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and assuming a rupture velocity of 3 km s-I and 32.

32. Slow-moving faults may have higher stress drops location and was well-determined and stable for
a depth of faulting of 15 km; this method is because they are more irregular and have had total moment results, yielding a range of 0.9 x
described by H. Kanamori et al. [Geophys. Res. more time to strengthen between events [H. Ka- loz7 to 1.1 x loz7 dyne-cm (K. Hudnut et a/,,
Len. 19, 2267 (1992)l. namori and C. R. Allen, in Earthquake Source ibid., p. 365.
25. L. K. Hutton et al., Calif. Geol. 33, 110 (1980). Mechanics, S. Das and C. H. Scholz, Eds. (Amer- 38. The radiated energy estimated with TERRAscope
26. R. Dokka and C. Travis, Geophys. Res. Lett. 17, ican Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1986), by the method described by H. Kanamori and
1323 (1990). vol. 6, pp. 5665741. co-workers (Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., in press) is
27. Y. Bock et al., Nature 361, 337 (1993); G. Blewitt 33. R. A. Harris and R. W. Simpson, Nature 360, 251 4.3 x loz3ergs, which corresponds to the energy
et al., ibid., p. 340. (1992); S. C. Jaume and L. R. Sykes, Science258, radiated by a ML 7.3 earthquake if ML did not
28. Some examples are the 1932 M 7.4 Cedar Moun- 1325 (1992). saturate. See also H. Kanamori and colleagues in
tain, Nevada, the 1932 M 7.5 Chang Ma, China, 34. The rate of earthquakes from 1945 to 1984 has (24).
the 1891 M 8 Nobi, Japan, the 1954 M 7.2 been compared with that from 1985 to the sum- 39. We thank D. Agnew, A. Densmore, J. Dolan, K.
Fairview Peak-Dixie Valley, Nevada, and the 1957 mer of 1992. The rate of occurrence of > M 4 Gross, D. Jackson, S. Larsen, M. Lisowski, M.
Gobi-Altai, Mongolia, earthquakes. earthquakes did not change, but the relative Rymer, Z. Shen, and J. Svarc for helpful discus-
29. This similarity is based on the assumption that the distribution of magnitudes changed significantly, sions and assistance. We also thank the seismic
average depth to the base of the fault zone is the with larger earthquakes more common in the later analysts of the Southern California Seismo-
maximum depth of aftershocks, 15 km. period. This difference implies an increase by a graphic Network who have processed the
30 These events include the 1979 M 6.5 Imperial factor of 6, to 12% per year, in the probabilities of Landers earthquake data, including R. Dollar, R.
Valley, the 1984 M6.2 Morgan Hill, the 1986 M5.9 a M 7 earthquake in southern California. Geary, D. Given, W. Huston, S. Perry-Huston, R.
North Palm Springs, the 1987 M 6.6 Superstition 35. D. C. Agnew and L. M. Jones, J. Geophys. Res. Robb, and L. Wald. Data collection and process-
Hills, and the 1989 M 6.9 Loma Prieta earth- 96, 11959 (1991). ing partially supported by the Calfech Earth-
quakes. 36. L. M. Jones, Eos 73, 357 (1992). quake Research Affiliates Emergency Earth-
31 However, the three well-known major San An- 37. From Global Positioning System data collected at quake Fund and by the Southern California
dreas earthquakes (1857, 1906, and 1989) did 13 sites by the U.S. Geological Survey, Southern Earthquake Center (contribution number 25),
not produce large off-fault aftershocks and had California Earthquake Center, and the California which is funded by the National Science Foun-
small aftershock sequences compared with those Department of Transportation; processed by the dation and the U.S. Geological Survey. Addition-
of other California events [low value of a in the U.S. Geological Survey and the Southern Califor- al support from Division of Geological and Plan-
equation in ( I t ? ) ] . Therefore, strong concerns nia Earthquake Center. The inversion was tested etary Sciences, California Institute of Technolo-
about off-fault aftershocks may be unwarranted. for slip on a four-segment geometry with varied gy (contribution number 5217).

A Nickel Metal Hydride Battery of EVs compared with IC-powered vehicles.

