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Cretaceous Rescarch (1993) 14, 265-305 Cretaceous terrestrial and shallow marine deposits in northern South Dobrogea (SE Rumania) *E. Avram, *L. Szasz, *E. Antonescu, *A. Baitres, *M. Iva, *M. Melinte, +T. Neagu, *S. Radan and *C. Tomescu “Institute of Geology and Geophysics, 1 Caransebes str., 78 344 Bucharest, Rumania University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, IN. Balcescu Bd., 70 111 Bucharest, Rumania Received 28 Fanuary 1991 and accepted 25 February 1992 Of the regions containing Cretaceous deposits in Rumania, South Dobrogea is notable for extensive terrestrial, transitional and near-shore facies. These deposits constitute seven formations, defined by different lithologies, fossil content and environmental depositional conditions: (1) the upper Tithonian?~ Berriasian~Valanginian Cernavoda Formation, consisting of four interfingering members in the late ‘Tithonian?—Vaianginian interval (the Amara Member, late Tithonian?—Valanginian in age, consisting of clastic coastat marine deposits, in places with evaporitic and freshwater interbeds; the Berriasian Poarta Alba Member, consisting of marine deposits, mainly of a dolomitic tidal fla. type; the Medgidia Member, also Berriasian in age, consisting of marginal marine deposits of a calcareous-clayey, mostly subsaline tidal flac types and the Alimanu’ Member, late Berriasian—Valanginian in age, composed of calcareous ‘marine deposits, accumulated in restricted lagoonal conditions); (2) the upper Barremianlower Aptian Ramadan Formation, displaying clastic-tecrigenous coastal marine (sandy beach-type) deposits in its lower part, overlain by pachyodont-rich marine carbonate-detrital deposits in its upper part; (3) the middle-upper Aptian Gherghina Formation, made up mainly of fluviatile and facustrine deposits, but in places with thin marine interbeds; (4) the uppermost Aptian?~Albian Cochirleni Formation, built up of detrital-tertigenous coastal sediments deposited in brackish swamp or normal marine marsh conditions; (5) the lower Cenomanian Pestera Formation, with nearshore detrital deposits. progressively replaced upwards by offshore (chalky) deposits; (6) the middie? Turonian Cuza Voda Formation, a lower shoreface clastic unit of an unrestricted lagoonal type; (7) the Santonian—Campanian Murfatlar Formation, a mainly chatky formation, but with some clastic nearshore members in its lowermost part. The main lithostratigraphical units are delimited by depositional or erosional gaps, corresponding to the following time ineervals: Hauterivian (locally Hauterivian—Barremian), Clansayesian (pro parte), late Albian (in places late Veaconian, only), middle-late Cenomanian, Coniacian-earliest Santonian, and late Cam- panian. A patticular feature of the Gherghina Formation is that itis characterized by the predominance of kaolinite over other clay minerals. The earliest appearance of angiosperm pollen in Rumania has been recorded from lower Aptian beds within the Ramadan Formation, Key Worns: Rumania; South Dobrogea: Cretaceous; lithostratigraphy; biostratigrap! environments. 5 sedimentary 1, Introduction This paper reviews the most recent litho- and biostratigraphic data on the Cretaceous succession in the South Dobrogean sector of the Moesian Platform, obtained by combining the data already published by Neagu et al. (1977) and Avram et al. (1988), and the contributions presented by Avram et al. (1990), Antonescu (1990), Iva (1990), Melinte (1990), Ridan & Vanghelie (1990) and Tomescu (1990) at the IGCP 245/262 Symposium in Bucharest, August 1990, This synthesis aims to present a complete picture of the Cretaceous terrestrial and shallow-water marine clastic deposits typically developed in this region. The Dobrogea region lies in SE Rumania, between the lower course of the Danube and the Black Sea coast, Structurally, its central and southern parts are the only compartments of the Moesian Platform (the Carpathian foreland unit developed (0195~6671/93/030265 + 41 $08.00/0 © 1993 Academic Press Limited 266 E. Avram ¢¢ al. south of the South Carpathians, generally subcropping the Neogene and Quaternary deposits of the Rumanian Plain), where almost tabular Jurassic and, respectively, Cretaceous deposits crop out (Figure 1). During most of the Cretaceous, South Dobrogea was a shelf area where a typical facies distribution from coastal to offshore depositional areas is recorded. Sea-level- related changes are manifested by numerous stratigraphic gaps, and several terrestrial sequences are also present, especially in the area between the Capidava— Ovidiu fault (bordering Central and South Dobrogea} and the course of the Carasu valley (or the Danube-Black Sea channel). The Cretaceous deposits of South Dobrogea have been successively studied since the second half of the Nineteenth Century by Reuss (1865), Peters (1867), Anastasiu (1898, 1908), Paquier (1901), Toula (1904), Simionescu (1906, 1924, 1944), Macovei (1911), Macovai & Atanasiu (1934), Chiriac (1956, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1968, 1981, 1988), Chiriac et al. (1977), Neagu et al. (1977), Radan & Bratosin (1977), Barbulescu et al. (1975, 1979), Neagu & Dragastan (1984), Ghenea e¢ al. (1984a,b), Dragastan (1985), Neagu (1985, 1986, 1987), and Avram et al. (1988). The subsurface development of the Cretaceous formations, including the identifi- cation of some Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units unknown in outcrops, was established beginning with Bancilé’s studies on drillings made prior to 1973 in the northern part of South Dobrogea. Some other authors, e.g., Draginescu (1976), Patrulius et al. (1976), Costea et al. (1978), Patruy et al. (1983), Vinogradov (1983), Neagu & Dragastan (1984), Dragastan (1985) referred mainly to the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits in boreholes in the eastern part of the Rumanian Plain area, in comparison with the Central and South Dobrogea subsurface data. ‘Compared with the above mentioned studies, which refer to selected parts of the Cretaceous stratigraphic column in South Dobrogea, the present paper presents a more complete picture of the terrestrial and shallow water marine succession and areal development using the data acquired in recent years by us, both from outcrops and in boreholes, in the northern part of South Dobrogea. The subsurface data were mostly obtained from the cores preserved in the Repository of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) and complemented by data in the Rumanian geological literature. On this basis, a critical review of the former assertions on the litho- and biostratigraphy of this region is also presented. 