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Little Women

Scene 1:
(Isabella) Once upon a time, in the 1860's in Massachusetts, there were four young sisters, the
March sisters, who although knit together were as different as night and day. Meg, the eldest,
was beautiful and traditional. Jo, the second sister, was tomboyish, not-headed and wanted to
write. Beth, the third sister, was quiet and loved playing the piano and Amy, the youngest sister,
was an artist who wanted to become rich.
Their father was in The Civil War of the United States, so the sisters and their mother, who they
called Marmee, were in charge of the home economy.

Meg: Marmee says that as it's going to be a hard winter, this Christmas we shouldn’t spend
money on our tastes.
Jo: We got a dollar each, I don't think it would help much I don't want to spend money by
making presents. It will take so much money!
Beth: I want to buy scoresheets.
Amy: I will buy a box of drawings pencils.
Beth: …mmm…wait! What do you think about buying Marmee a present instead?
Meg: Oh, I like that idea. I will give her beautiful gloves.
Beth: I want to give her some embroidered handkerchiefs.
Amy: I want to buy her a fragrance, maybe there is some money left for me.

Their mum, Marmee, comes in.

Marmee: Hi my little daughters, I got some good news for you.

Beth: Is it a letter from dad!?
Marmee: Yes, it is. A very pretty one.

Marmee sits down on a chair and the girls sit around her*

Marmee: I'm going to read it…

She reads the letter

Scene 2:
(Madeline) The great words that their father said in that telegram, encouraged Meg and Jo to start
working to help their family economic situation. Meg started tutoring a group of unruly children and Jo
assisted her aged great aunt.
But not everything was working… One night they attended to a great ball to be introduced to society.

Meg and Jo enter to the ball.

Meg: Behave nicely. Don’t put your hands behind you or stare, or say “Christopher Columbus”, will you?
Jo: All right, all right (not paying attention)

Meg leaves to dance. Jo watches Meg dancing. She’s bored so she goes away from the crowd.
There she meets Laurie. They start talking.

Jo: Dear me, I didn’t know anyone was here!

Laurie: Haha. Don’t mind me, stay if you like. I’m Theodore Laurence.
Jo: And I’m Josephine, only Jo
Laurie: And I’m only Laurie
They laugh a bit.
Laurie: So, why aren’t you dancing?
Jo: I can’t tell you.
Laurie: Oh come on! Tell me!
Jo: You won’t tell?
Laurie: Never!
Jo: Well, I stood near the fire and burnt my frocks. See? You may laugh if you want, I know it’s funny
Laurie: Never mind that. Please go outside and dance with me
Jo: Okay, I like that idea

They go outside and start dancing. Meg enters jumping in one leg.

Meg: Oh! I’ve sprained my ankle! I can hardly stand I don’t know how I’m ever going to get home
Jo: I don’t see what you can do, except get a carriage, or stay here all night
Meg: I can’t get a carriage. It’s too expensive
Laurie: You can use mine
Meg: I can’t accept that, it’s too early
Laurie: Yes, you can, really you can use mine. Anyway I’m used to leave early
Meg: Okay, thank you

They arrive at the March’s house.

Marmee: Ohh! What happened?

Jo: Meg sprained her ankle, with her silly high heels
Meg: One of my heels turned, and gave me a sad wrench
Marmee: Come in, I’ll help you
Jo: Everyone this is Laurie, Mr Laurence’s grandson
Laurie: Hello! Nice to meet you all
Everyone except Meg and Jo: Hi!

The postman knocks and gives Marmee a telegram.

Amy: Marmee, what does it say?

Beth: Is everything okay?
Marmee: No, your father is sick, I have to go with him
Jo: Is he okay?
Marmee: I don’t know. It just says that I have to go with him.
Meg: I’ll bring you some medicine.
Beth: And I’m going to get some blankets.
Marmee: Thank you girls.

They hug each other

Scene 3:
(Emilia) After Marmee left, the family continued with their own activities. The four sisters used to visit
the poor Hummel family with frequency, but Beth was the only one that really cared about them and
visited them every day.
One day she returned from the Hummel’s and she was burning. The sisters called a doctor to the house
and he said that Beth had caught a bad disease called: “Scarlet Fever”
Jo and Meg had already had that disease so it wasn’t a risk for them. But Amy had to leave the house
so as not to be infected.
So they sent the poor Amy to live with their aunt March.

