IB Course Outlines-English B-HL

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Diploma Programme subject outline—Group 2: language acquisition

Taipei Municipal Yucheng High School 062561

School name School code

Name of the DP subject English B

(indicate the language)

X Standard completed in two years Standard completed in one year *
(indicate with X)
(not applicable for languages ab initio) (not applicable for languages ab initio)

Name of the teacher who Eric Cheng (CHENG YI CHENG) Date of IB training September 7, 2022 to October 5,
completed this outline 2022

Date when outline was December 18, 2022 Name of workshop English B (Cat.1)
completed (indicate name of subject and workshop category)

* All Diploma Programme courses are designed as two-year learning experiences. However, up to two standard level subjects, excluding languages ab initio and pilot subjects, can be completed in
one year, according to conditions established in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme.

1. If you will be teaching language B higher level, identify the two works of literature to be studied.

Frankenstein – Mary Shelley

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twin

2. Course outline

– Use the following table to organize the topics to be taught in the course. If you need to include topics that cover other requirements you have to teach (for
example, national syllabus), make sure that you do so in an integrated way, but also differentiate them using italics. Add as many rows as you need.

– This document should not be a day-by-day accounting of each unit. It is an outline showing how you will distribute the topics and the time to ensure that
students are prepared to comply with the requirements of the subject.

– This outline should show how you will develop the teaching of the subject. It should reflect the individual nature of the course in your classroom and should
not just be a “copy and paste” from the subject guide.

– If you will teach both higher and standard level, make sure that this is clearly identified in your outline.
Topic Contents Allocated time240hrs/58 Assessment Resources
instruments to be List the main
used resources to be
identified in
used, including
the IB
One class is 50
minutes. information
subject technology if
guide) applicable.
State the topics in the In one week 5 classes.
order you are planning
to teach them. there are

Year 1
12 weeks Listening comprehension Mark McGowan,
Theme 1: Unit 1: Leisure activities 4 weeks advertisment Hyun Jung Owen,
Experiences Toursim, Sports paper 2-listening and Aaron Deupree:
Text type: brochure, advertisement, leaflet, reading English B, Hodder
radio programme, diary Education, 2019.
Grammar: preposition
reading strategy: reading for the specific Hyun Jung Owen:
information English B
Grammar and
Unit 2: holidays and travel 4 weeks Listening comprehension Skills workbook,
Festival, tourist attractions, public commentary Hodder
most livable city in the world paper 2-listening and Education, 2019.
Text type: report, public commentary, reading
social media posting
Grammar: noun
reading strategy: predicting

Unit 3: Customs and traditions 4 weeks

Social norms and taboos, dress code, IO-proposal
Text type: proposal, speech
Grammar: adjective
reading strategy: reading for the gist Exposition (cause and
paper 1-writing
12 weeks
Theme 2: Unit 4: Social relationships and social 4 weeks Listening comprehension
Social organization engagemnt social service
Population change, individual role in the paper 2-listening and
community, social services reading
Text type: diary, speech, article IO-proposal
Grammar: adverb
reading strategy: inferencing

Unit 5: The working world 4 weeks Narration

Opportunites and challenges in 21st-century (cause and effect) Andrew McAfee:
workplace paper 1-writing What will future
jobs look like?
Text type: interview, report, speech (TED Talk)
Grammar: determiners
reading strategy: visualizing

Unit 6: Law and order 4 weeks Descriptive wiriting

Crime, discrimination and the law, Exposition (compare and
imprisonment contrast)
paper 1-writing
Text type: jornal entry, news report, article
Grammar: verb and verb tense
reading strategy: summarizing
HL Literature: The Color Purple – Alice
12 weeks
Theme 3: Unit 7: Lifestyles 3 weeks
Identities Health, physcial well-being, mental health Listening comprehension
(1) The importance of sport mental health
(2) The importance of knowing emotion paper 2-listening and
Text type: report & podcast & blog reading
Grammar: adjective clause IO-proposal
listening strategy: listening for the gist

Unit 8: Beliefes and values 4 weeks Exposition (order) Views on

Culture (the influence of culture on paper 1-writing punctuality from
identity), values, beliefs different cultures.
Text type: questionnaire, survey, set of
instructions, films, inteview
Grammar: noun clause
listening strategy: listening for the specific
HL Literature: Wonder – Palacio, R.J.
–an extract

