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1. Mars has the largest dust storms in our solar system. These can last for months and cover the
entire planet.

2. Voyager 1, launched in 1977, is the most distant human-made object in space. As of 2023, it's
in interstellar space, billions of miles from Earth.


1. Crows are known to hold grudges against specific individuals. They can also recognize and
remember human faces.

2. The mantis shrimp can throw a punch at the speed of a bullet. It uses this speed to attack its
prey and can even break glass aquarium walls.


1. Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic. During World War II, she joined the Auxiliary
Territorial Service, where she trained as a driver and mechanic.

2. The shortest war in history was fought between Britain and Zanzibar in 1896, lasting only 38


1. Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't. Scientifically, bananas meet all the criteria of a
berry, while strawberries don't.

2. A group of atoms in a quantum state can be entangled, behaving as one even when separated
by large distances. This phenomenon is known as quantum entanglement.

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