2. The base of the Cretaceous succession The deepest boreholes, preserved in the IGG Repository, are located in the northern part of South Dobrogea: 5061 Cernavoda (1095.5 m deep), 5045 Dunirea (853m) and 5044 Tortomanu (1190.7 m). ‘These penetrate below the Cretaceous into a succession of micrites or pseudoolitic limestones, dolomites, gypsiferous dolo- mites, scarce variegated marls with gypsum and anhydrite interbeds, comparable with the ‘evaporitic formation’ of Kimmeridgian—Tithonian age described from the eastern part of the Moesian Platform in the Rumanian Plain area by Dragastan (1985). The age is confirmed by rare individuals of Clypeina jurassica Favre, Favreina salevensis (Parejas) and Glomospira sp., identified in some pelmicrites and pelletal microsparites, also containing numerous dolomite rhomboedrae in the borehole 5044 Tortomanu at 688-690 m depth. The transition between the Upper Jurassic limestones and evaporites and the Lower Cretaceous deposits in the region north of the Carasu valley is continuous. To the southeast, however, the Albian~Cenomanian—Senonian strata directly overlie the Jurassic or pre-Jurassic formations, in the area known as the “Tuzla-Cobadin dry land” (Neagu & Dragastan, 1984). 267 Cretaceous deposits in northern $. Dobrogea “eIUDUUM MINN vazB APMIS axp Jo VONEDoy axp smous 1asU “IsazEGONg ‘SoISKydoIH PUE ABOJOAH Jo aNSUT ay) Jo Arowsodoyy amp Ut Paasasasd axe (stop 422}q) sajoyaiog au Wo4y $220) "1x91 aU] UE paLIoNUouE s9JoyaI0q pur S208Id Jo UoReDd| 94) ZULAOYS eaFOIGOC] YinNog jo ued usoyUIOU ayp jo dey “| sunt UIAs0} Uo] © & 6 y UDIDUL IN] MIPA, a x wv m Wy oyozwy onupaido OPOADZN) ste tte ae 107n900, 7G punybuau nupariu}pboy UI o LS nDSa21Dg aDj0I1N 67 wig 9 7 2 0 - 56 nivoqoseg CZ s x. ~ 4 njodoy> o 268 E, Avram er al. 3. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy The most recent geological studies on South Dobrogea (Neagu & Dragastan, 1984; Avram, Szasz_& Drgiiiescy in Ghenea et al., 1984a, b; Dragastan, 1985; and Avram et al., 1988) have revised the stratigraphical data acquired prior to the 1970s, and introduced a nomenclature for the formal lithostratigeaphical units recognized in the region. The main Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphical units are as follows: 4. Cochirleni Formation (uppermost Aptian?—Albian) 3. Gherghina Formation (middle—upper Aptian) 2. Ramadan Formation (lower Aptian, in places upper Barremian—lower Aptian) 1. Cernavoda Formation (upper Tithonian?—Berriasian-Valanginian) 3.1. Cemavoda Formation Neagu & Dragastan (1984), considered this formation to be Valanginian in age only, consisting of three facies; namely, reefal limestones with intraclasts, oolitic-pelletal limestones with Trockotima alpina, T. elongata and dasycladacean algae, and pelletal limestones with brachiopods with yellow clayey interbeds. The first two facies were thought to be partly coeval and underlie the third facies. Independent of Neagu & Dragastan (1984), Avram, Szasz & Driginescu in Ghenea et al. (1984a,b) defined a slightly different “Cernavoda Formation”, Berriasian—Valanginian in age, with three members, as follows: (1) Poarta Albi Member, composed of dolomites, marls and clays, in places gypsiferous (Berri- asian); (2) Medgidia Member, made up of biocaicarenites, calcirudites, dolomites in places gypsiferous, marly limestones, marly dolomites, marls and clays (Berriasian); (3) Alimanu Member, comprising oolitic, foraminiferal and algal biocalcarenites and biocalcirudites, with levels very rich in macrofossils (upper Berriasian— Valanginian). The Alimanu Member is, for most of its part, identical with the Cernavoda Formation of the previous authors. This succession was fully described by Avram et al. (1988) who also considered the marly-clayey-gypsiferous sequence, recognized by Bincili (1973) in boreholes from the northern part of South Dobrogea, as the fourth (lowermost) member of the Cernavoda Formation. ‘The same sequence was interpreted by Dragastan (1985) as a southeastward extension, on the South Dobrogea territory, of the ‘Amara Formation’, of Berriasian-early Valanginian age, which he defined in boreholes in the eastern part of the Rumanian Plain (type section: Amara borehole, latitude 44°37.10°N/longitude 27°19.8'E). Recent subsurface data (Avram et al., 1990) proved the transition between the ‘Amara ‘Formation’ and the above mentioned members of the Cernavoda Formation (sensu Aveam et al., 1988) and their lateral interfingering. Consequently, the acceptance of all of these lithostratigraphic units as members of the Cernavoda Formation is the only possible interpretation. Thus, the Cernavoda Formation is composed of four members, namely: ~ 4. Alimanu Member (upper Berriasian—Valanginian) 3. Medgidia Member (Berriasian) 2. Poarta Albi Member (Berriasian) 1. Amara member (upper Tithonian ?