First, EVs are emission-free: they produce

for Electric Vehicles no pollution during operation. This quality

is particularly important in city centers
where congested automobile traffic is the
S. R. Ovshinsky, M. A. Fetcenko, J. Ross primaw source of local air ~ollution.The
overall'unwanted emissions ;hat result from
Widespread use of electric vehicles can have significant impact on urban air quality, combustion of fossil fuels for the generation
national energy independence, and international balance of trade. An efficient battery is of electricity are also far less per mile of EV
the key technological element to the development of practical electric vehicles. The sci- travel than the emissions produced directly
ence and technology of a nickel metal hydride battery, which stores hydrogen in the solid by a fossil fuel-powered car. This fact,
hydride phase and has high energy density, high power, long life, tolerance to abuse, a discussed in detail in a study by the Electric
wide range of operating temperature, quick-charge capability, and totally sealed mainte- Power Research Institute (EPRI) ( l ) , re-
nance-free operation, is described. A broad range of multi-elementmetal hydride materials sults from the sophisticated emissions con-
that use structural and compositional disorder on several scales of length has been trols that can be used economicallv, bv,
engineered for use as the negative electrode in this battery. The battery operates at large, efficient, central power-generation
ambient temperature, is made of nontoxic materials, and is recyclable. Demonstration of facilities. Second, the EPRI study also de-
the manufacturing technology has been achieved. tails how the primary energy efficiency of
electric transportation can exceed the effi-
ciency of gasoline-powered vehicles in
many instances. For example, the study
T h e interest in electrically powered vehi- Recently, U.S. federal and state govern- shows that electric-powered commercial
cles extends nearly as far back as interest in ments have been providing an impetus for fleet vans that are used in urban areas have
vehicles powered by hydrocarbon fuels. the development of an EV industry through a significant advantage in energy efficiency
Throughout this period, however, there has legislation aimed at increasing national en- over their gasoline-powered counterparts,
been a major technological barrier to the
development of practical electric vehicles
ergy independence and reducing the impact
of automobile emissions on the environ-
traveling about 1100 miles Der barrel of oil
consumed at the power plant compared
(EVs) that can compete in performance and ment. California has passed laws that de- with 620 miles Der barrel of oil refined into
cost with those that use internal combus- mand that 2% of new cars sold in 1998 be gasoline. This difference results primarily
tion (IC) engines. This barrier has been the emission-free, and this percentage is slated from the higher energy efficiency of power
lack of an economical battery with suffi- to grow to 10% by the year 2003; 12 eastern plant combustion-approximately twice as
cient energy density and other essential states are planning similar laws. A compre- high as combustion of gasoline in an IC
performance criteria. In this article, we hensive energy bill passed by Congress con- engine in urban traffic. Third, conversion
describe the science and technology of a tains a tax credit for EV buyers. This bill from cars directly powered by fossil fuel to
nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery that also requires state and federal governments ones powered by electricity can shift the
will permit future EVs to replace IC-pow- to purchase alternative-fuel fleet vehicles, choice of hydrocarbon fuels that are con-
ered vehicles in many applications. with the percentage of new, cleaner fuel sumed in the United States from oil to coal
vehicles growing to 90% by the year 2000. and gas. This change could possibly reduce
S. R. Ovshinsky and M. A. Fetcenko are at Energy It is expected that EVs will make up an the oil imports and, consequently, reduce
Conversion Devices, Inc., 1675 West Maple Road, increasing portion of alternative fuel vehi-
Troy, MI 48084. J. Ross is in the Chemistry Depart- the U.S. trade imbalance and the strategic
ment, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94305, and cles as the market grows. vulnerability of its energy supply. Photovol-
consultant to Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. There are several important advantages taic and other renewable energy sources are
176 SCIENCE VOL. 260 9 APRIL 1993
also increasingly available to generate pol- mechanical integrity and surface morphol- written as NiOOH. At both electrodes,
lution-free electricity for EVs. ogy of the electrode as a result of dissolution oxidation-reduction reactions take place in
In response to the need to develop a and recrystallization and of its reduced elec- an alkaline medium consisting of 30% by
practical battery for EVs, the U.S. federal trical conductivity in the oxidized state are weight KOH in water. During charge, the
government authorized the establishment sources of many of the performance defi- Ni(OH)2 electrode is oxidized and the MH
of the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium ciencies in these systems. electrode is reduced. As a result, water is
(USABC) in 1990. Under the aegis of the The MH electrode, by contrast, uses a separated into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions,
Department of Energy, USABC brings to- chemical reaction that reversibly incorpo- with hydrogen reacting with the metal in
gether Chrysler, Ford, General Motors rates hydrogen into a metal alloy. In this the negative electrode to form MH. At the
(GM), and EPRI to sponsor research and oxidation-reduction reaction both chemical positive electrode, the hydroxyl ion reacts
development of EV batteries. Although states are metallic, and so electrical con- with the Ni(OH), electrode to form
energy density is one of the most important ductivity is high in both the charged and NiOOH. This reaction results in a change
requirements for an EV battery system, discharged states. Furthermore, the small in the Ni oxidation state from +2 to +3.
USABC has identified a number of other size of the hydrogen atom allows it to enter The half-cell reactions on charge and dis-
battery criteria as necessary for the devel- the metal lattice during formation of the charge of the battery can be written as
opmenr of economically viable EVs (Table hydride (reduced) state with only about
1 provides the primary midterm goals of 10% volumetric expansion and without the Charge
USABC). Ovonic Battery Company changes in crystallography associated with M + H 2 0 + e- # MH + O H - (1)
(OBC), a subsidiary of Energy Conversion oxidation and reduction of the Cd, Zn, or Discharge
Devices, has received the first contract from Fe electrodes.
