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Dear Internet Friend,

If you don’t start thinking like Gary Halbert
after reading today’s letter…
Then I will pay you $2,750 if this secret
doesn't work for you.
But still, you have to implement before you
come for the money.
So get real,
Because the next few lines will be
hard-nosed common sense.
And if you’re intelligent, then you’ll…

Discover The Honest-To-God

Writing Breakthrough
And this is the exact hack Gary Halbert used
during his lifetime.
Although, I don’t know if you have heard of:
● Limbic System…and the…
● Prefrontal Cortex.
But if they are new to you,
Then here is a brief explanation:
You see, the limbic system is the seat of
emotions in your brain.
And it has certain important structures like:
● Hippocampus, Amygdala
● Cingulate gyrus, Hypothalamus etc.

And their function is to helps in

emotional reactions like:
● Learning
● Memory
● Sleep
● Appetite and autonomic responses.
Also, the amygdala is what you don’t want to
toy with.

And with it, your brain will be

able to process strong emotions
● Fear
● Pleasure
● Or anger

And if your brain can generate such

Then your reader's brain will do so too.
Makes sense?
Thanks for the positive silence reply.

So according to Gary Halbert:

If you’re a copywriter,
Then you should always leverage on the
limbic system to write your first draft.
And you should write it fast and smart.
In fact, don’t bother if it is rough (because it
Here is why:
You see, the limbic system is always on the
lookout for ways to fulfill its needs.
That is, people are eager to hear info like:
● How to make tons of money online with
less stress
● How to wipe off those pimples on their
● How to give birth after 7 years in marriage
● And how to know the end goal of this
dynamic letter.

But here is what you should

You can write stories that either promise to
fulfill or threaten these common needs.
But please, be careful with how you toy with
people's emotions.
Frankly, subconsciously…
Your readers will be interested because they
all have the same wants and needs.
And this is what Gary Halbert was talking
“Every story needs conflict.”
So if you're afraid to say what people deeply
want to hear…
Then you shouldn't be called a copywriter.
Also, you want to write your first draft quickly
to gather all their pains.
Because immediately they start reading your
sales message…
Then their limbic system is at work
And that is why YOU WILL ONLY say what
they will FEEL deeply.
But there is a mistake people always make

And the grave error is that:

They want to start editing while gathering
strong words that will hit people’s emotions.
And during this process…
They always end up losing the most
important points that will move the needle.
So if you’ve been writing and editing at the
same time…

Then from today, don’t you

dare try it next time.
Roger that?
But when can I edit my sales message for
crying out loud, Elephchild?
Or do you want me to write and write and
write till I lose my breath?
C'mon, listen.
You’ll start editing when you truly believe you
don’t have anything to write again.
So after your first draft, then you should focus

The second part of your brain

which is the Prefrontal Cortex.
And this is responsible for logical thinking.
Plus Gary Halbert said:
If you want to make your copy to punch
people in the face…
And you want them to react by fire and by
Then it is a MUST to use it to edit like a
And when you’re doing this…
Then you don’t want to be attached with your
As in, you want to remove every little weak
And you want to replace them with words that
can break the rock.
Wait, are you still with me?
Or are you tired of reading already?
Well, if you’re still reading…
Then this is a great sign of successful people.
And there is no way you won’t be successful
if you continue this way.

So how do you strengthen

your limbic system to help you
generate mind-blowing ideas?
You see, Gary Halbert said you should invest
in daily 20-30 minutes exercise…
Or 3-5 times a week to make your limbic
system stay active.
And as a student of research…
I later discovered that swimming, running,
And hiking is particularly beneficial for
charging up your brainpower.
But now that you can’t hike nor swim…
Or to put it best:
Now that you don’t have spare time for
swimming like me…
Then I will urge you to take skipping seriously
(get a rope).
Because why?
Skipping is just like running (but you’re in the
same spot).

And during exercise, here is

what will happen to your limbic
Flat out, you’re indirectly practicing
And it plays a key role in emotional intelligence
in your life.
Also, it refers to being aware of the present
You see, another best way to practice
mindfulness is to choose something in your
And when you focus on them and try to notice
all of its great qualities.
Rather than mindlessly wandering through
people’s IG Videos all day.
Then I urge you to slow down and pay rapt
Anyway, if you practice mindfulness every
Then you will develop the limbic system and
make it stronger.
And this is why I love to embrace solitude (not
that I don’t like having 247 fun).

