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#Unique Exam ID: 7950172

American Study
[SAT ADV] TEST 7 87/100

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 24 Seconds

Q: 1 While most animals are incapable of passing somatic mutations—genetic alterations that arise in an organism’s
nonreproductive cells—onto their offspring, elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) presents an intriguing ______: in a 2022
study, researchers found that elkhorn coral produced offspring that inherited somatic mutations from a parent.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. corroboration
✗ Your Ans B. hypothesis
C. affinity
✓ Correct Ans D. anomaly
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1580

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:14 Minutes

Q: 2 Perhaps more than in any other scientific field, quantum physics - the study of extremely small particles and their
interactions - presents a bewildering array of paradoxes. For example, from a quantum ________ light can act as both a
particle and a wave, while a cat inside a box can be both alive and dead. Of course, when posed against everyday
experiences of reality, these situations can seem absurd; a cat is either alive or dead, never both. Do such possibilities
ever occur to most people?

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. prospective
B. prospectus
C. spectacle
✓ Your Ans D. perspective
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1581

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 28 Seconds

Q: 3 To bring their exhibitions and scholarly publications to life, museums rely on the seasoned professionals known as
curators. A curator, more or less, is to a museum showcase what a director is to a movie. Curators are responsible for the
_______ decisions involving theme, focus, and presentation, but must necessarily rely on others for the fine details.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. momentary
✓ Correct Ans B. momentous
✗ Your Ans C. exaggerated
D. extreme
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1582
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:6 Minutes

Q: 4 Unlike a cold or flu infection, a respiratory allergy is an immune response to a particular particle in the air, called an
allergen. When an allergy sufferer ________ an allergen, the nose and airways overreact: delicate respiratory tissues
become inflamed, and the nose may feel stuffed or drippy. Itchy and watery eyes are also common allergy symptoms that
are not usually seen with the cold or flu.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. imbibes
✓ Your Ans B. inhales
C. ingests
D. imparts

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1583

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:2 Minutes

Q: 5 It’s important to select your medication carefully according to your condition. Specialized prescription treatments are
available for flu and allergy sufferers, but over-the-counter medications can be effective for mild cases. Dr. Haunguel also
suggests selecting medicines with only the active ingredients ________ to your condition. One popular medication
contains a pain reliver, a fever reducer, an antihistamine, and a decongestant. Such a product would overmedicate an
allergy attack that typically requires only an antihistamine for relief.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. convenient
✗ Your Ans B. logical
C. valuable
✓ Correct Ans D. suitable
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1584

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 12 Seconds

Q: 6 FBI Director James Comey _________ the situation in a speech to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs on November 14, 2013. He said that FBI experts “anticipate that in the future, resources devoted to
cyber-based-threats will equal or even eclipse the resources devoted to non-cyber-based terrorist threats.”

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

✓ Your Ans A. encapsulated

B. enveloped
C. concocted
D. supplemented
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1585
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 39 Seconds

Q: 7 Thanks to technological advances, we can better understand aspects of the world that cannot effectively be inspected by
the naked eye: atoms, molecules, microbes, and - believe it or not - certain species of birds. Consider the peregrine falcon,
which is regarded by many as the world’s fastest flier. An adult peregrine falcon can reach speeds of up to 220 miles per
hour: ornithologists are well aware of this stunning figure, but how, exactly, does it feel to move at more than five times the
speed limit on many roadways? This is one of the questions that was addressed by researchers Suzanne Amador Kane
and Marjon Zamani, who used protable video cameras to capture a falcon’s-eye view of the world.

As used in the text, what does the word “naked” most likely mean?

A. blatant
B. unembellished
✓ Your Ans C. unaided
D. vulnerable

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1586

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 8 Seconds

Q: 8 Inuit lore holds that the Greenland shark can destroy human flesh with its skin and can live forcenturies, and it turns out
this piece of folklore holds an astounding level of scientific accuracy.Although the Greenland shark’s skin isn’t destructive
to the touch, the legend that Greenland sharks outlive humans four or five-fold is entirely true. Proving that scientifically,
however, has turned out to be a daunting task for scientists. Choose the option that best answers the question.

As used in the text, what does the word “daunting” most nearly mean?

A. frightening
✓ Your Ans B. difficult
C. depressing
D. demoralizing
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1587

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 2:12 Minutes

Q: 9 In a paper published in the zoological journal Copeia, Theodore W.Pietsch and Tracey T.Sutton argued that the newly-
found anglerfish is “not especially similar to any of the five previously described members of the genus” Lasiognathus,
which encompasses the earlier-known anglerfish. It is perhaps too early to say what effect the revelation of the new
Ceratioid Anglerfish will have on existing classifications - if any. But even though the new species is an anomaly among
anglerfish, it exhibits traits that are familiar from land-based organisms. One such trait is a pronounced disparity on size
and development based on sex, or a “sexual dimorphism,” that favors females. While animals as different as birds of prey
and praying mantises exhibit such a gender-determined biological structure, the form of sexual dimorphism that can be
found among the new anglerfish and some related species is particularly extreme: in this case, females are a yellowish
brown color and have long, angled lures, while males have so far only been found as parasites attached to the females’
bodies. (At first, adult males are easy to mistake for warts or other growths.)

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence?

A. Provide a humorous interlude about the appearance of anglerfish in a predominantly serious passage.
✗ Your Ans B. Suggest a potential explanation for the disparity between male and female anglerfish discoveries.
✓ Correct Ans C. Highlight the intensity of the effects of sexual dimorphism among the new anglerfish.
D. Give helpful advice to aspiring deep sea scientists on finding and identifying male anglerfish.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1588
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 33 Seconds

Q: 10 This text is adapted from Edward Ditkoff, MD, “Setting Your Biological Clock by Oocyte Cryopreservation.” ©2014 by
Edward Ditkoff and CNY Fertility.

Today, couples are marrying much later than they did in previous generations and are starting families later still. With
careers, homes, and lives comfortably in place, however, these couples are facing a new problem of modern family
planning. Forty may be the new thirty, but not when it comes to having babies!