USABC toward the continued develop- In effect,the MH negative electrode can
ment and fabrication of the company's pro- be regarded as a matrix for the chemical
prietary NiMH batteries and has agreed to incorporation of the hydrogen atom. In the
establish EV battery production facilities. Ovonic NiMH battery, we have exploited
OH- # NiOOH + H 2 0 + e- (2)
In this article, we describe the science the ability of this matrix to be engineered
and technology of the Ovonic NiMH bat- through the use of multi-element alloys, As a consequence of reactions 1 and 2,
tery, with emphasis on the materials sci- using compositional and structural disorder there is no net change in electrolyte quan-
ence aspects of the metal hydride (MH) to produce materials with desirable battery tity or concentration over the charge-
electrode and their effect on battery perfor- properties. discharge cycle. This result contrasts with
mance (2). The MH electrode offers an other alkaline electrolyte systems such as
important opportunity for materials engi- Cell Reactions NiCd where water is generated at both
neering and optimization when compared electrodes during charge and consumed at
with negative electrodes for other nickel- The NiMH battery, which has a nominal both electrodes during discharge. Al-
based battery systems. In these other sys- voltage of 1.2 V, stores hydrogen as a though transient electrolyte concentration
tems, the negative electrode (Cd, Zn, or reaction product in the solid hydride phase, gradients can occur in the NiMH battery,
Fe) is typically fabricated from relatively unlike the nickel-hydrogen battery that its constant average concentration has the
pure elemental metals, and the oxidation- stores hydrogen as a high-pressure gas. The important consequences of good overall
reduction reactions associated with battery negative electrode of a conventional NiMH performance in gas recombination, kinet-
charge and discharge convert the electrode battery consists of a hydrogen storage ma- ics, high- and low-temperature operation,
back and forth between a metal and a metal terial (3-5) that can allow electrochemical and resistance to cycle-life limitations pro-
oxide that is a poor electric conductor. This storage and release of hydrogen during bat- duced by corrosion and swelling.
type of chemical reaction can be undesir- tety charge and discharge processes. The
able in a practical battery design because of nickel hydroxide positive electrode (6-9) Material Requirements
accompanying changes in the physical is electrochemically reversible between
properties of the electrode. Changes in the Ni(OH), and nickel oxyhydroxide, usually The MH materials used for an NiMH
battery electrode must satisfy an extensive
Table 1. Primary USABC midterm performance goals for the EV battery and actual performance of
list of requirements. Above all, the
the current OBC NiMH battery. DOD, depth of discharge. amount of hydrogen that the MH material
can absorb determines the electrochemical
Property USABC OBC storage capacity of the electrode and, con-
sequently, the energy storage capacity of
Specific energy (Wh kg-') 80 (100 desired) the battery. It is desirable to have high
Energy density (Wh per liter) 135 electrode storage capacity that is electro-
Power density (W per liter) 250
Specific power (W kg-')
chemically reversible. To ensblre severs-
150 (>200 desired)
(80% DOD in 30 s) ibility, an important aspect of-the MH
Cycle life (cycles) (80% DOD) design is the range of metal-to-hydrogen
Life (years) bond strengths, which must be about 6 to
Environmental operating
12 kcal mol-'. If the bond strength is too
weak, hydrogen will not react with the
Recharge time c 6 hours 15 min (60%)
alloys and will be evolved as a gas. If the
c 1 hour (100%)
Self discharge ~ 1 5 %in 48 hours c 10% in 48 hours bond strength is too large, the MH elec-
Ultimate projected price <$I50 $200 trode is extensively oxidized and does not
(dollars per kwh) store hydrogen reversibly.
(10,000 units at 40 kwh) Even with an optimally adjusted metal-
'A specific energy of 80 Wh kg-' and an energy density of 215 Wh per liter have been achieved in a laboratory hydrogen bond strength, the problem of
prototype, with 50-Ah cells under a discharge rate at which the battery energy capacity is exhausted in 3 hours. electrode oxidation in the MH battery
remains. The NiMH battery operates in a verse polarity, hydrogen is generated at the charge and discharge reaction rates and gas
strongly oxidizing medium composed of a Ni(OH), electrode and must be recom- recombination (Al, Mn, Co, Fe, and Ni);
high-concentration alkaline electrolyte. bined at the surface of the MH electrode to or impart desirable surface properties such
Because many chemical elements react to form water. In a sealed system, these gas as oxidation and corrosion resistance, im-
form oxides in an alkaline electrolvte. , , it recombination reactions must occur at suf- proved porosity, and electronic and ionic
follows that if these elements are used as ficient rates to avoid pressure buildup. This conductivities (Cr, Mo, and W). The wide
electrodes, they will oxidize and fail to condition requires adequate electrode area, range of physical and chemical properties
store hydrogen reversibly. In addition, a thin electrolyte film, and, for the hydro- that can be produced in these alloys allows
MH electrodes are typically designed for gen absorption process, catalytic activity at the MH battery performance to be opti-
use in totally sealed batteries where oxy- the MH electrode surface to promote rapid mized.