~Berriasian—Valanginian) Amara Member. In its type section, described by Dragastan (1985), the Amara ‘Member is built up of three sequences, all composed of gypsum and anhydrite, Cretaceous deposits in northern §. Dobrogea 269 grey-greenish clays and/or marls, micrites, and (the first two sequences only) pelmicrites and pelsparites, or (the last one only) clayey sands. As already mentioned, the succession referable to this member is completed in the boreholes drilled in the northern part of South Dobrogea, of which two (13 and 29, see Figure 2) were selected as hypostratotypes and are stored in the IGS. Repository (Avram et al., 1990). In borehole 29 (located 2km west of Tibrinu village), an evaporite-clastic succession including gypsum and anhydrite layers, and also interbeds of grey- greenish marls, scarce calcarenites and dolomites, in places gypsiferous, was encountered; near the top, greenish marls (usually bearing sponge spicules), marly limestones and algal calearenites are also developed (Figure 2). In borehole 13 (6kmNE of the Cuza Voda village), gypsum and anhydrite appear as decimetre-thick beds between the 290m (terminal depth) and 199m Jevels, with interbeds of gypsiferous grey-greenish marls and clays and very rare white micritic limestones. In the interval between 199 and 182m (top of this member) grey-greenish marls bearing small pelecypod shells and light grey micritic limestones are developed; above 182 m, the calcarenite succession of the Alimanu Member is fully developed. ‘The approximate area bordered by these two boreholes (the area between the right Danube bank, Carasu and Nisipari valleys, see Figure 1) is characterized by spectacular lateral changes in lithology, because of a very active supply of clastic material during the Berriasian-Valanginian from Central Dobrogea into the depositional area situated immediately south of the Capidava—Ovidiu fault. Thus, in boreholes 30 (1.5 km W of Tortomanu) and 17 (N of Decuzol) the evaporitic levels can be seen to diminish in the region south of Dorobantu village, so that in boreholes 20 (5 km NE of Tortomanu), 19 (3.5 km SE of Tortomanu) and 24 (NW of Cuza Voda), the entire Berriasian—Valanginian interval is occupied by grey- greenish marls, sands or sandstones, gravels and conglomerates with a silty and clayey matrix (Figure 2). Legend for Figure 2 which appears on pp 270-271. LEGEND = Foramneral calegronses irenoceoss clays ote coleoremes Voregeted cont Algol calearentas Maditones Dolortones Moris ee] Srotum and anhydte Sistones Aigo. Pebble mudstones Dinollogslone otrembloges Sondatones ellen and spores osrembloges 2] seas fo tro +] Conglomerates Foramailera) ersemblages Fovomimieol Soboud dorincted ortembloges Monne estracods : Grachach woter omacade ] rebiy sends 265 Pep XD chereceaw hole ey Nonnoslanton zones F] Sondy colearentes Coneiaton of the Ithortotigrophie nts Cowalation of the Itholage terms AN Uncontartes 270 E, Avram et al. 2am WHEW Tibriew Féctia Figure 2, Correlation of the boreholes drilled in the northern part of South Dobrogea. Cretaceous deposits in northern S. Dobrogea 271 272 E, Avram et al. As a consequence, it should be accepted that the Capidava—Ovidin fault, which in the northeast clearly borders the ‘spreading area’ of the Cernavoda Formation deposits in South Dobrogea, was active during the Berriasian—Valanginian. In general, the Amara Member is a mixed. siliciclastic-carbonate—evaporite sequence. Its facies association results from the repeated shifting of facies zones caused by sea-level oscillations in a subsiding area; alternately, aggrading sediments accumulated for a short time in supratidal conditions before normal marine water circulation was restored, In a low-lying coastal environment thick mudstones and sandstones accumulated because of 2 persistent landward migration of fine-grained sediment along the coasts combined with subsidence or sea-level rise. Mud flats prograded as a result of regional shallowing so that widespread variegated and mottled sandy-muddy facies developed, reflecting the influence of an arid climate on soil-forming processes or in lateritic weathering. Coarser sands were deposited by wave action, probably as wave-built barriers. Their source area exposed Precambrian slates in highlands along the northern margin of the basin. The Jurassic limestones of Central Dobrogea produced the coarse fraction of the pebbly sandstones and pebbly mudstones (Baltres in Avram et al., 1990). Thin carbonate sediments accumulated in shallow marine environments within the photic zone which contained green algae, foraminifers, molluscs and ostracods indicating slightly hypersaline conditions. More sheltered or deeper areas were sites for quiet-water, micrite and wackestone accumulation. Skeletal debris and intraclas- tic sediments accumulated in zones exposed to storm activity. Cross-bedded oolitic beds indicate low-velocity current activity. In areas isolated from the marine environment gypsum layers accumulated in shallow brine pans flooded from an adjacent lagoon in conditions of high net evaporation. Dolomite may have resulted by replacement of aragonite mud in connection with increased magnesium content in pore waters after gypsum precipitation, or by direct precipitation in surface ponds by progressive concentration of sea water. The latter could explain the absence of a biota apart from filter feeders in Amara Member dolomites. ‘The sediment accumulation of Amara Member was, in some respects, comparable to that of the modern Baja California (Phleger, 1969) as opposed to evaporitic areas of low clastic input and high net evaporation yielding only carbonates and evaporites, as in the Persian Gulf (Till, 1980). As yet we have found little unequivocal evidence concerning true sabkha conditions (Baltres in Avram et al., 1990). ‘The initial Berriasian—early Valanginian age attributed to the Amara Member was supported by the occurrence of the algae Macroporella embergeri and M.praturloni (Dragastan, 1985). A characean assemblage was also reported by Neagu (in Avram et Figure 3. Selected Lower Cretaceous nannofossils from the Cernavoda Formation, Amaca and Alimanu ‘members (a, b, d, ¢, |, and f, i, k, m, n, 0, respectively) and from the Ramadan Formation (¢, 8) hs iD. a, Conusphaera mexicana Trejo, CCl Zone (crossed-nicols), b, Polycostella senaria Thierstein, CCL Zone (crossed-nicols). ¢, Watsnaweria barnesae (Black) Perch-Niclsen, CC7a Subzone (crossed- niicols). d, e, Zeugrhabdotus embergeri (Nol) Perch-Nielsen, CC2 Zone (d, crossed-nicols; e, bright field), £ Micrantholihus obsusus Stradner, CC2 Zone (crossed-nicols). g, h, Nannoconus colomii (de Lapparent) Kamptner, CC7a Subzone (g, ctossed-nicols; h, bright field). i, Natnacemus globulus Bronnimann, CC2 Zone (crossed-nicots). j, Nannoconus bonevi Trejo, CC7a Subzone (crossed- nicols). k, Crucibiscunum salebrosum (Black) Jakubowski, CC2 Zone (crossed-nicols). 