bGAS Study QP

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- QL. Whatkind of process is corrosion? «= Gov Ans corrosion is an electrochemical process. * Q2_ What particular problems relate to the maintenance of an 4 \ effective coating system in the splash zone? Growth of marine life. Rapid change in oxygen. (Wet / Dry) ‘Access to working area. wP Heavy salt laden atmosphere. 2) Wave impact and erosion, ‘Mechanical damage. =" : QB What factor luence the rate of corrosion? ‘Ans (D__Vatiation of oxygen content on the steel surface or rapid change in oxygen. RAH. (above 60% is critical) or higher RH. Presence of impurities in the air like ecid, alkalis; salts te. or Impurities in atmosphere like acid, alkalis, salts etc, (iv) Higher nobility metals in contact withthe steel (Ep, Mill scale) Q4 Whatis mill scale and why is ita particular problem when 4 : attempting to protect steel? Ans (I) Mill scale isa thin black flaky layer of formed on the steel during its manufacture. ii) Mill seale 1s more node than steel as per the Galvanic series. idized iron Re) u Qs ‘What is the number of the Swedish Standard contained with in B.S. 7079 and list the rust and blasting grades togetiier with their brief relevant titles? Ans @ Ans ® Gi) q7 ‘Swedish Standard - — SIS-05-59-00. - Covered in mill scale with litle or no rust. A mixture of mill scale and rust. = Mill scale gone, rusted with slight surface pitting, - Heavily nusted and pitted. cou> BLASTING GRADE Sal - Light blast cleaning. Sa2__- _ thorough blast cleaning, Se212, - Very thorough blast cleaning, S23] Blast cleaning to visually clean steel. ‘Name three tests for locating Hygroscopic salts and mill scale’ ona blast cleaned substrate. For soluble Iron salts - Potassium Ferricyanide test, ~ For soluble Chlorides - Silver Nitrate test. ~ Mill scale Copper Sulphate test, What factors influence how clean and how rough the surface 2 becomes after blast cleaning. Ans Abrasive characteristics Human factors W) * Size Q) Angle i) Shape ii) Distance ii) Hardness (ii) Speed iv) Densi aN) Time a ao 2 Q8 Regarding hand and power tools cleaning state what always 2 concludes this process and to wat standards. Wire brushing concludes Ans Hand and power tools cleaning. ST-2—- Thorough hand and power tools cleaning (Manuel). ST-3 = __ Very thorough hand and power tools Cleaning (Mechanical). Wire brushing is carried only for B, C & D rust grades, Q9 What three basic Ingredients make up a traditiona’ Carrying paint. nal solvent 4, Q10 What are the functions of each of these three in a solvent & carrying paint? Ans BINDER, % (@) Binds the particles together and holds them in suspension. the paint its finish. Gives flexibility to the paint film. Gv) Gives resistance to Water, Chemicals & Abrasion. (v) Converts the coating to a solid dry film. (vi) Makes the coating adhere to the surface. PIGMEN (Gives colour. Gi) Gives opacity te +2 p Gil) Gives resistars + Acia, Askali & Light o SOLVENT G)__ Forms the evaporation part of the drying process. Gi) Thins the paint so it can be applied easily. Gi) Washes out brushes and equipment. (iv) Acts asa degreasing agent if approved. QUI Name five items that can be included in paint to improve its 4 performance or suitability for a certain use. Ans (1) ‘ Drier orCatalyst (iv) Stabilizer i) Extenders (v)7 Thixotropic agent (vi) /Anti-Skinning agent (i QU2 Identify six pints by their binder names. 