gen recombination occurs at their surfac- dissociation of hydrogen. Compositional and structural disorder
es. In this aggressively oxidizing environ- on a long-range length scale is used in the
ment, oxidation and corrosion resistance Chemical and Structural Disorder bulk of Ovonic MH alloys to give consid-
of MH electrode materials is critical. Be- in Engineered Materials erably higher hydrogen storage and better
cause some oxidation at the metal-electro- kinetics than possible in the conventional
lyte interface is inevitable and because The diverse properties required for a supe- MH alloy structures, which are composi-
both passivation and corrosion can have rior MH battery electrode can be attained tionally ordered and crystalline. The pro-
adverse effects on battery performance, by the engineering of new hydrogen storage cessing of disordered alloys can be opti-
these unwanted processes must be con- materials on the basis of the concepts of mized to produce polycrystalline, composi-
trolled in a practical NiMH electrode structural and compositional disorder (2, tionally multiphase material. Figure 1
" 10-1 31. Com~ositionaland structural dis- shows a scanning electron micrograph of a
Another consideration in the use of order is designed into the new MH materi- representative bulk region of a typical V,
hydride materials in NiMH batteries relates als on three different length scales through Ti.. Zr.. Ni.. and Cr Ovonic MH allov.
to electrochemical kinetics and transport the use of elemental composition and pro- Electron backscattering imaging was used to
processes. The power output of the battery cessing techniques of alloys and electrodes. produce visual contrast between regions of
depends critically on these processes. Dur- The length scales over which disorder is the alloy that have different elemental com-
ing discharge, hydrogen stored in the bulk created can be designated: local (or atom- positions. This material contains five major
metal must be brought to the electrode ic), which comptises regions with dimen- distinct com~ositional~hasesas determined
surface by diffusion. "The hydrogen must sions up to a few nearest-neighbor atomic by energy-dispersive x-ray analysis. In addi-
then react with hydroxyl ions at the metal- distances; intermediate range, which com- tion, it has been determined separately by
electrolyte interface. As a consequence, prises regions typically about 10 to 20 nm x-ray diffraction that the alloy contains
surface properties such as oxide thickness, and extending up to about 100 nm; and three crystal structures: body-centered-cu-
electrical conductivity, surface porosity and long range, which involves regions with a bic (bcc), hexagonal, and 14CLaves crystal
topology, surface area, and degree of cata- dimension larger than about 100 nm. Dis- structures. From synthesis and characteriza-
lytic activity affect the rate at which energy order on each of these length scales is used
tion of seDarate. individual ~hasesof a
can be stored in and removed from the to achieve different goals in the engineered particular alloy, we conclude that the bcc
NiMH battery. alloys. structure can react to store large quantities
For the battery to operate as a sealed This approach allows one to consider a of hydrogen (2.5% by weight) but lacks
system, it must also tolerate the conse- range of alloys for electrode materials con- sufficient catalytic activity to be discharged
auences of chemical reactions that occur taining elements that, if used alone, would at the required rates for battery applica-
during cell overcharge and overdischarge. be unacceptable for thermodynamic rea- tions. On the other hand, surrounding
In overcharge, oxygen gas is generated at sons. in articular oxidation or corrosion. phases that may store less hydrogen but
the Ni(OH),-positive electrode and must ~ m i the n elements
~ that become available exhibit greater catalytic activity can effec-
recombine with hydrogen at the MH elec- for alloy formation in disordered electrode tively "channel" the hydrogen for rapid
trode to form water. In overdischarge, materials are Li, C, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, electrochemical discharge (12).
