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IBM DB2 Information Integrator 

Planning Guide for Classic Event

Version 8.2

IBM DB2 Information Integrator 

Planning Guide for Classic Event

Version 8.2

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2004. All rights reserved.
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© CrossAccess Corporation 1993, 2003
Chapter 1. Overview . . . . . . . . . 1 DB2 Information Integrator
Product description . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Software prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Accessing DB2 Information Integrator
Configuring support for Unicode . . . . . . . 1 documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Documentation about replication function on z/OS 17
Chapter 2. Product architecture . . . . 3 Documentation about event publishing function for
Product architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DB2 Universal Database on z/OS . . . . . . . 18
Change-capture agents . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Documentation about event publishing function for
Introduction to recovery mode . . . . . . . 4 IMS and VSAM on z/OS . . . . . . . . . . 18
Correlation service . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Documentation about event publishing and
Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 replication function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows . 19
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Documentation about federated function on z/OS 20
Recovery mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Documentation about federated function on Linux,
Metrics reports . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 UNIX, and Windows . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Starting a correlation service . . . . . . . . 6 Documentation about enterprise search function on
Named servers . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Linux, UNIX, and Windows . . . . . . . . . 22
Publication service . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Release notes and installation requirements . . . . 22
Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Flow of data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Correlation service SQL descriptor areas Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
(SQLDAs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
In-doubt transactions . . . . . . . . . . 10 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 3. Requirements for Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . 31
WebSphere MQ . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Product information . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Objects required when receiving applications use Comments on the documentation . . . . . . . 31
WebSphere MQ servers . . . . . . . . . . 13
WebSphere MQ objects required by Classic Event
Publisher when receiving applications use
WebSphere MQ clients . . . . . . . . . . . 14

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 iii

iv DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing
Chapter 1. Overview
This chapter covers the following topics:
v “Product description” on page 1
v “Software prerequisites” on page 1

Product description
DB2® Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher is a tool that you can use to
capture near-real-time changes in CA-IDMS, IMS™ and VSAM databases. Classic
Event Publisher uses what is commonly referred to as “push” technology to
perform actions in response to changes in your database. When Classic Event
Publisher captures changes made to a monitored database, Classic Event Publisher
publishes those changes as XML messages on WebSphere® MQ message queues.

Uses for DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher include:

v Replicating data in similarly-structured data tables
v Synchronizing data in disparate databases
v Monitoring data modifications

Software prerequisites
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher works on z/OS®, Version 1.4 or
later and with the following software:
| v CA-IDMS r14 and r15
v IMS, Version 7.1 or later
v VSAM managed by CICS® Version 1.3 or later
v WebSphere MQ for z/OS, Version 5.3

The application that receives messages from Classic Event Publisher must use one
of the following applications:
v WebSphere MQ, Version 5.3
v WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker, Version 5.0

Configuring support for Unicode

The publication service uses z/OS support for Unicode to translate all published
data to XML (UTF-8) format. The Unicode support configuration requires you to
define a conversion image. This conversion image is loaded into the system during
an initial program load or can be loaded dynamically with the SET UNI operator

The conversion image environment is defined by the image generator. The image
generator utility runs as a batch job on z/OS.

To configure support for Unicode:

1. Perform these steps before running the image generator. Refer to z/OS Support
for Unicode: Using Conversion Services at

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 1

a. Select character conversion between two different CCSIDs (code pages) as
the type of conversion.
b. Specify the technique search-order that you want by using the following
three technique characters in the order in which they are listed here:
L Language Environment-Behavior conversion
E Enforced Subset Conversion
R Roundtrip Conversion
c. Identify the source and target CCSIDs. The target CCSID should always be
UTF-8 (CCSID 1208). For your source, specify the CCSID that matches the
type of publication data that your system generates. For example, if
captured data is in EBCDIC USA format, you would use CCSID 00037 as
the source CCSID.
2. Update the configuration member that contains the SERVICE INFO ENTRY
(SIE) for the publication service with the SERVER CODEPAGE parameter. This
parameter specifies the source CCSID of your publication data. In the example
below, nnnn is the CCSID of the source code page.

For information about service info entries for publication services and about the
SERVER CODEPAGE parameter, see DB2 Information Integrator Operations Guide for
Classic Event Publishing.