Unit 9: Langauge and identity 5 weeks Essay writing (intro, body,

Gender and idientity & race and identity & conclusion)
The benefits of bilingulism, English as a Essay writing
global language paper 1-writing

Text type: Speech, article, essay

Grammar: adverb clause
listening strategy: drawing inference
HL Literature: Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn – Mark Twin – full book
Year 2 11 weeks
Theme 4: Unit 10: Communication and Media 3 weeks Listening comprehension
Human ingenuity Social media and advertisement social media
(1) Fake news paper 2-listening and
(2) Advertisement reading
Text type: Social media posting & opinion IO-proposal
column & advertisement argumentative writng
Grammar: inverted sentence paper 1-writing
listening strategy: summarizing

Unit 11: Artistic expression 4 weeks Listening comprehension

Expression through culture definiotn of beauty
(1) Defintion of beauty paper 2-listening and
(2) Expression through image and reading
movement (Pulitzer Prize & Cloud Gate) IO-proposal Kyoto: The Heart
(3) Expression through words of Japan
Text type: Article & Review & Travel guide writing
& Poster & Brochure &coherence/cohe
Grammar: simple sentence sion)
listening strategy: paraphrasing

Unit 12: Technology 4 weeks Listening comprehension

Scientific development and progress AI
benefiting to human beings and the society paper 2-listening and
(1) AI (pros and cons) reading
(2) TE (Total experience) & AR/VR IO-proposal
argumentative writng
Text type: Article (newsapaer, magazine) paper 1-writing
& Review & Proposal
Grammar: compound sentence
HL Literature: Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
– full book
11 weeks
Theme 5: Unit 13: The environment 3 weeks Listening comprehension
Sharing the planet Climate change, plastic pollution, green green energy
energy, net zero emission paper 2-listening and
Text type: Article, Opinion column, public IO-proposal
commentary (editorial) essay wrting
Grammar: complex sentence paper 1-writing

Unit 14: Peace and conflict 4 weeks Listening comprehension

Boundary conflict, refugees refugess
paper 2-listening and
Text type: Diary, news report reading
essay writing
paper 1-writing
4 weeks
Unit 15: Human rights and equality Listening comprehension I have a dream –
Freedom of speech, children’s right, children’s right Martin Luther
women’s right paper 2-listening and King
Text type: Article, speech IO-proposal
essay writing
paper 1-writing

essay wriitng
paper 1-writing
3. IB Internal and external assessment requirements to be completed during the course

Briefly explain how and when you will work on them. Include the date when you will first introduce the internal and external assessment requirements, when they
will be due and how students will be prepared to complete them.

External assessment Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes) 1. Paper 1: Students are exposed to a variety of text types in order to identify
(3 hours 30 minutes) Productive skills—writing (30 marks) proper text types catering to the specific writing purpose. Students also gain
One writing task of 450–600 words from lexical resources and a wide grammatical range throughout different texts.
a choice of three, each from a different 2. Paper 2 : Strategies include reading and listening strategies can faciliate
theme, choosing a text type from acquisition and be beneficial for students to taking the exam.
among those listed in the examination
instructions. Fomative assessment including discussion, exit tickets, reading journal, short
Paper 2 (1 hour 45 minutes) quizzes, and writing assignment can develop students’ four skills to meet IB
Receptive skills—separate sections for assessment requirements.
listening and reading (65 marks) Summative assessment including midterm and final exams with benchmarks is
Listening comprehension (45 minutes) used to evaluate how much students has learned throughout a course.
(25 marks)
Reading comprehension (1 hour) (40 Assessment requirements will be introduced at the beginning of the course, in
marks) Comprehension exercises on September. Internal assessment date will be in February in the second year.
three audio passages and three written
texts, drawn
from all five themes.
Internal assessment This component is internally assessed The internal assessment has 2 components, an individual oral presentation as
by the teacher and externally well as an interactive oral activity.
moderated by the IB at the end of the In order to meet IB assessment requirements, the teacher develops the skills
course. including listening skills, speaking skills, presentation skills, and critical thinking
Form: Individual oral assessment abilities.
A conversation with the teacher, based Listening skills can be fostered by listening strategies. Speaking skills including
on a visual stimulus, followed by being able to respond oral questions and presentation skills including speaking
discussion based on an additional on a topic with support materia can be develop through prompts in five different
theme. (30 marks) themes and are assessed in both formative and summative assessment.