which occurs when a low-capacity cell in a Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Intermediate-range structural and chem-
series-connected string is subjected to re- Sn, La, W, and Re. The list contains ical disorder plays a number of important
elements that can increase the number of roles, primarily at interfaces both within
hydrogen atoms stored per metal atom (Mg, the bulk of the MH electrode and at the
Ti, V, Zr, Nb, and La). Other elements electrode-electrolyte interface. Formation
allow the adjustment of the metal-hydrogen of the polycrystalline, compositionally mul-
bond strength (V, Mn, and Zr); provide tiphase bulk alloy gives rise to a high
catalytic properties to ensure sufficient density of grain boundaries between com-

Fig. 2. Scanning transmission

electron micrograph of the metal-
electrolyte interface of an Ovonic
MH battery electrode that shows
the structure of the engineered
multiphase bulk alloy and surface
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph of a bulk
region of an Ovonic MH battery electrode that
shows compositionally and structurally disor-
dered multiphase alloy regions. Scale bar, 10
positional and structural phases (for exam- gives rise to increased electrode surface area through the incorporation into the MH
ple, Fig. 1). The intermediate-range disor- and microporosity and thereby increases alloy of elements that generate new chem-
der that occurs at the grain boundaries charge acceptance. Chromium is used to ically active sites. These sites offer an in-
increases surface area, which can greatly limit the unrestrained corrosion of V and to creased variety of hydrogen bonding possi-
increase the density of catalytic sites. At control the alloy microstructure. bilities and enhanced rates as a result of
the electrode-electrolyte interface, disorder Zirconium contributes the important increased catalvsis. Incomoration of ele-
on a length scale of approximately 10 to property of controlled hydrogen embrittle- ments with multidirectional d orbitals in-
100 nm is created during electrode process- ment, which leads to high surface area and, creases the range of stereochemicalpossibil-
ing and activation by the exploitation of hence, to fast cell reactions. However, ities for bonding hydrogen, as confirmed by
chemical properties that are traceable to because excessive embrittlement can pro- the increased amount of hydrogen absorbed
the elemental constituents of the MH allov. duce mechanical disintegration of the elec- and by increased catalytic activity. These
The high-magnification scanning transmis- trode that leads to poor electrical conduc- effects also occur to a lesser extent with
sion electron micrograph of the electrode- tivity, high polarization, and low charge- elements containine f orbitals that extend
electrolyte interface in Fig. 2 shows the recharge cycle life, one must control this in still more directi'bhs than d orbitals but
presence of disorder on all three length property carefully in designing the electrode that are closer to the nucleus of the metal
scales but is particularly useful in illustrat- allov.
- - atom and, therefore, are less accessible.
ing the intermediate-range structural and Nickel serves several functions in the Local compositional disorder is also used
com~ositionaldisorder that occurs in the alloy. First, NiH has a weak bond strength. to adjust the metal-hydrogen bond strength
engineered oxide layer that forms on the The bond strengths of elemental Ti, Zr, in the MH alloy. Measurements of equilib-
Ovonic MH electrode. and V with hydrogen are too high for rium hydrogen pressure versus MH hydro-
The basic Ovonic MH electrode typical- electrochemical applications. However, gen concentration at 30°C are shown in
ly contains elements such as V, Ti, Zr, Ni, formation of alloys from these elements in Fig. 3 for a series of multicomponent MH
and Cr. Although the alloy is a system with various concentrations with Ni allows con- alloys in which the ratio of V to Zr is
many characteristics such as MH bond trol of the alloy bond strength as was systematically varied. The equilibrium hy-
strength that depend on interactions among discussed earlier. Second. Ni is a catalvst drogen pressure, p, in these measurements
the elemental constituents, some alloy for dissociation of H, and subsequent ab- is related to the change in Gibbs free
properties are influenced by the chemistry sorption of atomic H into the alloy. Third, energy, AG, which occurs for the reaction
of individual components. The primary role Ni is resistant to oxidation. The combina- between gaseous hydrogen and the hydro-
of V, Ti, and Zr in the alloy is hydrogen tion of Ni with Zr, V, and Ti makes the gen storage alloy to form MH. This value
storage. All three elements, rather than just alloy more resistant to oxidation and pro- can be written:
the least expensive (Ti), are used in the duces oxide films at the electrode-electro-
AG = AH - TAS = RT In p (3)
allov for several reasons. Titanium and Zr lyte interface that contain regions of metal-
form thick, dense, passive oxides in alka- lic Ni. These regions help provide the Because the entropy tern, TAS, is small at
line solutions, whereas V forms soluble necessary electrical conductivity and cata- room temperature compared with the en-
oxides. These chemical characteristics are lytic activity in the oxide film. The inter- thalpy change, AH largely determines AG.
used in the preparation of the Ovonic MH face is characterized by a heterogeneous Thus, determination of p provides a mea-
electrode during the electrochemical acti- oxide region (Fig. 2) rather than a sharply sure of AH, which is related to the metal-
vation step in which soluble oxides are defined homogeneous oxide film. We be- hydrogen bond strength. In Fig. 3, varia-
intentionally corroded to produce interme- lieve that this disordered oxide reeion" is tions in the ratio of V to Zr eive rise to the

diate-range structural disorder. This change microporous and contains electrically con- observed changes in p for a given hydrogen
ductive Ni regions that can catalyze the concentration in the MH alloy. This result
electrochemical discharge reaction (14). indicates that these compositional varia-
Compositional disorder on the atomic tions have changed the metal-hydrogen
scale is used to increase hydrogen storage bond strength.
