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Ethics in Public Health Research

Global Trade and Public Health

| Ellen R. Shaffer, PhD, MPH, Howard Waitzkin, MD, PhD, Joseph Brenner, MA, and Rebeca Jasso-Aguilar, MA

Global trade and international mental health conditions and cations for public health, as we applied to all participating na-
trade agreements have trans- food products and to ensure summarize in Table 1 and the tions) and “national treatment”
formed the capacity of govern- affordable access to medications box on page 26, we emphasize (which required no discrimina-
ments to monitor and to pro- and water. Pending proposals those features of agreements cur- tion in taxes and regulations
tect public health, to regulate cover a wide range of health rently under negotiation that war- between domestic and foreign
occupational and environmen-
services, health facilities, clini- rant attention by public health goods).1 GATT also established
tal health conditions and food
cian licensing, and distribution practitioners and organizations. ongoing rounds of negotiations
products, and to ensure afford-
able access to medications. Pro- of tobacco and alcohol. Public concerning trade agreements.
posals under negotiation for health organizations are only EMERGENCE OF During the 1980s and
the World Trade Organization’s beginning to grapple with trade- INTERNATIONAL TRADE 1990s, these international fi-
General Agreement on Trade in related threats to global health, AGREEMENTS nancial institutions embraced a
Services (GATS) and the re- including emerging infectious set of economic policies known
gional Free Trade Area of the diseases and bioterrorism. Al- Historical Origins as “the Washington consensus.”
Americas (FTAA) agreement though economic globalization Although trade across nations Advocated primarily by the
cover a wide range of health has attracted wide attention, its and continents dates back cen- United States and the United
services, health facilities, clini- implications for public health re- turies, the framework for current Kingdom, these policies in-
cian licensing, water and sani-
main poorly understood. international trade agreements volved deregulation, privatiza-
tation services, and tobacco and
In this article, we analyze key began after World War II with tion of public services, measures
alcohol distribution services.
Public health professionals global trade issues that affect the “Bretton Woods” accords. designed to achieve low infla-
and organizations rarely par- public health, briefly tracing the These accords sought to generate tion rates and stable currencies,
ticipate in trade negotiations or history of international trade economic growth in the recon- and mechanisms enhancing the
in resolution of trade disputes. agreements and describing the struction of Europe and Japan operations of multinational cor-
The linkages among global forces shaping agreements such after World War II, in part by porations. As the pace of inter-
trade, international trade agree- as the North American Free stabilizing currency rates and national economic transactions
ments, and public health de- Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The trade rules. Between 1944 and intensified, facilitated by tech-
serve more attention than they recent shift to treating services as 1947, the Bretton Woods negoti- nological advances in communi-
have received to date. (Am J tradable commodities is of partic- ations led to the creation of the cations and transportation, the
Public Health. 2005;95:23–34.
ular importance; we analyze the International Monetary Fund World Trade Organization
doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.038091)
General Agreement on Trade in and the World Bank and to the (WTO) in 1994 replaced the
Services (GATS) as a case in establishment of the General loose collection of agreements
GLOBAL TRADE AND point. We also discuss the impli- Agreement on Tariffs and Trade subsumed under GATT.
international trade agreements cations for public health of the (GATT). GATT aimed to reduce
have transformed governments’ Agreement on Trade-Related tariffs and quotas for trade among Trade Rules
ability to monitor and to protect Aspects of Intellectual Property its 23 participating nations and The WTO and regional trade
public health (box p24). They Rights (TRIPS) and the proposed also established such general agreements have sought to re-
have also restricted the capacity Free Trade Area of the Americas principles as “most favored na- move both tariff and nontariff
of government agencies to regu- (FTAA) agreement. Although tion treatment” (according to barriers to trade. Tariff barriers
late occupational and environ- many agreements contain impli- which the same trade rules were involve financial methods (e.g.,

January 2005, Vol 95, No. 1 | American Journal of Public Health Shaffer et al. | Peer Reviewed | Health Policy and Ethics | 23