1, Rhagodiscus casper (Susdner) Manivit, CC2 Zone (crossed-nicols). m1, Cukicalachina oblongata (Worsley) ‘Thierstein, CC3 Zone (crossed-nicols). n, Zygodiscus erectus (Deflandre) Bralower et al., CC3 Zone (crassed-nicols). 0, Tubodiscus verenae Thierstein, CC3 Zone (crossed-nicols). All the magnifications 2200, except g-} which are x1800, (M. Melinte’s collection). 273 $. Dob: worthern Cretaceous deposits in ni 274 E, Avram et al. al., 1988) from this member, in a borehole in the Nazarcea area. The species Flabellochara gravesi (Harris), Nodosoclavator bradleyi (Harris), Globator mailardi (Saporta), and Clypeator corrugatus (Peck) indicate of a late Tithonian (? early Berri- asian) age. The most accurate data on the age of this member are derived from the nannoplankton assemblages (Melinte, 1990), which pertain to the early Berriasian CCi= Nannoconus steinmannii zone (fide Worsley, 1971, emend.Thierstein, 1971; Sissingh, 1977) and the late Berriasian—carly Valanginian CC2 = Stradneria crenulata zone (fide Thierstein, 1971). The former zone, identified in boreholes 13, 15 and 19 (Figure 2, where the sample depths are indicated), is represented by Nannoconus steinmannii Kamptner, N. globulus Brénnimann, N. cf. dolomiticus Cita & Pasquaré, Conusphaera mexicana Trejo, Micrantholithus obtusus Stradner, Lithraphidites car- niolensis Deflandre, and Zeugrhabdotus embergeri (Noél) Perch-Nielsen; the latter zone in boreholes 13, 15, 19, 24, 26 and 27 (Figure 2) yielded Stradneria crenulata (Bramlette & Martini) Noél (first occurrence), Nannoconus broennimanti Trejo, N.globulus Bronnimann, Rotellapilus lafittei Noél, Cruciellipsis cuvillieri (Manivit) Thierstein, Zeugrhabdotus embergeri (Noél) Perch-Nielsen, Crucibiscutum salebrosum (Black) Perch-Nielsen, and Speetonia colligata Black (first occurrence) (Figures 3, 4). ‘The lowermost level of early Berriasian age, identified in borehole 19 (Tortomanu) at 397m depth (CCI zone), is more than 200m above identifiable upper Jurassic deposits in the same area (at about 675 m in borehole 5044 Tortomanu). Thus, a latest Tithonian age for the lowermost Amara Member is very possible. In some boreholes, where interfingering between the Amara and Alimanu members is observable (boreholes 24 and 26, Figure 2), the late Valanginian nannoplankton CC3 = Caleicalathina oblongata zone (fide Thierstein, 1971, emend. Sissingh, 1977) was identified within the multicoloured marls interbedded with, or overlying, the Alimanu Member-type calcarenites. The nannofossil assemblage of this zone is here represented by Calcicalathina oblongata (Worsley) Thierstein, Micrantholithus obtusus Stradnet, Diazomatolithus lehmanii Noél, Stradneria crenulata (Bramlette & Martini) Noél, Speeronia colligata Black, Mannoconus steinmannii minor Dores & Archeriteguy, Zygodiscus erectus (Deflandre) Bralower et al., and Tubodiscus verenae Thierstein (Figures 3, 4). The nannoconids are more abundant than coccoliths in all of the early Berriasian—late Valanginian assemblages (Melinte, 1990). The continental microflora of the Amara Member is extremely abundant and well preserved, the most important species being Dictyophyllites pectinataeformis olchovitina) Dettmann, Leptolepidites psarosus Norris, Tuberositriletes montuosus Déring, cf. Transbaculisporites sp., Rubinella sp., Cardioangulina sp. Concavissimisporites sp., C. multituberculatus (Bolchovitina) Déring, C.apiverucatus Couper, Trilobosporites aornatus Déring, Trilobosporites sp. cf. T. bernissartensis (Delcourt & Sprumont) Potonié, Trilobosporites sp. cf. T.aequiverrucosus Dérhéfer, Trilobosporites sp. cf. T. (Tuberosisporites) fp. A, ex Déring, 1965, Trilobosporites sp. Figure 4. Selected Lower Cretaccous nannofossils from the Cernavoda Formation, Amara (b, d) and ‘Alimanu (d,8) members and from the Remadan Formation (c, ¢,f,h). a, Micrantholithus hoschubait (Reinhardt) Thierstein, CC2 Zone (SEM 7500). , Nannoconus sp., CCI Zone (SEM 6600). ¢, Eprolithus antiguas Perch-Nielsen, CC7a Subzone (SEM 7800). d, Nannoconus sp., CC2 Zone (SEM_x6200). €, Eulipsagelosphaera britannica (Stradner) Perch-Nielsen, CC7a Subzone (SEM 6800). f, Microsuzurus chiastus (Worsley) Grin, CC7a Subzone (SEM 6800). g, Diacomatoithus lchrianit Noel, CC3 Zone (SEM 7200), h, Elipsagelosphaera ovate (Bukry) Blsck., CC7a Zone (SEM 6600). (M. Melinte's collection). Cretaceous deposits in northern $. Dobrogea 275 E. Avram etal Cretaceous deposits in northern $. Dabrogea 277 A, Trilobosporites sp. B, Trilobosporites sp. cf. 1. «rioreticulasus Cookson & Dettmann, Trilobosporites sp. cf. 7. purverulentus (Verbitskaya) Dettmann, T°. tribotrys Dettmann, Cicatricosisporites australiensis (Cookson) Potonié, Cicatricosisponites sp. cf. C. halle: Delcourt & Sprumont, Plicatella crimensis (Bolchovitina) Dérhofer, Appendicisporites. sp., Densoisporites perinaius Couper, Aequitriradites spimulosus (Cookson & Dettman) Cookson & Detimann, A. verrucosus (Cookson & Dettmann) Cookson & Dettmann, Contignisporites major Diring, Coronatispora valdensis (Couper) Detuman, Foovasporites