capacity and improve catalytic activity
Status of the Ovonic Battery
The storage capacity of current and future
Ovonic MH electrodes is shown in Fig. 4,
along with the storage capacity of current and
improved conventional LaNi,, or "misch-
metal," MH electrodes. The latter materials
are frequently referred to as misch metal be-
cause they are traditionally made from a mix-
ture of naturally occuning rare-earth elements
that can include Ce, La, Nd, and Pr. The
Fig. 3. Equilibrium hydrogen pressure versus data for current electrodes were obtained from
hydrogen concentration (percent by weight) electrochemical half-cell measurements of
at 30°C for a series of Ovonic MH electrode commercial Ovonic and misch-metal battery
alloys. Data show how variation in alloy com- electrodes, as described in (I I). Data for
position may be used to control metal-hydro-
gen bond strength. The MH alloy composi-
projected misch-metal electrodes are from
tions shown here, expressed as atomic per-
' Ovonic ' Misch-metal (15) and are based on electrochemical half-
cent, are (A) (V21Ti15Zr15Ni,lCr6C06Fe6),(B) Fig. 4. Comparison of the charge storage ca- cell measurements of prototype materials.
( V 1 5 T i 1 5 Z r 2N
, i3,Cr6Co,Fe,), (C) pacity of present (shaded bars) and projected .-
Data for ~roiectedOvonic MH electrodes are
(V,,Ti, 5Zrl,Ni31Cr6Co,Fe,), a n d (D) (solid bars) Ovonic MH battery and misch- based on electrochemical measurements of
(V15Ti15Zr2,Ni2,Cr5C05Fe,Mn,). metal (LaNi,) electrodes. advanced laboratory thin-film materials.
The USABC contract contains three cant deficiency. In addition, the operating vehicle can be used to establish a bench-
main program goals: a scale-up from small temperature of the battery is approximately mark for conversion of battery energy den-
portable cells (1 to 5 Ah) to large EV cells 300°C, which must be maintained at all sity to vehicle range (19) for EVs of this
(50 to 250 Ah), an increase in energy times because the battery can withstand type. The data from GM show that their
density from 56 to 80 Wh kg-', and the only a few cycles of cooling and heating. vehicle will travel 180 km (113 miles) with
construction of series-connected battery The presence of molten sodium and sulfur is a battery that stores 13.5 kwh. For a
modules to produce the voltages required for potentially hazardous, and corrosion has battery of the same weight, the current
EV propulsion (180 to 320 V). The perfor- limited the reliability and life of prototype Ovonic NiMH technology will, therefore,
mance capabilities of the present Ovonic batteries.
NiMH technology are shown in the second Of the remaining batteries shown in Fig.
column of Table 1. To a large extent, 6, only the Pb-acid battery has been tested
prototype batteries of several designs and sufficiently to serve as a practical, immedi-
sizes have demonstrated performance char- ate candidate for EV applications. Howev-
acteristics that satisfy or exceed individual er, its typical energy density of 30 Wh kg-'
USABC midterm goals shown in the first is substantially below USABC require-
column. Efforts to optimize all performance ments, and its limited cycle life would force
characteristics within a particular cell design it to be replaced every 32,000 km (20,000
are an ongoing activity. Another program miles).
objective, scale-up of cell size, has also been Long cycle life is a feature of the Ovonic
achieved. The ability to manufacture batter- NiMH battery technology that will have
ies with this technology has been demon- economic consequences for EVs. Over 1000
strated by OBC and several of its licensees charge-discharge cycles at 100% depth of
who have been producing small portable discharge have been demonstrated (13)
batteries since 1987. Series-connected bat- with Ovonic batteries. Under conditions of Fig. 5. A 3-kwh, 12-V series-connectedOvonic
tery modules up to 40 V have been con- 30% depth of discharge, Ovonic NiMH NiMH battery module and 250-Ah Ovonic NiMH
structed by OBC and are under test. A 12-V, cells designed for aerospace applications single cell.
3-kwh module is shown in Fig. 5. have demonstrated (18) a lifetime of more
than 10,000 cycles. It is expected that in
Comparison with Other EV applications, batteries will experience a
Candidates for EV Batteries typical depth of discharge of about 80%.
Under these conditions the cycle life of the
Battery characteristics have a dominant Ovonic NiMH battery is projected to be
influence on overall EV performance. For 2000 to 3000 cycles, according to a numer-
example, battery-specific energy (in watt- ical model (18).
hours per kilogram) controls vehicle range. Battery cycle life can be converted into
Similarly, battery power (in watts per kilo- EV battery-life driving range when the g 125
gram) translates into vehicle acceleration.