7 4 Ans (i) Epoxy (iv) Emulsion paint }) Chlorinated rubber (v) Viny, Gil) Alleyd resin (vi) Acrylic” (vii) Silicon, Q13 Name four binder / solvent combinations. ‘Ans () Epoxy = Acetone Gi) Chlorinated Riibber - Xylene (iil) Alkyd Resi White spirit iv) Emulsion paint = Water. QI4. Name six opaque pigments together with their respective 4 colures. ‘Ans"Q) Zine Phosphate == =~ White (qi) Zine Chromate. == ‘Yellow (iit) Red Leao = Red tiv) White Lead White (v) RedlronOxide = - Red (vi) Carbon Black ~ Black (vii) Graphite - Black (viii) Calcium Plum bate - White ™ Q15 Describe what a laminar pigment is. © their paint film, overlap and interwave with each otherto give a { ‘Ans Ithas a particle shape like small leaves or hands upon drying of | coatingswhich is highly resistant to the passage of wate. ze QIG What is the difference between a convertible and: convertible coating? Nor Reve RsiBLe ‘Ans CONVERTIBLE coating is those, which under go a chemical change upon drying and after wards cannot be softened or damaged if they come inta contact with their own solvent. Whereas got ase NON-CONVERTIBLE coatings are those, ‘evaporation only. No chemical changes take place and after drying the paint would be softened or damaged if it came into contact with its own solvent. QI7 Define the term “INDUCTION PERIOD”. ‘Ans_Itisa length of time 2-pack paint has to stand after mixing and before application. The time allows air bubbles to escape or chemical reaction o take place, and is stated by the paint manufacturer. Q18 Define a ‘BARRIER? system of coatings. 4 ‘Ans Barer is defined asa costing system of iow permeability. Define the term “POT LIFE”, Ans Itis the length of time following induction period or after induction that a 2-pack paint remains in a apply able condition according to the manufacturer's instruction. Q20 Define the term ‘TIE COAT" and give an example of its use. as oobi £- Ars lis coat of paint, which can tie two normally incgrapaible systems together. > — Fe. Solvent Stripping or bleedingy adh. Q21_Whatis the difference between “THERMOSETTING” end “THERMOPLASTIC” ‘Ans THERMOSETTINT is a convertible type of coating, which is heat, cured and cannot be softened or damaged upon application of heat after curing completes. Eg. Fusion Bond Epoxy. THERMOPLASTIC is a non-convert able type of coating, ‘which can be brought back to its original applicable condition by applying heat or can be softened. He Eg. Polypropylene. fey XQ22. What is “IMPRESSED CURRENT”? What problem can arise from its incorrect setting up? ‘Ans_Itis second line of cathodie protection to back: hole to sacrificial oating. If two greater voltage is epplied hydrogen gas bubbles fon ‘on the surface of the pipeline and bring off the sacrificial coating. This is known as eathodes disbondment. Q25_ Name two types of paint mills and give nvo examples of exch Ans (i) Direct charge mill Gi) Pre-mix mi (@ Ball mill (@) Single roll mill, (©). Attritor mitt (b)_ Triple roll mit © High speed dispenser © Pearl, Sand or Bead mill. Q24 (i) What is the title of B.S 39002 Gi) How many test sets are in B.S 3900. (iv) How are the tests identified (name, number, letter) > _._ Method of test for paints. Eight sets (8 ~ Sets) Gi) Letters Ato H. Q25 What does a fineness of grind gauge measure? Aas (i) Measures the size of the pigment particles. Gi) Measures how finely the pigment has ground in the, milling process. (Q26 What is a “FLASH POINT” and in what apparatus is it & SN determined, ‘Ans. It is the minimum temperature at which the vapors of liquid will ignite if an extemal source of ignition is introduced. This is determined in a closed cup of the able type. and what equipment is used to measure the viscosity of (A) a free flowing paint. (B) A thixotropic paint. Ans Its a process of measuring a Mud resistance to flow (A) A free flowing paint - Ford flow cup 4. (B) A thixotropic paim - Rotation viscometer. 28. What is a density cup and give an example of its use. CB wihed ise chy cor mun Give A Fee RIDA USE ‘Ans A density cup a small black cup made from aircraft alloy, usually it holds 100ce and the lid has a hole in the top. ()_Ttis used to calculate the density of paint, Gi)__It is used to check the solvent quantity added to the paint. (iii) Used to check the correct parts of z-pack components are mixed together. Q29 Calculate the VS% of paint if the W-F-T. was 186ym and the @ DET. were 93m. “2 ans DET. = 100 9 = 186 x VS. Vs = 93 x 100, Q30 Cafeulate the WF DET. was 88m. “& Ans DFT. = WE oe fe 17 ,-., 100 4 = WEE” x66 100 WAT. = 88 x 100. = 133.33um 66 Q31 Calculate the D.F.T. of paint if V.S.