sp., Heliosporites sp., Cerebropolenites mesozvicus (Couper) Nilsson, Callialasporites sp., C. turbatus (Balme) Schulz, Eucomiidites troedssonii Erdtman, Classopollis torosus (Reissinger) Balme, and Parvisaccites radiatus Couper, Some dinoflagellate species have also been recorded, including Occisucysta sp. and Leptodinium sp. (Figures 5, 6; Antonescu, 1990). All of these species were recorded from Bincila’s material of the ‘variegated clayey’ complex (borehole data, partly published in Bancili, 1973). Brackish-water levels are shown by their content of ostracod remains, such as Cypridea clavata mistrata Anderson (in borehole 20), within multicoloured marls and clays overlying the uppermost calcarenite levels of the Alimanu Member type section. Finally, very rare calcarenites (in places dolomitized) interbedded with the mainly marly/clayey and sandy-pebbly beds of the Amara Member contain dasycladacean algae (boreholes 19, 24, 26, 27, and 30; Figure 2). Poarta Alba Member: This lithostratigraphic unit is present only locally, reaching 30-35 m in thickness around the Poarta Alba village where its type section has been chosen (Avram et al., 1988). It is characterized by medium- to thick-bedded dolostones with subordinate intercalations of greenish marlstones or claystones more frequent in its lower part. The lower boundary of this member is transitional from the subjacent Amara Member, and is observable in boreholes in the Poarta Albi-Nazarcea area (Figure 1), where the only direct indication on the age of this member was obtained by Neagu (in Avram et al., 1988) from a foraminiferal assemblage including Damubiella cernavodensis Neagu, Anchispivocyclina maynci (Hottinger), Everticyclammina virguliana (Koechlin), Rectocyclammina chouberti Hottinger. This indicates a late Berriasian age. The upper boundary with the oolitic and foraminiferal calcarenite of the Alimanu Member is observed in boreholes 8 and 10 (Figure 2). The member was deposited in typical marine tidal flats of a prevailing dolomitic type, evolved under slightly hypersaline conditions, but “transiently displaying either normal saline to drastically subsaline or considerably supersaline episodes” (Driginescu, in Avram et al., 1988, p. 9). Medgidia Member: The Medgidia Member of the Cernavoda Formation was recognized both at outcrop (Avram, Szasz & Drignescu, in Ghenea et al., 1984a, 1984b; Driginescu, in Avram et al., 1988) and in the subsurface (Avram et al., 1990) from the town of Medgidia up to the bank of the Danube between the Rasova and Cernavoda localities. Apart from the type section, namely the southern slope of Figure 5. Selected palynomorphs from the Cernavoda Formation (Berriasian—Valanginian). a, Cardioangulina sp., x1000. b, Rubinella sp., 1000. ¢, Trilobosporites sp.A, 500. d, Trilobosporite: T.acquiverricosus Dérhoter, x50. e, Trilobosporites sp. cf.T-purcerulentus (Verbitskaya) Dett- mann, X500. f, Trilotosponites'(Tuberosisporites) fsp. A ex Déring, x500. g, Triobospores cacquiverrucosus Dorhifer, x50. h, Densoisporites perinatus Couper, x700. i, Staplinisporites rotalis Daring, 500. j, Concavissimisporites sp., 1000. (E. Antonescu’s collection). E, Avram et al 278 Cretaceous deposits in northern 8. Dobroges 279 the Carasu valley between the old cement quarry and 1.5-2 km west of the stadium in the town of Medgidia, the best section was encountered in borehole 29 (Figure 2), located 2 km WNW of the village of Tibrinu. This was chosen as a hypostratotype (Avram et al., 1990) in which the Medgidia Member reaches about 20m in thickness. This member displays the largest lithologic diversity of the members of the Cernavoda Formation. It consists of irregularly interbedded limestones, dolostones, marly limestones, marlstones and claystones, all of which are sporadically gypsiferous. The limestones are composed of foraminifer-oncolite (or oolite) calcarenites, pellet-peloid calcarenites, calcilutites and biocalcirudites with dwarf nerineids and variably sized naticids. They are usually structureless or display biogenic mottling or are millimetre-thick probable cryptalgal and/or mechanical laminites. The faunas a generally curyhaline lagoonal foraminifers, ostracods and macrofauna typifying lagoonal—peritidal conditions. The presence of cyanophycean products, such as algal oncolites, algal pellets, algal lumps, algal laminites, also argue for lagoonal subtidal-intertidal conditions. The dolostone structures (e.g., paper shales) suggest upper intertidal-supratidal penecontemporaneous dolomitization by slightly supersaline solutions of the clayey- calcareous laminite muds. ‘The marly limestones contain ostracods, charophytes and, in places, foraminifers, and show homogencous or planar millimetre-thick laminitic structure, suggesting supratidal conditions under decreased marine salinities. Finally, the presence of the sulphate evaporite modules and crystals accounts for the temporary existence of a hypersaline supratidal depositional environment. All of these indicate that the Medgidia Member was deposited within marginal marine (calcareous-clayey, usually subsaline tidal flat) conditions (Drig’nescu in Avram er al., 1988). ‘The Berriasian age of this member is supported by its position beneath the upper Berriasian Alimanu Member and by some Berriasian fossil assemblages recorded from within it: —a foraminiferal assemblage of Ammocycloloculina erratica (Jack. & Favre), domin- ant, Pseudocyclammina lituus Yabe & Hanzava, P. parowla Hottinger, Rectocyclammina chouberti Hottinger, accompanied by numerous characeae, mostly belonging to the genus Nedosoclavator (Neagu, in Avram et al., 1988); —a dinoflagellate assemblage at the top of this member, comprising Amphorula meiaelliptica Dodekova, Leptodinium sp. and Dinoflagellate type C (granular Pareodinia), as well as many representatives of species similar to the assemblage listed in connection with the Amara Member (above), but also including the Tithonian species Staplinisporites rotalis Déring (Antonescu, 1990). ‘The foraminifer Anckispirocyelina maynci (Hottinger) occurs in the transitional beds from the Medgidia to Alimanu Member and supports a late Berriasian age for the boundary between them (Neagu in Neagu & Dragastan, 1984). Figure 6, Selected palynomorphs from the Cernavoda Formation. (Berriasian—Valanginian). 