Examples of Actions Under International Trade Agreements That Affect Public Health regulatory standards for goods
and services. Proponents have
• Under Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Metalclad Corpora- noted that harmonization can
tion of the United States successfully sued the government of Mexico for damages after the state motivate less developed coun-
of San Luis Potosí prohibited Metalclad from reopening a toxic waste dump. The Methanex Corpo-
tries to initiate labor and envi-
ration of Canada sued the government of the United States in a challenge regarding environmen-
ronmental standards where none
tal protections against a carcinogenic gasoline additive, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), banned
had previously existed.4 How-
by the state of California. The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), currently under negotiation,
ever, harmonization also can
would extend such investor’s rights to all countries in the Western hemisphere except Cuba.
lead to erosion of existing stan-
• Acting on behalf of pharmaceutical corporations, the US government invoked the Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization dards, because it requires uni-
(WTO) in working against attempts by South Africa, Thailand, Brazil, and India to produce low-cost form global standards at the level
antiretroviral medications effective against AIDS. least restrictive to trade.5 The
• Canada challenged France’s ban on asbestos imports under WTO’s Agreement on Technical Bar- WTO encourages national gov-
riers to Trade. Although a WTO tribunal initially approved Canada’s challenge, an appeal tribunal ernments to harmonize standards
reversed the decision after international pressure. on issues as diverse as truck
• On behalf of the beef and biotechnology industries, the United States successfully challenged safety, pesticides, worker safety,
the European Union’s ban of beef treated with artificial hormones under the WTO Agreement on community right-to-know laws
the Application of Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Standards. regarding toxic hazards, con-
• Currently under negotiation, the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) targets sumer rights regarding essential
the removal of restrictions on corporate involvement in public hospitals, water, and sanitation services, banking and accounting
systems. GATS could affect state and national licensing requirements for professionals and may standards, informational labeling
raise challenges to national health programs that limit participation by for-profit corporations. of products, and pharmaceutical
• In the first trade dispute decided under GATS, a WTO tribunal rejected Mexico’s defense of its testing standards.
telecommunications regulations. The tribunal found that charges including a contribution to the
development of Mexico’s telecommunications infrastructure were not “reasonable.” Mexico had
Trade Enforcement and
argued that GATS provisions appeared to give flexibility to governments in achieving development
National Sovereignty
objectives, including Mexico’s policy goal of promoting universal access to basic telecommunica-
WTO and regional agreements
tions services for its population.
such as NAFTA supersede mem-
ber countries’ internal laws and
regulations, including those gov-
taxes on imports) of protecting aiming to achieve “free” trade that are least restrictive in regard erning public health. Under these
national industries from competi- across borders, the rules in trade to trade and that they are not dis- agreements, governments at all
tion by foreign corporations. agreements limit governments’ guised barriers to trade.3 Such levels are facing loss of sover-
Nontariff barriers refer to laws regulatory authority over trade rules also can restrict public sub- eignty in policymaking pertinent
and regulations affecting trade, and enhance the authority of in- sidies, including those designated to public health and health ser-
including those that governments ternational financial institutions for domestic health programs and vices. Technically, nations apply
use to ensure accountability and and trade organizations.2 institutions, labeling them poten- voluntarily to become WTO
quality. In more than 900 pages Although the WTO (under tially “trade distortive.” Requiring members. However, most less de-
of rules, the WTO set criteria for general exceptions of GATT, that such subsidies apply equally veloped countries perceive that
permissible and impermissible Article XX) permits national and to domestic and foreign compa- they will experience disadvan-
nontariff barriers, for example subnational “measures necessary nies that provide services under tages in trade relations if they do
domestic policies governing envi- to protect human, animal or plant public contracts can preempt not join.6 Traditionally, govern-
ronmental protection, food safety, life or health,” other provisions public policies directing subsidies ment agencies at the federal,
and health services. These rules make this exception difficult to to domestic corporations. state, county, and municipal lev-
aim to increase cross-border sustain in practice. For example, Of particular relevance to pub- els have been responsible for
trade under the assumption that a country can be required to lic health, 1 WTO provision re- protecting the public’s health, for
increased trade may enhance na- prove that its laws and regula- quires “harmonization,” that is, example by ensuring safe water
tions’ wealth or well-being. While tions represent the alternatives reducing variations in nations’ supplies, controlling environmen-

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TABLE 1—Summary of International Trade Agreements and Trade Organizations Pertinent to Public Health
and Their Principal Implications for Public Health

Treaty, Organization, or Law Focus and Implication Ratification or Negotiation Status Examples of Cases Relevant to Public Health

Summary of key multilateral agreements

General Agreement on Part of Bretton Woods accords at end of World War II; Applies to all 148 nations that Venezuela won a challenge to the US Clean Air Act of 1990,
Trade and reduced tariffs as financial barrier to trade now participate in WTO weakening regulation of gasoline contaminants that
Tariffs (GATT) contribute to pollution.
World Trade Emerged in 1994 from the “Uruguay round” of GATT Includes all WTO member nations See below under separate trade agreements.
Organization negotiations; created a stable organization with staff;
(WTO) aims to remove tariff and nontariff barriers to trade
General Agreement on Opens services to participation by foreign private Applies to WTO member nations; Country requests have targeted US professional licensing
Trade in Services corporations; services may include health care commitments by countries requirements and restrictions on corporate involvement
(GATS)a services, national health programs, public hospitals currently under negotiation in drinking water and wastewater systems.
and clinics, professional licensure, water, and
sanitation systems
Agreement on Protects patents, copyrights, trademarks, and industrial Applies to WTO member nations; On behalf of pharmaceutical corporations, the United
Trade-Related designs across national boundaries; limits rules concerning medications States has challenged attempts by South Africa,
Aspects of governments’ ability to introduce medication for conditions such as AIDS Thailand, Brazil, and India to produce low-cost
Intellectual programs and to restrict the availability and under negotiation antiretroviral medications effective against AIDS.
Property reimbursement of medications under publicly
Rights (TRIPS)a funded programs
Agreement on Reduces barriers to trade that derive from technical Applies to WTO member nations In its challenge of France’s ban on asbestos imports, Canada
Technical Barriers standards and regulations applying to the safety argued that international standards require the “least
to Trade (TBT)a and quality of products; covers tobacco and trade restrictive” regulations; a WTO tribunal approved
alcohol, toxic substances and waste, the challenge, although an appeal tribunal rejected
pharmaceuticals, biological agents, foodstuffs, Canada’s claim after international pressure.
and manufactured goods
Agreement on the Reduces barriers to trade that derive from governments’ Applies to WTO member nations On behalf of the beef and biotechnology industries, the
Application of Sanitary regulations and laws designed to protect the United States successfully challenged the European
and Phyto-Sanitary health of humans, animals, and plants; covers Union’s ban on beef treated with artificial hormones.
Standards (SPS)a food safety provisions
Summary of key US regional agreements
North American Free Trade Removed most restrictions on trade among the Ratified and implemented in 1994 Under Chapter 11, the US Metalclad Corporation
Agreement (NAFTA)b United States, Canada, and Mexico successfully sued Mexico in regard to toxic waste
restrictions; the Methanex Corporation of Canada
challenged the United States over California’s ban
of a carcinogenic gasoline additive.
Free Trade Area of the Extends NAFTA to all countries of the Western Under negotiation This agreement would open public sector health care
Americas (FTAA)b hemisphere except Cuba services and institutions to corporate participation.
Central American Free Trade Applies NAFTA-like trade rules to the United States, the Agreed by trade negotiators, signed This agreement would interfere with the ability of Central
Agreement (CAFTA)b 5 Central American countries and the Dominican by US president, awaiting American generic drug industry to produce and sell
Republic consideration by US Congress affordable prescription drugs.
WTO trade agreement (applies to all WTO member nations).
Regional trade agreement (applies only to signatory nations).