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To propose a solution to a problem

✓ Your Ans B. To describe a sociological phenomenon
C. Identify a common misconception
D. Advance a new medical theory
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1589

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 4:19 Minutes

Q: 11 Granted, natural changes to Earth’s climate have also occurred in recent times. For example, two major volcanic eruptions
in 1982 and in 1991, pumped sulfur dioxide gas high into the atmosphere, creating tiny particles that lingered for more
than a year. These reflected sunlight and shaded Earth’s surface, and temperatures across the globe dipped for about
three years. However, although volcanoes are active around the world, the amount of carbon dioxide they release is
extremely small compared to that released by human activities. On average, volcanoes emit between 130 and 230 million
tons of carbon dioxide per year, whereas the burning of fossil fuels releases about 26 billion tons of carbon dioxide every
year. In other words, human influence on the climate is 100-200 times the effect of all the world’s volcanoes.

According to the text, the author anticipates which of the following objections to the main thesis of the text?

A. Current climatic computer models are inaccurate and hence unreliable.

B. The science of climatology is still in its infancy.
✓ Your Ans C. Non-anthropogenic drivers of climate change overwhelm anthropogenic ones.
D. Natural causes have been driving climate change for much longer than humans have.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1590

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 51 Seconds

Q: 12 For decades, scientists presumed that the Greenland shark was long-lived, due its large size and slow metabolism. To
quote American marine biologist Peter Bushnell, "I suppose if I had to pin my thoughts on the single species of shark that
would live the longest, intuitively, the Greenland shark would be right up there at the top.” But earnest attempts to verify
the ages of individual specimens did not occur until 2016, when Bushnell, with a group of Danish biologists, embarked on a
mission to the Arctic to procure Greenland sharks and determine their true longevity.

Which choice best states the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Various features of the shark cause it to live for a long time.

B. The Greenland shark had fascinated scientists for quite some time.
C. Researchers were unable to study the shark until 2016.
✓ Your Ans D. Scientists long supposed that the Greenland shark lived a long time, but had no proof.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1591
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:7 Minutes

Q: 13 “John of God, the Water-Carrier” is a 1913 short story by María Cristina Mena. In the story, the narrator presents John as
being a hard worker who is fully dedicated to his job as water carrier, or aguador: ______

Which quotation from “John of God, the Water-Carrier” most effectively illustrates the claim?

A. “Very happy, he would jog home, the heavy silver pieces in his leather pockets making a discreet and
dulcet ‘trink-trak’ between his jugs and his body.”
B. “He learned that the city aguador may not blow his whistle to halt the traffic while he gravely crosses the
street, but must wait for the passing of many vehicles, some with horses and some outlandishly without.”
✓ Your Ans C. “From early morn to the fall of the afternoon he would go from fountain to fountain and from portal to portal,
his lean body so accustomed to bending that he never thought of straightening it, his head bowed as if in
D. “When his first jugs had worn out the sweet-scented, porous red clay becomes perforated in time he had
buried them to their necks in the corner where he slept, and they were now his treasury.”

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1592

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:5 Minutes

Q: 14

A number of recent developments have facilitated the growth of the African economy. The expansion of technology
_______________ has made business development possible. At the same time, as Africa becomes increasingly urbanized,
the concentration of population in urban centers makes it easier for businesses to thrive. Demographics also play a role:
Africa’s youthful and growing population may one day serve as the foundation of a strong workforce, and encourage
investment in the region, particularly as population growth slows in regions such as Asia and Latin America.

Which choice most effectively use the data from the graph to complete the text?

✓ Your Ans A. (in 2011, the continent boasted 600 million mobile phone subscribers)
B. (before 2013, few Africans were interested in buying electronic devices)
C. (even though foreign companies are now unwilling to set up stores in African communities)
D. (by 2017, the number of mobile phone subscribers in Africa is expected to reach more than 1.1 billion)
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1593
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 39 Seconds

Q: 15 A student is examining a long, challenging poem that was initially published in a quarterly journal without explanatory notes,
then later republished in a stand-alone volume containing only that poem and accompanying explanatory notes written by
the poet. The student asserts that the explanatory notes were included in the republication primarily as a marketing device
to help sell the stand-alone volume.

Which statement, if true, would most directly support the student’s claim?

A. The text of the poem as published in the quarterly journal is not identical to the text of the poem published
in the stand-alone volume.
B. Many critics believe that the poet’s explanatory notes remove certain ambiguities of the poem and make
it less interesting as a result.
✓ Your Ans C. The publishers of the stand-alone volume requested the explanatory notes from the poet in order to make
the book attractive to readers who already had a copy of the poem in a journal issue.
D. Correspondence between the poet and the publisher reveals that the poet’s explanatory notes went
through several drafts.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1594

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:8 Minutes

Q: 16 Choctaw/Cherokee artist Jeffrey Gibson turns punching bags used by boxers into art by decorating them with beadwork
and elements of Native dressmaking. These elements include leather fringe and jingles, the metal cones that cover the
dresses worn in the jingle dance, a women’s dance of the Ojibwe people. Thus, Gibson combines an object commonly
associated with masculinity (a punching bag) with art forms traditionally practiced by women in most Native communities
(beadwork and dressmaking). In this way, he rejects the division of male and female gender roles.

Which choice best describes Gibson’s approach to art, as presented in the text?

✓ Your Ans A. He draws from traditional Native art forms to create his original works.
B. He finds inspiration from boxing in designing the dresses he makes.
C. He rejects expectations about color and pattern when incorporating beadwork.
D. He has been influenced by Native and non-Native artists equally.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1595

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:42 Minutes

Q: 17 In a recent study, researchers grew rice in chambers with varying levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) to simulate different
atmospheric conditions. They found that as CO2 levels increased, the nutritional content of the rice changed. Specifically,
the rice contained less protein, iron, and zinc, but contained more carbohydrates. One potential explanation for these
findings is that, since CO2 is an important input to photosynthesis, the elevated carbon dioxide levels could be spurring the
plants to photosynthesize more rapidly. This in turn could lead to increased carbohydrate production at the expense of
other nutrients like protein, iron, and zinc.

Which finding from the study, if true, would most directly weaken the potential explanation?

