterol(mg/dl) < 200 200 – 239 ≥ 240 HDL-C(mg/dl) > 60 35 – 60 < 35 LDL-C(mg/dl) < 130 130 – 159 ≥ 160
LDL/ HDL ratio 0.5 – 3.0 3.0 – 6.0 > 6.0 Total Chol./ HDL ratio < 3.3 3.3 - 11.0 > 11.0

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