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Glossary of Key Terms

“Bretton Woods” accords Agreements negotiated mainly at Bretton Woods, NH, at the end of World II; sought to generate economic
growth for the reconstruction of Europe and Japan, partly by stabilizing currency rates and rules for trade.
Commitment A country’s decision to cover specified services under certain General Agreement on Trade in Services
(GATS) rules (market access and national treatment). When a country commits to a specific type of
service (for instance, health services, insurance services, public health services), the country must
include all of those services under these GATS rules. Later reversal of commitments is extremely
difficult because of a requirement of compensation to all countries whose companies have incurred
losses after beginning to provide the service in question.
Compulsory license Under Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), a country may require that a
pharmaceutical company receive a government license to market a needed medication under patent
at a lower price than the company could charge under usual market conditions. Low-income countries
with AIDS epidemics have considered using compulsory licensing to enhance access to the newer
generation of effective but expensive medications for AIDS.
Domestic regulation rule Provision under World Trade Organization (WTO), adopted in other regional and bilateral agreements, that
government regulations and standards regarding services are “not more burdensome than necessary
to ensure the quality of the service” (the “necessity test”) and do not constitute barriers to trade.
Harmonization Principle that seeks to reduce variation in nations’ regulatory standards for goods and services; requires
uniform global standards in health and safety at the level least restrictive to trade.
International Monetary International financial institution initiated after World War II as part of Bretton Woods accords. The IMF’s
Fund (IMF) mission is to “to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange
arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary
financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment” (see http://www.imf.
Investor’s rights Mechanism under Chapter 11 of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by which individual
foreign investors or corporations can directly sue any of the 3 participating national governments.
Market access Principle that prohibits governments from restricting the number or type of providers for a specific good or
service within a country.
Most favored nation Principle that applies the same trade rules to all countries participating in a trade agreement.
Multilateral, regional, Defines which group of countries are signatories and which sets of rules apply. Multilateral WTO
bilateral agreements agreements apply to all 148 WTO member countries. Countries can negotiate regional agreements or
bilateral (country-to-country) agreements. There is debate on whether WTO rules act as a floor or a
ceiling for regional and bilateral agreements.
National treatment Principle that requires no discrimination in taxes and regulations between domestic and foreign goods
and services.
Non-tariff barriers to trade Laws and regulations affecting trade, including those used by governments to ensure accountability and
quality in such areas as environmental protection, food safety, and health services.
Tariff barriers to trade Financial methods of protecting national industries from competition by foreign corporations, such as
taxes on imports.
Trade Promotion Authority US Congress delegates authority for negotiation of trade agreements to the president; permits only
(“Fast Track”) approval or disapproval without amendment by Congress.
Washington consensus Set of economic policies that favor deregulation, privatization of public services, measures to achieve low
inflation and stable currencies, and mechanisms that enhance the operations of multinational
World Bank International financial institution initiated after World War II as part of Bretton Woods accords. The World
Bank’s Mission was initially to contribute through loans to the economic reconstruction of Europe and
Japan. Its current mission is “to fight poverty and improve the living standards of people in the
developing world” (see,,pagePK:

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tal threats, and monitoring indus- tion and not to enact similar new In Mexico, NAFTA’s impact agency’s prohibiting the use of a
tries in regard to occupational laws. has proven more dramatic. Jobs toxic substance.11
health conditions. Trade agree- lost in agriculture owing to the Several landmark cases filed
ments can reduce or eliminate TRADE AGREEMENTS increases in imports have far under Chapter 11 have dealt
such governmental activities to AND PUBLIC HEALTH outweighed the jobs created by with environmental laws or regu-
the extent that they represent export manufacturing. Unem- lations. For example, a NAFTA
barriers to trade. A set of international trade ployment has increased most tribunal awarded the US-based
In cases of dispute, an ap- agreements applies to all WTO dramatically in rural areas.8 Metalclad Company $16.7 mil-
pointed 3-member WTO tribu- member countries (currently 148). After NAFTA lowered tariffs on lion in its suit against Mexico.
nal, rather than a local or na- WTO agreements pertinent to US agricultural products, crop The state of San Luis Potosí had
tional government, determines public health include GATS, prices dropped, and even Mexi- refused permission for Metalclad
whether a challenged policy con- TRIPS, the Agreement on the can subsistence farmers could to reopen a waste disposal facil-
forms to WTO rules. This tribu- Application of Sanitary and Phyto- not compete with US agribusi- ity after a geological audit
nal includes experts in trade but Sanitary Standards, and the ness, which receives large gov- showed that the facility would
not necessarily in the subject Agreement on Technical Barriers ernment subsidies. Between contaminate the local water sup-
matter of the cases in question to Trade. In addition, regional 1994 and 2003, 9.3 million ply and after the local commu-
(e.g., cases involving health or agreements and nation-to-nation workers entered Mexico’s labor nity opposed the reopening.
safety) or in the laws of the con- (bilateral) agreements are prolif- market, but only 3 million new Metalclad claimed that this local
testing countries.3 Documents erating, with provisions based on jobs were created during that decision constituted an expropri-
and hearings are closed to the the WTO and NAFTA. period; in the same time span, ation of its future potential profits
public, the press, and state and real wages lost approximately and filed a successful suit against
local elected officials; the WTO North American Free Trade 20% of their purchasing the country of Mexico.12,13
considers only federal govern- Agreement (NAFTA) power.9 NAFTA also has led to In addition, the Methanex Cor-
ments as members. Initiated in 1994, NAFTA fo- widespread environmental dam- poration of Canada initiated an
When a tribunal finds that a cuses on expanding opportuni- age as agriculture has seen a approximately $1 billion suit
domestic law or regulation does ties for new investments, acquir- shift to large-scale, export- against the United States after
not conform to WTO rules, the ing property, and opening oriented farms that rely on the state of California banned the
tribunal orders that the con- services to competition by pri- water-polluting agrochemicals use of methyl tertiary butyl ether
tested transaction in question vate corporations in the United and more use of water for irri- (MTBE), a gasoline additive, be-
must proceed. If a country fails States, Canada, and Mexico. gation.8 Chronic public health cause of its demonstrated car-
to comply, the WTO can impose NAFTA provisions have proven problems along the border be- cinogenicity. Methanex produces
financial penalties and authorize controversial, in that numerous tween the United States and methanol, a component of MTBE.
the “winning” country to apply US-based manufacturing indus- Mexico persist.10 This case remains under consid-
trade sanctions against the “los- tries have moved to Mexico, Chapter 11 of NAFTA, con- eration by a closed appeal tribu-
ing” country in whatever sector where environmental and occu- cerning investments, includes a nal, while MTBE remains in use
the winner chooses until the pational health standards are less unique “investor’s rights” mecha- in California.
other country complies. In chal- strict and most companies pay nism by which individual foreign Such cases can exert a chilling
lenges decided by WTO or lower wages. Unemployment corporations (referred to as “in- effect on environmental protec-
NAFTA tribunals, corporations and cuts in benefits for workers vestors”) can directly sue any of tion efforts. For instance, several
and investors have caused gov- remaining employed in the the 3 participating national gov- other states have deferred their
ernments to suffer financial con- United States have resulted in a ernments. Before the establish- planned bans on MTBE as a re-
sequences and trade sanctions growing number of uninsured ment of NAFTA, trade agree- sult of the threat posed by the
because of governments’ efforts workers and families.7 Overall, ments permitted only country- pending Methanex case.14 Similar
to pursue traditional public NAFTA did not create the new to-country enforcement by gov- investor’s rights provisions have
health functions (box p24). Los- jobs in the United States that ernments. However, companies appeared in other regional and bi-
ing countries in these cases ex- proponents predicted and has can now sue for loss of current lateral agreements, such as those
perience pressure to eliminate or contributed to increasing in- or future profits, even if the loss recently negotiated by the United
to change the legislation in ques- equality of wages.8 is caused by a government States with Singapore and Chile.