✓ Correct Ans A. Rice plants consumed carbon dioxide at nearly identical rates, regardless of variations in atmospheric
CO2 levels.
✗ Your Ans B. Protein production suffered more in high-CO2 conditions than zinc production did.
C. Rice plants grew more quickly overall in low-CO2 conditions than in high-CO2 conditions.
D. Carbohydrate production increased and then plateaued as atmospheric CO2 levels increased.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1596
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:15 Minutes

Q: 18 When Isaac Newton published the Principia in 1687, his laws of motion solved numerous problems in physics; however,
they also introduced a new conundrum, which was not fully grasped until centuries after Newton and which still poses a
problem for cosmologists today. Essentially, Newton's laws work about twice as well as they are intended: they describe the
everyday world that people move through, but they also account perfectly well for a world in which people walk backwards,
clocks tick from evening to morning, and _________

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A. objects interact unpredictably with one another.

B. planets that are in motion remain in motion.
✓ Your Ans C. apples rise from the ground to the branches of a tree.
D. particles of different weights move at varying speeds.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1597

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 46 Seconds

Q: 19 Off-off-Broadway theaters emerged in the late 1950s as a rebellion against mainstream Broadway theaters in New York,
freeing artists to create productions that were more experimental than typical Broadway shows. One such artist was
playwright María Irene Fornés. Working with off-off Broadway theaters enabled Fornés not only to direct her own plays but
also to direct them exactly as she intended them to be staged, regardless of how strange the results might have seemed to
audiences accustomed to Broadway shows. In this way, Fornés ______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

✓ Correct Ans A. illustrates the artistic opportunity offered by off-off Broadway theaters.
B. recognized that staging an off-off-Broadway play was more complicated than staging a Broadway play.
C. wrote plays that would have been too expensive to produce if someone else had directed the production.
✗ Your Ans D. would have been more famous if she had created plays that were mainstream instead of experimental.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1598

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 21 Seconds

Q: 20 Even though 8:40 am is probably still too early for high school students to function at their best, data indicate that the
results of the change were promising. After becoming aware that teens might benefit from later school start times, the
Minneapolis school district performed an ___________ the temporary adoption of a later start time for its schools: 8:40 am
instead of the traditional 7:15 am. In a study of 50,000 Minneapolis students, student achievement and satisfaction rose
with the later start time, and most parents reported that their teens were “easier to live with.” It is thus not surprising that
approximately 90% of the Minneapolis parents surveyed were in favor of the later start time.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. experiment involving

B. experiment; involving
C. experiment, it involved
D. experiment, this involves
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1599
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 6 Seconds

Q: 21 Thirty years after the death of Shakespeare, the performance of plays was ______ by order of British head of state Oliver
Cromwell. This ban was not lifted until the return of the Stuart monarchy in 1660, when a new, very different brand of
theater was instituted. The recently-returned king, the “Merry Monarch” Charles II, had enjoyed years of revelry in the more
frivolous France and was ready to give encouragement to all the delights of the new theaters. Many of the new plays
presented were comedies, and comedies moreover that derived their humor from mocking the manners and foibles of their
fashionable audiences.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. forbid
B. forbidding
✓ Your Ans C. forbidden
D. being forbid

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1600

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 10 Seconds

Q: 22 The fields of home decoration and architectural design ________ inspiration from forms found in the natural world. But
what happens when designers directly incorporate the natural world, instead of simply imitating or approximating the
shapes of trees, fungi, and other organic material? In some respects, this question has been answered by Phil Ross, the
founder of MycoWorks and a pioneer in mushroom-based home decoration.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. has often taken

✓ Your Ans B. have often taken
C. which often takes
D. which often take
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1601

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 10 Seconds

Q: 23 Temperate rainforest is a scientifically recognized habitat, one that is scarcer globally than tropical rainforest. According to
ecologists, a “rainforest” is defined as land that receives more than 55 inches of precipitation each year, with rain spread
across summer and winter months. Temperate rainforest is cool but not ______ temperatures average 60 degrees or

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. cold in July
✓ Your Ans B. cold. In July,
C. cold, in July
D. cold in July,
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1602
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 28 Seconds

Q: 24 Albert Einstein, in his work The Meaning of Relativity, explains that what we individually experience is arranged in a series
of events. In this series, the single moments that we remember are arranged as happening either “earlier” or “later,” two
time signatures which we cannot break down _________ words do not have concrete, universal definitions.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. further, these
B. further, and because these
C. further, but because these
✓ Your Ans D. further because these

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1603

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 29 Seconds

Q: 25 Born on December 8, 1542, _______________ In 1558 she was sent to France. Surrounded by the indulgence and
intrigue of the French court, the naive yet artistic teenage girl found her new life exotic and thrilling. At just sixteen, she was
joined in marriage to a young man named Francis, who became King of France the following year.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Mary’s father James V of Scotland died when Mary became a queen six days later.
B. it was six days later when Mary’s father, James V of Scotland, died and Mary became a queen
C. James V of Scotland, Mary’s father, died six days later when Mary became a queen.
✓ Your Ans D. Mary became a queen six days later when her father, James V of Scotland, died.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1604

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1 Minutes

Q: 26 Cyber security serves a growing need, and the field is so new and dynamic that it provides many opportunities for
entrepreneurs. Governments, corporations, and individuals must protect their computers, networks, programs, and data so
that they cannot be accessed, stolen, or destroyed by unauthorized users. The idea is simple, but the reality is not.
Without physical doors and locks to protect, armed guards cannot be used to monitor access in any conventional way. How
can anyone guard the Cloud? This new kind of security requires a great deal of technical expertise and diligence. It also
requires the ability to be ________________ .

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✗ Your Ans A. as clever, if not more so, than a criminal

B. as clever, if not more, than a criminal does
✓ Correct Ans C. as clever as a criminal, if not more so
D. as clever, if not more clever than a criminal
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1605
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 27 While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Gumbo is a heavily seasoned vegetable stew that sometimes includes meat and shellfish.
• Its name comes from a West African word for okra, even though that vegetable is not always used.
• Shrimp and crawfish were introduced by members of the Choctaw tribe.
• Gumbo was most likely invented in the 1700s; the first written references to it appeared in the 19th century.
• Spanish, Caribbean and German dishes have also influenced gumbo.

The student wants to indicate the diverse origins of gumbo. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from
the notes to achieve this goal?

