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Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo, LLM, F.


Editorial Team:
1. Mr. Dele Alimi, M.IoD – Editor-in-Chief
2. Mr. Sunday Adenipekun, M.IoD - Deputy Editor-in-Chief
3. Dr. Ibrahim Adekunle - Editor
4. Dr Segun Alabi – Associate Editor
5. Mr. Kene Nwanegbo, AM.IoD – Member
6. Ms. Tolulope Ajayi – Member
7. Ms. Ovos Onogoro – Member
Our great nation enetered a new phase of leadership under
8. Mr. Mudiaga Aluya- Member

All members of the Chartered Institute of Directors


Director General, Chartered Institute of Director

Nigeria are encouraged to make professional
contributions to this publication in form of articles,
papers, letters or book reviews.

Such contributions of not more than a thousand

words should be submitted to:

Chartered Institute of Directors Nigeria

Bamidele Alimi FNIM, MIoD

Director General/CEO Chartered Institute of Directors Nigeria
24 40

An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani m.
Borodo, LLM, F.IoD, President and Chairman of
Governing Council, CIoD Nigeria
Navigating the Intersection
and Board Directorship: Im
Governance in Nigerian O

06 PAGE 06 -Abraham Durosawo, ARM

Treasurer, Young Director
Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of PAGE 28
Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange
Unification and Fuel Subsidy Reform
-Ibrahim A. Adekunle, PhD Enhancing Board Effective
PAGE 12 Management in President
Era: The Role of Human R
-Dr Valerie Onyia Babatop
"Navigating Nigerian Business Contracts Amid
Changing Governance": A Guide for Non-Lawyers
-'Dara Lawal Ways a Company Director
PAGE 20 Leader in a Disruptive Eco
-Orienru Igho Otejiri
Chief Supply Chain Oceffir in the C-Suite: The
Imperative for Nigerian Companies
-Arinze Oduah FCIPS, M.IoD

20 12

n of Artificial Intelligence
mplications for Corporate
M Securities Limited
"The Future of Stakeholder Capitalism: Embracing
Technology and Connectivity for Stakeholder
-Mrs. Celine Okoroma-Vincent FIMC, ACIS, CMS
rs' Forum, Institute of PAGE 44

Gender Stereotyping and Its Impact on Corporate 67

Governance: A Call for Equal Opportunities
eness and Talent -Mudiaga Aluya
Bola Ahmed Tinubu's PAGE 50
Resource Management
Social Capital in Organisations & Society

r can Become an Effective (London), M.IoD.
onomy. Managing Consultant, NMA Consulting

Exploring the role of employers

in facilitating retirement savings
-Pension Fund Operators Association of Nigeria

An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo, LLM, F.IoD,
President and Chairman of Governing Council, CIoD Nigeria

An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani M.

Borodo, LLM, F.IoD, President and Chairman
of Governing Council, CIoD Nigeria

In this interview, Alhaji Borodo reels out his Plans

to Reposition the Institute

An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo,
LLM, F.IoD, President and Chairman of Governing
Council, CIoD Nigeria

in Corporate Governance and public sector officials about

advocate for policies and Corporate Governance. This has Just as you said, the importance
practices that foster growth and resulted in a large number of of succession planning cannot
innovation. This would be built directors and executives of be overemphasized. To my
on my “Three-Point Agenda” ministries, departments and mind, I believe that all
which I tag, Review, Reform and agencies of government joining organisations, the size
Reinvigoration. CIoD Nigeria's the Institute. Not only are we notwithstanding, should have a
Membership status will change doing it at the national level, but feasible strategic succession
now due to the chartership of the we are also working with the sub- plan in place to ensure business
Institute. This is necessary in nationals and bringing them into sustainability. This will enable
view of the emerging dynamics the Institute. the business to grow and have a
of CIoD Nigeria operations. In positive impact on the bottom
this new administration, our Let me assure you that plans are line. To be able to achieve this,
focus will be on the review of the still underway to establish more organisations must imbibe the
existing corporate strategy, mutually beneficial partnerships culture of mentoring the next
reform of our membership and and widen our network of generation of leaders. This is
branch development status and collaboration with the public already being practiced in CIoD
reinvigoration of our operations sectors, with the view to Nigeria through the Young
to better serve our valued entrenching sound corporate Directors Forum, a platform for
members. governance practices that will nurturing the leadership and
position the Nigerian economy directorship skills of young
on the path of growth. At CIoD professionals.
Nigeria, we believe that synergy
between corporate Nigeria and
The issue of entrenchment of the government can produce
sound corporate governance better results in the area of
culture had largely been corporate governance. It is by The role of gender and youth
adopted by the organisations in achieving this that we can diversity on boards of
the private sector, the same encourage investor confidence, organisations and the political
cannot be said for public sector which in turn, will bring about space has been much talked
institutions. What would be the the much-desired foreign direct about. While action has begun
role of the institute under your investment to the economy. I can following the talks, the gender
leadership to drive adoption of boldly say that CIoD Nigeria is gap is still very wide. What
sound corporate governance fully ready to take the lead and plans do you have to address
practices particularly by civil drive this initiative. this to engender inclusivity?
servants to build stronger
institutions? Addressing diversity on boards
of organisations and in the
For almost a decade not, CIoD political space is a critical
Nigeria had realised the need to The place of succession priority. Diversity can be in
involve the public sector in the planning in business cannot be terms of age, gender,
crusade for good corporate overemphasized. However, profession, etc. The issue of
governance. We have worked Micro, Small and Medium diversity has no doubt been
with the various necessary Enterprises (MSME) do not fully brought to the consciousness of
organs and offices of grasp the dynamics seeing that all stakeholders and I must
government to hold capacity their business models appear confess that progress has been
development programmes that small, what is your advice to made. However, much more
would enhance the knowledge of them? can still be done as it is obvious 7
An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo, LLM, F.IoD,
President and Chairman of Governing Council, CIoD Nigeria

that there are gaps that need to organisations and political these challenges:
be addressed. More needs to be entities, urging them to actively
done to foster better inclusivity. pursue balanced representation Inflation Management:
of women and youth on their The monetary policy reforms
Our Institute is quite conscious boards. We can create targets undertaken by the current
of this need and that is why we and hold these entities administration should
have tried to show examples by accountable. incorporate a social dimension
creating platforms that will which the administration is
enhance diversity and We will consciously address the currently finalising in the form
inclusiveness. For example, our building of a pipeline of qualified of palliatives to cushion the
Young Directors Forum is meant women and youth who are effect of the rising cost of
to provide the necessary tutelage prepared for leadership roles. living. By collaborating with the
and mentorship to young and This could include mentorship Central Bank of Nigeria to
aspiring directors and c-suite programs, leadership implement prudent monetary
executives and prepare them for development initiatives, to policies that manage inflation
bigger responsibilities. support women and young without stifling economic
individuals in gaining the growth, the government can
In addition, our Women necessary skills and experience. encourage a balance between
Directors Development price stability and economic
Committee has worked expansion to ensure a
assiduously in the past years to conducive environment for
cater to the peculiar needs of businesses to thrive.
In view of the current economic
female directors through gender-
realities beguiling the country Foreign Exchange Rates:
specific programmes, mentoring
such as inflation, high foreign Work on diversifying the
programmes, coaching etc.,
exchange rates, insecurity, economy by promoting our
specially targeted at female
inadequate power supply, and non-oil sectors such as
members of the Institute. These
unemployment among others, agriculture, technology, and
have contributed immensely to what is your advice to the
the development of our women manufacturing. Encourage
government to address these foreign direct investment and
directors and given them more challenges sector by sector?
confidence to perform their improve the ease of doing
roles as directors. business to attract capital
inflow, thereby stabilising
I share the majority of concerns foreign exchange rates. The
To further reinforce past efforts, about the current state of affairs
the Institute under my need to make FX available in
and the multifaceted issues of the bank is essential to the
leadership, will initiate inflation, high foreign exchange
educational campaigns, unification of exchange rates, if
rates, insecurity, inadequate not the premium on the black
seminars, and workshops to power supply, and
highlight the advantages of market will continue to shift.
unemployment. I believe that
diverse boards, which include, addressing these challenges Insecurity:
better decision-making, requires a comprehensive and
innovation, and better The government needs to
multi-faceted approach, taking strengthen law enforcement
representation of stakeholder into consideration each sector's
perspectives. agencies and invest in
unique characteristics and needs. intelligence gathering and
Here, I outline some sector- sharing. Collaborate with local
Also, we will set clear diversity specific recommendations that
goals and establish clear and communities to foster
could contribute to tackling grassroots security initiatives.
measurable diversity goals for

An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani M.
Borodo, LLM, F.IoD, President and Chairman of Governing
Council, CIoD Nigeria

Engage in diplomatic efforts to The use of Information and ii. Remote Collaboration:
promote regional cooperation in Communication Technology ICT facilitates seamless
counter-terrorism activities like (ICT) in our daily lives and communication and
the situation in Niger who are businesses is unprecedented. collaboration among
our neighbours. How would this impact the board members,
future of work for directors and irrespective of their
Power Supply: what is your advice to directors geographic locations.
Prioritize investment in energy as they leverage technology in Virtual meetings, digital
infrastructure, both conventional the running of their operations? platforms, and
and renewable, to ensure a collaborative tools
consistent and reliable power Indeed, the pervasive influence of empower directors to
supply. Facilitate public-private Information and Communication engage effectively without
partnerships to expedite the Technology (ICT) has ushered in the constraints of physical
expansion and modernization of a new era of possibilities, presence.
the energy sector. transforming the way we conduct
our daily lives and manage iii. Enhanced Board
Unemployment: businesses. As directors, it is Governance: Technology
Promote skills development and imperative that we recognise and supports improved
vocational training programs that embrace the profound impact of transparency and
align with industry demands. technology, not only on our accountability by providing
Encourage entrepreneurship and operations but also on our comprehensive insights
support small and medium-sized strategic decision-making and into organisational
enterprises (SMEs) to create job leadership approaches. performance. This allows
opportunities and stimulate directors to fulfil their
economic growth. The Future of Work governance
for Directors: responsibilities more
It is important to note that these effectively.
recommendations are not The integration of ICT is
exhaustive and must be adapted redefining the role of directors iv. Innovation and
to the evolving economic and the way boards oversee their Disruption: Directors must
landscape. As CIoD, Nigeria's organisations. This digital anticipate and respond to
President, I am committed to transformation has several technological disruptions
fostering dialogue and implications for the future of that impact their
collaboration with government work in the boardroom which industries. Embracing
agencies, private enterprises, civil includes innovation and fostering a
society, and international culture of continuous
partners to collectively address i. Data-Driven Decision- learning will be essential
these challenges. Through Making: Directors now to remain competitive.
strategic partnerships and a have access to a wealth of
shared vision for progress, I am data and analytics that can Advice for Directors
confident that we can make inform strategic decisions. as They Leverage
significant strides in steering our The ability to analyse
nation toward a more prosperous Technology:
market trends, customer
future. behaviour, and operational
While embracing technology
performance in real time
offers numerous opportunities,
enables more informed and
it also presents unique
agile decision-making.
challenges. Directors need to 9
IO An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo, LLM,
F.IoD, President and Chairman of Governing Council, CIoD

stay educated. With technology By nurturing a generation of designing clear career

evolving rapidly, Directors skilled and competitive development pathways that
should commit to ongoing professionals, we can create an offer opportunities for growth,
education about emerging environment that encourages skill enhancement, and
technologies, their applications, them to remain in Nigeria. Also, leadership roles within
and potential risks to ensure boards and government bodies organisations, young talents
informed decision-making. The should collaborate to create an can be incentitised to remain
need to foster a Tech-Savvy enabling environment for committed to their careers in
Board Culture ensues to entrepreneurship and Nigeria.
encourage a culture of innovation. This includes access
technological curiosity within the to capital, mentorship programs,
boardroom. Directors should be and streamlined regulatory
open to learning and processes that empower young
experimenting with new tools entrepreneurs to build successful
and solutions. Nonetheless, businesses at home.
The issue of fuel subsidy has
cybersecurity Vigilance needs to
The need for adequate further led to a decline in
be heightened. With increased
infrastructure, including reliable purchasing power of
reliance on technology comes
power supply, efficient Nigerians. Many
heightened cybersecurity risks.
transportation, and robust organisations have had to
Directors should have
technological connectivity, is shut down, others have
cybersecurity awareness, reduced staff and taken other
protocols, and risk mitigation crucial for economic growth and
job creation. By improving our measures to stay afloat or
strategies. remain profitable. In what
infrastructure, we can enhance
the attractiveness of Nigeria as a capacity can the government
place to live and work for our step in to mitigate the impacts
young generations. This will on the citizens? What advice
help inclusive practices within do you have for organisations
organisations that have the to manage development?
The 'Japa' trend and the
compelling future of work for potential to create a sense of
belonging for young talents. The government should
Nigerians is on the increase.
Diverse and inclusive introduce or strengthen social
Many talents are leaving to
environments foster creativity, safety net programs to provide
develop other climes. How do
innovation, and personal targeted support to vulnerable
we halt and reverse the trend
growth, which are key factors in citizens adversely affected by
as a country? What role do
retaining local talent. fuel subsidy reductions. This
boards have to play to
could include direct financial
encourage the youth to stay
back and build the nation? We need boards to establish assistance, food subsidies, and
mentorship programs that healthcare provisions to
connect experienced alleviate the immediate
To halt and reverse the 'Japa'
professionals with young talents hardships just like the palliative
Trend, there is a need for
such as the Young Development initiatives that are currently
responsible governance on
Forum (YDF), a CIOD initiative. being developed. It is also
Quality Education and Skill
Such interactions provide important that the government
Development. It is imperative to
valuable guidance, insights, and set a clear agenda about policy
invest in high-quality education
networks that can inspire the predictability as such clarity and
and skill development programs
youth to stay and contribute to predictability in economic
that align with the evolving
the nation's development. By policies are crucial for business
demands of the global economy.