4. Links to TOK

You are expected to explore links between the topics of your subject and TOK. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your course
outline that would allow your students to make links with TOK. Describe how you would plan the lessoncours.

Topic Link with TOK (including description of lesson plan)

Cultural perpsectives To what extent is our perspective influenced by our beliefs, faith and culture?
This question is so rich in its interpretation as it covers five themes.
Through developing receptive skills such as exposing students to different text types or group projects including
interveiws, students are fostered to be aware of the differences among others first, and then start to think and analyzed
critically how beliefs, faith, and culture influence their own perspectives and even behaviors. Besides, students are trained
to be able to develop productive and interactive skills to better express themselves and exercise initiative in making
reasoned, ehtical decisions as well as appreicate different cultures and values of others.
5. Approaches to learning

Every IB course should contribute to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from
your outline that would allow your students to specifically develop one or more of these skill categories (thinking, communication, social, self-management or

Topic Contribution to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills (including one or more skill category)

Cultural perpsectives Theme 3: indentities / Unit 8: Culture (the influence of culture on identity), values, beliefs / Unit 9 : Gender and idientity,
and race and identity

Thnking skills :
(1) Thinking routines and reflection such as “I used ti think..now I think..” in the exit ticket to elict students’ awareness of
different perspectives, values and beliefs from different cultures.
(2) Higher order thinking moving students from remember to analyze and evaluate, anad even create through essential
questions to enhance stduents’ ability of organzing, classifying, critiquing, planning and so on, understanding their
own identites.
(3) Visual thinking strategies including graphic organizers to help students visualize and construct ideas, plan what to
write, increase reading comprehension, and more.

Communication skills :
(1) The ability to listen to, and understand, various spoken messages in a variety of communicative situations.
(2) The ability to read and understand different texts, adopting strategies appropriate to various reading purposes and to
various text types.
(3) The ability to communicate, in written or oral form, and understand, or make others understand, various messages in
a variety of situations and for different purposes through cross-culture communication.

Research skills :
Students research different values, beliefs and even unwritten rules of behaviors from different countries and cultures.
Gender and race issues are included.

Social skills: self-managemnt skills (managing time and tasks effectively, goal-setting, etc.)
Acknowledging and following the unwritten rules for groups of people such as wiews on punctuality from different
6. International mindedness

Every IB course should contribute to the development of international-mindedness in students. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from
your outline that would allow your students to analyse it from different cultural perspectives. Briefly explain the reason for your choice and what resources you will
use to achieve this goal.

Topic Contribution to the development of international mindedness (including resources you will use)

Cultural perpsectives Theme 2: Social organization / Unit 4: Social relationships and social engagemnt

Goal : to make students aware of their individual roles in the community from different cultrual perspectives and finally
commit themselves to social services through comparing different role models in different cultures and countries.

Source :
TED talk : Community, Inclusion, and the Individual by Bridgette Howard Jones
Individual Social Responsibility by Vimal Cherangattu

7. Development of the IB learner profile

Through the course it is also expected that students will develop the attributes of the IB learner profile. As an example of how you would do this, choose one
topic from your course outline and explain how the contents and related skills would pursue the development of any attribute(s) of the IB learner profile that you
will identify.

Topic Contribution to the develop ment of the attribute(s) of the IB learner profile
Unit 3: Customs and Thinkers :
traditions Through analyzing different customs and traditions from different cultures and countries such as social norms and taboos,
dress code, uniform, and so on , students can take advantage of graphic organizers for cause and effect, and problem and
solution to try to tackle complex problems. Besides, students compare and contrast each other’s decisions to learn from
each other.

Communicators :
After analyzing, students learn to express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one lanquage and in many
ways in group projects. They collaborate effectively to show their ability of creation and critical thinking as well as
listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups in order to give others genuine feedback.

8. Resources

Are instructional materials and other resources available in sufficient quality, quantity and variety to give effective support to the aims and methods of the
courses? Briefly describe what plans are in place if changes are needed.

1. A course book and an accompanying workbook : Mark McGowan, Hyun Jung Owen, Aaron Deupree: English B, Hodder Education, 2019. Hyun Jung
Owen: English B Grammar and Skills workbook, Hodder Education, 2019.
2. Fiction books : Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twin)
3. Multimedia Language Lab
4. Worksheets for reading and listening strategies.

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