✓ Your Ans A. Named after a West African word for okra, gumbo combines elements of Spanish, Caribbean, German,
and Native American cuisine.
B. Although gumbo was probably invented during the 1700s, it was not mentioned in writing until the
following century.
C. Despite the origins of its name, gumbo does not always include okra.
D. Some versions of gumbo contain meat and shellfish, whereas others contain only vegetables.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1606

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:17 Minutes

Q: 28 In the early 20th century, Constantin Brancusi's sculpture Bird in Space sparked considerable debate about the definition
of art. Tax authorities argued in court that the abstract sculpture, which featured a long, sleek form without any identifiable
features, should not be classified as art. Brancusi ultimately won the case, but the legal battle highlighted the ______
dividing line between "art" and "manufactured object".

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. rigid
B. unanimous
✓ Your Ans C. tenuous
D. straightforward
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1607

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:2 Minutes

Q: 29 Ross and his team have also unveiled a group of chairs and end tables called the Yamanakita series: these creations were
“inspired by the fashion designer Alexander McQueen” and _______ textured, gold-tinted mycelium with elegant touches
(such as smooth chair legs of solid walnut wood) that McQueen would have envied.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. collaborate
B. corroborate
C. confuse
✓ Your Ans D. combine
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1608
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:7 Minutes

Q: 30 “Early to bed, early to rise” has been a mantra for many generations. However, it may not be accurate for high school
students. Humans have circadian rhythms, more commonly known as biological clocks, which dictate when we would
naturally be awake and asleep, as well as when we are most alert. When those rhythms are __________ students feel
more tired, do not learn as effectively, and suffer from increased susceptibility to emotional problems, particularly

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. disputed

B. distressed
✓ Your Ans C. disrupted
D. demolished

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1609

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 34 Seconds

Q: 31 When, in the 1800s, geologists first realized that much of Earth had once been covered by great sheets of ice, some
theorized that the phenomenon was cyclical, occurring at regular intervals. Each Ice Age is so destructive, though, that it
largely erases the geological evidence of its predecessor. ______ geologists were unable to confirm the theory of cyclical
Ice Ages until the 1960s.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

✓ Your Ans A. Hence,

B. Moreover,
C. Nevertheless,
D. Next,
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1610

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:27 Minutes

Q: 32 Initially, lead researcher John Steffensen had hoped that he could easily date Greenland sharks using a method that often
worked with other long-lived, large vertebrates: counting the rings in a cross-section of bone. Steffensen was stymied,
though, when he cut through a section of backbone from a recently killed Greenland shark. As it turned out, the shark’s
cartilaginous skeleton was simply not bone-like enough to have distinct, countable rings that are found in theremnants of
true bones. Disappointed but determined, Steffensen and his team got their first toehold in accurately measuring the age
of their subjects from an unlikely source indeed: island and sea nuclear bomb tests from some 60 years prior, during the
global nuclear arms race of the 1950s.

As used in the text, what does the word “distinct” most nearly mean?

✓ Correct Ans A. separate

B. dissimilar
✗ Your Ans C. alternative
D. peculiar
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1611
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:50 Minutes

Q: 33 This text is adapted from “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe.

“I have no engagement; - come.”

“My friend, no. It is not the engagement, but the severe cold with which I perceive you are afflicted. The vaults are
insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre.”
“Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing. Amontillado! You have been imposed upon. And as for Luchesi, he
cannot distinguish Sherry from Amontillado.”
Thus speaking, Fortunado possessed himself of my arm; and putting on a mask of black silk and drawing a roquelaire
closely about my person, I suffered him to hurry me to my palazzo.

Which of the following best describes the interaction between Fortunato and the narrator?

A. The narrator smokes a pipe with Fortunato in his basement, which causes Fortunato to become sick with
a cough.
B. The narrator convinces Amontillado to buy wine from him at a high price, even though the wine is most
likely not worth the money.
✓ Correct Ans C. The narrator manipulates Fortunato into following him into the vault by flattering him and pretending he
does not actually want Fortunato to come.
✗ Your Ans D. The narrator persuades Fortunato to go down to the basement to get rid of his cold by complimenting him
and expressing sincere worry for his health.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1612

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:51 Minutes

Q: 34 Scientists interested in extreme organisms have had banner years between 2014 and 2015, years that featured both giant
squid sightings (which are previously rare occurrences) and the discovery of several new and unusual underwater species.
Among the absolute most unusual of these is a new species of the Ceratioid Anglerfish, which researchers from Florida’s
Nova Southeastern University discovered during a deep-sea excursion in the Gulf of Mexico. The researchers caught three
of these fish, all female, in a region of the ocean known as the “Midnight Zone”: no natural sunlight can penetrate to this
region, which begins at just over 3000 feet under the ocean, making the water pitch black and plant growth nonexistent.
Carnivorous anglerfish thrive in these reaches of the ocean, using the “angling” appendages that sprout from their backs
to lure their prey.

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

A. A summary of the research done in the deep sea to a description of a highly researched region where
squid and fish have been found.
B. A reiteration of the author’s main argument about deep sea creatures to a list of supporting points that will
be explained later in the psssage.
✓ Correct Ans C. An outline of the recent progress made by scientists in the deep sea to a more detailed characterization
of a particular discovery.
✗ Your Ans D. A scientific depiction of an abrasive and barren habitat to a more subjective musing about the organisms
that survive in this setting.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1613
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:40 Minutes

Q: 35 Text 1
American continents, but the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not
to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.

Text 2
We would interfere with them only in the last resort, and then only if it became evident that their inability or unwillingness to
do justice at home and abroad had violated the rights of the United States or had invited foreign aggression to the
detriment of the entire body of American nations. It is a mere truism to say that every nation, whether in America or
anywhere else, which desires to maintain its freedom, its independence, must ultimately realize that the right of such
independence can not be separated from the responsibility of making good use of it.

On which policy do the authors of both texts most strongly agree?

A. The United States must remain neutral in disagreements between European powers and their colonies.
B. The political systems of all European countries must remain essentially different from those in the
American continents.
C. The European colonies on the American continents must be allowed to resolve conflicts on their own.
✓ Your Ans D. European nations must not attempt to control any part of the American continents.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1614

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:39 Minutes

Q: 36 This text is adapted from Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, originally published in 1749. In this story, Mrs. Deborah Wilkins is
Mr. Allworthy’s longtime servant.