2, Hetiosporites sp., *1200, b, Plicatlla crimensis (Bolchovitina) Dirhofer, x50). ¢, Trlabosporites sp f.T-trioreticulosus Cookson & Dettmann, 500, d. Classopoltis orosus (Reissinger) Balme, x 1000. e, Contignisporites major Dering, xS00. f, Acquitriadites verrucasus (Cookson & Dettmann} Cookson & Dettmann, x500. 8, Aeguitriradites spimulosus (Cookson & Dettmann) Cookson & Dettmann, x500. hh, Cieatricosisporites ausiraliensis (Cookson) Potonié, 750. i, Amphorula metacliprica Dodekova, X1500. i Eucomidites rroedssoni Excuman, x1000. k, Parvisaccites radiacus Couper, 750. (E, Antonescu’s collection), E, Avram et al. 280 Cretaccous deposits in northern S, Dobrogea 281 Alimanu Member: The Alimanu Member, defined by Avram, Szasz & Drigiinescu in Ghenea et al. (1984a,b) and described by Driginescu (in Avram et al., 1988), is by far the best known member of the Cernavoda Formation in South Dobrogea, as 2 result of its extensive exposure along almost all of the main valleys in this region. Its type section, in the steep sides of the Alimanu-Adamclisi valley near Alimanu village (Avram et al., 1988), is characterized by a tabular, gently folded calcareous succession, about 30-40.m thick, built up of algal (oncolitic or dasycladacean) and zoogenous (skeletal, more or less microcoprolithic) calcarenites and calcirudites, the latter composed of foraminifer and molluscan shells, or shell debris, or of oncalitic and/or dasycladacean products and/or faecal pelletal. Pelecypods such as ostreids, urigoniids. miids, subordinate pachyodonts, and large gastropods (species of Nerinea, Natica, Trochonatica, Leviathania, Ampulina, Purpuroidea, Harpagodes) are very frequent within the zoogenous calcarenites and calcirudites. This section is very similar 10 the main type section of the Cernavoda Formation—the cliff on the right-hand side of the Danube between the Cernavoda bridge (over the Danube) and the entrance to the Hinog valley, which displays in addition, stromatolitic algal structures, calcisponges, hydrozoans, chaetetids, solitary corals and sparse brachiopods. As shown in boreholes 8, 10, 20 and 29 (Figure 2), the lower boundary of the Alimanu Member is very sharply delineated by the almost exclusive development of the calearenites over the Medgidia Member (westwards) or Poarta Albi Member (eastwards), or directly over the variegated, clastic-clayey deposits of the Amara Member. It should again be emphasized that in the area between the boreholes 27, 26, 24, 15 and 13 (Figure 2) an abrupt lateral interfingering between the Amara ‘Member and the Medgidia and Alimanu members occurs, and in places the latter two almost pinch out. The muddy to clearly winnowed calcarenites and calcirudites of the Alimanu Member, mostly skeletal-oncolitic or mictocoprolithic with almost. exclusively biogenic components, point to normal marine peritidal deposition; the homoge- neous, bioturbated or laminitic structures of the limestones, as well as the presence of some lens-shaped megastromatolites, also suggest lagoonal-peritidal environ- ments. In places, the existence within the calcarenite beds of the large-scale Jow-angle tabular cross-lamination, and/or high-angle micro-cross-lamination, indicate transient beach-berm, upper tidal-fiat or typical tidal channel accumula- tions, respectively. The fossil content of these strata reflects euryhaline or specific lagoonal conditions. This includes cyanophycean products, dasycladaceans, codiace- ans, Favreina and other types of fecal pellets, miliolidostracod associations, lituolacean, involutinid, and spirilinid foraminifers, calcareous sponges, and some pelecypods (miids). However, several beds exhibit a fossil content typical of open marine reefal environments, ¢.g., pelecypods (diceratids, trigoniids, caprotinids, monopleurids); gastropods (naticids and strombids); tiny coral colonies, solitary corals, hydrozoans, chaetetids, sporadic bryozoans and brachiopods. In conclusion, all of these features indicate that restricted lagoonal depositional conditions prevailed, irregularly alternating from subtidal to intertidal, and also from slightly subsaline marine to brackish. Normal marine episodes also occurred, represented by Figure 7. Dasycladacean algae from the Cernavoda Formation, Alimanu Member (upper Berriasian— Valanginian). ad, Actinoporlla podolica Alth., x25. ¢, Macroparella embergeri Bourolec & Delofite, x25. fh, ? Dissocladella sp. (Dasyeladacea’ lasharevi Rad.), X50. i, Vermiporella sp., 50. j, Clypeina? solkant Conrad & Rad., X50, k, Clypeina sp.» X50. 1, Salpingoporella onnudara Carozzi, X50. m, Salpingoporella aff. genevensis Conrad, X50. (C. Tomescu’s collection), E. Avram et al 282 “anooo susodap ay) aiayas Seaze aq aioIpul smouse ay “INET mIpIAg-erepide 4g “suonewsoy (5) seneyimyy pu “(p) erasag *CE) TuapMDey <2) eUNYSIOyE) “(]) UepEMEY ay Jo eaBorgod, YINOg WI YONMguISIP exe BHI “8 SUNBLy { | \ ‘. voy uoapuqungo. & > 17504450) 2 ory Ro wosesfad 319053 5 aS © * juasnBan, = wp8a09 doo Suopy oN Oe Ze or aa ° & Q ayo ~ we uu] vinvisnoD : = % ‘POA WOSO" nD anne ° nuparis6oy youl © nysaping 20) ajuoqouog° 4.” Cretaceous deposits in northern S$. Dobrogea 283 very subordinate interbeds, suggesting open lagoonal conditions (Driginescu in Avram et al., 1988). Chiriac et al, (1977), Neagu zt al. (1977) and Neagu (1979, 1985) listed the profuse biota (foraminifers, algae, hydrozoans, ostracods, pelecypods and gastrop- ods) of the Alimanu