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Free Trade Area of the led to problematic effects. Such country takes action affirma- minimizing trade restrictions
Americas (FTAA) changes in Latin America have tively to exclude specific ser- comes into conflict with health
The FTAA proposes that most resulted in barriers to access vices. The Central American standards, trade tribunals under
provisions of NAFTA be ex- stemming from copayments, pri- Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), WTO usually have decided that
tended to all 31 of the remaining vate practitioners’ refusal to see awaiting final review by Con- the former take priority.22 GATS
nations in the Western hemi- patients because corporations gress as of late 2004, and re- sections on subsidies and govern-
sphere with the exception of have not paid professional fees, cently concluded US bilateral ment procurement, described
Cuba.15 Ongoing negotiations in- and bureaucratic confusion in agreements with Chile, Singa- subsequently, also apply to all
clude efforts to introduce an in- the assignment of private provid- pore, Vietnam, and Jordan con- services offered.
vestor’s rights clause, similar to ers; public sector expenditures tain similar provisions. Because many countries have
NAFTA’s, as well as to replicate increasingly have covered the opposed expanding WTO rules
features of GATS and other higher administrative costs and General Agreement on Trade to the service sector, GATS oper-
WTO agreements. If completed profits of investors as clinical in Services (GATS) ates, to some extent, according
on schedule, negotiations will services have decreased for the Recognizing the increasing to a stepwise approach. Through
conclude in early 2005. poor at public hospitals and proportion of economic activi- a “bottom-up” process, nations
The FTAA agreement would health centers.16,18,19 Similar ties worldwide devoted to ser- negotiate with each other to
foster participation of multina- trends have occurred in Africa vices, this WTO agreement en- “commit” to covering (or adding
tional corporations in administer- and Asia.20,21 courages private investment and to the list of) services falling
ing programs and institutions, Although, at present, countries deregulation in terms of a wide under 2 trade rules (Table 3).
such as public hospitals and are free to privatize public ser- spectrum of services. GATS One of these rules, referred to as
community health centers, cur- vices, the FTAA would impose treats human services such as “market access,” prohibits gov-
rently managed in the public the threat of a trade challenge health care, water and sanitation, ernments from restricting num-
sector. US-based insurance com- against countries’ decisions to energy, and education as com- bers or types of service provid-
panies have expressed their in- maintain or to expand public modities subject to trade rules. ers. As an example, this rule
terest in delivering services now services, as well as costly trade According to its stated aims, could undermine local laws re-
provided by public sector social sanctions if privatized services GATS will progressively cover an stricting the number of liquor
security systems throughout were to be returned to the public increasing number of services stores on a city block. Under the
Latin America,16 as indicated in sector. FTAA chapters directly over time. The current round of second rule, “national treatment”
their testimony on the FTAA related to public health cover GATS negotiations is scheduled (described earlier), a country
(Washington, DC, March 28, trade in services such as health to conclude in 2005. must treat foreign companies in
2000): “public ownership of care, water, education, and en- A majority of GATS rules, in- the same manner as domestic
health care has made it difficult ergy; intellectual property, which cluding “most favored nation,” companies.23 Programs designed
for U.S. private-sector health addresses access to affordable are “top down” (Table 2). That to achieve social goals, such as
care providers to market in for- medications; standards for plant is, they already apply to all ser- measures aimed at ensuring ac-
eign countries. . . . Existing regu- and food safety; and rules re- vices in all WTO member coun- countability in regard to national
lations . . . present serious barri- garding governments’ allocation tries. For example, according to privacy regulations by restricting
ers . . ., including restricting of subsidies and procurement of the domestic regulation rule, medical transcription services to
licensing of health care profes- goods and services. Also impor- government regulations regard- domestic companies, could vio-
sionals, and excessive privacy tant to public health, the FTAA’s ing services should not be “more late this rule by “discriminating”
and confidentiality regulations.”17 language on financial invest- burdensome than necessary to against foreign corporations.
Proponents of privatization ments adopts Chapter 11 of ensure the quality of the ser- Within these 2 rules, GATS
emphasize the inefficiencies and NAFTA as a model, and rules on vice,” and qualification require- specifies 4 service modes to
corruption that have occurred in trade in products could restrict ments and procedures for ser- which a country can commit par-
some countries’ public sector governments’ regulation of prod- vice providers, technical ticular services24: (1) delivery of
programs. However, in many uct safety. standards, and licensing require- services based in 1 country to
countries privatization and the The FTAA process is entirely ments should not constitute un- consumers based in another
participation of multinational cor- “top down”; all services are cov- necessary barriers to trade in ser- country (e.g., telemedicine),
porations in public services have ered by all FTAA rules unless a vices.1 When the process of (2) delivery of services to foreign

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TABLE 2—Major Provisions and “Top-Down” Rules Relevant to Public Health in the General Agreement
on Trade in Services (GATS)