An Exclusive Interview with Alhaji Tijjani M.
Borodo, LLM, F.IoD, President and Chairman of Governing IO
Council, CIoD Nigeria

planning and investment. The IoD Nigeria recently held the

government should communicate foundation laying ceremony of At IoD Nigeria, we place
transparently about policy the CIoD Tower, an impressive premium value on our members
changes, allowing businesses to 15-floor architectural and staff. It is part of the plan
adjust their strategies accordingly masterpiece, which is poised to to invest in the human capital of
and minimise disruptions. become the prestigious corporate our great Institute. We intend to
headquarters of our great strengthen our staff and
In addition, the government Institute. The Tower represents a operations to enable us to
should prioritize investment in bold and visionary project that provide quality service to our
critical sectors such as harmonizes elegance, esteemed members. We have
agriculture, manufacturing, and functionality, and environmental invested in technology and
infrastructure to stimulate sustainability. When completed, operations in our secretariat is
economic activity, create jobs, it promises to leave an indelible not digitalized and this helps to
and enhance purchasing power mark on the city of Lagos, reduce cost and improve
over the long term. Exploring reshaping the skyline and setting efficiency.
and collaborating with the private a new standard in corporate and
sector through public-private residential architecture. The This would eventually lead to
partnerships (PPPs) to implement fusion of sophistication, the provision of better services
initiatives that address economic modernity, and eco- to the members and also
challenges can lead to innovative consciousness makes the CIoD improve members' experience.
solutions that support both Tower an extraordinary symbol
citizens and businesses. of progress and innovation.

Other ways to economic relief is

to offer targeted support for
small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) through
access to credit, capacity
building, and streamlined
regulatory processes. A thriving
SME sector can contribute
significantly to job creation and
economic resilience.

Forging ahead for the institute

under your tenure, kindly share
plans for the CIoD house, staff,
value adding propositions for
members. Also, share plans for
proposed collaborations and
partnerships with like-minded
institutions to continue to
advocate sound corporate
governance practices in the
country. 11
Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of
IO Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange Uniication
and Fuel Subsidy Reform

Mastering Corporate Governance

in an Era of Transformation:
riving Amidst Exchange
Uni cation and Fuel Subsidy Reform
-Ibrahim A. Adekunle, PhD

1.0 Introduction internationally, and it is integral removal of fuel subsidies, the

to attracting investment, business community found itself
In the ever-evolving landscape of fostering growth, and ensuring at a crossroads with many
Nigeria's business world, long-term prosperity. As Nigeria businesses still grasping the
corporate governance stands as embarked on the journey of realities and the heightened
a cornerstone of responsible and exchange rate unification and the tensions accrued.
sustainable business practices. It
is the compass that guides
organisations, ensuring
transparency, accountability,
and ethical conduct. However,
the Nigerian business landscape
is not immune to change, and
recent seismic shifts in economic
policies led by President Bola
Ahmed Tinubu, and the GCFR
administration have reshaped
the terrain with new expectations
and implications for businesses
nationwide. The significance of
corporate governance in
Nigeria's business ecosystem
cannot be overstated. It forms
the bedrock upon which trust is
built, both locally and

Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of
Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange Uniication IO
and Fuel Subsidy Reform

process may lead to short- but strained government

In this article, we delve into the term currency volatility, finances. Removal of these
multifaceted relationship between affecting import costs, subsidies aims to redirect
corporate governance and these financial planning, and risk resources toward critical
pivotal policy changes. We management for businesses infrastructure and development
explore the challenges and engaged in international projects. For businesses, this
opportunities that have emerged trade. change brings about;
in the wake of exchange rate
unification and fuel subsidy reform ii. Cost Implications: i. Cost Pressures: The
since the pronouncement by Fluctuations in the exchange removal of fuel subsidies
President Bola Tinubu, GCFR's rate can directly impact the may lead to increased fuel
led administration made their cost structure of businesses, prices, affecting
policy direction obvious. More particularly those heavily transportation, logistics,
importantly, we provide reliant on imported raw and operating costs for
actionable strategies that materials or equipment. businesses reliant on fuel.
businesses can adopt to not only
navigate this new corporate iii. Supply Chain Disruptions: ii. Inflationary Pressures:
governance landscape but also Companies with complex Higher fuel prices can
thrive within it. supply chains may contribute to overall
experience disruptions due inflation, impacting
In our understanding and to currency fluctuations consumer demand and
adaptation, it becomes evident affecting the procurement of affecting pricing strategies
that corporate governance is not goods and services from for businesses.
merely a compliance requirement; overseas suppliers.
it is a compass that can guide iii. Environmental and
businesses to new heights amidst Fuel Subsidy Removal S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
the changing winds of policy Considerations: As fuel
reform. Fuel subsidy removal is another prices rise, there may be an
significant policy shift with increased incentive for
2.0 Understanding the profound implications. businesses to explore
alternative energy sources
Landscape Historically, fuel subsidies have
and adopt more sustainable
eased the burden on consumers
Exchange Rate Unification
Exchange rate unification is a
monumental shift in Nigeria's
economic policy. Previously,
Nigeria maintained multiple
exchange rates, leading to
distortions and inefficiencies in the
market. The move towards a
unified exchange rate aims to
create a more transparent and
predictable foreign exchange
market. This change impacts
businesses in several ways.

i. Volatility: The unification 13
Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of
IO Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange Uniication
and Fuel Subsidy Reform


3.0 Connecting
Corporate Governance
and Policy Changes

Direct Connections:

1. Regulatory Compliance
and Reporting

Transparency and
Sound corporate governance
principles require companies
to maintain transparency and
accountability in their
operations and financial
reporting. This aligns with
the need for businesses to
adhere to new regulations
stemming from policy
changes, such as enhanced
reporting requirements
related to currency exchange
rates and fuel costs. The new
IFRS S1 and S2 financial
reporting guideline which set
off in January 2024 is an
example of how the changing
governance and policy 2. Risk Management and
framework forces changes in Oversight Board Oversight: Boards of
how businesses operate to Directors play a pivotal role
give visibility to business Risk Assessment: in risk oversight. They must
performance and operations. Corporate governance adapt their oversight
structures often include risk strategies to address new and
Compliance Frameworks: assessment and evolving risks posed by
Effective corporate management processes. policy changes.
governance involves These processes can help
establishing robust businesses identify and Indirect Connections:
compliance frameworks. In mitigate risks associated with
response to policy changes, currency fluctuations, 1. Investor Confidence and
businesses must ensure that increased operating costs Trust
their operations are in due to fuel price changes,
alignment with updated legal and market uncertainties Transparency: Strong
and regulatory requirements. resulting from economic corporate governance
reforms. practices boost

Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of
Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange Uniication IO
and Fuel Subsidy Reform

transparency, which is vital customers. In the context of Risk Management:

for building investor trust. economic reform, transparent Businesses must implement
Investors are more likely to communication about the robust risk management
support businesses that company's response to policy strategies to hedge against
provide clear and honest changes can help manage adverse currency
disclosures regarding the expectations and maintain movements, which can
impacts and strategies related positive relationships. erode profitability and create
to policy changes. budgetary uncertainties.
4. Reputation Management
Risk Mitigation: Investors are 2. Cost Fluctuations
attracted to companies that Ethical Conduct: Strong
demonstrate the ability to corporate governance Fuel Price Variability: The
identify, assess, and mitigate emphasises ethical conduct. removal of fuel subsidies
risks effectively. Corporate Maintaining ethical standards resulted in increased fuel
governance practices that is crucial during economic costs. This continues to
emphasise risk management reform, as it can help preserve affect the transportation,
can enhance investor a company's reputation even logistics, and operational
confidence in uncertain times. in challenging circumstances. expenses of businesses
heavily reliant on fuel for
2 Long-Term Sustainability 4.0 Key Challenges and their operations.

Adaptive Governance:
Opportunities Supply Chain Disruptions:
Effective corporate Companies with complex
The convergence of exchange
governance is not static; it supply chains experience
rate unification and fuel subsidy
evolves to meet changing disruptions due to rising fuel
removal ushers in a new era for
circumstances. Businesses costs, impacting the
businesses in Nigeria, replete with
that adapt their governance procurement of goods and
both challenges and
practices to navigate policy services from both domestic
changes are better positioned and international sources.
for long-term sustainability.
3. Increased Competition
Resilience: Robust
1. Currency Volatility
governance structures Diversified Market: As
promote resilience, enabling economic reforms progress,
Immediate Impact: The
companies to weather industries may witness an
unification of exchange rates
economic uncertainties and influx of new entrants and
has led to short-term currency
reforms more effectively, increased competition,
volatility, exposing businesses
ultimately safeguarding especially in sectors
to fluctuating exchange rates
stakeholder interests. previously protected by
as dollar supply remains
subsidies. Businesses will
unavailable causing the
3. Stakeholder Relations need to adapt to this
premium to change. This
heightened competitive
volatility can affect the cost of
Open Communication: environment.
imported goods, increase
Corporate governance
financial uncertainty, and
encourages open Innovation Imperative: To
disrupt international trade
communication with stand out in this competitive
stakeholders, including landscape, businesses must
shareholders, employees, and focus on innovation, 15
Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of
IO Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange Uniication
and Fuel Subsidy Reform

Businesses can explore

export opportunities,
diversifying revenue

Foreign Exchange
Earnings: Export-oriented
businesses may benefit from
increased foreign exchange
earnings, enhancing their
financial stability and global

3. Regulatory Reforms

Policy Advocacy:
Businesses can actively
engage with policymakers to
advocate for regulatory
refor ms that support a
conducive business
environment, addressing
concerns and enhancing
their competitive position.
Economic Diversification:
Economic refor ms may
encourage diversification
away from fuel-dependent
industries, creating
opportunities for businesses
to explore alternative
efficiency, and cost- agreements. sectors and partnerships.
effectiveness to maintain Investment Climate: A stable
market share and economic environment can 4. Sustainable Practices
profitability. attract both domestic and
foreign investments, leading Energy Efficiency: Rising
Opportunities: to potential growth fuel costs have begun
opportunities for businesses incentivising businesses to
1. Access to a Stable Economic across various sectors. invest in energy-efficient
Environment practices and explore
2. Export Potential renewable energy sources,
Predictability: Exchange reducing operational
rate unification aims to create Competitive Exports: A e x p e n s e s a n d
a more predictable and stable more competitive exchange environmental impact.
foreign exchange market. rate can boost exports by
This can be advantageous for making Nigerian products Corporate Responsibility:
businesses planning long- and services more attractive Businesses can strengthen
term investments and trade to foreign markets. their corporate social

Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of
Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange Uniication IO
and Fuel Subsidy Reform

responsibility initiatives, Companies may need to review collective voice for businesses
aligning with sustainability and potentially revise their within specific sectors.
goals and attracting governance frameworks to Participating in these
environmentally conscious accommodate the evolving associations allows companies to
consumers. economic landscape. Boards of collaborate on common
Directors play a crucial role in challenges, share best practices,
5.0 Strategies for overseeing adaptation efforts. and advocate for sector-specific
policy changes. Industry
Thriving iv Sustainability Initiatives: associations often have access to
Corporate governance should valuable insights and information
Adapting Corporate increasingly incorporate on regulatory developments. By
Governance Practices sustainability considerations, being active members,
including the transition to more businesses can stay informed and
In the face of these policy environmentally friendly practices better prepared to navigate
changes, adapting corporate and ener gy sources as fuel changing regulations.
governance practices becomes subsidies diminish.
paramount for businesses seeking Engaging with local communities
not only to weather the immediate 6.0 Collaboration and and civil society organisations
demonstrates a commitment to
challenges but also to position S t a k e h o l d e r corporate social responsibility. It
themselves for long-term success. Engagement: Navigating
So, along these lines of thought, can help build positive
we examined some of the most Regulatory Change relationships and mitigate
salient corporate governance potential reputational risks
practices to show a clear In the dynamic landscape of during times of regulatory
understanding of issues and economic reform in Nigeria, change. Stakeholder
adaptation paths that can be collaboration and stakeholder engagement extends to investors
explored. engagement take centre stage as and shareholders. Transparency
vital tools for businesses seeking in communicating how a
I Risk Management and not only to adapt to the new company navigates regulatory
Compliance: Robust corporate regulatory environment but also to changes can enhance investor
governance practices should influence it positively. confidence.
include comprehensive risk
management strategies that Collaborating with government Engaging with Policymakers
account for currency and fuel price agencies is crucial to align business
fluctuations. Businesses must also strategies with evolving 1. Advocacy Initiatives
ensure compliance with new regulations. Engaging proactively
regulations stemming from policy enables businesses to understand Businesses can engage in
changes. policy intent and ensure advocacy initiatives by partnering
compliance. Establishing with industry associations or
ii Transparency and Reporting: constructive feedback forming coalitions to present
Transparent financial reporting mechanisms fosters open dialogue unified positions on regulatory
and disclosures are critical to between businesses and reforms. Clear, data-backed
maintaining stakeholder trust. regulators. This dialogue can help proposals can influence
Businesses should communicate shape regulations that are more policymakers' decisions.
the impact of policy changes practical and conducive to Conducting research that
clearly and proactively. business growth. highlights the economic impact
of regulatory changes and
iii Governance Frameworks: Industry associations provide a proposing evidence-based 17
Mastering Corporate Governance in an Era of
IO Transformation: Thriving Amidst Exchange Uniication
and Fuel Subsidy Reform