Beth in bed, Meg and John are talking.

John: Meg I love you. Will you marry me?
Meg: I love you too and I´m pleased with your proposal but I think that I am too young to get married.
John: All right, I´ll wait for you the time it takes.

Scene 4:
(Tatiana) Time went by and our story continues 3 years. It goes without saying that a lot of things
happened in the meantime. Meg finally got married with John who had recently come back from the war.
They had twins and formed a beautiful and happy family.
Meanwhile, the girl's aunt decided to take Amy to Paris because she liked Amy’s lady-like manners, so
she preferred her as a companion.
As Laurie had come back to town, Jo ran away to New York because she suspected that he was in love
with her but she wasn’t. In the city she met a professor and shared her writing ideas with him. They were
very fond of each other and little by little started falling in love. Unfortunately, their romantic situation
was interrupted by a letter which said that Beth’s heath had worsened. Thus, Jo had to go back home and
once there she met Laurie again.

Laurie: Jo, for a long time I wanted to tell you something.

Jo: Yes, tell me..
Laurie: I’m... I’m really in love with you.
Jo: Well... well Laurie, I´m afraid I can’t say the same. I only see you as a brother. I’m…
Laurie: Okay, it’s all right.

Scene 5:
(Pilar) Laurie was heartbroken so he decided to go to Paris. There he met Amy. It was good to have
someone familiar to talk to. They talked about why he was there, what had happened to Jo, and Amy told
him colourful Paris anecdotes. After a while, they began to enjoy their company and became close
Sadly, sometime later, Amy received terrible news from home. Beth had died. She got very sad and
wanted to go back to the United States but she couldn’t go by herself.

Aunt March: Amy you know what I think about young girls travelling unchaperoned. It will ruin your
Amy: But Aunt, I need to go home. My family needs me.
Aunt March: Do what you please. Don’t blame it on me if something goes wrong.

Aunt March leaves. Laurie enters.

Laurie: Hi Amy! Oh, why are you so sad?

Amy: Beth died and Aunt March doesn’t let me go back home to my family because I can’t travel alone.
Laurie: Oh I’m so sorry. Beth was such a lovely person.
Amy: Yes… she was the kindest of us.
Laurie: But, why can’t you go with your family?
Amy: Because Aunt says that it’s not good for my reputation to travel by myself being single.
Laurie: You know what? Some way or another, in my heart feelings started growing for you.
Amy: What do you mean?
Laurie: That I want to marry you. Amy March would you become my wife?
Amy: Oh I can’t believe this, I have been waiting for this my entire life. Of course I will marry you!

Scene 6:
(Martina) A few days later, professor Frederick Bhaer came from New York. Jo was very happy to see
him again, but she was very disappointed when he didn’t ask her to be his wife.
She was very upset but that was about to change…

Meg: Why are you so sad?
Jo: because I thought that the professor will propose me but he didn’t
Meg: Why don’t you propose him? He would say yes.
Amy: Yes! You should ask him to be your husband!
Jo: But it’s not like that, he has to propose to me, not me to him.
Meg: You can change that!
Amy: Yes, you can!
Meg: Come on! Ask him
Amy: Propose him!
Meg: Jo look! He is coming!
Amy: this is your opportunity!
Jo: Ok, here I go

Walks to the professor

Jo: Hi…
Professor: Hi, do you need something? You look anxious.
Jo: I have something to tell you, I have kept it for a long time and I think it is time for you to know…
Professor: Okay? So tell me.
Jo: It’s really hard for me to say this, because women are not used to this, but I must ask you now. Will
you marry me?
Professor: You know the reason I came here is because I was missing you so much. I was the one who
wanted to ask you that question, but somehow I couldn’t. Yes, I would love to marry you, Jo.

Scene 7:
(Isabella) While they were celebrating Jo and Bhaer's engagement a messenger arrived and gave Jo a
telegram, which said that aunt march had died and left her mansion, Plumfield, to Jo.
As soon as Jo got the news she was really surprised because she thought that aunt March didn't like her
for her tomboyish attitude.
Jo and her husband decided to turn Plumfield into a School for Boys and girls.
In the opening of the school the sisters organized a surprise party for her mother in her 60 th birthday. After
all they had been through, the family was back together.

Marmee: Oh, my girls, however long you may live, I never can wish you a greater happiness than this!

They hug each other

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