2 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

Chapter 2. Product architecture
This chapter covers the following topics:
v “Product architecture” on page 3
v “Change-capture agents” on page 3
v “Correlation service” on page 5
v “Publication service” on page 7
v “Messaging” on page 8
v “Flow of data” on page 9

Product architecture
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher is a change capture product
with three components:
Change-capture agents
The change-capture agent is a lean application module that screens
changes to the database, and then sends to the correlation service
information about changes being made to monitored tables. There are 2
change-capture agents per database environment: one for active change
capture and one for recovery change capture. This module can be
configured to run either in the database, where the recovery agent will be
run as a batch job, or as a service that runs within the correlation service.
The configuration is determined by the databases that you are monitoring.
Correlation service
The correlation service receives raw data for database changes from the
change-capture agents, matches the changes against user-mapped tables in
the DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher metadata catalog,
and then sends the data to the publication service after the changes are
committed. This processing is handled in the correlation service so that the
change-capture agents can be minimally intrusive to the database
Publication service
The publication service receives information from the correlation service
that indicates that changes were made to one or more tables that are
mapped in the DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher
metadata catalog. The publication service determines which changes
correspond to your publications, generates XML messages that contain
information about the changes, and puts the messages on the WebSphere
MQ message queues used by your publications.

Change-capture agents
A change-capture agent is a module that runs on the same machine as your
database. A change-capture agent monitors the database, looking for actions that
affect data. When a table is affected by an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE
operation, the change-capture agent checks the DB2 Information Integrator Classic
Event Publisher metadata catalog to determine if the data affected is in monitored
tables, and if so sends the raw data for the candidate change to the correlation
service module. The information that is contained in that data is explained in the
section “Flow of data” on page 9.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 3

This information and any other changes captured in the same unit of work is
stored by the correlation service until a COMMIT is issued. At that point, the
correlation service verifies that the data affected by the change is in monitored
tables, and if so, formats the data into one or more SQL descriptor areas (SQLDAs,
the structures passed from an RDBMS to an application program) and passes it to
the publication service. The format of the data that it passes to the publication
service is explained in “Correlation service SQL descriptor areas (SQLDAs)” on
page 10.

On z/OS, the change-capture agents and the correlation service must be on the
same LPAR.

Introduction to recovery mode

When live data capture is prevented, the system moves into recovery mode.
Recovery mode ensures that no changes are lost.

Recovery is performed differently on the various change-capture agents. Recovery

occurs when an agent fails. Some reasons for an agent to fail include:
v Starting a database without a correlation service
v Shutting down the correlation service without first stopping the database
v Change-capture agent messaging failure
v Correlation service failure
v Rejection of a message by the publication service
v Rejection of a message by a WebSphere MQ message queue

These failures might not be recoverable if they are driven by change data that will
produce the same error if recovery is attempted. For example, if the data captured
and forwarded to the publication service caused the publication service to reject
the message, then the publication service will reject that message every time that
the message is resent.

The correlation service is responsible for detecting failure and returning messages
stating that the system entered recovery mode. At this point, the recovery
change-capture agent should start or be started. Depending upon the
configuration, recovery might start automatically, or might require you to run a job
or otherwise start the recovery agent manually.

When the recovery change-capture agent is started, it performs the following

1. It retrieves restart information from the correlation service.
2. It starts reading recovery source information from the native data source
3. It sends raw change data and syncpoint records (COMMIT and ROLLBACK) to
the correlation service.

When the recovery of data catches up with the active server, with some databases
you need to restart the database to move back into active mode with no changes
lost. However, often, it is not practical to stop the monitored database to complete
the recovery process. For these situations, Classic Event Publisher provides
methods to exit recovery mode and resume the active capture of changes from the
database system. Check the chapter of the DB2 Information Integrator Operations
Guide for Classic Event Publishing for your database for the steps that you must

4 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

You can use the THROTTLE parameter to keep the recovery change-capture agent
from overtaking the correlation service. For more information about this parameter,
see the chapter of the DB2 Information Integrator Operations Guide for Classic Event
Publishing for your database.

Correlation service
The correlation service verifies the captured change data against the metadata that
is stored in the DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher metadata
catalog. If the table that was affected is mapped in the metadata catalog and is
flagged for data capture, the correlation service stores the data until it receives a
COMMIT statement.

You add information to the metadata catalog using the Data Mapper and the
metadata utility. For information about the Data Mapper, see the DB2 Information
Integrator Data Mapper Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing.