alternatives can be persuasive in governance practices is not Practices: Maintaining

advocating for favourable merely a response to ethical and transparent
reforms. challenges but an corporate gover nance
opportunity for businesses practices is vital for building
2. Regulatory Consultations to gain a competitive edge, trust and credibility, both
foster growth, and ensure with regulators and
Actively participating in long-term sustainability. s t a k e h o l d e r s .
regulatory consultations
organised by government ii. Navigating a Transformative vi. Proactive Adaptation is
agencies allows businesses to Landscape: In an era of the Key: The article
provide input, express concerns, economic reform, mastering encourages businesses to
and suggest amendments to corporate governance is proactively embrace these
proposed regulations. Subject essential for businesses to changes and stay agile in
matter experts within a business navigate a landscape their approach to
can testify before relevant characterised by exchange corporate governance. It
legislative committees, sharing rate unification and fuel emphasises that effective
industry-specific insights and subsidy removal. governance is not static; it
offering practical solutions. evolves with the changing
iii. Challenges and landscape.
3. Transparency and Opportunities Abound:
Compliance The article highlights that Adapting corporate
while challenges such as governance strategies is not
Maintaining a high standard of currency volatility, cost merely a defensive measure; it
corporate gover nance and fluctuations, and increased is a strategic opportunity for
ethical conduct enhances a competition are evident, businesses to thrive, innovate,
company's credibility in there are significant and secure a sustainable future
advocating for regulatory opportunities as well, in an evolving business
reforms. Policymakers are more including access to a more environment. Businesses are
likely to listen to businesses that stable economic encouraged to seize this
lead by example. Transparent environment and the opportunity and proactively
reporting of the company's potential for foreign shape their corporate
efforts in engaging with i n v e s t m e n t . governance practices to meet
policymakers and advocating for the demands of today's
reforms demonstrates a iv. The Role of Collaboration dynamic marketplace.
commitment to regulatory and Stakeholder
compliance and societal well- Engagement: Collaboration
being. with government agencies,
industry associations, and
other stakeholders is key to
7.0 Conclusion successfully adapting to
regulatory changes.
In summary, the article Engaging with policymakers
underscores several critical through advocacy initiatives
takeaways: and consultations is a
proactive step businesses
i. Adapting Corporate s h o u l d t a k e .
Governance as a
Competitive Edge: v. Ethical and Transparent
Adapting corporate

"Navigating Nigerian Business Contracts Amid Changing
IO Governance": A Guide for Non-Lawyers

"Navigating Nigerian Business Contracts Amid

Changing Governance”: A Guide for Non-Lawyers
-'Dara Lawal

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Nigerian business, contracts serve as the cornerstones that
underpin successful transactions and partnerships. They define the terms, conditions, and obligations
between parties involved in a transaction or agreement.

As Nigeria enters into a new dispensation and experiences shifts in its governance dynamics, the
landscape in which businesses operate is undergoing transformative change. In light of this, grasping
and scrutinizing the contractual terms within contracts is no longer just advisable—it has become
The metamorphosis of governance in Nigeria exerts a far-reaching impact, touching the very core of how
businesses operate, strategize, and thrive. Recent decisions such as the introduction of a unified foreign
exchange market and the removal of fuel subsidy stands as a testament to the swift and pivotal policy
shifts that can reshape economic ecosystems.

This article will delve into some of the implications that the shifting governance dynamic in Nigeria can
cast upon contracts, and how proactive measures can fortify these agreements and prevent businesses
from becoming complacent or unprepared. It will also outline the importance of non-lawyers being well-
versed in these terms to make informed decisions, ultimately affecting the success and compliance of
businesses operating in Nigeria.

The Business Impact of forward-looking perspective

assumes a position of utmost
Contractual Terms in significance, moulding contracts
an Evolving that not only align with legal
Governance Landscape standards but also serve as
resilient safeguards for
Contractual terms may vary enterprises confronting the fluid
depending on the contract's type, nature of challenges.
nature, and complexity. Amid
Nigeria's shifting governance Below are some key contractual
landscape, adopting a proactive terms that non-lawyers should
approach entails the foresight to carefully consider given the
anticipate potential conflicts, swiftly changing governance
discord, instances of non- environment in Nigeria:
performance, or breaches. This

"Navigating Nigerian Business Contracts Amid Changing
Governance": A Guide for Non-Lawyers IO

1 Payment Terms power, diminishing the

A shift in governance dynamics actual value of payments.
can directly impact payment terms This can lead to reduced real
within a business contract due to value in fixed payments,
changes in economic policies, potentially straining the
regulations, and the overall receiving party financially.
business environment. Here are
some examples of how it can iv. Ta x a t i o n C h a n g e s :
affect payment terms: Alterations in governance
could lead to changes in tax
i. Currency Fluctuations: rates or tax regulations,
Changes in governance, affecting the overall financial
such as alterations in impact of payments. For
monetary policy or foreign instance, as evidenced by
exchange regulations, can recent executive actions,
lead to fluctuations in President Ahmed Bola
currency exchange rates . If Tinubu, GCFR recently governance might lead to a need
a contract term stipulates signed four executive bills to update and clarify what
payments in a foreign d e f e r r i n g t h e constitutes a force majeure event
currency, the value of those implementation of tax in accordance with the changing
payments in the local changes and suspended legal landscape.
currency may change. This some specific taxes. This
can result in varying policy shift is poised to 3. Termination Clause
amounts being received or reduce tax burdens on
paid, impacting the financial businesses, consequently Changes in governance could
stability of both parties. altering the overall financial impact the grounds and
consequences of payments. procedures for contract
ii. Costs and Pricing: Policy termination. For instance, if
shifts, such as the removal of v. Financial Stability: A major new regulations affect the ability
fuel subsidies could lead to shift in governance to import essential materials,
higher operational costs for dynamics might lead to parties might need to modify the
businesses that rely on economic instability or termination clause to account for
transportation, machinery, changes in credit availability. delays caused by such factors.
or fuel-intensive processes, This can affect the ability of
given the expected rise in one party to make payments 4. Intellectual Property (IP)
f u e l p r i c e s . as per the agreed terms, Rights
potentially necessitating
iii. Inflation and Pricing: discussions on revised Changes in intellectual property
Changes in governance, payment schedules. laws can affect licensing
encompassing shifts in agreements and ownership
monetary policy, fiscal 2. Force Majeure Clause terms. If Nigeria introduces new
policy, exchange-rate IP regulations, it might lead to
policies, supply-side policies, New regulations or political renegotiating how IP rights are
price controls, subsidies, and instability could impact the force managed, shared, or transferred
more can impact inflation majeure clause. This clause in commercial contracts.
rates and cost structures. outlines events beyond the parties'
Adverse effects may erode a control that might affect contract 5. Dispute Resolution Clause
currency's purchasing performance. A shift in 21
"Navigating Nigerian Business Contracts Amid Changing
IO Governance": A Guide for Non-Lawyers

Shifts in gover nance might Regulations for converting currency in

influence the legal and regulatory the contract. This could
environment for dispute Governance changes that impact involve using a particular
resolution. Parties might need to international trade agreements, source for exchange rate
adjust the dispute resolution tariffs, or customs regulations can data or establishing a
clause to reflect any changes in affect the ter ms related to formula for conversion to
preferred methods of resolution, payment, shipping, delivery, and adapt to future
court jurisdictions, or arbitration customs duties. For instance, changes.
rules. Nigeria's ratification of the
African Continental Free Trade 2. Adjustment Clauses
6. Performance Guarantees Area (AfCFTA) Agreement on
4th November 2020, has Include clauses that outline
Changes in financial regulations prompted the development of how payment terms will be
or credit availability might impact protocols, including Service adjusted in response to
the terms related to performance Trade Commitments by the significant changes in
guarantees or letters of credit. N a t i o n a l O f f i c e f o r Tr a d e currency exchange rates or
Parties could need to review and Negotiations (NOTN). Contracts government policies. This
revise these terms to ensure they involving payments for tariffs and can provide a structured
comply with updated financial trade in goods and services may approach to managing
regulations. require adjustments to currency-related risks.
accommodate these evolving
7. Supply Chain Disruptions trade dynamics. 3. Force Majeure
Following the fuel subsidy Proactive Measures for
Address how changes in
removal, industries that depend Safeguarding Contracts government policies or
heavily on fuel for transportation,
Amidst Policy Changes regulations will be treated
such as logistics and distribution,
could experience disruptions in under the force majeure
their supply chains due to As highlighted above, Nigeria's clause. Determine whether
increased fuel costs. This could evolving governance landscape such changes could be
lead to delays or difficulties in significantly impacts the terms of considered as triggering
fulfilling contractual obligations, business contracts. However, it is force majeure events.
potentially triggering penalty pertinent to understand that the
clauses or discussions about impact on specific contract terms 4. Renegotiation or
revised timelines. will depend on the contract's Amendment
nature and the unique shifts
8. Data Protection and Privacy within Nigeria's evolving Provisions that allow for
governance landscape. In the contract renegotiation or
If data protection laws change in section below, we'll explore amendment in the event of
Nigeria, it could impact how proactive measures empowering significant policy changes
personal and sensitive data is businesses to safeguard their that impact currency rates
handled. Contracts involving data contracts amidst such policy or other key contractual
sharing or processing might changes. elements. By including
require revisions to ensure such provisions, both
compliance with the new data 1. Currency Conversion parties can proactively
protection framework. Mechanism address the potential
impacts of shifting
9. Export and Import Specify a clear mechanism governance dynamics,

"Navigating Nigerian Business Contracts Amid Changing
Governance": A Guide for Non-Lawyers IO

maintain compliance, and not substantial, policy changing legal landscape

reduce the risk of disputes changes might lead to a where some clauses might
arising due to changes in the broader economic shift that be impacted by shifts in
regulatory landscape. It's a affects the business governance.
way to ensure that the environment over time. When
contract remains relevant and contracts come up for Ultimately, the key is to
effective over time. renewal, parties might need anticipate potential policy
to consider the new economic changes, consider various
5. Dispute Resolution reality and adjust ter ms scenarios, and draft contract
Mechanism accordingly. terms that provide flexibility
and clarity in adapting to
Clearly outline the procedure 8. Severability Clause these changes while
for resolving disputes arising ensuring the fair treatment
from policy changes. This A severability clause is of all parties involved.
might involve mediation, designed to ensure that if any Consulting legal
arbitration, or negotiation to part of a contract is deemed professionals with expertise
address disagreements related invalid or unenforceable due in contract law and local
to contract adjustments. to changes in laws or regulations can be highly
regulations, the rest of the beneficial when navigating
6. Governing Law and contract remains valid and such complex situations.
Jurisdiction enforceable. This clause helps
to prevent the entire contract Conclusion
Specify the governing law and from being invalidated just
jurisdiction in the contract. because one part of it In the intricate dance of
This can impact how policy becomes non-compliant with commerce and governance, it is
changes are interpreted and n e w g o v e r n a n c e those who pay heed to the
how disputes are resolved. requirements. Including a nuances of contract language
well-drafted severability clause who emerge as the true
7. Renewal and Review is a good practice to safeguard architects of their destiny. In the
the overall enforceability of context of Nigeria's evolving
Even if immediate impacts are the contract, particularly in a governance landscape, it is
imperative for non-lawyers and
businesses to invest in
understanding contract language
a n d its i m p l ic a t io n s . T h i s
knowledge not only helps them
avoid potential pitfalls but also
allows them to build stronger
relationships and foster
sustainable growth in an ever-
changing business environment.
While the provided sources
indirectly contribute to this
understanding, the importance
of contract literacy remains
paramount for anyone engaged
in commerce within Nigeria. 23
Chief Supply Chain Oficer in the C- Suite: The
IO Imperative for Nigerian Companies

Chief Supply Chain Officer in

the C-Suite: e Imperative for
Nigerian Companies
-Arinze Oduah FCIPS, M.IoD

Modern organisations are
perceive supply chain
becoming increasingly reliant on
management as a competitive
their supply chain networks to
differentiator have ensured that
Today, and for the fulfil their missions. This raises the
it is represented at the board
salience of supply chain
foreseeable future, management on their success or
level for focus. For instance, 85
of the S&P 500 companies have
supply chain failure. This reality is complicated
established the Chief Supply
management is at by the growing complexity of
Chain Officer (CSCO) position
supply chains involving many
the core of corporate at the C-suite level, and a 2021
interacting disciplines, systems,
Fortune magazine article
strategy and technologies, and processes that
referred to the CSCO as the
need to be understood, properly
competitiveness in toughest job in the C-suite.
structured, and strategically
both the managed for competitive
In Nigeria, this trend is not yet
advantage. It is no surprise
manufacturing and therefore, that an increasing
evident and represents an
opportunity space for forward-
service sectors. number of organisations have
thinking organisations to create
created the position of Chief
the Chief Supply Chain Officer
Supply Chain Officer (CSCO) at
position and establish it at the
the Executive Committee or
top table of policy and company
Board level to provide leadership
direction, that is, at the board
and strategic direction in this

