(AMS Chelsea Publishing 361) Laszlo Lovasz - Combinatorial Problems and Exercises-American Mathematical Society (2007)

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This book was first published in coedition between North Holland Publishing Company
and Akadémiai Kiadó in 1979. It was revised and updated in 1993 in coedition between
Elsevier Science Publishers and Akadémiai Kiadó.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 05–01.

For additional information and updates on this book, visit


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lovász, László, 1948–
Combinatorial problems and exercises / László Lovász.—2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-8218-4262-1 (alk. paper)
1. Combinatorial analysis—Problems, exercises, etc. I. Title.

QA164 .L69 2007

511′.6076—dc22 2007060765

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c 1979 held by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with corrections by the American Mathematical Society, 2007
Printed in the United States of America.

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Now let abc, bcd be odd triangles, we claim a, b, c start from the same point of H.
Suppose indirectly that a, b, c form a triangle of H. By definition, there is an edge x
adjacent to one or three of a, b, c. But this is impossible since x must start from a point
of the triangle formed by a, b, c in H and so, x is adjacent to two of a, b, c. Thus a
starts from the common point of b, c. Similarly, d starts from the common point of b, c
implying that a, d are adjacent.
(b) We may assume that G is connected since each component satisfies (i)
and (ii) and if they are line-graphs, then so is G. Let (a, b) ∼ (c, d) be as in the
hint. Suppose that (a, b) ∼ (c, d) ∼ (e, f ) are distinct edges of G, we show that
(a, b) ∼ (e, f ) (the other criteria for an equivalence relation are trivially fulfilled). Ob-
serve that {a, b, c, d} spans a complete graph. Consider a and e (say), a ̸= e. If
a = c or d, then a, e are trivially adjacent so suppose that a ̸= c, d; similarly e ̸=

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Corrections to
Combinatorial Problems and Exercises

by László Lovász
(Second Edition, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1993)

1.15 Second displayed formula correctly:
Sn n
s(x) = x .

1.28 In line 3, ϑk should be ϑk .

3.7 In displayed formula, y y should be y k .
3.29 Reference to 4.26 should be 3.26.
5.25 Assume that n ≥ 3.
6.4 Assume that both G1 and G2 have at least two nodes.

1.12(a) Last displayed formula correctly:
# ∞ $
"∞ ! xiki "∞ % xi & x
p(x) = = exp = ee −1 .
ki !(i!) ki
ki =0

1.18 Last displayed formula correctly:

γd = 2βi (d) .

1.28 In third displayed formula, replace ϑkn by ϑkν .

1.30 End of (1) correctly: “. . . if it starts with a [b]”. In first displayed formula, replace
nx by xn .

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2.2 In last displayed formula, replace |A| by |AI |.

3.2 Line 3: Replace “partitions” by “permutations”.
3.8 First displayed formula correctly:
1 ! (n,m) 1 ! n/d ! 1! n/d
xn/(n,m) = xd 1= ϕ(d)xd .
n m=1 n m≤n
d|n d|n

3.11 In first displayed formula, second line, and also in second displayed formula,
summation should start with k = 1.
3.29 Last displayed formula correctly:
∞ ∞ |D|
! 1 !! 1 !"
an xn = qn (γ)xn = r(xj )kj (γ) = F (r(x), r(x2 ), . . . )
|Γ| n=0
|Γ| j=1
γ∈Γ γ∈Γ

3.31 Second line: replace R by D.

4.9 Third paragraph should start with “Second, suppose that no point of G′ has. . .”
5.27 In line 13 of part (b), the formula should be: 2m − 2(m − n + 2) = 2n − 4 < 2n.
6.13 In line 5, the formula should be: x ∈ V (T ) \ V (C).
9.11 In part (b), end of line 3 and beginning of line 4 should be: “. . . thus ε(b) ≤ ε(a)−1.
Conversely, Wb + (b, a) is . . . ”.
9.18 In line 12, the third case for α(z) should be “β(x) if z = x′ ”.
9.19 Second paragraph of (b) correctly: “Conversely, suppose that χ(G0 /e) ≤ k for
every e ∈ E(G0 ). We show that G0 can be embedded into a critically (k + 1)-chromatic
graph even as an induced subgraph. The assumption means that for each e ∈ E(G0 ),
there exists a k-coloration αe of S = V (G0 ) that associates the same color with the
endpoints of e, but different colors with the endpoints of any other edge of G0 . Let Pe
be the partition of S induced by αe . By 9.8, we can find a graph G such that S ⊆ V (G)
and the k-colorations of G induce the partitions Pe (e ∈ E(G0 )) of S and no other
partition. Set G′ = G ∪ G0 .”
9.56 Insert at the end of the solution: “The converse is easy: assume that the graph
has a 3-coloring with red, blue and green, and consider any node v with color red (say).
The neighbors of v must be alternating between blue and green, and so their number
must be even.”
10.41 First displayed formula correctly:
!n ' ( ' n−1 (
di n(n − 1)(n − 3)
≥n· 2 =
2 2 8

11.11 End of second line correctly: “Thus (ν, iν ) ∈ E(G) (ν = 1, . . . , n).”

11.14(a), Part III, second line: replace D by λ1 .

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) )
11.19 Formula (2) should start with )wT AG w) = . . . The seventh line below should
start with “Thus, if aij ̸= 0, then wi and wj have different signs.” Last displayed
formula in (a) correctly:
! !
aij wj′ = aij wj = λ1 wi = −λ1 wi′ .
j j

* “Since 1 is an eigenvector belonging to λ1 ̸= λ2 , it is

11.29 Second sentence correctly:
orthogonal to x, i.e., we have i xi = 0.” Last displayed formula should end with
1 1
... = (xk − x1 )2 > .
k−1 Dn
12.13 First sentence correctly: “Let Qn be the n-cube.”
12.15 In last sentence, reference to Fig. 88 should be Fig. 91.
12.24 In last paragraph, reference to Fig. 92 should be Fig. 96.
13.2 Third paragraph, third line: (h − {E}) \ E should be (H − {E}) \ E.
13.54 Second paragraph, second line: h − {Ei }) should be H − {Ei }).

Product: In weak direct ∼, second displayed line correctly:
E(G1 × G2 ) = {((x1 , x2 ), (y1 , y2 )) : (x1 , y1 ) ∈ E(G1 ), (x2 , y2 ) ∈ E(G2 )}.
In strong direct ∼, second displayed line correctly:
E(G1 · G2 ) = {((x1 , x2 ), (y1 , y2 ) : (x1 , y1 ) ∈ E(G1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) ∈ E(G2 ), or
x1 = y1 and (x2 , y2 ) ∈ E(G2 ) or (x1 , y1 ) ∈ E(G1 ) and x2 = y2 }.

Author Index
Add after “Jaeger”: Jensen, J. 10.36, 10.37, 10.40, 10.41.
Add to “Petersen”: 9.55, 10.10, 11.2, 12.1, 12.17, 12.22.

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Thank You! Your purchase supports the AMS' mission, programs, and services for the mathematical community.

Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauthorized use to cust-serv@ams.org.
Thank You! Your purchase supports the AMS' mission, programs, and services for the mathematical community.
Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauthorized use to cust-serv@ams.org.
Thank You! Your purchase supports the AMS' mission, programs, and services for the mathematical community.

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