The Bertone Blitz, a high-performance pro-
characteristics of the EV are specified. For
example, in a GM Impact-type vehicle,

L- : WCh

totype EV sports car (16), has achieved an replacement of the Pb-acid battery with an 75
impressive acceleration of 0 to 100 km per Ovonic NiMH system of the same volume
hour (0 to 62 miles per hour) in 6 s, in part increases its range to 480 km (300 miles). hdrs
through the use of Ni-Cd batteries with For 80% depth of discharge [385 km (240 25 . . . . O . . . , # , . . , , . . . ,

high peak power. Some candidate battery miles)], even a conservative estimate of 500 0 25 50 75 100
Depth of discharge (%)
technologies for EV applications are listed cycles for the battery life will give a
in Fig. 6, which shows a comparison plot of 200,000-km (120,000-mile) battery-life Fig. 6. Peak power versus depth of discharge,
peak power versus depth of discharge. driving range. The electrical energy neces- as measured (17) at Argonne National Labora-
These measurements were made indepen- sary to provide the 385-km range per charge tories, for a number of candidate.EV battery
dently at Argonne National Laboratories costs only $2.32 at $0.08 per kilowatt-hour,
(17). High peak power (> 150 W kg-'), as compared with approximately $14 worth of
required by the USABC goals shown in gasoline needed to provide the same range
Table 1, must be maintained over the for a typical IC-powered vehicle. Lifetime
entire depth of discharge of the battery for EV maintenance costs will also be smaller
satisfactory vehicle performance. The than for typical IC-powered vehicles.
Ovonic NiMH battery provides the highest Therefore, EVs that are powered by batter-
~ e a Dower
k and can maintain it over almost ies with long cycle lives and that meet the
;he fill range of discharge. USABC initial cost goal of $150 per kilo-
Although Ni-Cd is a rechargeable bat- watt-hour can be economically competitive
tery technology with high peak power that on a lifetime basis.
is extensively used in consumer products
such as electronic devices and power tools, Technology Improvements smcmwgy(Whkg')
its energy density does not meet USABC
Fig. 7. Specific energy versus specific power
requirements, it uses toxic materials (Cd), The range of an EV will depend on many for first-generation, present, and projected
and in the large sizes used for EVs, it is not factors besides battery energy density, such Ovonic NiMH batteries. Data shown for first-
a totally sealed system. as vehicle weight, tire rolling friction, and generation devices were obtained from 4-Ah
The Na-S battery has a high energy electric motor efficiency. Information pub- "C" size cells; data for present devices were
density, but its low peak power is a signifi- lished by GM on its pioneering Impact obtained from 50Ah prismatic cells.
provide 3 1.6 k w h of energy storage, which 3. M. A. Gutjahr, H. Buchner, K. D. Beccu, H. Symposium on Automotive Technology and Auto-
Saufferer, in Power Sources 4, D. H. Collins, Ed. mation (Automotive Automation, Croyden, United
will provide a vehicle range of 415 km (264 (Oriel, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Kingdom, 1991), p. 29.
miles). For the same battery volume, the 1973), p. 79. 14. M. A. Fetcenko, S. Venkatesan, S. R. Ovshinsky,
Ovonic NiMH battery will increase the 4. A. Percheron-Guegen, U.S. Patent 4 107 405 in Proceedings of the Symposium on Hydrogen
(1978). Storage Materials, Batteries, and Electrochemis-
range per charge to 480 km (300 miles). The 5. M. H. J. van Rijswick, in Proceedings of the try (Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ,
environmental impact of eventual disposal lnternational Symposium on Hydrides for Energy 1992), p. 141.
of the Ovonic NiMH battery has also been Storage (Pergamon, Oxford, 1978), p. 261. 15. M. Tadokoro, K. Moriwaki, M. Nogami, T. Ise, N.
studied (20). Knoll and colleagues conclud- 6. G. Halpert, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Furakawa, in ibid., p. 92.
Nickel Hydroxide Electrodes,Electrochemical So- 16. L. Ciferri, Autoweek 1992, 14 (7 September 1992).
ed that, according to existing Environmen- ciety, Hollywood, FL, 16 to 18 October 1989 17. W. H. DeLuca, paper presented at the 1991
tal Protection Agency regulations, batteries (Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 1990), Annual Automotive Technology Development
that use this technology can be safely dis- pp. 3-1 7. Contractors Coordination Meeting, Dearborn, MI,
7. E. J. McHenry, Electrochem. Technol. 5, 275 24 October 1991
posed of in landfills. It has also been shown (1967). 18. B. Otzinger, in Proceedings of the 6thAnnualBattery
(2 1) that with existing technology, Ovonic 8. T. A. Edison, U.S. Patent 1 402 751 (1922). Conference on Applications and Advances (Califor-
batteries can be recycled into metallurgical 9. S. U. Falk and A. J. Salkind, Alkaline Storage nia State University, Long Beach, 1991).
Batteries (Wiley, New York, 1969). 19. General Motors Electric Vehicles Progress Report
additives for cast iron, stainless steel, or new 10. S. R. Ovshinsky, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 32, 17 (summer 1992).