Organisations that accurately

Chief Supply Chain Oficer in the C- Suite: The
Imperative for Nigerian Companies IO

removed from the board. these positions report through

Evolution of Supply Chain the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
The 80s through to the early as the primary focus was mostly
Management (SCM) in 2000s witnessed the evolution of on cost efficiency.
Corporate Governance supply chain management as an
integrated discipline at the heart of From the 2010s onwards, the
Supply chain management's role business that encompasses the drive has been towards deeper
in corporate governance stretches planning and management of all and more complex integration of
back to the post-World War 2 era. activities involved in sourcing and supply chain data flows enabled
At that time, the emphasis was on logistics, and the interconnections by digitalization. Consolidating
effective and efficient multi-modal with supply chain managers at and leveraging such data flows to
scheduling, execution and various tiers. This drew supply- drive unprecedented
coordination of transportation chaining close to the centre of collaboration has become
and physical distribution. business decision-making, and essential to surviving the
Unsurprisingly, the governance with this reality, many increased globalised
architecture was shaped by the organisations created Executive competition. In order to remain
focus on kinetic operations. Management positions with a innovative and competitive, the
Transportation and Physical remit for Supply Chain digitization of the supply chain
Distribution managers of that era Management. A few others went has become necessary and this
reported through a plant or further to establish the CSCO has confirmed supply chain
operations manager and were position at the Director Level. management as a strategic
typically two to three steps Even so, the trend was to have differentiator. The clearest 25
Chief Supply Chain Oficer in the C- Suite: The
IO Imperative for Nigerian Companies

validation of this reality is in the productivity and eliminating while others locate the role
establishment of a CSCO position waste to deliver operating plans. within production. This
at the C-Suite level to leverage the The resulting sub-optimality inadvertently restricts or
supply chain's contribution to reflects the inadvertent neglect of narrows the depth of influence
corporate growth and long-term thinking and the failure and transformative impact that
transformation. to tap into the potential for supply chains can deliver in
innovation that supply chain these organisations.
The Current Situation in networks can bring. A way out of this dilemma of
sub-optimality is to recognise
Nigeria In the services sector, the the importance of the CSCO
tendency is to consider supply and elevate it to the board level
It seems that many Nigerian chain management as a to ensure that the organisation
organisations have adopted one corporate service that is a cost derives the maximum
of three sub-optimal options in centre, and which therefore continuing benefit from its
bringing supply chain needs tight financial management internal and external supply
management issues to the top and controls. Organisations in chain networks, resources,
table. In the industrial sector, the this space locate the role under a systems and processes. For
trend is to merge all production, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) instance, the CSCO will
physical distribution, and other whose primary focus is cost leverage the total complex
operational activities with supply control. Again, this results in a supply chain, including
chain management under a Chief short-term focus on cost identifying and selecting the
Operating Officer (COO) who reduction at the expense of the right supply chain partners,
reports to the Board. The COO's vastly untapped potential for reconfiguring the supply chain
primary focus is oftentimes on business transformation that to outcompete peers, and
short-term internal operational supply chains can offer. In the oil leveraging it as the source of
efficiency and quality, especially and gas sector, some companies innovation, flexibility,
pertaining to ramping up fall between the two options, adaptability and resilience of the

Chief Supply Chain Oficer in the C- Suite: The
Imperative for Nigerian Companies IO

enterprise. Thus, while the COO an “innovation fee.” These supply market to outcompete
ensures an efficient organisation, expenditures eventually became peers.
the CSCO ensures that it irrecoverable losses. These
continually functions on a exposures could have been The CSCO plays a key role in the
competitive basis. avoided if both companies had the battle for talent, and in leading
right competence in their through ceaseless innovation. By
SCM in the boardroom boardrooms – that of a CSCO. leveraging the enterprise's
supply chain networks he or she
Today, and for the foreseeable Going forward, CSCOs have can advance the objectives of
future, supply chain management come to stay, and the business ESG, secure digitalization,
is at the core of corporate strategy case for their value in the C-suite is supply risk management,
and competitiveness in both the being confirmed daily. They are business transformation and
manufacturing and service conduits for developing and continuity to achieve sustainable
sectors. Proceeding from this accelerating innovation and and profitable growth.
reality, it is important to ensure technology adoption through
direct supply chain management mutually beneficial SCM In summary, CSCOs are needed
representation in the boardroom. partnerships. They are essential in at the board level for the
Boards lacking in this critical balancing organisational agility invaluable contributions and
competence simply cannot with resilience in an increasingly diversity of perspectives that they
function optimally because SCM is volatile, uncertain, complex and can and do bring to corporate
central to strategy, organic and ambiguous world. It is one reason governance, as well as the
inorganic growth, and companies like Tesla and Apple leadership and direction they
competitiveness. continue to lead their peers today provide on the management of
because they have board-level supply disruption and associated
SCM is a driver of strategies that CSCOs that help them navigate risks.
take into account ESG and is an disruptive change in the external
effective way of ensuring diversity
of input and perspectives. Perhaps
many corporate scandals could
have been avoided if an SCM
voice was in the boardroom to
provide challenges and steers on
ethical procurement and deal-
making. The cases of Walgreens
vs. Theranos, and Safeway vs.
Theranos come readily to mind,
where the failure of the boards of
Walgren and Safeway, operating
without CSCOs, were blindsided
to the SCM risks they were taking
when they entered into
multimillion-dollar contracts with
Theranos for the supply of blood-
testing kits. While Safeway spent
almost $400 million in its 2010
contract with Theranos,
Walgreens paid Theranos $140
million, of which $100 million was 27
Navigating the Intersection of Artiicial Int elligence and Board
IO Directorship: Implications for Corporate Governance in
Nigerian Organizations

Navigating the
Intersection of

Arti cial
Intelligence and Board Directorship:
Implications for Corporate Governance in Nigerian
-Abraham Durosawo, ARM Securities Limited
Treasurer, Young Directors' Forum, Institute of Directors

Navigating the Intersection of Artiicial Int elligence and Board
Directorship: Implications for Corporate Governance in
Nigerian Organizations

Introduction questions about how the NCCG and encourages the use of
can be applied in the context of technology to improve
In 2018, the Financial AI. governance practices.
Reporting Council of Nigeria However, the NCCG does not
(FRCN) released the Nigerian The NCCG 2018 recognizes the specifically address the use of
Code of Corporate Governance importance of technology in AI in governance practices.
(NCCG), which sets out corporate gover This means that companies
guidelines and principles for nance may be uncertain about how to
corporate governance in apply the NCCG in the context
Nigeria. The NCCG aims to of AI.
promote transparency,
accountability, and good Overview of Artificial
governance practices in Nigerian Intelligence
companies. The emergence of
artificial intelligence (AI) Artificial intelligence (AI) is the
technology has had a significant simulation of human
impact on corporate intelligence processes by
governance worldwide, and machines, especially computer
Nigeria is no exception. In systems. AI has become a
this article, we will explore ubiquitous technology in
the implications of AI on modern business, and
the NCCG 2018 and it has been
how it affects employed in a
corporate variety of
organizations in applications, such
Nigeria. as natural language
processing, machine
learning, deep
learning, robotics,
and many others.
AI and the
Nigerian Code AI has several
advantages for
of Corporate
businesses, such as
Governance cost savings,
The Nigerian Code of Corporate improvements,
Governance (NCCG) provides operational
guidelines and principles for the efficiency, and
governance of Nigerian increased revenue.
companies. The NCCG aims to However, AI also
promote transparency, poses some challenges,
accountability, and good such as ethical
governance practices in Nigerian concerns, privacy
companies. However, the issues, data security,
emergence of AI technology has and job displacement.
challenged traditional
governance practices and raised 29
Navigating the Intersection of Artiicial Int elligence and Board
IO Directorship: Implications for Corporate Governance in
Nigerian Organizations

Artificial intelligence (AI) has to ensure that their data can also increase the risk
become a ubiquitous technology governance practices are of errors and security
in the modern business world. robust and comply with legal breaches. Companies need
AI has changed the way and ethical standards. to have robust risk
businesses operate and has Companies need to be management practices in
provided companies with new transparent about how they place to manage these
tools to enhance their collect, store, and use data risks.
competitiveness. The impact of to build trust with
AI on the board of directors and stakeholders. 5. Loss of Human Judgment
corporate governance has been
significant. With the advent of 2. Board Composition The use of AI can also lead
AI, the role of the board of to a loss of human
directors has become more The NCCG 2018 judgment. AI systems are
complex, and their decision- emphasizes the importance designed to make decisions
making process has been of board composition in based on data, but they
transformed. AI can be used to promoting good governance may not take into account
automate many governance practices. However, the the nuances of human
processes, which can improve emergence of AI has raised behavior or the emotional
efficiency and reduce costs. questions about the skills impact of decisions.
However, it can also raise ethical and experience required for
and legal concerns. A recent use board membership. 6. Impact on Employment
case implementation of AI is the Companies need to ensure
OpenAI ChatGPT. ChatGPT is that their boards have the The use of AI can also
currently being tested across the necessary skills and have an impact on
globe to improve the efficiency experience to oversee the employment. AI systems
and effectiveness of corporate use of AI technology. can automate many tasks,
governance processes. By leading to job
automating routine tasks and 3. Ethical and Legal Concerns displacement. This can
workflows, ChatGPT frees up have a significant impact
resources and enables decision- AI can raise ethical and legal on the workforce and the
makers to focus on strategic concerns, particularly in the community.
issues and value-added activities. context of decision-making.
Companies need to ensure
Implications of AI on that their AI systems are AI Considerations for
transparent, fair, and
corporate organizations unbiased. Companies also
Directors of Boards of
in Nigeria need to comply with legal Organizations in Nigeria
and regulatory requirements
The emergence of AI has for the use of AI. The board of directors plays a
significant implications for critical role in the governance
corporate organizations in 4. Risk Management and strategic direction of a
Nigeria: company. The board is
AI can be used to automate responsible for making
1. Data Governance many governance decisions that impact the
processes, which can company's long-term success,
AI relies on vast amounts of improve efficiency and such as setting strategic goals,
data to make decisions. This reduce costs. However, it hiring and firing executives,
means that companies need

Navigating the Intersection of Artiicial Int elligence and Board
Directorship: Implications for Corporate Governance in
Nigerian Organizations

and overseeing the company's monitor the company's Conclusion

financial performance. As such, operations more effectively.
the impact of artificial The board can use AI to AI has had a significant impact
intelligence (AI) on the board of monitor the company's on corporate governance
directors has been significant. financial performance, risk worldwide, and Nigeria is no
management, and exception. AI presents new
The following are key AI compliance with regulations. opportunities but also comes
considerations for directors of AI can identify potential with its challenges. While
organizations: issues and alert the board to evaluating the benefits of the
take action. technology to the organization,
1. AI increases Complexity of For example, AI can be used to companies need to ensure that
Decision-Making Process monitor the company's financial their data governance practices
performance in real-time, are robust, that their boards
The use of AI has increased allowing the board to identify have the necessary skills and
the complexity of the board's potential issues before they experience to oversee the use
decision-making process. AI become significant problems. AI of AI technology, and their AI
has enabled companies to can also be used to monitor the systems are transparent, fair,
collect and analyze vast company's risk management and unbiased. Companies also
amounts of data, which has practices and identify potential need to comply with legal and
provided the board with new risks, such as fraud, cyber- regulatory requirements for the
insights into the company's attacks, and data breaches. use of AI and have robust risk
operations. However, this management practices in place
has also increased the 2. AI improves Strategic to manage the risks associated
amount of data that the Planning with AI.
board needs to process, and
they need to understand how AI has enabled the board to
AI works to make informed improve the company's
decisions. strategic planning. The
board can use AI to analyze
For example, AI can be used market trends, identify
to analyze customer data and potential opportunities and
identify trends in customer threats, and develop a
behavior. This information strategic plan that takes into
can help the board to make account the company's
decisions about product strengths and weaknesses.
development, marketing, and
customer service. However, For example, AI can be used
the board needs to to analyze customer data and
understand how the data was identify trends in customer
collected, how it was behaviour. This information
analyzed, and what can help the board to
assumptions were made to develop new products and
arrive at the conclusions. services that meet customer
needs. AI can also be used to
2. AI improves Monitoring of analyze market trends and
Company Operations identify new opportunities
for growth.
AI has enabled the board to 31
Enhancing Board Effectiveness and Talent Management in President
IO Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Era: The Role of Human Resource Management

Enhancing Board Effectiveness and Talent

Management in President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Era:
e Role of Human Resource Management

-Dr Valerie Onyia Babatope

The Bola Ahmed Tinubu era The adoption of robust

has ushered in a new wave of governance frameworks,
governance and economic accountability measures, and
development in Nigeria. As transparency standards is
organisations strive to thrive in essential for organizations to
this transformative era, the thrive in this era of change. By
need to enhance board focusing on improving board
effectiveness and talent effectiveness and talent
management becomes management, organizations
paramount. This article delves can strengthen their
into the pivotal role of human governance structures and
resource management (HRM) foster sustainable growth.
in driving board effectiveness
and talent management and The Role of Human
explores strategies to optimize
Resource Management
organizational performance in
the Bola Ahmed Tinubu era. in Board Effectiveness
A. Selection and
The Evolving Landscape The Bola Ahmed Tinubu era development of competent
presents an opportune time for
of Corporate board members
organizations to reevaluate their
Governance corporate governance practices. One crucial aspect of

Enhancing Board Effectiveness and Talent Management in President
Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Era: The Role of Human Resource Management IO

board effectiveness is the 2. Strengthening Board organizations can

selection and development of Independence and enhance
competent board members. Oversight: Robust transparency,
HRM plays a pivotal role in governance requires accountability, and
identifying individuals with boards to exercise ethical decision-
the right mix of skills, strong oversight and making processes.
expertise, and diversity to act independently from
form a well-rounded board. management. The 3. Implementing Effective
By leveraging HRM's separation of board and Risk Management
expertise in talent acquisition management roles Strategies: Effective
and management, ensures checks and risk management is a
organizations can ensure that balances, reducing the cornerstone of good
the board comprises risk of conflicts of governance. Boards
individuals who bring unique interest. By establishing must be equipped to
perspectives and insights to independent board identify, assess, and
the decision-making process. committees, mitigate risks to

Importance of Board

1. Embracing Diversity for

Better Decision-
To thrive in today's
dynamic business
organizations must
foster diverse
perspectives on their
boards. Research by
McKinsey (2018) has
shown that diverse
boards lead to better
decision-making and
improved financial
Embracing diversity in
board composition,
including gender,
ethnicity, and expertise,
brings a variety of
viewpoints that enrich
strategic discussions
and enhance overall
effectiveness. 35
Enhancing Board Effectiveness and Talent Management in President
IO Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Era: The Role of Human Resource Management

protect organizational all levels, organizations

interests and build trust and uphold the
stakeholder value. integrity of their
Establishing risk governance practices/
management Lastly, effective governance
frameworks, including requires a strong
regular risk partnership between the
assessments, clear board and management.
reporting mechanisms, HRM can facilitate open
and proactive communication channels,
mitigation strategies, promote collaboration, and
enhances board align board and
effectiveness and management interests. By
safeguards against fostering a culture of trust
potential crises. and cooperation,
organizations can harness
the collective expertise of
The Role of Talent both board members and
management, leading to
Management in
more effective governance
Corporate Governance: practices.