Rule Content Issues Relevant to Public Health

Disclosure (Article III) Each nation shall publish all current laws, regulations, or Rule imposes an administrative burden on local, state, and federal
administrative guidelines related to GATS and at governments.
least annually inform the WTO’s Council for Trade in International involvement in domestic rule making is costly.
Services of the introduction of any new measures, or
any changes to existing measures, which significantly
affect trade in services covered by its specific
commitments under this agreement.
Domestic regulation The WTO’s Council for Trade in Services shall establish any Trade tribunals without expertise in health can determine that laws and
(Article VI) necessary disciplines to ensure that measures relating regulations that protect health are more burdensome than necessary
to qualification requirements and procedures, technical and are unnecessary barriers to trade in services. Criteria for this
standards, and licensing requirements do not constitute determination have not been specified.
unnecessary barriers to trade in services. Such “Overly burdensome” measures could include training and licensing
measures should be based on objective and for health professionals, privacy of information, patient protection,
transparent criteria, such as competence and health and safety, alcohol and tobacco control, equitable services
the ability to supply the service, and should not for vulnerable populations, and access to affordable medications.
be more burdensome than necessary to ensure
the quality of the service. Licensing procedures
should not in themselves constitute a restriction
on the supply of the service.
Monopolies and exclusive Nations must ensure that any monopoly supplier of a service Some public health systems are monopoly suppliers of health care and
service suppliers subject to a GATS commitment does not compete to insurance. Since the United States has made a GATS commitment for
(Article VIII) supply that service outside the scope of its present health insurance, legislation to create a nationally or state-funded
monopoly rights. If a member grants new monopoly health insurance system would have to be reported 3 months in
rights regarding the supply of a service covered by advance to the WTO to ensure that the program would not prevent
its specific commitments, it shall notify the WTO’s competition among private insurance companies.
Council for Trade in Services no later than 3 months
before the intended implementation.
Government procurement Procurement of services by governmental agencies can be Some public payments could be considered purchases for commercial sale
(Article XIII) exempt from GATS if the services are purchased for and therefore could be challenged under GATS. For example, Medicaid
governmental purposes and not with a view to payments to private hospitals and nursing homes that are then used
commercial resale or use in the supply of services for to reimburse temporary employment agencies could be considered
commercial sale. commercial sales.
Subsidies (Article XV) Members recognize that, in certain circumstances, subsidies Government subsidies for many health services at the local, state, and
may have distortive effects on trade in services. federal levels could be challenged as distortions to trade, including
Members shall enter into negotiations with a view to disproportionate share hospital payments and community health
developing the necessary multilateral disciplines to center allocations.
avoid such trade-distortive effects.

Note. “Top-down” GATS rules apply to all services. The exact wording of some provisions is under negotiation.

consumers within the provider’s travel to receive), (3) investment by workers. For example, cover- tions’ or states’ ability to limit or
country (e.g., “niche” specialty in the services of another coun- ing a service such as hospitals control foreign investments in
medical services that patients try, and (4) temporary migration under Mode 3 can restrict na- their health care systems. Cover-

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TABLE 3—Selected Health-Related Services Currently Covered by the United States Under the “Bottom-Up” Rules
of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

Service Category That GATS Rules and Modesa Measures and Services Currently
the United States That the United States US Measuresb and Excluded From Bottom-Up Rules;
Has Agreed to Cover Has Agreed to Apply Programs Subject to Challenge Pending Requests to Remove Exclusions

Hospital and community Market access: mode 2 Prioritization of resources for domestic populations vs No exclusions or requests
health center foreigners who travel to the United States to
services receive services
Market access: mode 3 Limits on establishment of hospital services based on Need-based limits on new hospitals, medical equipment, or medical
need, outcomes, or other criteria (e.g., coronary care procedures “may” be excluded
or neonatal intensive care units) New York rules limiting corporate ownership of hospitals, nursing
homes, or diagnostic and treatment centers excluded
Michigan and New York laws on licensing of managed care
organizations excluded
National treatment: Public sector support for domestic safety net providers Mexico and Paraguay have requested removing restriction of federal
modes 2 and 3 or state government reimbursement to licensed facilities in
the United States
National treatment: Training and residency requirements for nonprofessional No stated exclusions or requests
mode 4 health personnel (e.g., technicians, clerical workers)
Health insurance Market access: Limits on number of competing insurers State laws limiting foreign life, accident, and health insurance
modes 1, 2, and 3 companies excluded
Tax exemptions for employee benefit trusts excluded
European Union has requested removal of exclusion that grants
tax exemptions for employee benefit trusts
National treatment: Government subsidies and procurement under Medicare Worker’s compensation excluded
modes 1, 3, and 4 and Medicaid
New government programs to extend coverage
Patient protection laws
Restrictions on genetic and gender discrimination
Privacy protections
Environmental services: Market access: Rules and decisions regarding standards for delivery European Union has requested that the United States cover drinking
sanitation, sewage, modes 1, 2, and 3 of services water and wastewater treatment, which would facilitate
nature and National treatment: privatization
landscape modes 1, 2, 3, and 4
Distribution of goods, National treatment: State run liquor stores Wholesale distribution of alcohol and tobacco products is currently
including tobacco modes 1, 2, 3, and 4 covered by national treatment but not by market access rules
and alcohol products Retail distribution of alcohol and tobacco products is currently not
covered by market access and national treatment rules
European Union has requested that the United States cover retail
distribution of alcohol under market access rules. This could
challenge state laws and regulations restricting retail
distribution of alcohol products and communities’ efforts to
limit liquor stores in neighborhoods

Note. Under “bottom-up” rules, countries can choose whether and how particular services are covered. The major bottom-up rules are (1) market access rules, which prohibit government limitations
on the amount or type of services supplied by foreign private service providers, and (2) national treatment rules, which grant foreign private service providers the same treatment as domestic
service providers.
Market access and national treatment rules can be applied to cover services in any or all of the following “modes” of trade: mode 1 (cross-border supply: provision of services to consumers
located abroad [e.g., telemedicine]), mode 2 (consumption abroad: provision of services in the provider’s home country to foreign consumers [e.g., “niche” specialty medical services that patients
travel to receive]), mode 3 (commercial presence: foreign direct investment [e.g., European hospital chain ownership of hospitals in the United States]), and mode 4 (presence of natural persons:
temporary immigration of personnel [e.g., health professionals, nonprofessional health workers]).
Measures refer to laws, regulations, and governmental funding arrangements.