% was 44% and the W.F.T. was 234pm, Ans DFT. 2 WEL cae 100 DFT. = 234 x 4g = 102.96pm. 100 Q32 Calculate the density of Paint if Sli. Tin weight 15k. ‘Ans Density = Wt “+ 15x 1000 Volume 5 x 1000 = 15000em_ = 3.00 grvem?, ‘5000 cm* Q33 Calculate the density of a z-pack material if part A (paint) was Sg/em and part B (catalyst) was 0.5 g/cm? (Assume mix ratio of (> Ans Average ofZ-density= 1.5 + 0.5 = 20 2.02.0 = 1.00g/em?. Q34 Name an example of a non-destructive D.F.T. gauge & Destructive gauge. ‘Ans () Non-destructive gauge - Banana gauge or Electronic gauge.. Gi) Destructive gauge > PIG. Paint Inspectors gauge ° Q35 Name four artificial weathering devices and say what they are designed to simulate. how paint behaves under Marine conditions. Ans (i) Salt spray box Tropic box + how paint behaves in a High humidity environmen. Water soak test = —_tests for paint film Permeability (iv) Temperature eyeling - paint film flexibility (High /Low Temp) Low Temp.contraction Cracking. Q36 Name two drying / curing test and state how () Cold check testing Ars (() BALLOTINI TEST: Ballotini are tiny glass ball are dropped on to a wet painted panel. The time in hours is given at the side of the panel and where the Ballotini fails to stick to the painted panel drying has ‘occurred. qi) STYLUS TEST: ‘Similar to Ballotini test, the Stylus test employs a series of tailing needles which pass over the wet painted panel, because the needles are set at different tensions it can be established when the paint is tack dry, hard dry and fully cured. 37 What does a Crypto meter measure and give two examples of a exypto meter. ‘Ans Any piece of device or equipment, which measures opacity of a Paint, is called Crypto meter. z ee i) Pfund Crypto meter. wa Q38. What determines the degree of gloss paint may posses? Ans The degree of gloss a paint are as followed (i) Amount and type of binder. Gi) Size and fineness of the pigment particles. Skill of applicator (| Method of appli tion. Q39 Name three adhesion tests and describe how one if them is carried out, Ane Follo a is the three-adhesion test. Foss cut test (i) Cross hatch test Gi) Dolly test ‘CROSS CUT TEST: CROSS HATCH TEST; DOLLY TEST: @ Clean, Degrease and Roughen Surface @) Stick down dolly with regular araldite 3 Leave for 24 hrs @ 25°C 3 VY) Cut around dolly to isolate paint underneath a: (VY) Appily pull off force (VI) Check at what P.S.L. failure occurs (Q40 ‘State the conditions under which B.Gas allow painting to take place, Ans Mention below the B.Gas allows ‘painting condition place. @ ‘The air and metal temperature is at least 3°C above ‘the dew point temperature. Sere (i) The relative humidity is less than 90 % ‘The temperature for application fagepgsimanizar within the manufactures given limit Q41 Name eight duties of a paint inspector. Ans Daily duty of coating inspector. (i) Assess condition of substrate, Check that correct materials have been obtained for use. Check dev point, relative humidity and stee! ‘emperature. Daily as required (iv) Inspect surfaces after blast cleaning (Grade of cleanliness & Amplitude) WALT. Checks. DIRT. Checks. Witness all preparation and painting procedures. ‘Make reports as required (Daily, Weekly, Summary ete) QU? List eight contractor malpractices, Ans 1. Using unqualified personnel. 2. Carrying out further work before inspection completed. Attempting to skip a coat. . Preparing and painting when weather conditions are 4 unsuitable, Using paint, which is out of date. Using incorrect solvent for degreasing. ‘Not observing induction and pot life times. Incorrect storage of paint. oO Sane Q43 Name three methods of applying paint and compare the advantages and disadvantages of ¢ach in terms of quality and cost effectiveness, ‘Ans There are three methods of applying paints are as followed. (BRUSH: Cheap to purchase. Easy to maintain. Slow to use. Cannot apply all coating type. Good for applying primer. Best for strip coat appli Access is poor. a b. ¢ 4 r ai) ROLLI a. Cheaper to purchase. b. Easy to maintain, ©. 