Organizations thrive when they B. Strengthening Board 1. The composition of the

have a strong pipeline of Composition and board significantly influences
talented leaders. HRM plays a Succession Planning decision-making,
pivotal role in identifying high- organizational performance,
potential individuals, providing Ensuring the right composition and stakeholder trust. An
leadership development of the board is crucial for effective board comprises
programs, and nurturing future effective governance. HRM can individuals with diverse skills,
board members. By cultivating a contribute by conducting regular expertise, and perspectives,
culture of continuous learning assessments of the board's fostering a robust decision-
and professional growth, composition and identifying making process. HRM can
organizations can ensure a areas for improvement. contribute by conducting
sustainable supply of capable Additionally, HRM can facilitate regular assessments of the
leaders who can guide the robust succession planning board's composition,
organization through evolving strategies to ensure a smooth evaluating the mix of skills,
challenges. Ethical conduct and transition of leadership within knowledge, and experience.
accountability are also vital the organization (Reh, 2021). By identifying areas for
components of effective By nurturing a pipeline of improvement, HRM enables
corporate governance. HRM potential board members and organizations to address any
plays a crucial role in shaping an grooming future leaders, gaps and enhance the
organization's culture by organizations can maintain board's overall effectiveness.
developing and implementing continuity and drive long-term
robust codes of conduct, ethics success. 2. Succession Planning for
training programs, and Smooth Leadership
whistleblowing mechanisms. By Importance of Board Transitions: Smooth
promoting transparency, ethical Composition leadership transitions are
behavior, and accountability at critical for organizational

Enhancing Board Effectiveness and Talent Management in President
Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Era: The Role of Human Resource Management IO

comprises individuals who performance evaluation

bring diverse perspectives and processes for the board. By
relevant expertise. By actively utilizing their expertise in
engaging in succession performance management
planning, HRM nurtures a and measurement, HRM
pipeline of potential leaders professionals can ensure the
and prepares them for future evaluation process is fair,
board positions. HRM's efforts transparent, and aligned with
contribute to the continuity, the organization's goals and
stability, and long-term success values. Objective criteria,
of the organization. such as key performance
indicators (KPIs), can be
established to assess board
C. Enhancing Board members' contributions in
Performance Evaluation areas such as strategic
planning, risk oversight, and
Regular performance stakeholder engagement
evaluations are instrumental in (Charan, 2016).
identifying areas for
improvement and driving 2. Supporting Continuous
board effectiveness. HRM can Development and
design and implement Improvement: HRM plays a
continuity and long-term objective performance vital role in supporting board
success. HRM plays a vital evaluation processes that assess members' continuous
role in facilitating robust board members' contributions development and
succession planning and effectiveness. Tricker (2015) improvement. Constructive
strategies. By identifying opined that through constructive feedback, coaching, and
and nurturing potential feedback and continuous mentoring are integral to
board members and development initiatives, HRM fostering a culture of
grooming future leaders, can support board members in continuous learning and
HRM ensures a seamless enhancing their skills and growth. HRM professionals
transition of leadership knowledge, thereby enhancing can provide board members
within the organization. overall board performance. By with individualized
Through targeted systematically assessing board development plans, training
development programs performance, organizations can opportunities, and access to
and mentorship initiatives, identify areas that require resources that enhance their
HRM helps individuals attention and take proactive governance capabilities.
acquire the necessary skills measures to enhance board
and knowledge to assume effectiveness. The Role of Human
leadership roles effectively.
The Importance of
Resource Management
HRM plays a critical role in Performance Evaluation in Talent Management
strengthening board
composition and succession 1. Designing Objective A. Attracting and Retaining
planning. It leverages its Performance Evaluation Top Executive Talent
expertise in talent acquisition, Processes: HRM plays a
assessment, and development pivotal role in designing and Talent management is a
to ensure that the board implementing objective critical factor in driving 37
Enhancing Board Effectiveness and Talent Management in President
IO Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Era: The Role of Human Resource Management

organizational success. feedback, and recognizing complex business landscape.

HRM plays a vital role in and rewarding high HRM plays a pivotal role in
attracting and retaining top performers, HRM can drive designing and implementing
executive talent by employee motivation and objective evaluation processes,
designing competitive productivity. supporting continuous
compensation packages development, and improving
and providing opportunities Conclusion overall board performance. By
for professional growth. By leveraging HRM's expertise in
aligning talent management In the Bola Ahmed Tinubu era, performance management,
strategies with the organizations must embrace the organizations can foster a
organizational goals and imperatives of board culture of continuous
values, HRM can foster a effectiveness and talent improvement, strengthen board
culture of excellence and management to navigate the effectiveness, and ensure
innovation. dynamic landscape successfully. sustainable success.
By leveraging the expertise of
B. Leadership Development HRM, organizations can
and Succession Planning optimize their board's References
effectiveness, attract top talent,
Developing strong leaders and foster a high-performance Charan, R. (2016). The High-Impact
and ensuring smooth Board: What Nonprofit Boards Can Do
culture. The role of HRM in to Raise More Money and Impact More
leadership transitions are aligning board effectiveness and Lives. Wiley.
imperative for sustained talent management with Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. (2005).
success. HRM can identify organizational strategy is critical Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create
high-potential individuals in driving sustainable growth and Uncontested Market Space and Make the
within the organization and ensuring success in the Bola Competition Irrelevant. Harvard Business
School Press.
provide them with tailored Ahmed Tinubu era and beyond.
leadership development In the ever-evolving business McKinsey & Company. (2018).
programs. By nurturing Delivering through diversity. Retrieved
landscape, effective governance from
future leaders and creating is crucial for organizational
a robust succession success. Strengthening board functions/organization/our-
planning framework, composition and implementing Reh, J. (2021). Understanding
organizations can maintain robust succession planning Succession Planning. The Balance Small
stability and continuity in strategies are vital components
Business. Retrieved from
their leadership ranks. of effective governance. HRM's tanding-succession-planning-1919272
involvement in conducting Tricker, B. (2015). Corporate
C. Fostering a High- Governance: Principles, Policies, and
assessments, identifying areas Practices. Oxford University Press.
Performance Culture for improvement, and grooming
future leaders is instrumental in
A high-performance culture achieving these objectives. By
is the bedrock of ensuring the right composition
organizational success. of the board and facilitating
HRM plays a pivotal role in smooth leadership transitions,
fostering a culture of organizations can drive long-
accountability, engagement, term success and adapt to the
and innovation. By challenges of the future.
implementing effective Enhancing board performance
performance management evaluation is crucial for driving
systems, providing regular effective governance in today's

Ways a Company Director Can Become an Effective Leader in a
IO Disruptive Economy.

Ways a Company Director can Become an Effective

Leader in a Disruptive Economy.
-Orienru Igho Otejiri MIoD

effective leadership strategies

to navigate this disruption

Igho Orienru MIoD In this article, we will explore

CEO what it means to be an
ROHI Consulting effective leader in a disruptive
Tel:08029767226 economy, defining key terms and outlining strategies that
company directors can employ
to drive success.

The world of business is
continuously evolving, and An effective leader is someone who
the most successful can inspire and motivate their team
companies are those that to achieve shared goals, even in
can adapt to disruptive challenging situations. While guiding
their organizations through
economic environments.
challenging times, effective leaders
The global economy is also inspire their employees to reach
experiencing unprecedented their full potential. They are
disruption due to visionaries who can see the bigger
technological picture, understand market trends,
advancements, global and anticipate change. They are
competition, and changing knowledgeable, confident, possess
customer preferences. strong communication skills, and
These factors have createda can articulate their vision clearly to
challenging environment for their teams, building a culture of
businesses, and company collaboration, creativity, and
directors must adopt

Ways a Company Director Can Become an Effective Leader in a
Disruptive Economy. IO

key terms, let us explore the strong team of talented

Furthermore, effective leaders strategies that company directors individuals who share the
are able to create a sense of can employ to become effective company's vision and
purpose and direction for their leaders in a disruptive economy. values. In a disruptive
organizations, aligning their economy, a strong team is
team's objectives with the 1. Embrace Disruption: One critical. The leader must
organization's strategic goals. of the most important things ensure that each team
Effective leaders lead by a company director can do member has the necessary
example, and they possess a to be an effective leader in a skills and knowledge to
strong work ethic, a commitment disruptive economy is to contribute to the
to their team, and a willingness embrace disruption. This company's success,
to learn and adapt to change. means recognizing that because 'none of us is as
change is inevitable and that smart as all of us'. A strong
DISRUPTIVE the company must be team is more resilient and
prepared to adapt quickly. adaptable, and it is better
ECONOMY: Leaders who embrace equipped to face
disruption are more likely to challenges and seize
Disruptive economy refers to a
see opportunities where opportunities.
business environment
others see threats. They
characterized by significant and
encourage their team to be 4. Be Agile: In a disruptive
rapid changes, driven by
innovative and creative, and economy, agility is
technological innovation,
they are willing to take essential. Companies must
globalization, and shifting
calculated risks to stay ahead be able to pivot quickly to
customer choices. Disruption can
of the competition. respond to changes in the
lead to the creation of new
market. Effective leaders
markets, products, and services,
2. Develop a Clear Vision: In are agile and adaptable.
but it can also cause significant
a disruptive economy, it is They are willing to change
upheaval for existing businesses.
essential to have a clear course when necessary,
Disruptive economies offer
vision of where the company and they encourage their
opportunities for innovation and
is headed. This means team to do the same.
growth, but they also present
understanding the market, Leaders who are agile can
significant challenges for
the competition, and the spot opportunities quickly
companies that are not prepared.
company's strengths and and act on them before
weaknesses. A clear vision their competitors.
In a disruptive economy,
allows the leader to
companies must be agile and
communicate effectively with 5. Communicate Effectively:
adaptable to survive. Companies
their team, and it provides Effective communication is
that fail to keep up with the
direction and focus. A critical in a disruptive
changing landscape risk
company director who has a economy. Leaders must be
becoming obsolete. The
clear vision can inspire their able to communicate their
companies that succeed in a
team, gain their trust and vision, strategy, and goals
disruptive economy are those
confidence. clearly and persuasively.
that can adapt quickly to change,
They must also be able to
stay ahead of the competition,
listen to feedback from
and meet the evolving needs of
3. Build a Strong Team: their team and adjust their
their customers.
Effective leaders understand approach accordingly.
that they cannot achieve Effective communication
Now that we have defined the
success alone. They build a builds trust and confidence, 41
Ways a Company Director Can Become an Effective Leader in a
IO Disruptive Economy.

and it creates a sense of Technology is a significant disruptive economy,

unity and purpose within the driver of disruption in today's change is constant, and
team. economy. Effective leaders effective leaders must be
invest in the latest adaptable to thrive. They
6. Emphasize Innovation: In a technologies, such as are flexible and open-
disruptive economy, artificial intelligence, minded, willing to adjust
innovation is essential. machine learning, and their strategies when
Companies must be willing automation, to streamline necessary, and learn from
to experiment and take risks their operations and improve their failures. They also
to stay ahead of the productivity. They also anticipate change and have
competition. Effective recognize the importance of contingency plans in place,
leaders emphasize cybersecurity, data analytics, allowing them to respond
innovation and encourage and cloud computing, quickly and effectively to
their team to be creative and leveraging these tools to gain unforeseen circumstances.
think outside the box. They a competitive advantage.
reward risk-taking and CONCLUSION
celebrate successes, no 9. Build strong relationships:
matter how small. Leaders Effective leaders in a In conclusion, effective
who prioritize innovation disruptive economy prioritize leadership is essential to
create a culture of building strong relationships navigating the disruptive
continuous and never-ending with their customers, economy. Company directors
improvement, which is employees, and who can embrace
essential in a disruptive stakeholders. They disruption/change, foster a
economy. Also, effective understand the importance culture of innovation, invest in
leaders invest in research and of listening to their technology, build strong
development, create customers' needs, providing relationships, and remain
opportunities for learning personalized experiences, adaptable will be the ones who
and growth, and incentivize and delivering exceptional can succeed in this rapidly
employees to share their customer service. They also evolving business environment.
ideas and contribute to the foster a collaborative and By following these strategies,
organization's success. inclusive workplace, where directors can guide their
employees feel valued and organizations through the
7. Embrace change: Effective engaged, and are challenges of disruption, drive
leaders in a disruptive encouraged to share their growth and success for
economy embrace change as ideas and perspectives. themselves and their
an opportunity rather than a organizations.
threat. They are willing to 10. Be adaptable: In a
take calculated risks, invest in
new technologies and
innovations, and challenge
the status quo. They
understand that change is
inevitable, and by embracing
it, they can drive growth and
success for their

8. Invest in technology:

“The Future of Stakeholder Capitalism: Embracing Technology
IO and Connectivity for Stakeholder Engagement”

“e Future of Stakeholder Capitalism:

Embracing Technology and Connectivity for
Stakeholder Engagement"
-Mrs. Celine Okoroma-Vincent FIMC, ACIS, CMS

Executive Summary

This piece explores the evolving landscape of

corporate governance and the growing
recognition of the importance of stakeholder
engagement. It discusses the role of
technology in facilitating stakeholder
engagement for boards and corporations. It
discusses the potential of digital platforms,
social media, and data analytics in enhancing
communication, transparency, and
collaboration with stakeholders in an
increasingly interconnected world.