Each piece of change information that the correlation service stores is kept until a
COMMIT or ROLLBACK action is performed on the unit of work. At COMMIT,
the correlation service creates one or two SQLDAs for each change to a monitored
table. These SQLDAs are sent to the publication service. The information contained
in the SQLDAs that are passed to the publication service is described in “Flow of
data” on page 9.

If a ROLLBACK is detected for a unit of work, all data currently stored for that
unit of work is deleted.

If the change-capture agent determines that an UPDATE was performed on the
Employee database table, the change-capture agent checks the DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Event Publisher metadata catalog to determine if the Employee
database table is mapped to a logical table and flagged for change capture.

If the table is flagged for change capture, the change-capture agent passes change
information to the correlation service indicating that the table was updated. The
correlation service stores the change information until it receives information from
the change-capture agent that indicates that the UPDATE was committed. At that
point, the change-capture agent creates and sends two SQLDAs that provide the
publication service with the before and after image of the data that was updated.

The correlation service resides on the same machine as the change-capture agent,
in a different address space. On z/OS, the change-capture agents and the
correlation service must be on the same LPAR.

Recovery mode
The correlation service tracks change-capture agents in recovery mode and
maintains a persistent data store of the recovery points. The failure of a correlation
service usually requires restarting a recovery process at a point other than where
the existing recovery process is running, because changes might be in transit
between the recovery process and correlation service, or changes might be waiting
to be forwarded to the publication service when the correlation service is stopped.
Restarting the recovery process ensures that no changes are lost.

Chapter 2. Product architecture 5

Both active and recovery agents send messages through the correlation service. The
benefits of this arrangement are:
v The correlation service can act as a single point of management of all change
capture and control.
v The change-capture agents can remain as lean as possible to minimize their
impact on the databases in which they reside.

The correlation service, as the focal point of change capture, tracks the point of
recovery. It determines where the recovery agent was. Recovery agents query the
restart information from the correlation service when they are started.

The correlation service continues sending data to the publication service until the
correlation service is stopped or an error occurs. When the correlation service
stops, it halts processing any cached transactions and waits for confirmation of any
outstanding messages that were sent to the publication service. See “Introduction
to recovery mode” on page 4, for more information.

Metrics reports
Classic Event Publisher maintains information about the correlation service. It
generates a report each time a publication service disconnects from the correlation
service, and each time the correlation service is shut down.

The following is an example report:

Processed Pending Unconfirmed Messages
Agent Commits Rollbacks Commits Commits Total Processed State
------------- ------- --------- ------- ------- ------- --------- --------
IMS 0006689 0000007 0000000 0000000 0039094 0039094 Active

For each change-capture agent, Classic Event Publisher records:

v The number of processed commits and rollbacks
v The number of commits that were pending when it was shut down (or when the
corresponding publication service disconnected)
v The number of commits that were sent to the publication service, but that hadn’t
received a confirmation or rejection from the publication service
v The total number of messages received from the specific change-capture agent
by the correlation service, and how many of them were processed
v The state of the change-capture agent when the correlation service was shut
v The status of the queue on the attached publication service.

Starting a correlation service

You can start a correlation service in two ways: warm-starting and cold-starting.

When warm-starting, you start the correlation service so that it will retain recovery
start information, so that no data loss occurs from changes that were made during
the time that the correlation service was unavailable.

Cold-starting requires that you change a setting in the configuration file that tells
the correlation service to disregard any lost changes by discarding the recovery
start point, and to let any change-capture agents continue running in active mode.

6 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

You typically cold-start a correlation service only in extreme situations in which an
unrecoverable system failure occurred. You should not cold-start in situations in
which databases were successfully run in active mode, or cases where successful
recovery completed, and a controlled transition back to active mode was

Important: After cold-starting a correlation service, change the configuration file

setting so that future restarts will warm-start. If you do not do this,
and you need to perform another restart, you could inadvertently lose
data changes.

Named servers
You can use named correlation services in your deployment if you will need more
than one correlation service. For example, you might choose to have more than one
correlation service if you have both a test and production database on the same
system. If you were to use only an unnamed correlation service, and you had to
stop the correlation service for the test system, then it would put both the test
system’s change-capture agents into recovery and the production system’s
change-capture agents into recovery mode. Using unnamed servers limits you to
one correlation service per database class.

