History of The Establishment of SMP 1 Pegandon

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We could not repeat the history, but we should not repeat about the history. Because.. by knowing
the history, we will not forget our identity.

At that time Tegorejo villagers (almost all of Pegandon society) wanted to get a better education to
their children, so that they felt that it was needed to build a secondary school in Pegandon area.

For that reason the leader of society that worked in Perhutani environment and also some Village
officials, including community leaders in political parties, were intrigued. Through their informal
meeting, they always had a wish to build a school. With their strong passion, finally they decided to
accept students, although they didn’t have a buliding.

On August, 1 st 1962, they oficially declared to establish Sekolah Menengah Pertama Persiapan
Negeri Pegandon (SMP Persiapan Pegandon) and the first headmaster was Mr. Soebiyanto, B.A from
Karangmulyo. He led the school until 1965 (According to the interview to Mr. Khamsani, the staff
official in 2011).

At first, the school only accepted for 3 pararel classrooms and the learning process was done in
villagers’ house because they didn’t have any building at that time.

The places that were used, like: in Mrs. Kaminah’s house, In Mr. Soeripto’s house, Tegorejo head
village in Tegolayang, and in verada of Balai Penyuluhan Pegandon office.

In the next era, the founder thougt about buying a land. They had a cooperation with the Tegorejo
head villager, Mr. H. Machtoer Achsan, as the holder of Eigendom land. Eigendom land was a land
that was used as the aeroplane runway.

Perhutani official also had a great part in building the school. They helped in providing the woods so
that in 1963 the school buliding was first established with 6 classes and a teacher office.

In 1976 at 09.00 AM, on Tuesday, the school became a government school which was confirmed by
Mr. Soedarso from Central of Java Education Department.

As time went by, the school became advance and had many students. The school got many awards
and throphies, either in academic or non academic, and it becomes one of the greetest school in
Kendal Regency.

At last but not least, “Happy 61 st School Anniversay”

Long life SMP 1 Pegandon

Addapted By M. Rr. Suharti Wahyu Handayani, S.Pd.

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