Corporate gover nance has long been

associated with maximizing shareholder value.
Celine is a Lawyer, Corporate However, the traditional shareholder-centric
Governance, and Compliance approach is under going a significant
transformation. In recent years, there has been
Professional. She is a Certified a growing recognition of the importance of
Management Consultant and a stakeholder engagement in the decision-
making processes of corporations. This shift
Fellow of the Institute of marks a turning point in the corporate
Management Consulting-Nigeria landscape, emphasizing a more inclusive
model that considers the interests of all
stakeholders, including employees, customers,
communities, and the environment.

For much of modern history, the primary goal

“The Future of Stakeholder Capitalism: Embracing Technology
and Connectivity for Stakeholder Engagement” IO

of corporations has been to when corporations could emphasizing the idea that
maximize shareholder value. operate in isolation; now, companies should create value
businesses must actively engage for all stakeholders, including
This approach places an with their stakeholders to build employees, customers,
emphasis on short-term profits trust, ensure transparency, and suppliers, local communities,
and returns to shareholders, foster collaboration. and the environment.
often at the expense of other
stakeholders. The primary No longer confined to This shift has been driven by
responsibility of corporate shareholders alone, various factors:
boards and executives was to corporations are recognizing the Changing Business
serve the interests of significance of actively engaging Landscape: Globalization,
shareholders, leaving other with customers, employees, technological advancements,
stakeholders with limited communities, investors, and the and interconnected markets
influence on decision-making environment. have made businesses more
processes. This approach was complex and interdependent.
driven by the belief that The Emergence of Corporations now operate in
shareholder value maximization an environment where the
Stakeholder Capitalism
would lead to overall economic interests of various
growth and prosperity. stakeholders are closely
In recent years, there has been a
intertwined and should be
growing realization that
In the fast-paced and prioritized.
corporations have broader
interconnected world of modern
responsibilities beyond just
business, stakeholder Increasing Public
financial returns to shareholders.
engagement has evolved from a Awareness: Societal
The concept of "stakeholder
mere formality to a strategic expectations and demands
capitalism" has gained traction,
imperative. Gone are the days have evolved, with stakeholders 45
“The Future of Stakeholder Capitalism: Embracing Technology
IO and Connectivity for Stakeholder Engagement”

placing more emphasis on on environmental impact, social

ethical business practices, initiatives, and board diversity. In the not-so-distant past,
environmental responsibility, stakeholders seeking
and social impact. Customers, TECHNOLOGY information about a
corporation would have to
employees, investors, and AS THE
communities are increasingly navigate labyrinthine websites
TRANSFORMATION or wade through lengthy
vocal about corporate behavior
and demand greater
CATALYST r e p o r t s . To d a y , d i g i t a l
accountability. platforms have revolutionized
The catalyst for this accessibility, centralizing
transformation lies in critical infor mation, and
Environmental, Social, and
technology, which has creating ecosystems of
Governance (ESG) Factors:
unleashed a new era of engagement. Whether
Investors and asset managers
stakeholder communication, through sleek online portals,
are increasingly considering
transparency, and user-friendly apps, or dynamic
ESG factors when making
collaboration. From digital websites, corporations are
investment decisions. They
platforms and social media to empowering stakeholders with
recognize that sustainable and
data analytics and virtual a one-stop-shop for real-time
responsible business practices
collaboration, technology is data, updates, and feedback
can lead to better financial
reshaping the way boards and mechanisms.
performance over the long
corporations interact with their
stakeholders, driving us towards These digital platforms are
a future where engagement is more than just repositories of
Legal and Regulatory
smarter, more inclusive, and information. They serve as
Developments: Some
more impactful than ever bridges of connectivity,
jurisdictions have introduced or
before. enabling stakeholders to
proposed legislation requiring
corporations to consider the engage in meaningful
Digital Platforms: Creating dialogues with corporations.
interests of all stakeholders. This
an Ecosystem of Customers can voice their
includes requirements to report
Engagement opinions, employees can
contribute ideas, investors can
track performance, and
communities can hold
corporations accountable for
their social and environmental
commitments. The result is a
dynamic exchange of ideas
that fosters mutual
understanding and builds trust
between stakeholders and

Social Media: Empowering

Stakeholder Voices

The rise of social media has

“The Future of Stakeholder Capitalism: Embracing Technology
and Connectivity for Stakeholder Engagement” IO

turned stakeholders into active patterns, leading to tailored M o r e o v e r, i t p r o m o t e s

participants in corporate marketing campaigns and inclusivity by accommodating
narratives. By leveraging social enhanced customer stakeholders who might face
media effectively, businesses can experiences. In the realm of geographical constraints or
directly engage with their employee engagement, data time differences. For instance,
stakeholders on a personal level. analytics can detect signs of virtual collaboration empowers
This level of interaction disengagement, enabling remote employees to actively
enhances brand promotion, corporations to take targeted participate in meetings and
customer support, and crisis actions to improve workplace decision-making processes,
management efforts. satisfaction and productivity. creating a more diverse and
engaged workforce.
Through social media, Virtual Collaboration:
corporations can showcase their Bridging Boundaries for The Benefits of Stakeholder
commitment to social and Meaningful Engagement Engagement in Corporate
environmental responsibilities, Governance
championing transparency and As globalization blurs
ethical practices. Additionally, geographical borders, virtual Shifting from a shareholder-
social media listening and collaboration tools have centric model to a stakeholder-
sentiment analysis tools enable emerged as essential enablers for inclusive approach offers
corporations to track inclusive stakeholder several benefits for
conversations and identify engagement. Video corporations and society:
emerging trends. This proactive conferencing, online webinars,
approach allows businesses to and virtual events break down Long-Term Sustainability:
engage with stakeholders in a physical barriers, allowing Engaging with stakeholders
timely manner, building trust and corporations to engage with enables corporations to identify
loyalty. stakeholders across continents in and address potential risks and
real-time. opportunities, leading to more
Data Analytics: Unleashing sustainable business practices.
the Power of Insights Virtual collaboration fosters
The volume of data generated regular interactions, facilitating Enhanced Reputation and
daily is staggering, but stronger relationships with Brand Value: Positive
harnessing this data through international partners, engagement with stakeholders
advanced analytics provides customers, and investors. can boost a company's
invaluable insights for
corporations seeking to enhance
stakeholder engagement. By
mining and analyzing data from
various sources, corporations
can uncover patterns,
preferences, and pain points that
guide personalized engagement

For example, data analytics can

help e-commerce companies
identify customer behavior 47
“The Future of Stakeholder Capitalism: Embracing Technology
IO and Connectivity for Stakeholder Engagement”

reputation and brand, attracting leading to increased employee thrive by putting their
customers and talented satisfaction and retention. stakeholders at the heart of
employees who align with the their operations and making a
organization's values. Innovation and Adaptability: positive difference in the lives of
Involving a diverse set of the people they serve.
Improved Decision-Making: stakeholders fosters innovative
Stakeholder engagement ideas and adaptability to The future of stakeholder
provides valuable insights from changing market conditions. engagement lies at the
diverse perspectives, leading to intersection of technology and
better-informed and more well- Conclusion connectivity. Embracing digital
rounded decisions. platforms, social media, data
analytics, and virtual
The shift from a shareholder-
Greater Innovation and collaboration opens up new
centric model to a stakeholder-
Adaptability: Engaging with vistas of communication and
inclusive approach marks a
customers, employees, and understanding for corporations
fundamental change in
communities fosters innovation and their stakeholders. As
corporate governance
and the ability to adapt to technology advances, so too
paradigms. Emphasizing the
changing market dynamics. will the potential for fostering
importance of stakeholder
sustainable, transparent, and
engagement recognizes that
Social and Environmental collaborative relationships.
corporations are part of a larger
Impact: Corporations that
ecosystem and have
consider the interests of all
responsibilities beyond
stakeholders can play a
shareholder returns. Businesses
significant role in addressing
that proactively engage with
social and environmental
stakeholders are likely to thrive in
challenges, contributing to a
an evolving business landscape,
more sustainable and equitable
fostering long-term
sustainability, innovation, and
social impact. As this paradigm
Enhanced Long-Term Value:
shift gains momentum, the
By considering the interests of all
future of corporate governance
stakeholders, companies can
promises to be more inclusive,
create sustainable business
responsible, and beneficial for
strategies that generate long-
both businesses and society at
term value and stability.
Risk Mitigation: Identifying and
By embracing the transformative
addressing stakeholder concerns
power of technology, boards and
proactively can help companies
corporations can chart a course
avoid potential Reputational and
towards a future where
legal risks.
stakeholder engagement is not
just a necessity but a powerful
Talent Attraction and
tool for innovation, growth, and
Retention: Companies that
meaningful impact in the world.
prioritize stakeholder welfare are
It is a future where corporations
more attractive to top talent,

IO Gender Stereotyping and Its Impact on Corporate
Governance: A Call for Equal Opportunities

Gender Stereotyping and Its Impact on Corporate

Governance: A Call for Equal Opportunities
-Mudiaga Aluya

Introduction recommendations to close the gap and the need for equal
opportunities in leadership positions across our public and
private sectors.
Gender stereotypes perpetuate biases
that hinder the progress of women in a
corporate environment; resulting in a Forms of Stereotyping
lack of diverse perspectives and
diminished organisational performance.
The culturally parochial nature of
Nigerians encourages this type of
unethical attribute. As Nigeria transitions
into administration, we must examine
the role it has played in inhibiting
corporate governance. By identifying
the key challenges associated with
gender stereotyping in corporate
governance, this paper aims to propose
actionable solutions for promoting
inclusivity and fostering gender equality.
It also examines the detrimental effects
of gender stereotyping on corporate
gover nance and highlights some

Gender stereotyping is an act of organisation is x-rayed below. administration.
preconceiving, usually
generalized views about how Nigeria's Fair Share of Postcolonial, Nigerian women
members of a certain gender do have continued to struggle for
or should behave, or which their rights and empowerment
characteristics they do or should in various spheres of life. They
Women have played various
have. They are meant to have participated in politics,
roles in the social, economic, and
reinforce age-long gender education, health, agriculture,
political development of the
norms, typically in a binary way; entrepreneurship, and civil
nation, from precolonial times to
that is feminine or masculine. It society. Some notable women
the present day. Women in pre-
has been an issue in the leaders include Funmilayo
colonial Nigeria were involved in
foreburner since time Ransome-Kuti, Margaret Ekpo,
occup a tions such a s food
immemorial. It can be descriptive Gambo Sawaba, Ngozi
processing, mat weaving,
or prescriptive. Okonjo-Iweala, Chimamanda
pottery making, and cooking.
Ngozi Adichie, Amina
They also had access to land
Descriptive is the belief of what a Mohammed, and many others.
through their husbands or
gender is like. Prescriptive belief Recording many successes.
parents and controlled the labour
is about how people of a specific
of younger family members.
gender should act and the Women in contemporary
Some women were also
attributes they should have. Nigeria face many challenges,
prominent in long-distance trade
Gender stereotyping cuts across such as poverty, illiteracy,
and acquired titles and wealth.
age, race, ethnicity, and violence, discrimination,
vocation. It is saddened that the corruption, and insecurity.
However, in colonial Nigeria,
corporate world which is a They also have to balance their
women's status and autonomy
civilized environment is not left multiple roles as mothers,
were undermined by the
out of this social-cultural wives, workers, and citizens.
introduction of cash crops,
misinterpreting/misrepresentati The worst form of
taxation, wage labour, and
on of gender and their discrimination against women
Christian missions. They resisted
capabilities. The impact on is shielding them from the
colonial policies through
corporate governance, board corridor of power.
protests, boycotts, and strikes.
room decisions, organisation
The most famous example was
per for mance, stakeholders' Stereotypes in the
the Aba Women's Riot of 1929
confidence in leadership, and the
when thousands of women rose Corporate World
long-term success of an
up against the British colonial