Member, collected from outcrops. The late Berriasian— Valanginian age was, however, mainly established on its foraminiferal content (Neagu, 1979, 1985; Neagu in Avram et al., 1988), as follows): Ammocycloloculina ervatica (Jack. & Favre), Danubiella cemavodensis Neagu, D. gracillima Neagu, Soythiloculina confusa Neagu, Axiopolina granumfestucae Neagu, Dobrogelina anas- tasiui Neagu (species characteristic only of the late Berriasian), Pseudocyclammina arabica Henson, Pseudotextulariella salevensis Charol, Bronn. & Zaninet., Freixialina planispira Ramalho, Anchyspirocyclina maynci Hottinger, Istrilaculina emiliae Neagu, Decussoloculina mirceai Neagu, Dobrogelina ovidii Neagu, Trocholina bourlini Gorbatchik, T. molesta Gorg., T. cavernosa (Kali), and the small, uncommon Neotrocholina elongata (Leupold) (Figures 16, 17 below). The early Valanginian assemblage is dominated by large specimens of Neotrocholina alpina (Leupold) and N.elongata (Leupold). Finally, the late Valanginian is characterized by an abrupt decrease of individuals and taxa, with only Ichnusella trocholinaeformis (Dieni & ‘Masari) and Melathrocherion spirale (Gorbatchik) being indicative of this age. Subsurface studies distinguished within the calcarenites of the Alimanu Member a richassemblage of dasycladacean algae consisting of Macroporella embergeri Bouroullec & Delofire, Actinoporella podotica Alth., ? Dissocladella sp. Pia (Dasycladacea’ laskarevi Radoicic), Clypeina ? solkani Con. & Rad., Ghpeina sp., Salpingoporella annulata Carozzi, S. aff. geneviensis Conrad, Salpingoporella sp., Boueina hochstetteri Toula, Vermiporelta sp. (Figure 7). Some solenoporacean algae (Cayewxia) also occur, as do arenaceous foraminifers such as Novalesia, Mayncina, Pseudocyclammina ef. lituus (Yokoyama) and Neotrocholina elongata (Leupold) (Tomescu, 1990). The only ammonite specimen recorded in beds with profuse Neotrocholina was Karakaschiceras biassalense (Kar.), supporting a latest early Valanginian—earliest late Valanginian age (between the campylotoxum Zone and vernicosum Zone, fide Kemper et al., 1981 (Avram in Avram et al., 1988). ‘The most reliable age indications were provided by the nannoplankton assemb!- ages of the CC2 (late Berriasian—early Valanginian) and CC3 (late Valanginian) zones, the former identified within calcarenite strata (Melinte, 1990) in boreholes 24 and 26, and the latter in borehole 15 (see Figure 2). These nannoplankton assemblages are important for understanding the interfingering relationship between the Alimanu and Amara members during the entire late Berriasian- Valanginian interval. The more accurate age framework of the calcarenite patches led to the conclusion that the greatest areal extent of this facies was during the late Berriasian-carly Valanginian. In the late Valanginian, the supply of Amara siliciclastics and clays came mainly from two directions: from the Dorobanqu village area southward to the locations of boreholes 27 and 26, and from the same area southeastward, to borehole 13. 3.2. Ramadan Formation A hiatus is apparent in the northern part of South Dobrogea between the latest Valanginian and Barremian stages (Neagu & Dragastan, 1984; Avram et al., 1988) Resumption of sedimentation occurred in mostly noncalcareous, detrital-littoral marine environments; the resultant deposits have been investigated and described by ches cr pin atat oa wa Figure 9. Foraminifers seen in thin sections, from the Ramadan Formation (upper Berremian-lower Aptian). a, Sabaudia minwa (Hotker), x50. b-f, i, Sabaudia auruncensis (Chiocchini & Di Napoli), X50. j, m, Haplophragmatdes sp., X50. k, t, Lituola sp., x50. 1, p, Pseudocyclammina sp., X25. ns 0, Chofatelta cf. decipiens Schlumberger, x50 (C. Tomescu’s collection). Cretaceous deposits in northern 8. Dobrogea 285 Macovei & Atanasiu (1937) Chiriac (1981), Avram, Szasz & Draginescu in Ghenea et al, (1984a,b), Neagu (1986), Avram et al. (1988), Avram et al. (1990). ‘As defined by Avram ef af. (1988), the Ramadan Formation occurs in South Debrogea in the region between the banks of the Danube and the Nazarcea— Medgidia~Abrud—Negureni alignment (Figure 8). Its type section was chosen in the southern slope of the Ramadan Lake (lowermost course of the Tibrinu valley). Except for the Girlija—Lipnita sector (southern South Dobrogea), where it is represented by lumachellic limestones with pachyodonts and foraminiferal cal- carenites, the whole outcrop area of this formation consists of 15-m-thick coastal detrital deposits. These are, in the lower part. quartzose—orbitolinid sandstones/sands and microconglomerates/gravels with gastropods and ostreids, displaying parallel low-angle tabular cross-lamination and intercalations of red and rusty marls and/or clays rich in holothurid scherites, and in the upper part, sandstones or calcarenites with pelecypods (Toucasia, Pterotrigonia), gastropods (Pleurotomaria, Pseudoglauconia) and brachiopods (Cyclothyris, Sulcirkynchia, Sellithyris, Tamarella, Terebrirostra) in Urgonian facies. This succession is typically developed around the village of Tibrinu; from this area the calcarenite patches progressively pinch out northwards and eastwards, where the most active quartzose~ clastic material supply on the W Dorobantu-Gherghina and dorobanqu-NE Cuza Vodii alignments is obvious (boreholes 30, 20, and borehole 13 respectively: Figure 2). In the area occupied by the littoral detrital facies, the lateral changes in lithologies. consist mainly of smaller or wider development of sandstones or calcarenites, of sands or marlstones bearing orbitolinids and the presence of red/rusty clays in the Jower part of the formation, the last of these occurring especially in the Castelu-Cigmelei valley-Ramadan area. The siliciclastic and multicoloured clayey lower part of the formation is difficult to distinguish from lithologically similar sequences in the Cernavoda