Ovonic NiMH battery electrodes. The com- (1979); for additional references, see S. R. 20. C. R. Knoll, S. M. Tuominen, J. R. Peterson, T. R.
mercial viability of each of these technolog- Ovshinsky, Disordered Materials: Science and McQueary, in Proceedings of Battery Waste Man-
Technology-Selected Papers, D. Adler, B. B. agement Seminar, S. Wolsky, Ed. (Ansum Enter-
ically feasible recycling programs will depend Schwartz, M. Silver, Eds. (Institute for Amor- prises, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1990).
on process economics. phous Studies Series, Plenum, New York, ed. 2, 21. C. R. Knoll, S. M. Tuominen, R. E. Walsh, J. R.
Future developments of Ovonic NiMH 1991). Peterson, in Proceedings of the 4th lnternational
batteries will include improvements 11. K. Sapru, B. Reichman, A. Reger, S. R. Ovshinsky, Seminar on Battery Waste Management, S. Wol-
U.S. Patent 4 623 597 (1986). sky, Ed. (Ansum Enterprises, Deerfield Beach, FL,
through the continued optimization of the 12. M. A. Fetcenko, S. Venkatesan, K. C. Hong, B. 1991).
MH materials and electrodes as well as Reichman, in Proceedings of the 16th Internation- 22. We thank the research staff at Energy Conversion
improvements to the positive electrode al Power Sources Symposium (International Pow- Devices-OBC, particularly S. Venkatesan, for
er Sources Committee, Surrey, United Kingdom, their contributions to the developments described
and cell design (2). For example, some of 1988), p. 41 1. in this article and S. J. Hudgens for his critical
the oneoine
, ., research at OBC focuses on 13. S. R. Ovshinsky, S. Venkatesan, M. Fetcenko, S. comments and helpful suggestions during prep-
application of the company's synthetic Dhar, in Proceedings of the 24th lnternational aration of the manuscript.
materials techniques to the development
of an improved positive electrode with
enhanced storage capacity through the use
of engineered valence control. The chem-
ical reaction that occurs during the charge
of a conventional Ni(OH), electrode in-
volves transfer of one electron per Ni
atom. We are developing materials that
Regulation of Gene Expression in
use the exchange of up to two electrons
per atom. In addition, MH alloys with
Hippocampal Neurons by Distinct
twice the storage capacity of first-genera-
tion materials have been measured in the
Calcium Signaling Pathways
laboratory, and cell designs in which light-
weight substrates, current collection com- Hilmar Bading,* David D. Ginty, Michael E. Greenberg?
ponents, and containers are used are now
being developed. Because the overall en- Calcium ions (Ca2+) act as an intracellular second messenger and can enter neurons
ergy density of the battery is determined through various ion channels. Influx of Ca2+ through distinct types of Ca2+ channels may
by the entire system, these combined ap- differentially activate biochemical processes. N-Methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) receptors and
proaches are targeted at the fabrication of L-type Ca2+channels, two major sites of Ca2+entry into hippocampal neurons, were found
batteries with both an energy storage den- to transmit signals to the nucleus and regulated gene transcription through two distinct
sity of 150 W h kg-' and the characteris- Ca2+ signaling pathways. Activation of the multifunctional Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent
tics shown in Fig. 7. protein kinase (CaM kinase) was evoked by stimulation of either NMDA receptors or L-type
Ca2+ channels; however, activation of CaM kinase appeared to be critical only for prop-
Conclusion agating the L-type Ca2+channel signal to the nucleus. Also, the NMDA receptor and L-type
Ca2+ channel pathways activated transcription by means of different cis-acting regulatory
In the development of the Ovonic NiMH elements in the c-fos promoter. These results indicate that Ca2+, depending on its mode
battery, we have used aspects of physics, of entry into neurons, can activate two distinct signaling pathways. Differential signal
chemistry, metallurgy, and materials sci- processing may provide a mechanism by which Ca2+ controls diverse cellular functions.
ence. In particular, materials concepts
(10-13) were focused on structural and
compositional disorder to develop an
NiMH battery with the characteristics I n neurons, transient changes in the con- membrane and by release of Ca2+ from
necessary for practical EV use in the near, centration of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+Ii) internal stores (3). To control Ca2+ entry,
middle, and distant future. can trigger various processes including neu- neurons have multiple types of Ca2+-per-
rotransmitter release, modulation of synap- meable ion channels (4). The segregation
REFERENCESANDNOTES tic transmission, excitotoxic cell death, and of Ca2+ channels into distinct subcellular
1. P. Jaret, EPRl J. 4, 4 (1992)
alterations in gene expression (1, 2). The regions of neurons may serve to generate
2. S. R. Ovshinsky and M. A. Fetcenko, U.S. Patent 5 concentration of intracellular Ca2+ can be highly localized Ca2+ signals (5). Conse-
135 589 (1992); 23 additional patents. increased by Ca2+ influx across the plasma quently, the mode of Ca2+ entry into neu-
SCIENCE . VOL. 260 9 APRIL 1993 181

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