Source: 51
Gender stereotypes contribute to the gender pay gap, affecting the necessary connections for
the underrepresentation of women's advancement in career advancement. This
women in leadership roles within corporate governance. Biases exclusion from key networks
corporate firmament. that undervalue women's skills and mentorship programs can
Traditional gender roles often and contributions often result in impede women's professional
associate leadership qualities unequal compensation, growth and limit their visibility
with assertiveness, confidence, hindering women's career within organizations.
and decisiveness, which are progression. This gap not only
typically attributed to men. This undermines gender equality but Gender stereotyping can lead
bias creates a significant barrier also compromises the overall to implicit bias in decision-
for qualified women to access performance and success of making processes, influencing
executive positions, limiting the organizations. Proponents of recruitment, promotion, and
diversity of perspectives and performance evaluation.
impeding effective decision- Biased judgments can result in
making. This perception further missed opportunities to
emboldens those who are of the harness the talents and
view that a certain gender does a capabilities of women, leading
rigorous board room discussion to a less diverse and dynamic
and decision at the detriment of corporate governance
broader, diversified, and robust landscape. Recruiting the best
discussion occasioned by talent for any role is becoming
eminently qualified individuals more herculean. Gender
regardless of their gender. stereotyping will only lead to a
loss of both manpower hours
Gender stereotyping encourages and resources which in terms
a lack of heterogeneity in drain the scarce funding
composition and breeds "group available for recruitment.
thinking". Homogenous boards
limit the range of viewpoints, Lack of representation in key
leading to a narrow focus and committees is another
diminished innovation. Gender- consequence of gender
diverse boards have been proven stereotyping. This can lead to a
to enhance financial lack of representation of
performance and corporate women in key committees,
governance outcomes. Research gender pay parity have grown in such as audit or compensation
conducted in Canada shows that recent years advocating the need committees, which are crucial
gender diversity in boardrooms for equity and not necessarily for effective corporate
can improve organisational equality. governance. This exclusion
performance. The research limits diverse perspectives in
espoused the saying in the 1785 Gender stereotypes often restrict critical decision-making
William Cowper's poem The women's access to professional processes. Women are known
Task: “Variety is the very spice of networks and mentoring to be more sensitive, critical of
life, that gives it all its flavour.” In opportunities. Male-dominated issues, and better prepared for
this case, the boardroom. networks; “boy's club”, may boardroom meetings as opined
perpetuate the notion that by the research earlier
Gender stereotypes perpetuate women are less capable or lack mentioned. Giving more

opportunities will engender governance, leading to and drive meaningful change
holistic and sound deliberations underrepresentation of women within the organisation.
in the boardroom. in leadership positions, a lack of
gender diversity in boardrooms, Conclusion
Stereotypical perceptions of perpetuation of the gender pay
leadership style pose a threat to gap, limited access to networks Although there has been a
corporate governance. Gender and mentoring, implicit bias in significant increase in women's
stereotypes often associate decision-making processes, and participation in senior
assertiveness and dominance other challenges. In addressing management over the decade
with effective leadership, this issue, several solutions according to the Grant
favouring traditionally should be implemented. Thornton Report on Women
masculine traits. While issues of Organisations should adopt in Business, 2020, there is still
customer care, compensation, gender-neutral selection more to be done to close the
employee concerns, and users processes, diversity targets, and gap in boardroom
of services are feminine traits. transparent nomination representation and
These perceptions hamper the procedures to ensure a balanced participation. Gender
recognition and acceptance of representation of women in stereotyping poses significant
diverse leadership styles, such as leadership roles and on challenges to achieving gender
collaborative and inclusive corporate boards. Conducting equality in corporate
approaches. Each trait shouldn't gender pay audits, establishing governance. By implementing
be a standalone. Blending both transparent pay scales, and the solutions and
traits is a recipe for high promoting salary transparency recommendations highlighted
organisational performance and is crucial to bridging the gender above, organisations can
the company's board success. pay gap. create equal opportunities,
challenge gender stereotypes,
Lastly, gender stereotypes can Additionally, organisations and unlock the full potential of
influence performance should actively promote diverse perspectives.
evaluation processes, leading to inclusive networking events, Promoting gender equality in
biased assessments that mentorship programs, and corporate governance is not
undervalue women's training on unconscious bias to only a matter of social justice
contributions and skills. provide equal access to but also a strategic imperative
Performance evaluations form networks and support career for improved organisational
the basis for advancement in growth for women. performance, long-term
many public and private Implementing unconscious bias success, and stakeholder
organisations; predisposing training for decision-makers, confidence in the leadership of
those with wrong evaluations creating diverse committees, the organisation. In the words
not rise in the corporate ladder and fostering an inclusive of Jack Ma, “In the future
as and when due. This can have organisational culture are vital world, we will have a lot of
a long-term impact on career for mitigating biases and women leaders. Because in the
progression and opportunities promoting equal opportunities future, people will not only
within corporate governance. in corporate gover nance. focus on muscle and power,
Organisations should also offer but they will focus on caring
Recommendations flexible work arrangements and and responsibility”. The seed
engage male allies and for this foreseeable future is
Gender stereotypes can have a champions to challenge gender better sow.
significant impact on corporate stereotypes, promote diversity, 53
IO Social Capital In Organisations & Society

Social Capital in Organisations & Society

B.Sc. MBA, DBA (Swiss), ACIS, FCIB, FCA, CPFA (London), M.IoD.
Managing Consultant, NMA Consulting


The OECD defines Social the resources we gain from Social capital is a set of shared
Capital as “networks together existing and within a social values or resources that allows
with shared norms, values and network. individuals to work together in a
understandings that facilitate group to effectively achieve a
cooperation within or among Social capital therefore refers to common purpose. It can also
groups”. the institutions, relationships, be thought of as the potential
and norms that shape the quality ability to obtain resources,
Wikipedia defined Social and quantity of a society's social favours or information from
capital as "the networks of interactions. There are one's personal connections.
relationships among people evidences that togetherness is
who live and work in a crucial for societies to succeed Social Capital talks about the
particular society, enabling economically and for people you know; the people
that society to function development to be continuous. who know you and how they
effectively". Social capital is the glue that know you. Quite unfortunately,
holds the society. people think or behave like
Social capital can be defined as social capital is only needed on

Social Capital In Organisations & Society IO

weddings and burials. That is Measuring Social approaches, as well as case

why you see someone will not Capital studies. Qualitative and
have contacted you in ten years inductive methods include
but out of the blue sends you a trust, civic engagement, and
message: "Hello so and so, Measuring social capital may be community involvement.
long time, next Sunday is my difficult, but it is not impossible. Measures of trust in
son's pre-wedding. I need Social capital has been government, voting trends,
your support“. It is a concept measured in a number of memberships in civic
from social science that is innovative ways but a single organisations, hours spent
centered on our ability to "true" measure is probably not volunteering, tracing the
leverage social connections in possible or perhaps even history of state-society
order to solve problems, desirable. Several studies have relations and the pressures that
improve well-being, pursue identified useful proxies for strong community ties can
shared objectives, and take social capital, using different place on members. For
collective action. It is reciprocal types and combinations of example, "Old heads" who
and does not need money qualitative, comparative and provide wisdom and guidance
(especially in this virtually quantitative research to the young ones, using
connected world) to build. It just methodologies. survey and interview data,
needs being sensitive that newspaper readership,
people have emotions and that These include quantitative membership in choral
you cannot sneak into their lives methods in formal research societies, and football clubs
only when you need help. designs with use of control and confidence in public
H o w e v e r, i t i s n o t b u i l t groups, econometric analyses institutions.
overnight. calling on instrumental variables
and principal component 55
IO Social Capital In Organisations & Society

Types of Social Capital

Linking social capital refers to takes place. l Middle-level managers

relationships between people at can have strong
different hierarchical levels. l For instance, a connections with top-
Linking social capital develops footballer may be level managers.
horizontally between different introduced to an
socioeconomic groups. underprivileged boy. l Everyone is treated
The two may develop a equally and fairly.
l Linking creates ties relationship and hence
across groups, but those be able to leverage a far l Authority levels do not
that span different larger level of resources get in the way of
socioeconomic groups. than previously possible. friendship.
l Linking has been l People can be friends l Employees from a
associated with with anyone at an variety of levels can
increasing one's organisation. learn things from each
chances of upward other.
social mobility. l It does not matter what
position or level of l Employees can witness
l Those who are in similar authority they have. a variety of work styles.
socioeconomic groups
are often referred to as l MDs/CEOs can have l Employees must have
a 'Community'. strong connections with shared interests and
frontline employees. goals.
l It is outside of those
communities that linking

Social Capital In Organisations & Society IO

l Bridging social capital happens when

is when two teams employees from two l This might come from
across groups create groups achieve goals closely working with a
social capital. When together. colleague for years and
bridging is successful, developing a close
individuals in the two l For instance, a loan personal relationship
groups discover shared officer and an with them.
interests and goals and underwriter work l Alternatively, it might
work together to together to process come through sitting
achieve them. Bridging home loans. They work next to the same
is when two teams in two different person at each football
create social capital. A departments. One is in match, thereby
neighborhood retail, and one is in the developing a close
association that links up back office. But relationship.
with a Divisional Police together, as a social
Station is an example unit, they take care of l Typically, these bonds
of how bridging works. their customers. form through the
development of social
l The connection is l Since employees share ties.
'bridged' in the fact that interests and goals, it is
one person is easier for them to l Bonding is when a
introduced to another nurture relationships. team creates social
through an capital within the
intermediary. That l When two departments team, between its
intermediary is effective come together, they members.
'the bridge' that brings have the power to
the two parties achieve more goals as a l For instance, a graphic
together. group. design team might
work on a client print
l In this form of social Bonding social capital campaign together. Or
capital, there is greater describes the connections frontline retail
diversity. between similar groups of employees work
people that share the same together to take care
l Bridging brings two or characteristics, interests and of walk-in customers.
more people together goals. Bonding is the strongest
who would otherwise type of social capital as a close l Everyone on the team
not connect. relationship between two is working toward a
people is formed. common, clear goal.
l One of the important
aspects of bridging is l This might be age, l Employees have
that it is horizontal and hobbies, relationships, strong relationships
it develops between sports teams, or with their teammates.
people from the same another variable that
socioeconomic group. helps to create a bond l Working together in
between two people or the same department
l Successful bridging a group of people. makes teams more 57
IO Social Capital In Organisations & Society

efficient. nonprofit organisation, cheaply, than larger

you would benefit from all Companies.
l Employees bond over social capital types.
shared experiences and Bonding can help your l Zoom has allowed
common goals. individual teams run like a people from across
l Teams become well-oiled machine. socioeconomic groups
specialists in their work. Bridging can help you and demographics to
create partnerships with convene and
l Employees do not potential donors. And collaborate in virtual
nurture relationships linking can help you online world of
with employees from leverage strengths from meetings, workshops,
other departments. several departments. seminars, Church
service and E-learning.
l If employee personalities Social Media and Online
do not mesh well, it Social Networks through l Often, these individuals
negatively affects team internet has revolutionized social will develop friendships
morale. capital, effectively by creating a and relationships that
seemingly infinite number of extend beyond the
Which type of social social connections. For example: bounds of meetings.
capital should an
l Bolt, Uber and eBay Developing Social
organisation have? users are able to use Capital
social capital to make a
l Every organisation has its selection based on the
own culture and reviews of past users. Social capital is a by-product
o b j e c t i v e s . The same people of one's social networks and
contribute to social interpersonal relationships.
l The type of social capital capital by leaving their Growing and strengthening
you create will depend on own reviews later. these bonds among families,
your Company's unique friends, and colleagues will
n e e d s . l Social networking sites help build your access to social
such as Facebook capital. This can be achieved
l For instance, if you run a strengthen bonds based through:
small roofing business, on personal interests,
you would benefit most such as hobbies, past l Socializing.
from bonding social experiences, a shared
capital. Since your team hometown, or a previous l Keeping in touch with
works closely together, employer. friends and family.
they will learn to be more
e f f i c i e n t . l Social media is also a l Attending networking
primary source of social events.
l Your team may even capital for small business
thrive from a combination owners who can l Reaching out to old
o f t y p e s . showcase their products acquaintances.
and services online as
l For instance, if you run a effectively, if more l Forming social networks

Social Capital In Organisations & Society IO

that are diverse can also opposed to more formal

help you reach new and avenues. l It helps organisations
different types of people run smoothly.
who may have new and l Individuals with access
different types of to higher levels of social l It helps Companies
information. capital also report being improve employee
happier, in better health, retention.

Importance of Social and have increased

Capital levels of trust in a l The norms of
community as a result of reciprocity (I give, you
their positive give).
l Leveraging social capital
increases the flow of
l Interpersonal
information across
l Within organisations, relationships.
social connections.
such as businesses, high
social capital also fosters l A shared
l Opening doors and
trust, mutual respect, understanding.
spreading ideas.
and collaboration -
which, in turn, can lead l Cooperation and
l The well-known saying,
to increased productivity collaboration.
"it is not what you
and profitability.
know, it is who you
l A shared sense of
know," is a paradigmatic
l In the business world, identity.
expression of social
firms with a high degree
of social capital enjoy l A sense of belonging.
happier and more
l It has been found that
productive employees. l Strong social support.
many people have
found their jobs through
l It fosters trust between l Building social capital
word of mouth as
colleagues. 59
IO Social Capital In Organisations & Society

helps businesses tough time if they have

achieve ambitious friends at work. l Do they collaborate?
l Teams are more likely l Do they spend time
l Saves time by getting to collaborate and together outside of the
more projects done in a remain creative if they office?
shorter amount of time. have social connections
with each other, even l Do they complain about
l Prevents information when times are hard. colleagues?
silos by sharing
information and l Employees can simply l Are office politics
knowledge with other help each other laugh, rampant?
employees. remain positive, enjoy
and work more hours l Is there teamwork?
l Helps reduce workplace when they have some
conflict. form of social l Is there mutual respect?
l Makes employees feel relationship.
more supported. l Do you retain employees
l Overall, employees who or are they always
l Can help prevent feel socially connected quitting?
burnout. at work will have higher
levels of job satisfaction l If you see no desire for
l Allows for greater and engagement. communication or social
collaboration and interaction outside of
teamwork. Social Capital and work, you may notice
C o m p a n i e s poor cooperation at
l Helps employees work.
manage work stress.
How do you know if your l If you hear them
l Increases employee Company has high social complaining about
engagement. capital? colleagues, you may
notice there is a lack of
l Promotes a greater Taking a look at your mutual respect.
sense of well-being. employees' behaviour will
help you see if your business l Overall, this contributes
l Creates a more has low or high social capital. to a negative employee
inclusive workplace. Take for example: experience, which is bad
for productivity,
l Team members support l Examine the level of engagement, and
each other by sharing trust and reciprocity retention.
workloads and giving between your
advice. employees.

l Employees are more l Do they eat together?

likely to stay with a
Company through a l Do they cooperate?