There were some strokes in this speech which perhaps would have offended Mr. Allworthy, had he strictly attended to it;
but he had now got one of his fingers into the infant’s hand, which, by its gentle pressure, seeming to implore his
assistance, had certainly put-pleaded the eloquence of Mrs. Deborah, had it been ten times greater than it was. He now
gave Mrs. Deborah positive orders to take the child to her own bed, and to call up a maid-servant to provided it pap, and
other things, against it waked. Such was the discernment of Mrs. Wilkins, and such the respect she bore her master, under
whom she enjoyed a most excellent place, that her scruples gave way to his peremptory commands; and she took the child
under her arms, without any apparent disgust at the illegality of its birth; and declaring it was a sweet little infant, walked off
with it to her own chamber.

According to the text, which is true about Mrs. Deborah Wilkins’s general attitude toward Mr. Allworthy?

A. She regards herself as a pragmatic counterbalance to his unreasonable vanity.

✓ Correct Ans B. She feels she can speak candidly with him yet she respects his authority.
C. She feigns to tolerate him but infact considers him wretched.
✗ Your Ans D. She is openly scornful of his easygoing temperament.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1615
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 2:4 Minutes

Q: 37 The following text is adapted from Countee Cullen’s 1926 poem “Thoughts in a Zoo.”
They in their cruel traps, and we in ours,
Survey each other’s rage, and pass the hours
Commiserating each the other’s woe,
To mitigate his own pain’s fiery glow.
Man could but little proffer in exchange
Save that his cages have a larger range.
That lion with his lordly, untamed heart
Has in some man his human counterpart,
Some lofty soul in dreams and visions wrapped,
But in the stifling flesh securely trapped.

Based on the text, what challenge do humans sometimes experience?

A. They cannot effectively tame certain wild animals because of a lack of compassion.
✓ Your Ans B. They have aspirations that cannot be fulfilled because of certain limitations.
C. They cannot focus on setting attainable goals because of a lack of motivation.
D. They quickly become frustrated when faced with difficult tasks because of a lack of self-control.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1616

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:9 Minutes

Q: 38 “Dover Beach” is an 1867 poem by Matthew Arnold. In the poem, the speaker compares himself and his lover to refugees.

Which quotation from the poem most effectively illustrates the claim?

✓ Your Ans A. “And we here as on a darkling plain/Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,/Where ignorant
armies clash by night”
B. “The sea is calm to-night,/The tide is full, the moon lies fair/Upon the Straits;-on the French coast, the light”
C. “Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay/ Come to the window, sweet is the night air!/ Only, from the
long line of spray”
D. “To one another! for the world, which seems/ To lie before us like a land of dreams,/So various, so
beautiful, so new”

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1617
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 17 Seconds

Q: 39

Elephants tend to splinter off into small foraging groups (10 or fewer) during the dry season, but will normally congregare
in large numbers _________________ . Shifa Goldenberg of Colorado State University notes that “these large groupings
when life is good facilitate information exchange and mating” - just as large groupings do among humans.

Which choice most effectively use the data from the graph to complete the text?

✓ Your Ans A. (300 or more) during the more comfortable and stable wet season
B. (300 or more) in times when survival becomes especially difficult
C. (though never exceeding 100) during the more comfortable and stable wet season
D. (though never exceeding 100) in times when survival becomes especially difficult
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1618

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:31 Minutes

Q: 40

American demand for seafood has risen in recent years, partly due to growing awareness of the health benefits of fish; the
2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines recommend that Americans eat eight ounces of fish per week for the beneficial omega-3
fatty acids. However, the majority of the farmed seafood that Americans consume is produced in foreign countries and
imported to the U.S., which __________________________

Which choice most effectively use the data from the graph to complete the text?

A. produces five times less seafood than it once did.

B. purchases mosst of its seafood from China.
C. produces five times less seafood than China.
✓ Your Ans D. is only the fifth largest-producer in the world.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1619
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:36 Minutes

Q: 41

Inuit lore holds that the Greenland shark can destroy human flesh with its skin and can live for centuries, and it turns out
this piece of folklore holds an astounding level of scientific accuracy. Although the Greenland shark’s skin isn’t destructive
to the touch, the legend that Greenland sharks outlive humans four or five-fold is entirely true.

Which of the following is supported by the information in the table?

A. The Orange Roughy has the shortest lifespan of any living fish.
B. The Greenland Shark has the longest average lifespan of any vertebrate or invertebrate.
C. All reptiles live on tropical islands.
✓ Your Ans D. The top 10 longest living animals are all fish, reptiles, mollusks, echinoderms, or mammals.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1620
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 28 Seconds

Q: 42 During the English neoclassical period (1660–1789), many writers imitated the epic poetry and satires of ancient Greece
and Rome. They were not the first in England to adopt the literary modes of classical ______ some of the most prominent
figures of the earlier Renaissance period were also influenced by ancient Greek and Roman literature.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. antiquity, however
B. antiquity, however,
✓ Your Ans C. antiquity, however;
D. antiquity; however,

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1621

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 43 Africa possesses a number of mostly untapped economic assets. Between 2000 and 2010, six of the world’s top ten
fastest-growing countries were located in Africa. During that same time period, foreign investment grew to ten times what it
had been before. Africa ___________ a viable site for manufacturing and commodity production. The continent provides
access to key natural resources, possessing almost 10% of the world's crude oil and natural gas reserves. As the global
population grows, adequate food production will become a major economic challenge, and Africa has the potential to
become a significant site of agricultural production.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. offers increasing
B. offering to increase
C. increasingly offering
✓ Your Ans D. increasingly offers
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1622

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 8 Seconds

Q: 44 Hunter’s employer is KPMG, a tax and financial services firm in Atlanta. Approximately half of KPMG’s workforce uses
flextime. Other major companies that offer flex scheduling include Kraft Foods and Texas Instruments. Many government
agencies offer flextime as well. These employers realize that flex scheduling not only facilitates their employees’ work-life
balance but also helps to increase employee retention and productivity, and to decrease unplanned absences from work.
That is not a trifling __________ Georgetown University study found that unplanned employee absences cost some
companies almost $1 million annually.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. matter; a recent