Setting up a named server environment requires that you configure both the
correlation service and its corresponding change-capture agents with the names
that you set up. To configure a correlation service, you add a ’NAME=’ parameter to
the Service Info Entry. See “Configuring a correlation service,” on page 10 in DB2
Information Integrator Operations Guide for Classic Event Publishing. For information
about configuring change-capture agents for a named server environment, see the
chapter for the corresponding data source in the DB2 Information Integrator
Operations Guide for Classic Event Publishing.

Publication service
The publication service is a multi-threaded server that supports full logging. Each
correlation service has one corresponding publication service. A publication service
performs the following tasks:
1. Receives data in SQLDA format about changes to your source tables from the
correlation service
2. Matches the data against the publications that you configured
3. Converts the SQLDA data into messages in an XML format
4. Puts the XML messages on the local, persistent WebSphere MQ message queues
specified for your publications.

Information about the last unit of recovery (UOR) to be sent as a message and
confirmation from WebSphere MQ that messages are accepted is stored in a local,
persistent message queue referred to as the in-doubt resolution queue. This queue
ensures that if the correlation service is shut down, recovery point information will
not be lost.

For information about configuring publication services, see the DB2 Information
Integrator Operations Guide for Classic Event Publishing.

Chapter 2. Product architecture 7

Messaging is crucial for IT personnel to determine where and when problems
occur in the system. The following diagram shows how messaging occurs in DB2
Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher.

Common storage

1 1
2 2

Active change-capture agent Recovery change-capture agent

3 4 6 7

Metadata catalog 8

Correlation service
B-tree 9

10 11


WebSphere MQ 12 13
queue manager

In-doubt resolution queue

Message queue Message queue

Message queue
for publications for publications
for publication n
1 and 2 3, 4, and 5

Figure 1. Messaging in DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher

1. The active and recovery change-capture agents both intercept database change
data in common storage, and check to see if tables affected by a change are
flagged for data capture.
2. The active and recovery change-capture agents send raw database change data
and syncpoint records to the common storage.
3. The active change-capture agent sends raw database change data and
syncpoint records to the correlation service.
4. The recovery change-capture agent sends raw database change data and
syncpoint records to the correlation service.
5. The correlation service sends restart information to recovery change-capture

8 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

6. The correlation service sends table filtering information and queue names to
common storage.
7. The correlation service monitors common storage for change-capture agents
placed in recovery mode.
8. The correlation service pre-loads tables flagged for change capture from the
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher metadata catalog. If
change data is received by the correlation service for any table not flagged for
change capture, the change data is discarded.
9. The correlation service stores uncommitted database updates in a B-tree.
When the unit of work is committed, the correlation service retrieves the
incremental updates.
10. When incremental updates to a database are committed, and the correlation
service retrieves those incremental updates, it creates one or two SQLDAs for
each update in the unit of work. The SQLDAs store before images, after
images, or both of the database that was changed and sends the SQLDAs to
the publication service.
11. The publication service sends confirmation and rejection messages to the
correlation service when it completes or fails to complete actions in response
to the SQLDAs that the correlation service sent. These messages establish the
new recovery point in the event of a correlation service shutdown or
change-capture agent failure.
12. The publication service populates the in-doubt resolution queue with
messages that detail its progress. If a publication fails for any reason, the
publication service looks in the in-doubt resolution queue for information
about the last unit of work that was in a message that was committed to a
message queue.
13. The publication service determines if the tables specified in the SQLDAs have
corresponding publications. The publication service converts the SQLDAs to
messages in an XML format and puts the messages on local, persistent
WebSphere MQ message queues specified by the publications.

Flow of data
The information generated by a captured change is passed from the change-capture
agent to the correlation service, where it is stored until the captured change is
committed. If other changes are captured on the same unit of work, they are stored
along with the first captured change, also until the unit of work is committed.
After the data is committed, the correlation service creates either one or two
SQLDAs for each change, with information about the changes that were made to
the database tables, and forwards them to the publication service.

The publication service determines if the tables specified in the SQLDAs have
corresponding publications. The publication service then converts the SQLDAs to
messages in an XML format and puts the messages on local, persistent WebSphere
MQ message queues specified by the publications.

When making database changes, you can either commit a change, or ROLLBACK
(undo) a change. DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher only acts
upon committed data. This ensures that the database makes the requested updates.
The correlation service is responsible for maintaining all the syncpoint records to
allow monitoring of COMMIT operations. This is discussed in more detail in
“Messaging” on page 8.