2-3 times quicker than brush, "Leaves an uitéVén coating. Exterior poles make better access. 5 32 “£ Roller spray is messy. > 2°” & Orange peel & heel marks effects are undeniable. ies Gi) SPRAY: a. Very expensive. 6. Up to 30 times quicker then brush, © Only method for applying high volume and high thickness 4. High degree of safety required € PPE isrequired. ” £ Marking out is required. | oy + #4 ‘What does “B.S 2015 Glossy of paint terms” refer to and give three examples. ‘Ans Refers to faults, which occur with paint. cc (Bleeding. Gi) Cussing. Gi) Chalking. (iv) Pinhole. Q45 What is B.S. 4800 and how is it used in the construction indusuy. ‘Ans IL isa range of 100 Standardized colues for using in industry taken from 237 colures from B.S 5252. USES: a. Identifying colurés on new construction, b. Mentifying cotours on existing paint on ‘maintenance works. €. _Allmanufacturers can make same colour 46. How do B.Gas define the following? b. Medium term protection. d. New galvanizing. Short term protection. Weathered galvanizing. Ans a. Typically 10 years, ‘Typically 5 years. Typically 2-3 years, Less than 3-months, bright and shiney. ‘More than 3-months dull lacking in sheen & rough, Q47 What isthe procedure for removing joil and grease from a surface before preparation commence? Ands All contamination shall be removed by means of an approved solvent Eg. Xylene. . Q48 “What is the procedure for removing oil and grease from a surface if founé after preparation. Ans ‘Contaminated area must be swabbed with an approved solvent, “followed by a 2% detergent wash, further followed by a washing with Clean water, therough drying and re-blasting. Care must be taken that disposable lint free swab must be used once only. 1269. Wa isthe procedare for ‘emoving algae and mould growth From pipe work. ee ae ‘ +7 Ans Algae and mold growth shall ke treated with a biocidal can kilt . the spores. It shall then be removed be scrubbing with stiff bristle brushes and clean water or by use ofa high pressure water wesl, Q50 Under what conditions must paint be stored Q Aw Ina cool, dry, lockable, well ventilated buil Sources of heat and taking into account current ‘munufacturers storage conditions or S°C below or less than flash paint, Q5I (a) What is T-wash (b) Whats it used for ©) What colour is it (@)_ How do we check for a correct Reaction when using it. Ans (a) Anetch primer (©) Providing a key on new galvanizing © Bhe (4) Ittums black upon drying. Q52 What two coats of paint are applied “at works"? Ans S.P.Acl .. (i) High solids solvent based epoxy primer to—- 75pm minimum D.F.T, 53 What distance must be left at areas to be welded when painting. Ans 75 mm 54 How mach must new paint overlap old on repairs, Ans 100mm Q55 What is maximum allowed time for priming to lake place following preparation and by what method is primer applied. Ans “Max 4 hrs except for $.P.A-4 (when it must be immediate) Primer applied by either brush or spray: as appropriate, Q56 What do B.Gas elass as a hot duty serviv-e Aus Metal Surface that will exci a temperature in excess 99°C ‘when in use, Q97 What must all pneumatically and electrically operated power tool equipment be? ‘Ass Earthed or grounded against static shock or fire Q58. What type of sheeting may and may not be used for. Protection ‘against spillage and spotting. Ans Non flammable or fire proof sheeting must be used tarpaulins rust not be used. 259 What must not be used to clean out paint kettles or todispose of rubbist Ans Fire or Flames shoutd not be used, QG Give the rules forthe mixing of pain regarding sizes ‘Ans Upto Sits in size may be mixed by hand, Above Sits must be mechanically mixed (Stirrers) 61 What are Osmotic Blisters and what can cause them? Ans Osmatie Blisters contains liquid, gas, and