B. matter, a recent
C. matter, if a recent
D. matter, although a recent
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1623
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 34 Seconds

Q: 45 As a child growing up just after the Second World War, I loved going to “the pictures.” Wild west films were some of my
favorites, especially if the Apache were on the warpath, which they ________ I rooted for them every time, but neither their
superiority in numbers, nor the fact that they were defending their own land, helped them to win a single victory.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✗ Your Ans A. usually were during these movies

B. usually did during the Westerns
✓ Correct Ans C. usually were
D. usually did

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1624

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 55 Seconds

Q: 46 Yet for me, only one hero meant anything: Nyoka, Jungle Girl. She was a sort of female Tarxan, although more relatable to
me. She lived in the jungle, through which she ran barefoot, repelling lions and grappling with giant crocodiles. She
rescued poor natives from the tyranny of by crooked hunters. She was resourceful, ___________________ discouraged
her for long. Every week she was left facing a dilemma that was seemingly impossible to escape; by the following week, she
had come up with a solution. After an hour with her, I felt as though I could do anything.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. tough, and intelligent; no problem,

✓ Your Ans B. tough, and intelligent: no problem
C. tough, and intelligent, no problem
D. tough - and intelligent, no problem
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1625

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 17 Seconds

Q: 47 A few years ago, while taking a guided tour of Russia, I encountered a strange sight. I _______ into a hotel on the outskirts
of St. Petersburg and was making my way to my room when I noticed a full-sized go-kart track, right in the middle of the
hotel’s atrium. Intrigued, I decided to explore the hotel further: on the second floor, I discovered a large room that
contained almost two dozen billiards tables and almost four dozen pinball machines.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. have just checked

✓ Your Ans B. had just checked
C. could just check
D. am just checking
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1626

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 48 On Saturday mornings, the local cinema offered a program for children, a kind of exclusive club: no adults allowed, apart
from the cinema staff. The program always _____ with a short informative film about something encouraging for a country
not long out of a war. We scorned this segment, unless it was about steam trains or breaking land speed records.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. began

B. has begun
C. have begun
D. will begin
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1627
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 38 Seconds

Q: 49 For many marine biologists, careers in education and research may be very appealing. Other marine biologists may
gravitate to the numerous opportunities for industry and applied science careers after earning a Bachelor’s or a Master’s
degree in marine biology - __________ in the aquaculture industry, which has had an 8.3% annual rate of growth
worldwide since the mid-1980s and is currently the fastest-growing food production industry.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A. believe it or not,
B. astonishingly,
✓ Your Ans C. for instance,
D. in contrast,
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1628

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 34 Seconds

Q: 50 “Comedy of Manners” is the classification that literary critics use for these plays. Wycherley and Congreve were the major
seventeenth-century innovators, but this mode of writing has continued through to the the present day; critics claim that
the popular Carry On films are examples of this persistent yet frequently tedious form of comedy. The two main concerns of
the genre seem to be wealth and romance. While no one would deny that the pursuit of love and money occupies a great
deal of energy and time, the treatment of these themes under Comedy of Manners conventions was, ________ often

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

✓ Correct Ans A. unfortunately,

✗ Your Ans B. surprisingly,
C. consequently,
D. for example,
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1629

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 51 Predictions that electronic books would replace physical ones entirely appear to have been premature. ______ sales of
printed books have actually overtaken sales of electronic ones in some genres. While easy access to online platforms
satisfies consumers’ demand for instant content, print offers readers a tactile experience they cannot obtain from screens.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A. Nevertheless,
✓ Your Ans B. In fact,
C. Similarly,
D. On the other hand,
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1630
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 58 Seconds

Q: 52 While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Jacob Lawrence was a mural painter.

• His vibrant patterns and simplified, angular figures created powerful, direct images.
• His most famous work is the Migration Series (1940-41): 60 panels depicting African Americans’ migration from the
rural south to northern cities after World War I.
• Half the panels are in the Museum of Modern Art; the others are in the Phillips Collection.
• In 1954-56, he produced Struggle, a 30-panel series focusing on neglected aspects of American history from 1775-

The student wants to emphasize the large scale of Jacob Lawrence’s work. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to achieve this goal?

A. Lawrence’s Struggle series contained only half as many panels as the Migration series.
✓ Your Ans B. In the 1940s and 1950s, Lawrence created projects consisting of dozens of panels to show a wide range
of historical events.
C. Lawrence’s murals, which consist of a series of panels, feature bold and angular designs.
D. Lawrence’s Migration Series, his best-known work, is divided between the Museum of Modern Art and
the Phillips Collection.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1631

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 31 Seconds

Q: 53 This text is adapted from Philip Kowalski, “An Unnatural History of the American Zoo”

The first American zoo was established in Philadelphia in 1874, and for most Americans today, zoos figure as positive
impositions on the landscape. They preserve many species threatened in their natural habitats by forces such as climate
change in the Artic and the mercenary poaching in Africa - forces that might spell the potential extinction of polar bears
and elephants, among others. But this conservatorship that zoos offer also reflects the values of a culture that still
privileges a traditional human-centered and human-controlled view of the natural world. As theorized by the American
philosopher and intellectual historian A. O. Lovejoy in the 1930s, the so-called “Great Chain of Being” assumed that “man”
ruled over the entire natural world and, like Adam in the Garden of Eden, was the caretaker of all living things.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence

A. To introduce a historical figure whose ideas are no longer widely studied.

B. To summarize an argument that zookeepers often use to defend their practices.
✓ Your Ans C. To provide background for a belief that the author finds problematic.
D. To imply that Lovejoy’s theory has been interpreted inaccurately by subsequent scholars.
Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1632
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 19 Seconds

Q: 54 While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• The “colossal heads” are the most famous artworks produced by the Olmecs, the first Mesoamerican civilization
(1200 BCE - 400 CE).
• Scholars theorize that the heads depicted Olmec rulers.
• They were carved from boulders weighing between 6 and almost 50 tons.
• Each one wears a headdress whose meaning is unclear.
• The monument at Takalik Abaj in Guatemala is the only sculpture outside the Olmec heartland.