Chapter 2. Product architecture 9

Correlation service SQL descriptor areas (SQLDAs)
The data that is passed from the correlation service to the publication service is
contained in one or two SQLDA structures. For captured INSERT operations and
DELETE operations, only one SQLDA is created. It stores the after image for
INSERT operations and before images for DELETE operations. For captured
UPDATE operations, a SQLDA is created for the before image, and another for the
after image.

Message structure
The data that is sent to the publication service from the correlation service has the
following elements:
This value indicates whether the action performed was an INSERT,
Table name
This value provides the name of the table that was affected by the action.
This table name corresponds to an entry in the DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Event Publisher metadata catalog.
This value provides the time that the action occurred.
These hold the before and/or after images of the data records that were

In-doubt transactions
Transactions are in-doubt after they are sent from the correlation service to the
publication service, and before the publication service sends a confirmation or
rejection message back to the correlation service.

When a transaction is in-doubt at the time that the correlation service that sent it
terminates, the change-capture agents that connect to that correlation service are
halted, and are set to an in-doubt state.

When the correlation service is restarted and it detects that the system is in-doubt,
the correlation service puts any active change-capture agents into recovery mode.
The recovery agents then detect the in-doubt state of the system, and terminate
with an error message.

Automatic in-doubt handling

When a correlation service is restarted and reinitiates its connection with the
publication service that caused the in-doubt status, the correlation service sends a
message to the publication service with the agent information and the last
transaction confirmation that it received from the publication service.

The publication service then attempts to clear the in-doubt state by sending any
pending confirmations or rejections for past transactions. If the publication service
is unable to do so, then you must either manually override the in-doubt status, or
you must cold start the correlation service.

Manual in-doubt handling

Recovery change-capture agents have an override mechanism to allow using an
in-doubt recovery point for recovery purposes. If you do not want to use this
mechanism, you must use the correlation service cold-start procedure. You should

10 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

consider this option only when the former option will not work. For more
information about cold-starting a correlation service, see “Moving from Recovery
to Active Mode,” in the DB2 Information Integrator Operations Guide for Classic Event

Chapter 2. Product architecture 11

12 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing
Chapter 3. Requirements for WebSphere MQ
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher and the application that
receives the messages for your publications can work together with WebSphere
MQ or WebSphere Business Integrator Event Broker. You can use WebSphere MQ
in two ways. Your receiving application can work with a WebSphere MQ server or
with a WebSphere MQ client. This section lists the objects needed by the
WebSphere MQ server used by Classic Event Publisher and by either the
WebSphere MQ server or WebSphere MQ client used by your receiving application.

For information about the use of WebSphere Event Broker in a Publish/Subscribe

configuration, see WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Publish/Subscribe at

Objects required when receiving applications use WebSphere MQ

If your receiving application will use a WebSphere MQ server when receiving
messages from the publication service, you need the objects listed in this section.

Non-channel objects at the WebSphere MQ server where Classic Event Publisher

is running (Server 1):
v Queue manager.
v At least one remote definition of a queue that is local to the WebSphere MQ
server (Server2) where the receiving application is running. The number of these
objects matches the number of local queues on Server 2 that are receiving XML
messages from Classic Event Publisher.
v One transmission queue.
v One local queue to use as the in-doubt resolution queue.

Non-channel objects at the WebSphere MQ server where the receiving

application is running (Server 2):
v Queue manager.
v At least one local queue. The number of queues that you create depends on
whether and how you want to group your publications.

Channel objects:
v One Message Channel Agent (MCA) at the WebSphere MQ server where Classic
Event Publisher is running (Server 1).
v One MCA at the WebSphere MQ server where the receiving application is
running (Server 2).
v One message channel from WMQ Server 1 to WMQ Server 2.
v One message channel from WMQ Server 2 to WMQ Server 1.

For information about creating message channels, see the WebSphere MQ

Intercommunication guide at

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 13

WebSphere MQ objects required by Classic Event Publisher when
receiving applications use WebSphere MQ clients
If your receiving application will use a WebSphere MQ client when receiving
messages from the publication service, you need the objects listed in this section.

Non-channel objects at the WebSphere MQ server:

v Queue manager.
v At least one local queue. The number of queues that you create depends on
whether and how you want to group your publications.
v One local queue to use as the in-doubt resolution queue.

Channel objects:
v Server-connection channel.
An MQ listener must be listening on the server where you define the
server-connection channel. Otherwise, the channel will not be enabled.

