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it is the first book printed in the Philippines

a. noli me tangere
b. doctrina christiana
c. nuestra senora del Rosario
2. father of Ilocano literature
a. pedro paterno
b. jose rizal
c. pedro bukaneg
3. it is the oldest existing newspaper in the Philippines
a. liwayway
b. rappler
c. manila bulletin
4. he is the great plebian
a. andres bonifacio
b. Emilio Aguinaldo
c. lapu lapu
5. outstanding diplomat of the first Philippine republic
a. graciano lopez jaena
b. jose rizal
c. felipe agoncillo
6. the hero of the battle of tirad pass
a. gregorio del pilar
b. juan luna
c. marcelo h. del pilar
7. she was the mother of balintawak
a. Corazon Aquino
b. melchora Aquino
c. marcela agoncillo
8. first Filipino poetess
a. paz benitez
b. Leona florentino
c. marcela agoncillo
9. mother of biak na bato
a. Trinidad tecson
b. tandang sora
c. Teresa magbanua
10. brains of the katipunan
a. apolinario mabini
b. jose rizal
c. Emilio jacinto
11. edsa revolution 1 or what we call people power revolution is celebrated on what date?
a. feb 15
b. feb 20
c. feb 26
d. feb 25
12. he is known as the brains of the revolution
a. apolinario mabini
b. andres bonifacio
c. gregorio del pilar
d. Emilio jacinto
13. it is the date which marked the Philippine independence day when Emilio Aguinaldo waved the
Philippine flag for the first time in kawit, cavite
a. june 12, 1899
b. june 12, 1898
c. june 12, 1895
d. june 12, 1896
14. the president who passed the ra 6657 or the comprehensive agrarian reform law
a. elpidio r. quirino
b. Corazon c. Aquino
c. Ferdinand marcos
d. fidel v. ramos
15. it is considered the national language in the Philippines
a. Pilipino
b. Filipino
c. English
d. tagalog
16. written o9n this famous work by Emilio jacinto are the fundamental teachings of the katipunan
a. la esperanza
b. kartilya
c. diariong tagalog
d. la solidaridad
17. we celebrate rizal day every –
a. june 30
b. april 9
c. December 30
d. February 265
18. who was the last sultan of sulu
a. jamalul kiram the second
b. tarhata kiram
c. abu bakr
d. haji butu
19. the oldest legal code retrieved in the Philippines
a. code of kalantiaw
b. bushido code
c. morse code
d. code of Hammurabi
20. it was a surprised military striked by the imperial Japanese nave against the united states naval
base on the morning of December 7, 1941
a. Hiroshima bombing
b. the great marianas turkey shoot
c. battle of the Philippine sea
d. bombing of pearl harbor
21. the composer of the Philippine national anthem, lupang hinirang
a. jose palma
b. macario sakay
c. juan felipe
d. ador de leon

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