The student wants to emphasize the mystery surrounding the sculptures. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to achieve this goal?

A. While all of the heads are immense, they do vary in size: the smallest weigh six tons, whereas the largest
ones weigh 50.
B. Only one of the heads is located outside the Olmec heartland.
✓ Your Ans C. The faces, which scholars believe may represent Olmec rulers, sit below headdresses of unknown
D. The Olmecs, who created the first civilization in Mesoamerica, carved a series of enormous stone heads.

Section: [PD7] R&W - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1633

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 3 Seconds


Type YES to continue.

✓ Your Ans YES

I love you.

Section: BREAK Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1127

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 2 Seconds

Q: 56 Read the instruction before doing the Math Section. Please type 'Yes' after reading to start the test.

For multiple-choice questions, solve each problem, choose the correct answer from the choices provided, and then
circle your answer in this book. Circle only one answer for each question. If you change your mind, completely erase the
circle. You will not get credit for questions with more than one answer circled, or for questions with no answers circled.

For student-produced response questions, solve each problem and write your answer next to or under the question
in the test book as described below.
1. Once you've written your answer, circle it clearly. You will not receive credit for anything written outside the circle, or for
any questions with more than one circled answer.
2. If you find more than one correct answer, write and circle only one answer.
3. Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to 6 characters (including the negative sign) for
a negative answer, but no more.
4. If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over 5 characters for positive, 6 characters for negative), write the decimal
5. If your answer is a decimal that is too long (over 5 characters for positive, 6 characters for negative), truncate it or
round at the fourth digit.
6. If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3½ 2 ), write it as an improper fraction (7/2) or its decimal equivalent (3.5).
7. Don't include symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in your circled answer.

✓ Your Ans Yes

Section: Math Instruction Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 3511
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 11 Seconds

Q: 57

The table above shows some values of x and their corresponding values of y. Which of the following equations shows a
possible relationship between x and y?

✓ Your Ans A. y=x+2

B. y=x-2
C. y=2x+3
D. y=3x-2

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1634

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 11 Seconds

Q: 58

In the figure shown, line j is parallel to line k and line l is parallel to line m. What is the value of x?

✓ Your Ans A. 40
B. 60
C. 80
D. 100
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1635

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 59 The function f is defined by f(x)=x2-5x+6. What is the value of f(4)?

A. 0
✓ Your Ans B. 2
C. 12
D. 30
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1636
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 37 Seconds

Q: 60 Aracely can spend up to a total of $20 on streamers and balloons for a party. Streamers cost $1.49 per pack, and balloons
cost $4.39 per pack. Which of the following inequalities represents this situation, where s is the number of of packs of
streamers Aracely can buy, and b is the number of pack of balloons Aracely can buy? (Assume there is no sales tax.)

A. 1.49s - 4.39b ≤ 20
✓ Your Ans B. 1.49s + 4.39b ≤ 20
C. 1.49s - 4.39b ≥ 20
D. 1.49s + 4.39b ≥ 20

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1637

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 13 Seconds

Q: 61 Bill is planning to drive 1,000 miles to visit his family. If he plans to drive 250 miles per day, which of the following
represents the remaining distance d, in miles, that Bill will have to drive to reach his family after driving for n days?

A. d = 1,000 + 250n
B. d = 1,000n - 250
C. d = 250n - 1,000
✓ Your Ans D. d = 1,000 - 250n
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1638

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 3:16 Minutes

Q: 62

The graph of y=mx+b, where m and b are constants, is shown in the xy-plane.

What is the value of m?

✓ Your Ans 2

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1639

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 9 Seconds

Q: 63 (x3+x)+(x2-x)

Which of the following is equivalent to the given expression?

A. x5- x2
B. x5 - x4 + x3 - x2
✓ Your Ans C. x3 + x2
D. x3 + x2 + 2x

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1640
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 20 Seconds

Q: 64 x+y=5

If (x, y) is the solution to the given system of equations, what is the value of y?

✓ Your Ans 2.5

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1641

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 34 Seconds

Q: 65

Which of the following expressions is equivalent to the given expression, where x ≠ -2?

✓ Your Ans B.


Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1642

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 11 Seconds

Q: 66 5(x-3)(x+1)=0

What positive value of x satisfies the equation above?

✓ Your Ans 3

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1643

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 32 Seconds

Q: 67 3x - 0.6 = 1.8

What value of x satisfies the equation above?

✓ Your Ans 0.8

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1644

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 68 Which of the following is an equation of the line in the xy-plane that contains the points (1, 3) and (5, 15)?

✓ Your Ans A.

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1645
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 12 Seconds

Q: 69

In the given equation, b is a constant. If the equation has infinitely many solutions, what is the value of b?

A. 2

B. 4
C. 8
✓ Your Ans D. 16

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1646

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 70

What is the area, in square units, of the figure shown?

A. 20
✓ Your Ans B. 22
C. 24
D. 28
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1647

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:57 Minutes

Q: 71 What is the y-intercept of the graph of y=4x in the xy-plane?

A. (1, 4)
B. (1, 0)
✓ Your Ans C. (0, 1)
D. (4, 1)
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1648

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 13 Seconds

Q: 72 x2-14x+40=2x+1

What is the sum of the solutions to the given equation?

A. -16
B. -14
C. 14
✓ Your Ans D. 16
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1649
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:25 Minutes

Q: 73

When the speed of an object approaches the speed of light, its length as seen by an observer changes. When the object
is stationary relative to an observer changes. When the object is stationary relative to an observer, its length is S, and
when the same object is moving at speed v relative to the observer, its length is L. The formula above expresses L in terms
of S, v, and c, the speed of light. Which of the following gives the speed of the object in terms of the other quantities?

✓ Your Ans A.




Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1650

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 49 Seconds

Q: 74 The half-life of a certain substance in an aquatic environment is about 150 years. Which of the following exponential
functions best models the amount A(t), in grams, of the substance t years after 200 grams of the substance is applied to
the aquatic environment? (The half-life is the length of time needed for an amount of the substance to decrease to one-
half of that amount.)




✓ Your Ans D.

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1651

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 7 Seconds

Q: 75 The line graph shows the number of space shuttle launches by the United States from 1981 through 1986.