For information about how to configure and use WebSphere MQ clients with your
receiving applications, see the WebSphere MQ Clients guide at

14 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

DB2 Information Integrator documentation
This topic provides information about the documentation that is available for DB2
Information Integrator. The tables in this topic provide the official document title,
form number, and location of each PDF book. To order a printed book, you must
know either the official book title or the document form number. Titles, file names,
and the locations of the DB2 Information Integrator release notes and installation
requirements are also provided in this topic.

This topic contains the following sections:

v Accessing DB2 Information Integrator documentation
v Documentation for replication function on z/OS
v Documentation for event publishing function for DB2 Universal Database on
v Documentation for event publishing function for IMS and VSAM on z/OS
v Documentation for event publishing and replication function on Linux, UNIX,
and Windows
v Documentation for federated function on z/OS
v Documentation for federated function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
v Documentation for enterprise search on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
v Release notes and installation requirements

Accessing DB2 Information Integrator documentation

All DB2 Information Integrator books and release notes are available in PDF files
from the DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site at

To access the latest DB2 Information Integrator product documentation, from the
DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site, click on the Product Information
link, as shown in Figure 2 on page 16.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 15

Figure 2. Accessing the Product Information link from DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site

You can access the latest DB2 Information Integrator documentation, in all
supported languages, from the Product Information link:
v DB2 Information Integrator product documentation in PDF files
v Fix pack product documentation, including release notes
v Instructions for downloading and installing the DB2 Information Center for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows
v Links to the DB2 Information Center online

Scroll though the list to find the product documentation for the version of DB2
Information Integrator that you are using.

16 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

The DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site also provides support
documentation, IBM Redbooks, white papers, product downloads, links to user
groups, and news about DB2 Information Integrator.

You can also view and print the DB2 Information Integrator PDF books from the
DB2 PDF Documentation CD.

To view or print the PDF documentation:

1. From the root directory of the DB2 PDF Documentation CD, open the index.htm
2. Click the language that you want to use.
3. Click the link for the document that you want to view.

Documentation about replication function on z/OS

Table 1. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about replication function on z/OS
Name number Location
ASNCLP Program Reference for Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
and Event Publishing Support Web site
Introduction to Replication and Event GC18-7567 DB2 Information Integrator
Publishing Support Web site
Migrating to SQL Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication and Event Publishing Guide and SC18-7568 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication Installation and Customization SC18-9127 DB2 Information Integrator
Guide for z/OS Support Web site
SQL Replication Guide and Reference SC27-1121 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Tuning for Replication and Event Publishing N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Performance Support Web site
Tuning for SQL Replication Performance N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews >
and Replication for z/OS Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information Integrator
product CD

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 17

Documentation about event publishing function for DB2 Universal
Database on z/OS
Table 2. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing function for DB2
Universal Database on z/OS
Name number Location
ASNCLP Program Reference for Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
and Event Publishing Support Web site
Introduction to Replication and Event GC18-7567 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication and Event Publishing Guide and SC18-7568 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Tuning for Replication and Event Publishing N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Performance Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews >
and Replication for z/OS Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information Integrator
product CD

Documentation about event publishing function for IMS and VSAM on

Table 3. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing function for IMS
and VSAM on z/OS
Name number Location
Client Guide for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9160 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Data Mapper Guide for Classic Federation and SC18-9163 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Getting Started with Event Publisher for z/OS GC18-9186 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Installation Guide for Classic Federation and GC18-9301 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Operations Guide for Event Publisher for z/OS SC18-9157 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site

18 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

Table 3. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing function for IMS
and VSAM on z/OS (continued)
Name number Location
Planning Guide for Event Publisher for z/OS SC18-9158 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Reference for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9156 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
System Messages for Classic Federation and SC18-9162 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Integrator Event Publisher for IMS for z/OS Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Integrator Event Publisher for VSAM for z/OS Support Web site

Documentation about event publishing and replication function on

Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Table 4. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing and replication
function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Name Form number Location
ASNCLP Program Reference for Replication and N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publishing Support Web site
Installation Guide for Linux, UNIX, and GC18-7036 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Introduction to Replication and Event GC18-7567 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Migrating to SQL Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication and Event Publishing Guide and SC18-7568 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
SQL Replication Guide and Reference SC27-1121 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Tuning for Replication and Event Publishing N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Performance Support Web site
Tuning for SQL Replication Performance N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 19