Formation; in the extreme situation, as illustrated in boreholes 26 and 24, the Alimanu Member (calcarenite) deposits are missing at the top of the Cernavoda Formation, in which case only the micropalacontological content separates this unit from the Ramadan Formation. ‘The limestones, widely developed in the upper part of the Ramadan Formation, are calcarenites (arenitic biosparites, biocalcarenites, biosparites) and also bio- micrites, the former with a prevalent quartzose fraction to the south of the village of ‘Fortomanu and vicinity (boreholes 19 and 26, Figure 2). Compared with the calcarenites of the Cernavoda Formation, which are character- ized chiefly by the presence of dasycladacean algae, those of the Ramadan Formation are dominated by arenaceous foraminifers, in addition to miliolids and subordinate dasycladacean and solenoporacean algae (Tomescu, 1990). The most characteristic foraminifers identified in thin sections are Sabaudia auruncensis (Chiocchini & Di Napoli) and S.minuta (Hofker), indicative of the latest Barremian—Aptian interval, and Neotrocholina fribourgensis (Guillaume & Reichel), N.aptiensis Jovicheva and Nezzazaia simplex Omara, typical of the Barremian— Aptian (Figure 9). ‘The Ramadan Formation is generally carly Aptian in age, as indicated by the ammonites Deshayesites flexuosus Chiriac and Cheloniceras ramadamicus Chiriac (Chiriac, 1981}, and by the nannoplankton assemblage of the CC7a subzone (fide Sissingh, 1977; Perch-Nielsen, 1985), with Chiastozygus platyrhethus Hill, Eprolithus antiquus Perch-Nielsen, Conusphaera mexicana Trejo, Watznaueria bamesae (Black) 286 E, Avram ef al. Cretaceous deposits in northern §. Dobrogea 287 Perch-Nielsen, Nannoconus colomii (De Lapparent) Kamptner, N. bonetii Trejo, Microstaurus chiastus (Worsley) Griin, Ellipsagelosphaera britannica (Stradner) Perch- Nielsen, and £. ovata (Bukry) Black (Figures 3, 4) identified in boreholes 19, 24, 26 and 27 (Figure 2; Melinte, 1990). However, a late Barremian age for the basal part of this formation is indicated in the Alimanu and Girilja—Ostrov regions by their foraminiferal content (Neagu, 1979, 1986; Neagu in Avram et al., 1988). In the former locality, the basal beds are mostly algal-foraminiferal and gastropod jumachellic calcarenites with marly interbeds, and include Dobrogelina discorbiformis Neagu, Istriloculina alimanensis Neagu, Neotrocholina aptiensis lovtcheva, and Quingqueloculina robusta Neagu within a succession reflecting a lagoonal facies evolving upwards from brackish to normal marine depositional conditions. In the latter section pachyodont-rich pelecypod~ gastropod Jumachellic limestones with foraminifers and marly interbeds yield a late Barremian-carliest Aptian foraminiferal assemblage containing Derventina filipescui Neagu, Andersenia romana Neagu, Nessazatinella macoveii Neagu, Pfenderina ammonoidea Neagu, Scythiloculina bancilai Neagu, Rumanoloculina robusta Neagu, and Moesiloculina dobrogiaca Neagu (Figure 17, below), along with Choffatella decipiens Schl., Dictyoconus reichelli Guillaume, D.kiliani (Préver) and Orbitolinopsis bruccifer Vanneau & Thiel., in a typical marine facies. ‘The palynological content of the Ramadan Formation deposits (Antonescu, 1990) is very rich in Berriasian—Aptian forms, including Pilosisporites sp cf. P. notensis Cook- son & Dettmann, P. parvispinosus Deumann, and Trilobosporites sp. C, all of which are very frequent in the Aptian, An upper assemblage, identified in borehole 27 (ata depth of 156 m) includes the earliest angiosperm pollen known so far in Rumania, in the form Clavatipollenites hughesii (Couper) Kemp, in addition to Aptian representa- tives of the Gleicheniaceae, such as Clavifera riplex (Bolchovitina) Bolchovitina, Gleicheniidives (Triplexisporites) fsp. A ex Déring, G.minor Déring, G.senonicus Ross, and Polypodiaceoisporites foveolatus (Couper) Kemp (Figure 10). A typical dinoflagellate assemblage was also recorded together with the Pilosisporites assemblage in the Fetesti borehole, some 20 km west of the town of Cernavoda, at a depth of 49-60m in beds characterized by a profusion of orbitolinids. This assemblage consists of Pseudoceratium polymorphum (= Aptea polymorpha) (isenack) Dérhéfer & Davies, emend.Bint, Dingodinium albertié Sarjeant, Chlamydophorella nyci Cookson & Bisenack and Subtilisphaera sp. Some acritarchs (e.g., Micrhyscridiwm) were also identified within coaly-clay imerbeds (borehole 13 at 68m; 24—at 129, 153 and 196m), indicating a marine origin for these interbeds. Some ostracod assemblages also suggest marine or brackish environmental conditions. Forms recorded include Protocytheropteron aft. ficasta (Anderson & Barker), Fabanella aff. dimorpha Anderson, Micytheridea ex gr. henfieldensis (Anderson), Cytherclloidea aff.ovaia Weber, Microdentina retirugata Figure 10. Selected palynomorphs from the Ramadan Formation (upper Barremian-lower Aptian, a~i) and of the Gherghina Formation (middle—upper Aptian, jv). a, Subtiisphacra sp., 1300. b, Psendoceratium polymorphum (Eisenack) Dirhéfer & Davies, emend. Bint, X1000. c, Plicatella sp. %500. d, Bullasporis acquatorialis Krutzsch, 1000. e, i, Classopoilis echinarus Burger, x1000. g, Pilosisportes sp. cf. P. notensis Cookson & Detimann, x500. by, Pilosisportes parvispinosis Detimann, 500. j, Dictyophylidites harisi Couper, x30, k, Clavifiva triplex (Bolchovitina) Bolchovitina, 500. |, ef.Concantssimisporites punctatus (Delcourt & Sprumont) Brenner, 500, m, Trilobosporites sp.ct. T-purverulentus (Verbitskaia) Deumann, *500. n, Gleicheniidites minor Daring, x500. 0, Gleicheniidtes (Triplexisparites) fsp. A ex Doing, *500. p, Gleicheniidites senomicus Ross, 500. 15 8, Polypadiaceoisporites foveotatus (Couper) Kemp, 500. t, u, cf. Clavatipollenites hughesit (Couper) Kemp, 1000. (E. Antonescu’s collection}.

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