30 | Health Policy and Ethics | Peer Reviewed | Shaffer et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2005, Vol 95, No. 1

ing nurses under Mode 4 can ac- and the United States seek re- reimbursement to licensed, certi- awarded to institutions for treat-
celerate the migration of trained moval of barriers to trade in fied [health] facilities in the ment of the underserved, gradu-
clinicians. other countries covering health United States or a U.S. state.”25 ate medical education, or re-
There is no formal process for services, energy services, higher Although the technical lan- search may be discontinued if
public debate in GATS decisions education, and environmental guage of GATS has generated challenged by other countries,
about committing services; coun- services.26 controversy about the extent of or they could be directed to for-
tries make confidential requests Several countries have submit- its eventual effects,27 GATS will eign private corporations that
regarding services that they ted GATS requests with impor- probably affect public sector offer competing services. Munic-
would like other countries to tant implications for US health health programs in several ipal and county governments
commit, and the respondents services (Table 4). For instance, ways. First, GATS will facilitate that reject bids or attempt to
can agree or disagree. Regarding India has asked that the United greater participation by private discontinue contracts with for-
public health, the European States recognize foreign licensing corporations within public eign companies could become
Union has requested that the and other certified qualifications health care institutions. For in- liable to challenge. Although
United States drop restrictions of medical, nursing, and dental stance, the United States cur- GATS proponents emphasize
on private corporate involve- professionals. Mexico has re- rently includes hospitals and that countries’ commitments re-
ment in water and sanitation sys- quested that the United States health insurance coverage main voluntary, policy analysts
tems, as well as in the retail dis- no longer limit foreign direct (within GATS, the latter falls have expressed concern that
tribution of alcohol products.25 investment in hospitals and under financial services rather WTO rules will permit a variety
While the European Union has health facilities. Both Mexico than health services) in its com- of challenges to countries with
announced that it will not com- and Paraguay have asked the mitments. Under GATS rules national health programs.28–30
mit further any of its own United States to eliminate the on public subsidies and govern- Nations’ commitments under
human services, both the EU “restriction of federal and state ment procurement, subsidies GATS so far have varied.4,31

TABLE 4—US Services for Which Other Countries Have Requested Future Coverage Under the “Bottom-Up” Rules
of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

US Laws, Regulations, and Funding Arrangements

Subject to Future Challenge Under GATS if the
Service Category Pending Requests to Extend Coverage US Trade Representative and Congress Agree to Extend Coverage

Physicians, dentists, veterinarians, India has requested that the United States extend Immigration and licensing standards for clinicians
midwives, nurses, physiotherapists, recognition for clinicians trained in India
and paramedical personnel
Research and development in the natural European Union has requested inclusion of these Standards for and allocation of funding; rules concerning conflicts of interest
sciences, social sciences, humanities, services with corporations and other funding sources
and engineering
Energy: exploration, production, European Union has requested inclusion of these Regulations protecting safety of workers and the public
distribution, trading, brokering services
Exploration, production, and bulk storage European Union has requested inclusion of these Measures that protect the safe storage of these potentially hazardous materials
of liquids or gases services and removal of a Michigan law requiring
that contractors maintain an in-state
monitoring office
Small Business Administration loans European Union has requested that the United States Federal small business loan programs that restrict loans to US citizens would
remove restriction of federal Small Business be opened to foreign applicants; similar state programs could also be
Administration loans to US nationals challenged, including those that restrict loans to categories such as
veterans (Maine), socially disadvantaged populations (Maryland),
dislocated timber workers (Oregon), and minority-owned businesses

January 2005, Vol 95, No. 1 | American Journal of Public Health Shaffer et al. | Peer Reviewed | Health Policy and Ethics | 31