crystal and can be faye by solvent entrapment; water entrapment or Hygroscapic salts left ona blasi-cleaned surface R (Q62 Some metals are difficult to prepare name the three and describe how you might prepare them. Ans Mention below the three names, (@) New galvanizing () Weather galvanizing. © Aluminum. Preparation by sweep blast or stiff bristle brushing or hand abrades. Q63 Whore a pipeline leaves the ground what problems would you find and how might you treat this, Ans Problems: . (i) Rapid change in oxygen. Gi) Mechanical damages, (iii)... Soil is damp, dark and chemically active, ue Cure: (i) Extra thickness of coating. Gi) Wrapping with tape. Gil) Applying of polyethylene heat shrink sleeves, Q64 What additional information would you record when maintenance painting a pipeline without removing the previous coats. ‘Ans (a) Whether existing system contains any toxie coatings. (b) Are the existing coatings compatible to thenew system in terms of adhesion, solvert bleeding or stripping? © Tatent of surface contemination, paint breakdown or corrosion, (Q65 Name five paints and state their drying or curing method, Ans FBE. + Heat cured 2:Pack epoxy Solvent evaporation followed by Chemical curing Solvent evaporation only. Chlorinated rubber Alkyd resin = Solvent evaporation followed by Oxidation. Emulsion paint - __Coalesance, (Q66 Name a black pigment in common use apart from coal tar. Ans Carbon black. Q67_ What js a Holiday and Pinhole detector, what does it detect, and how does : ‘Ans Holiday is a'missed or poorly-coated area. hole is @ minite defect caused by escaping air bubbles. Hworks as: (i) Earth substrate to be tested. (i) Pass metal brush (holidays) or wet ‘Sponge detector (pinhole over the surface Ata pre-set voltage, typically 5-Volts per um) and at controlled speed. i) When a defect is found an audio or visual Warring is given + iv) These area must be marked, repaited and Rectested. & we Q68 Ifyou worked on a contract where frequent stoppaye occurred for poor weather, what additional information would you record? Ans (a) _ Record time of stopping & starting, (©) Progress of work to stoppage time. (©) Record of wasted material (abrasive or mixed paint) (d)_ Record of damage to wet films or newly blasted area. 69 If. pipe line was in direct contact with acoustic cladding, what paint system might be applied if we wished to maintain it every three years, or not at all. ‘Ans For 3-years maintenance rust inhibitive prime required for not ‘maintained, full system as specified minus finish coat, important about selecting a pain system suitable for a certain environment? ‘Ans Which is suitable for environment conditions, Q71_ What information do B.Gas require to be on a paint tin and what B.Gas document deals with the properties and performance of paints, ‘Ans Paints shall be supplied in suitable containers, which shall be Indelibly and legioly marked with the following information As follows Manufacturer’s name Description of product. The Transco idemification code PA ivy Expiry date (1 The co lour code (where specified by Transco) (vid Any special storage requirements, Q ] (vii) Application grade (brush or spray) (viii) Batch identification code (x) Identification of parts and mixing ratio by volume for ‘Multi pack material only. (x) Any markings required by current legislation. QM What is UN usual about the preparation of surfaces, which are deat with under SPA4 ‘Ans Blast cleaning is followed by clean water washing and drying Prior tothe application, Q73 State the principles of being able to use a banana gauge for taking D-F.T. readings. ‘Ans Ferrous substrate and non-ferrous coating. QM Give one advantage of using testex tape and plastic disposable, WET. combs. ‘Ans Both can be kept as permanent record. QUS Describe what you know of HASWA and COSHH. Ans HASWA - Health and safety work act-1974 this act deals. With the safety working at site for employee Provided by employer. COSHH - ‘Control of substances hazardous to health — 1988 this act deals withthe use. handling, Storage. packaging, labeling and transport of Many hazardous materials like solvents, sand, Dust ete. VOLUME ‘SELF ANALY: Ql Whats meant by BEMetaic comosion? om ere nr me OK Describe the diffrence berween water Bei, ‘Ans Water blasting is form of surfce preparation it cen operate from 100 60,000 ps and canbe with or without abrasive injection, Pressure washing is form of cleaning itoperaesvpto 100 pi end can be with or without detergent, co 6 Sue te ditrene beeen an expendable anda resablesbssive, ‘Ast Expandable abrasive canbe used only one, Reuse abrasive canbe ued up to 20 ties, (QI0 Deserte a brie pint stem, ‘Aas, isa soung oflow peoneabliy. which soles he subsite fm environment, 12 _Descibe a pea pant manafactrng proces, ‘Amt 0) Selectandestemble the rw mats G)__Millhe pai and cary out quality check onthe buch of paint. i) Can the pont, warehousing and dvftadon, 220. How do te ftlosing work? (9) Conventional spray pump (Aires spray system (©) Brecosae spray s)sem ‘nds. CONVENTIONAL SPRAY: + Not by mistr of aan pin athe un. Punts atomized by this te gun set ps (i) Gravy cup Gi) Sueioneup i) Rem cup Only these materi ean be spread and low thchnessof pint achieved due othe low working pressure invalved Fe very of pas vo the surface, larg ares, quickly and produces high thickness of ing operon is preseurzed in ld pump, which ean Gieted fom 100 ppt 7:1. Pin only atomized when eae FRR ulead te pais reese oth stoma wn Presse, ‘What nol ittrnes beveled nometi ier? ‘yr cued by i fin cnencing nd exuding sy fem tne c Syed cyt ed by shen ronment or wae capes crloween ln Wr ied aac POF How othe following dpa tei charac, Y. “Blsdiog 2) Bhoming” 3) Chatng™ 9 Claing” 5) Grimiog gala 2, Mee 9) Ronncs 9) Eon 4) Oxtaton thy Chien Corng 35) PDN, BLEEDING: ss dusloaion oe soning vr tr bse cnngor ‘ong conaiig sedges BLOOMING: avout MP pemnce tos ep ‘im coring ina conae vihedcracasae CHALKING: —Dismeatonef tinder dew gh CISSING: Fate fps forma fide pining vei pee GRINNING: Seving he umfemesth aos tom ishing cos FLOCCULATION: Scpaionot pau crs inthe pic ne LIFTING: iy Ba 0 fp before the previous coming wae fly died causing it be ied by nie ee sppied costing, ROPINESS: Heaty marks of trash nth punt fh SOLVENT STRIFPING: Wher we pi a ‘ete ovr an etsng otgetsing per oft oi dof soa nal macin been te nde one pack i dying pine ‘nd exyen to bring abou dying, CHEMICAL CURING: — cheniaal ection beeen an epoxy binder oxparto (G26 Give es mah s des you can forthe flowing, am (A) SPA. 1 : Rati carton net with sel tempente wp 095+. {i Basing $2, Frote 30am Yay ee (i) 2 Panesar can Be tae Pan GiRm sen baa, 0) Waer bom Acne (5) Prtered wo cous a werk or Peau”) se, wo DEP ert eee ot ef i ft con cone aay ML, G2 DET tor fall tem 265 pn nice (i) DET for fall sytem 250 pn (2 cons @ work & 2 coats @ sie) (7) DET rf symem 25 ymin Gao ey @)_SPA -3 ‘High Temperature Services, 100°C 1014 ome ciate ing S02", Profle 75pm max, (Apes wth riner in several ets 100 pmo eat esse rum pigmented epoxy 250m min DIET eee ‘leaning S23, Profile 754m ma, 0) Peereo ISA. butoly ppd wot sheraves 12 oP SX.a ‘sppliedo manutstures inner 0 SEE RELSOC MOC t25 and 1.4 arorequied High temp Seater ‘withhests ewe a ©) Damp Ferrous Surice Gy Baten pote 2s Gi) Washi dean (9) Beer cing pee’ ri sd ml conpenntepny ane ply’ rhih sl pony et ‘edt plied by bah and sty o manufrs nae spa. 6 © Nowtrone Sues. () Newplomideg = Septic erbndtndeor ch pnw Wena iaising - Path ple with ie eh epoey. Q Amin | Sueptertaad ties sh ia Pa ©) _Pabtssem wer bod acpi or igh bu epay er Ake pres oe ey, ® Fall ytiem must be atleast 129m min and most ache in ie tyson Mo Con FINAL INSPECTION REOKT POR INSULATION ANDCL ADDING ‘OF EQUIPAIENTS AND MING oe wears 3 bt _vint MLS D9 tans Vl) arp Bo” shed es 0 eng he eae TEST eee 9) Meg Teaenecet Vea 0) aapecon oy —

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