Social Capital In Organisations & Society IO

How to Invest in Social


members. more work done in a shorter

Team building is one of the period of time and fosters
main pillars of social capital. It innovation and creativity in a
l Encourage employees to
helps employees get to know group setting. One way to do
have interpersonal
each other in a low-pressure this is to give each team
relationships with their
environment. Here are a few member different
ways to invest in team building responsibilities. This way,
exercises: they'll have to work together to
l Start meetings with a
light personal question complete a project. Here are
l Organising frequent some tips to help you with this:
for each of your co-
meetings between teams
workers, like “what did
can help with this. l Set aside a few
you do this weekend?”
dedicated brainstorming
l Organise quarterly hours each week so
l Host or ask someone on
workshops for the team employees can come
the team to plan an
to meet in person where up with new ideas
optional after-work
you strategize together together.
happy hour.
and play team building
games. l Assign co-owners to
Assign responsibilities
projects, so that people
l Host weekly video that boost collaboration from different teams
meetings can experience leading
between different Increasing collaboration between an initiative together.
departments. team members is essential to
building social capital. l Encourage a culture of
l Host monthly breakfast Collaboration helps teams get feedback.
meetings with all team 61
IO Social Capital In Organisations & Society

that shared values can create the group and to recruit

l Bring in unique more social capital for new members.
perspectives from other everyone.
departments. l Similarly, a group of
Challenges of Social corporate executives may
Align individual, team, Capital collude to manipulate
market prices and drive
and Company values out the competition.
Social capital is comprised of
Social capital is built on shared concepts such as "Trust", l The emergence of these
values. If team members do not "Community" and "Networks" kinds of groups can
align with Company values, which are difficult to quantify. decrease the overall
they will struggle to nurture The challenge is increased social capital of a
work relationships and would when one considers that the neighborhood or city.
be on the lookout for another quest is to measure not just the Residents and local
Company they will align with. quantity but also the quality of businesses suffer, and
One way to ensure your social capital on a variety of potential customers avoid
employees align with your scales. the area.
Company is to ask them in a
formal meeting or a survey l Social capital researchers l Even when social capital
what their values are. Here are aim to identify methods is used for productive
some questions you could use: and tools which can purposes, marginalized
quantify and qualify social people may not have the
l What do you think of capital to inform same social capital
our existing Company policymakers and resources as others in the
values? stakeholders to enable society, which can put
them to impact existing them at a disadvantage.
l Do you feel like we social capital and create
accurately reflect them in new ones which could l Such people can be shut
our current work? benefit people and out of opportunities
nations. because they lack the
l Which of our values do social capital and
you resonate most with? l Few existing long-standing network connections to
surveys designed to be introduced to
l Do you think we are measure "social capital“. powerful people or learn
missing any important about good
values? l Although there are distinct opportunities.
advantages to social
l What are your own capital, it can be used for l Employees must have
personal work values? manipulative or destructive shared interests and
purposes. goals.
Always make sure you connect
your projects and daily work l Nefarious groups, such as l Employees may not have
back to the Company values gangs and drug cartels, time to nurture
and the impact you are making. often use social capital to relationships with
Everyone should be reminded strengthen bonds within employees from other

Social Capital In Organisations & Society IO

departments or areas of expensive sport, with strict before and are able to identify
the business. entry requirements in some the fix. So rather than have an
cases. In turn, it has become engineer come in and fix a
l Authority levels may get known as a luxury sport that relatively straightforward
in the way of friendship. only the rich can play-acting as problem, it costs less.
a socialising ground for that
l Employees may stop socioeconomic group. Church Function: The local
nurturing relationships Church is undertaking a
with employees from Neighbours: Having social fundraising for a new Church
their own departments. capital with neighbours can building. As part of the
prove fruitful. Perhaps you run congregation, they take it upon
l If employee personalities out of milk or sugar. So instead themselves to invite friends and
do not mesh well, it of having to go to the shop, family and post on social media.
negatively affects team your neighbor may be willing to In turn, the Church benefits
morale. give you some. They may look economically from the free
after pets or children during marketing.
Social Capital vacation periods or
e m e r g e n c i e s . Pizza Boy: Let us say you order
pizza from the same place every
Knowledge: Another example time and end up seeing the
Golf: Often, business people of social capital is the transfer of same delivery boy each time.
go out onto the golf course as a knowledge. For instance, you You get chatting and become
way of networking, facilitating may have your oven break on good terms with them. From
business, and cementing social down whilst cooking a meal for the social capital that is formed,
ties. The issue with golf friends. They may have the pizza boy may give you
however, is that it is a rather experience with a similar issue some extras or a discount. At 63
IO Social Capital In Organisations & Society

the same time, you may be more c o n n e c t i o n s . References

willing to provide the pizza boy The idea is generally used to
w i t h a t i p . describe how members are able 1. Bryn Donovan, 2023.
Encycloppaedia Britannica
to band together in society to live
Shared Identity: When, two harmoniously. In business, social 2. Chamath Palihapitiya,
individuals share an identity, capital can contribute to a 2022. Annual Letter.
whether it is where they come Company's success by building a
3. Claridge, T., 2004. Social
from, religion, or hobbies, these sense of shared values and Capital and Natural
can connect them and create a m u t u a l r e s p e c t . Resource Management: An
bond that can act as a form of important role for social
capital? Unpublished
social capital. For example, we Thriving organisations take their
Thesis, University of
are more likely to help another social capital seriously. Their Queensland, Brisbane,
that we feel are similar to us. teams work together. Their Australia.
employees share a purpose and
4. Humnath Bhandari &
work toward common goals and Kumi Yasunobu, 2009.
Conclusion their Company functions Asian Journal of Social
s m o o t h l y . Science 37(3):480-510.

Social capital is a set of shared However, social capital can

5. Richard Machalek, Michael
W. Martin, 2015.
values or resources that allows manipulate people and destroy International Encyclopedia
individuals to work together in a order as is the case with drug of the Social & Behavioural
group to effectively achieve a cartels and Companies that team Sciences, Second Edition.
common purpose. It can also be up to drive out competition. 6. The Economic Times,
thought of as the potential ability 2023. English Edition.
to obtain resources, favours or
information from one's personal

Exploring the role of employers
in facilitating retirement savings
-Harrison Egbudy,
Project Management Support, Pension Funds Operators
Association of Nigeria

The role of employers in facilitating retirement savings in Nigeria is

crucial for ensuring the financial security of employees. In
Nigeria, employers are mandated by law (Pension
Reform act ,2014) to contribute to the
retirement savings of their employees,
employees are also mandated by the same
law to contribute a portion of the basic
salary towards their retirement savings.
The law stipulates that employer must
contribute 10% of the employee's
emoluments while the employee
contributes 8%.

When an individual gains employment,

the employee is expected to open an
RSA account with a Pension Fund
Administrator (PFA) of their choice within
six months of gaining employment.
Selecting a PFA is not to lightly. An RSA
account is a long-term investment, sometimes
spanning over three decades. An individual must
carefully consider who he takes his or her pension
journey with and ensure their contributions are kept
in the most capable hands.
Employers have a vital role in educating and
communicating with their employees regarding the
significance of retirement savings, the various
options available, and the advantages of long-term
planning. Employers can conduct workshops,
seminars, or training sessions to provide
employees with the necessary knowledge and
understanding of retirement savings. These
educational initiatives can cover topics such as
the power of compounding interest, 67
Exploring the role of employers in
IO facilitating retirement savings

retirement planning strategies, different organizations in their careers.

investment options, and the Nigeria. Some employers
potential risks and rewards choose to offer matching Ensuring a bright future starts
associated with different contributions as an additional with employers who play by the
retirement saving vehicles. incentive to encourage rules. It's crucial for them to
employees to save for follow regulations when it
In Nigeria, some employers retirement. These matching comes to retirement savings.
offer matching voluntary contributions can significantly That means promptly remitting
contributions as part of their boost employees' retirement contributions and staying on
retirement savings programs. savings as they effectively top of reporting requirements.
This means that for every double the amount voluntarily By taking a closer look at
voluntary contribution made by contributed. employer compliance, we can
an employee towards their gauge their dedication and
retirement savings, the Employers may offer flexibility sense of responsibility when it
employer will also contribute a and portability options for comes to helping employees
matching amount. Examining employees to transfer their save for retirement.
the prevalence and impact of retirement savings when Remember, when employers
employer matching changing jobs or transitioning step up, everyone's future
contributions provides insights to different employment shines a little brighter.
into the level of support arrangements. Understanding
provided by employers to the extent to which employers Employers can provide
enhance retirement savings in facilitate these options can additional support and
Nigeria. The availability of influence employees' ability to assistance to employees
employer matching maintain and grow their regarding retirement planning,
contributions varies among retirement savings throughout such as offering financial
planning resources, organizing
seminars or workshops, or
providing access to retirement
calculators. Exploring these
employer-led initiatives can
highlight efforts to empower
employees in making informed
decisions about their retirement

By exploring the role of

employers in facilitating
retirement savings in Nigeria,
individuals can identify areas for
improvement, promote best
practices, and ensure that
employers fulfill their
responsibilities in securing the
financial well-being of
employees in their retirement

About PenOp
Pension Fund Operators
Association of Nigeria
(PenOp) is an independent,
non-governmental, non-
political and non-profit
making body.

PenOp was established to

promote the operations of the
pension industry, provide for
self-regulation and ensure
that international best
practices relating to the
industry are observed by the
operators registered in
Nigeria. It is the umbrella
association for all the
L i c e n s e d Pe n s i o n F u n d
Custodians, Pension Fund
Administrators and Closed
Pension Fund Administrators
(PFCs, PFAs and CPFAs)
operating in Nigeria.

Its role internally, is to add

value to its members across all
levels; information,
remitted the sum of N103.5bn. education, visibility,
Unfortunately, many Nigerian networking, strategy, product
employers default on remitting The welfare of workers should be development, etc. Externally
employee pensions. This is the priority of every employer. its role is to increase the
illegal under the law. As of March Ensuring workers have a good awareness and visibility of the
31st 2023, the National standard of living post-retirement pension industry and enable
Pensions Commission should be at the forefront of an external stakeholders
(PENCOM) had fined defaulting employer's thinking, this means understand and participate in
firms N24.5bn in principal ensuring workers have pensions the development of this
payments of contributions and that pay our benefits when they financial sub-sector wherever
penalties for lost interest accrued are of age. Everyone including and whenever possible.
to employees. To encourage workers, employers and
compliance PENCOM regularly government all have
issues Clearance Certificates to responsibility to ensure pension
fir ms who remit employee regulations are being complied
pensions. In the first quarter of with. A wealthier worker means
2023, PENCOM issues 4,487 a wealthier state.
certificates to organisations who 69
Sights and Scenes at the 39th Annual General
Meeting of CIoD Nigeria held on Thursday 22nd
June 2023

Sights and Scenes at the 39th Annual General
Meeting of CIoD Nigeria held on Thursday 22nd
June 2023 71
Investiture Ceremony of the 18th President and Chairman of
the Governing Council of the Chartered Institute of Directors
Nigeria, Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo, LLM, F.IoD, held on,
Thursday the 14th of September 2023

Investiture Ceremony of the 18th President and Chairman of
the Governing Council of the Chartered Institute of Directors
Nigeria, Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo, LLM, F.IoD, held on,
Thursday the 14th of September 2023 73
A Cross Session of Participants at the CIoD Nigeria
Advance Company Direction Course held in London
in August 2023.

Courtesy Visit to the Doyen of Past President, Mr. Emmanuel
Ijewere, DFIoD led by the President, Alhaji Tijjani M. Borodo,
LLM, DF.IoD 75
A Cross Session of Participants at the CIoD Nigeria Chairman
and the CEO Summit Programme held in Canada in August

A Cross Session of Participants of Implant Training Programme
organized by CIoD Nigeria for Directors of Nigerite 77
The CIoD Nigeria 2023 Fellows Investiture held on Thursday,
19th October 2023

Sights and Scenes from the CIoD Nigeria Young Directors
Annual Conference held on Tuesday, 17th October 2023 79
The September 2023 New Members' Induction Ceremony
of 145 new members into the Chartered Institute of
Directors Nigeria held on Thursday, 21st September 2023

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28 Cameron Road, Ikoyi, Lagos 5, Bolo Street, D-line,
IBB Way, Maitama, Abuja, FCT Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, Ogun State Port Harcourt Rivers State.
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