The European Union has com- protections that provide 20- could charge under usual market can be blocked or reversed. For
mitted to including medical, year monopoly control over conditions. The US government instance, as already described,
dental, nursing, and hospital patentable items. Entry into the has supported efforts under the coordinated international
services, but not health insur- WTO required that the United TRIPS to prevent the govern- efforts to expand the availabil-
ance coverage, which therefore States extend patents from 17- ments of South Africa, Thailand, ity of AIDS medications in
would remain in the public sec- year terms to the WTO’s 20- and Brazil from initiating com- Africa despite TRIPS restric-
tor. Canada has not committed year standard. pulsory licenses for production of tions led to major changes in
in regard to any health services. TRIPS can limit governments’ generic alternatives to patented trade policies, and, partly by
Although the United States has ability to provide generic medica- AIDS medications.38–40 threatening to impose compul-
committed for hospital services, tions under publicly funded pro- As a result of concerns among sory licensing, Brazil’s govern-
health facility services, and grams. For instance, federal and professionals, legislators, and ad- ment helped improve AIDS out-
health insurance coverage and state government health pro- vocates, the Doha round of WTO comes through low medication
proposes to expand its commit- grams such as Medicare and negotiations in 2001 involved a prices.41 In addition, the cam-
ment under “environmental Medicaid have paid substantially proposal to relax some of TRIPS’s paign to eliminate users’ fees in
services” to include wastewater, higher drug prices as a result of most severe rules regarding public sector health services
it has not made commitments these patent extensions. Overall, patent protection for medications and education led to a major
in regard to professional licens- TRIPS has adversely affected US useful in treating AIDS.41,42 Partly change in the World Bank’s
ing, alcohol and tobacco distri- health care cost containment ef- by threatening to impose compul- policies in regard to enhancing
bution, or drinking water. If the forts by extending the period dur- sory licensing, Brazil’s govern- privatization and corporate
GATS objective of eventually in- ing which purchasers have had to ment obtained low prices from trade in services. Communities
cluding all services is achieved, pay higher prices for medications pharmaceutical companies; this in Bolivia have succeeded in
however, these limits will prove covered by patents.3,35 change has facilitated improve- reversing the privatization of
temporary.32–34 Tables 2–4 pre- Provisions of TRIPS also could ments in the country’s AIDS mor- water supplies. Finally, through
sents health-related services in block proposals to reimport af- bidity and mortality outcomes.43 a series of protests, a coalition
the United States now covered fordable prescription drugs from In August 2003, the US pharma- of health professionals, nonpro-
by GATS, and those that could Canada into the United States.36 ceutical industry abandoned its fessional health workers, and
be covered in the future. Similar provisions have ap- insistence that the relaxed rules patients in El Salvador has re-
peared in bilateral agreements apply only to medications for peatedly blocked the privatiza-
Agreement on Trade-Related such as the Australia Free Trade AIDS, tuberculosis, and ma- tion of public hospitals.
Aspects of Intellectual Agreement.37 laria.44 The resulting agreement Alternative projects favoring
Property Rights (TRIPS) TRIPS especially affects access has led to WTO control over a international collaboration have
The TRIPS agreement pro- to medications for life-threatening complex process for approving countered some of the adverse
tects patents, copyrights, trade- conditions in low-income coun- lowered medication prices under effects of global trade on public
marks, and industrial designs tries. TRIPS rules required most limited circumstances and leaves health. For instance, the Brazil-
across national boundaries. On developing countries to change the issue of accessible medica- ian Workers Party, which won
the basis of the argument that their rules by 2001, while the tions in less developed countries the country’s presidency in late
such protections enhance eco- “least developed countries” must unresolved.45–47 2002, has emphasized expan-
nomic incentives for creativity do so by 2016. One policy tool sion of public hospitals and clin-
and invention, this agreement designed to deal with this prob- ACTIONS TAKEN BY ics at the municipal level. Adopt-
covers patented medications and lem in low-income countries, per- PUBLIC HEALTH ing the principle of community
equipment, textbooks and jour- missible under TRIPS rules, in- PRACTITIONERS participation in municipal budg-
nals, and engineering and archi- volves “compulsory licensing.” ets, the new government has
tectural innovations for health Under this provision, a country Concern about trade policies encouraged strengthening mu-
institutions, as well as computer may require that a pharmaceuti- that cause adverse effects on nicipal public services and has
technologies and entertainment cal company obtain a govern- public health has increased attempted to limit the participa-
products. TRIPS rules mandate ment license to market a needed worldwide.48,49 Specific in- tion of multinational corpora-
that all WTO member countries medication under patent at a stances of organized resistance tions in the area of public
implement intellectual property lower price than the company have shown that such policies health. Such efforts have oc-

32 | Health Policy and Ethics | Peer Reviewed | Shaffer et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2005, Vol 95, No. 1

curred in the context of a the US Congress and the US About the Authors legal_e/26-gats.doc. Accessed May 28,
growing network of organiza- Trade Representative. Ellen R. Shaffer and Joseph Brenner are 2004.
with the Center for Policy Analysis on
tions that emphasize a strength- 2. Kickbusch I. The development of in-
Trade and Health, San Francisco, Calif.
ternational health policies—accountability
ened public sector, critically as- The Center for Policy Analy- Howard Waitzkin is with the Department
intact? Soc Sci Med. 2000;51:979–989.
sess the corporatization in sis on Trade and Health main- of Family and Community Medicine, and
Rebeca Jasso-Aguilar is with the Department 3. Wallach L, Woodall P. Whose
health care that international tains a listserve on globaliza- of Sociology, University of New Mexico, Trade Organization?: A Comprehensive
trade agreements encourage, tion and health and also has Albuquerque. Guide to the WTO. New York, NY: New
Requests for reprints should be sent Press; 2004.
and express concern about the posted on its Web site (avail-
to Ellen R. Shaffer, PhD, MPH, Center 4. Drager N, Vieira C, eds. Trade in
impact of global trade on public able at: for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health Services: Global, Regional, and
health, health services, and brief descriptions and contact Health, 98 Seal Rock Dr, San Fran- Country Perspectives. Washington, DC: Pan
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tions are taking place now and in public health effects of global nance in the era of globalization: the
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34 | Health Policy and Ethics | Peer Reviewed | Shaffer et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2005, Vol 95, No. 1

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