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Lesson 4
High School
Dr Jamal Alsawalhi audio script
Ambassadors to explain what is important to them, their project, what impact
their project has on their local community and global community.
[Scene 2 - Ambassador Dr. Jamal Alsawalhi]
Dr. Jamal Alsawalhi: (Enthusiastically) Hello, everyone! I’m Jamal Alsawalhi, an Electrical Engineering
researcher, and I’m working on finding better ways to switch from petrol-driven vehicles to electric-driven
vehicles. This area is called Transportation Electrification. One exciting part of my research is about
making it easier to charge electric vehicles. Imagine if you could charge your laptop, phone or electric car
without any cables! It would be so convenient, right?

Local Community Impact:

Dr. Jamal Alsawalhi: When we charge a laptop, phone or electric vehicle, we usually need a cable. But my
goal is to create a technology that allows charging without any wires. It would be just as fast and efficient,
or even better! This wireless charging solution could encourage more people to use electric vehicles here
in the UAE and even in other places. By using electric vehicles, we can make our environment cleaner and
improve the health of people in our cities.

Global Community Impact:

Dr. Jamal Alsawalhi: Let’s think about the whole world now. Did you know that about 20% of harmful
emissions come from transportation? That’s a big problem. But I’m not alone in trying to solve it. Many
researchers like me are working hard to promote electric vehicles all over the globe. Our goal is to reduce
these harmful emissions to almost zero by the year 2050. It’s a part of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goal number 7, which is all about Affordable and Clean Energy. By using clean and efficient
energy solutions like electric vehicles, we can create a better and safer future for our planet.

Short Video
Legend says that Newton came up with his laws by questioning why an apple falls from a tree.
Einstein’s theories started by a vision of him travelling at the same speed of a ray of light.
Your pledge might be the next leap for humanity, a leap that is much more important than what these
great scientists have achieved.
Keep envisioning.
Keep dreaming.

The BIG GREEN Lesson Audio script – High School 1

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