But here is my truth:

People that are okay with being alone are my
favorite kind of people.
And heck, they don’t need outside noise or
distractions to feel complete.
Listen, they know that solitude comes from the
And to GROW your mind and FORTIFY your
Then you should start being alone (not all of
the time though).
And this is how I used to generate my
exceptional ideas.
So if you’re not ready to do it…
Well, just know that you can’t write like
And you can NEVER be my copywriting friend.
That is it!

If you can master being comfortable alone…
And you find yourself in a stressful situation…
Then it will be easier to switch on the mindful
part of your brain.
And this is another way of handling gigantic
stress everyday.
But now that you have heard the pro secret…
Plus you don’t want to forget this letter till
the end of time…
Then the best action to take is to star it -
Or swipe it…
So that you can come back to it to gain
inspiration again.
Abdulhameed. A. Elephchild



Ever since we lost Adolf Hitler (his nickname:
Wolf) -
Then we have recorded millions of lives lost!
In fact, if you stay calm + you listen to the wolf's
persuasion skill…

Then you’ll be able to command

instant respect (without forcing
people to obey).
I kid you NOT!
So listen.
I have been listening more to Garry Halbert
lately (and it is an awesome journey).
In fact, he (Gary) told me:
“Hey Abdul, the most dangerous product to sell
is what won’t change people’s lives”.
Because if you can’t pay yourself to get what
you’re selling…
Then you’re a threat to this society (point to
And in one of his words, he also said:
Be the first to change…
Then show people how it will better their lives.
But you see, Gary Halbert didn’t say:
Show people what will change their lives,
Then you can show them how clean you are
But where exactly am I driving at?
Stay with me.
Few days back when one of my students in the
LIVE 3-Day Masterclass…
…mentioned Adolf Hitler in his assignments.
Then I have been feeling uncomfortable
(because I only know little about Hitler).
But yesterday…
I had to spend over 3hrs studying what he has
done for humanity.

And few of those great things

Adolf Hitler passed an animal rights law.
And this law alone protected animals in many
As in, it was a crime to abuse animals.
In fact, testing a product on animals became
illegal (unless with a permission from the

And this law made animals to

be treated with love and
Now if you look at it from this angle,
You’ll believe me if I say Adolf Hitler showed
his love to animals publicly…
…before he passed the animal rights law.
In fact, he became a vegetarian because he
believed that if he didn’t eat meat…
…then no animals would be harmed (point to
Also, Hitler also went on to pass a controlled
law on smoking.
Listen, he didn’t force people to stop smoking
(because no man on earth can achieve this).
But because he respect people’s opinion (even
if it will hurt them) -
Then he used persuasion knitted with kindness.
Let me explain.

After he came to power,

discoveries were made that
nicotine was addictive and that
smoking caused cancers.
And instantly,
He made anti-smoking campaigns and became
the first European leader to do so.
And it was the most powerful movement…
…in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s
Juicy achievement!
And an age was put on smoking (18+ can

But pregnant women were

highly encouraged to not smoke
(which is sensible).
Also, smoking was banned in public places.
But because Adolf Hitler knows that it will be
hard for his people…
Then he established a place for smokers
(another point to study).
And the best part is that:
Hitler went on to ban smoking for uniformed
personnel (most Nigerian soldiers are yet to
obey this).
Because why again?
His mother died of breast cancer.
And he fought to stop cancer as smoking
increased the risk of it amongst his people.
Now can you see why this man should be
celebrated for this…
…even if he was a bad leader to many people?
Maybe, maybe not.
Anyway, that made me agree more with Gary
Which means:

People will buy your ideas…

● If it is not forceful (not like that man who is
trying to force us to vote for him)
● And they will buy your idea - if it is
emotionally compelling
● In fact, they will buy - if it is interesting to
many people
● Lastly, they will buy your idea if it is
merciful to them

And if you gather everything you’ve read

Plus you apply it to what you’re selling
without deceiving people…
Then your copywriting/marketing game will be
more effective.
But the problem is that…
Most people don’t implement my teachings
(which is painful to me).
Because why?
I always find it hard to show up here if what I
will drop won’t help you hugely.
But what have I been getting in return?
● You read and behave as if the sender is a
● And you even reject my gift just because
it will take you 2 seconds to reply

Honestly, it is not fair and that is not how

friendship should be.
In fact, you will hardly see me share most of
my info on WhatsApp and Twitter.
And this will be like cheating you (because of
the fee attached to it).
But still, you will read all my letters and still
refuse to implement.
Anyway, I am not offended, but still…
I can’t say I am truly happy with you (because
my aim is to see you grow by fire and
And the best way to pass my message…
…should always follow the HITLER’S and
GARY’s way.
Abdulhameed. A. Elephchild




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