Table 4. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing and replication
function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows (continued)
Name Form number Location
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews
and Replication for z/OS > Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information
Integrator product CD

Documentation about federated function on z/OS

Table 5. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about federated function on z/OS
Name Form number Location
Client Guide for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9160 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Data Mapper Guide for Classic Federation and SC18-9163 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Getting Started with Classic Federation for z/OS GC18-9155 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Installation Guide for Classic Federation and GC18-9301 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Reference for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9156 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
System Messages for Classic Federation and SC18-9162 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Transaction Services Guide for Classic SC18-9161 DB2 Information Integrator
Federation for z/OS Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Integrator Classic Federation for z/OS Support Web site

Documentation about federated function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Table 6. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about federated function on Linux, UNIX,
and Windows
Name number Location
Application Developer’s Guide SC18-7359 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site

20 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

Table 6. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about federated function on Linux, UNIX,
and Windows (continued)
Name number Location
C++ API Reference for Developing Wrappers SC18-9172 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Data Source Configuration Guide N/A v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Federated Systems Guide SC18-7364 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Guide to Configuring the Content Connector for N/A DB2 Information Integrator
VeniceBridge Support Web site
Installation Guide for Linux, UNIX, and GC18-7036 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Java API Reference for Developing Wrappers SC18-9173 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Migration Guide SC18-7360 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Wrapper Developer’s Guide SC18-9174 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews
and Replication for z/OS > Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information
Integrator product CD

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 21

Documentation about enterprise search function on Linux, UNIX, and
Table 7. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about enterprise search function on Linux,
UNIX, and Windows
Name Form number Location
Administering Enterprise Search SC18-9283 DB2 Information
Integrator Support Web
Installation Guide for Enterprise Search GC18-9282 DB2 Information
Integrator Support Web
Programming Guide and API Reference for SC18-9284 DB2 Information
Enterprise Search Integrator Support Web
Release Notes for Enterprise Search N/A DB2 Information
Integrator Support Web

Release notes and installation requirements

Release notes provide information that is specific to the release and fix pack level
for your product and include the latest corrections to the documentation for each

Installation requirements provide information that is specific to the release of your

Table 8. DB2 Information Integrator Release Notes and Installation Requirements
Name File name Location
Installation Requirements for IBM Prereqs v The DB2 Information Integrator
DB2 Information Integrator Event product CD
Publishing Edition, Replication
v DB2 Information Integrator
Edition, Standard Edition, Advanced
Installation Launchpad
Edition, Advanced Edition Unlimited,
Developer Edition, and Replication for
Release Notes for IBM DB2 ReleaseNotes v In the DB2 Information Center,
Information Integrator Standard Product Overviews > Information
Edition, Advanced Edition, and Integration > DB2 Information
Replication for z/OS Integrator overview > Problems,
workarounds, and documentation
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator Support
Web site
v The DB2 Information Integrator
product CD
Release Notes for IBM DB2 N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Information Integrator Event Web site
Publisher for IMS for z/OS

22 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

Table 8. DB2 Information Integrator Release Notes and Installation Requirements (continued)
Name File name Location
Release Notes for IBM DB2 N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Information Integrator Event Web site
Publisher for VSAM for z/OS
Release Notes for IBM DB2 N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Information Integrator Classic Web site
Federation for z/OS
Release Notes for Enterprise Search N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Web site

To view the installation requirements and release notes that are on the product CD:
v On Windows operating systems, enter:
x is the Windows CD drive letter and %L is the locale of the documentation that
you want to use, for example, en_US.
v On UNIX operating systems, enter:
cdrom refers to the UNIX mount point of the CD and %L is the locale of the
documentation that you want to use, for example, en_US.

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 23

24 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing
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26 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

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Notices 27
28 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing
change-capture agent 3
messaging failure 4
recovery mode 4, 5, 6
starting 4
correlation service 6
cold-starting 6
confirming transactions 7
errors 6
location 5
named servers 7
shutting down without stopping
database 4
SQLDAs 5, 10
starting 6
starting a database without 4
warm-starting 6

DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event
uses 1

in-doubt transactions 6

messaging 8
metadata catalog 3, 5
metadata utility 5
metrics reports 6

named servers 7

point of recovery 6
publication service 7

recovery mode 4, 5


THROTTLE parameter 5

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 29

30 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing
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32 DB2 II Planning Guide for Classic Event Publishing

Printed in USA


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