During which year of this time period was the number of space shuttle launches the greatest?

A. 1982
B. 1983
C. 1984
✓ Your Ans D. 1985
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1652
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 41 Seconds

Q: 76 American marsupials and Australian marsupials are two primary groups of marsupials. The table shows the number of
species in each order of living marsupial, by group.

Based on the table, what fraction of the Australian marsupial species are from the order Peramelemorphia?


✓ Your Ans B.



Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1653

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:32 Minutes

Q: 77 A square is inscribed in a circle with radius inches. What is the perimeter of the square in inches?

✓ Your Ans 48

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1654

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:23 Minutes

Q: 78

The table gives some values of x and the corresponding values of f(x) for polynomial function f. Which of the following
could be the graph of f in the xy-plane, where y=f(x)?
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172


#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Your Ans D.

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1655

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 6 Seconds

Q: 79 If s=4, what is the value of 20s-15s?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 15
✓ Your Ans D. 20
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1656

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 16 Seconds

Q: 80

Ten data points are in the scatterplot shown, along with a line of best fit. Which of the following best estimates the
predicted value of y when x=6.5?

A. 2
B. 8
C. 13
✓ Your Ans D. 16
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1657

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 7 Seconds

Q: 81 (x-3)4=0

What value of x makes the equation above true?

✓ Your Ans 3

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1658
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 18 Seconds

Q: 82 4, 13, 5, 8, R, 5, 11

In the data shown, R is an integer. If the median of the data set is 8 and R<11, what is a possible value of R?

✓ Your Ans 9

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1659

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 31 Seconds

Q: 83 4x+y=4

If (x, y) is the solution of the system of equations above, what is the value of x?

✓ Your Ans 0.25

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1660

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:8 Minutes

Q: 84 On serving of a certain brand of microwave popcorn provides 150 calories, 90 of which are from fat. One serving of a
certain brand of low-sodium pretzels provides 120 calories, 12 of which are from fat. How many more calories from fat are
provided by a 100-calorie serving of the microwave popcorn than are provided by a 100-calorie serving of the pretzels?

✓ Your Ans 50

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1661

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 85

The length, in meters, of the sides and the height of a parallelogram are shown in the figure. What is the area, in square
meters, of the parallelogram?

✓ Your Ans 50

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 1662

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 9 Seconds

Q: 86 What is 120% of 2,000?

A. 240
B. 400
✓ Your Ans C. 2,400
D. 4,000
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1663
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 31 Seconds

Q: 87 A field has a perimeter of 960 feet. Of the following, which is closest to the perimeter of the field, in meters? (1 foot=0.3048

A. 89
✓ Your Ans B. 290
C. 3,200

D. 10,000

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1664

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 18 Seconds

Q: 88

The box plot summarizes the data for the annual cost of automobile insurance for automobile owners in a certain US city.
Which of the following could be the median annual cost of automobile insurance for automobile owners in this city?

✓ Your Ans A. $1,625

B. $2,000
C. $2,100
D. $2,100
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1665

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 35 Seconds

Q: 89

The table lists selected values of Sam’s walking speed, in kilometers per hour (km/h), and his corresponding pulse, in
beats per minute (bpm). There is a linear relationship between Sam’s speed, x, and his pulse, f(x). Which of the following
equations describes f(x)?

A. f(x)=x+57
B. f(x)=-x+97
✓ Your Ans C. f(x)=5x+57
D. f(x)=-5x+97
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1666
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:35 Minutes

Q: 90 In 1855, Louis Remme traveled from Sacramento, California, to Portland, Oregon, stopping to rest for only 10 hours of the
143 hours it took him to reach Portland. If his average speed while traveling without resting was 5 miles per hour, how
many miles did Louis Remme travel?

✓ Your Ans A. 665

B. 705
C. 715
D. 765

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1667

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 34 Seconds

Q: 91

Each of the 25 data values in a data set is a different integer between 1 and 50, inclusive. The table gives the frequency of
the data for five intervals. Which of the following intervals contains exactly of the values in the data set?

A. 1 to 20
B. 11 to 30
C. 21 to 40
✓ Your Ans D. 31 to 50
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1668
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 46 Seconds

Q: 92

The table above shows the distribution of the number of extracurricular activities that students at a middle school
participate in. If the number of students who participate in two extracurricular activities is 120 more than the number of
students who participate in one extracurricular activity, what is the total number of students who attend the middle school?

A. 240
✓ Your Ans B. 480
C. 600
D. 900
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1669

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:52 Minutes

Q: 93

For her job, Natasha spent a total of n minutes processing ID card applications and driver’s license applications. It takes
Natasha 15 minutes to process an ID card application and 20 minutes to process a driver’s license application. The graph
above represents all possible combinations for the number of ID card applications and the number of driver’s license
applications that Natasha could have processes in the n minutes. What is the value of n?

A. 720
✓ Your Ans B. 540
C. 420
D. 360
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1670

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 19 Seconds

Q: 94
In the xy-plane, what is the y-coordinate of the y-intercept of the graph of the equation ?

✓ Your Ans A. -6
B. -2
C. 3
D. 4
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1671
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 2:54 Minutes

Q: 95

The coordinates of points A, B, and C are shown in the xy-plane above. For which of the following inequalities will each of
the points A, B, and C be contained in the solution region?

✓ Your Ans A. y > -x-2

B. y ≥ -x
C. y < x+3
D. x < 3

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1672

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 57 Seconds

Q: 96

In the figure above, AB=AD, BC=CD, BE=2, BC=4, and AC=10. What is the area of triangle ABD?

✓ Your Ans C.
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1673
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 2:54 Minutes

Q: 97

The graph above shows the distribution of the number of years of experience for 25 teachers enrolled in an advanced-
degree program at a particular university. If a 26th teacher with 2 years of experience is added to the program and to the
data set, what will be the effect on the mean and median of the data set?

A. The mean and median will both decrease

B. The mean and median will both remain the same
✓ Your Ans C. The mean will decrease and the median will remain the same
D. The mean will remain the same and the median will decrease

Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1674

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 20 Seconds

Q: 98 h(x)=(x-5)(x+5)

The function h is defined as shown. For what value of x does the function h reach its minimum value?

A. -25
B. -5
✓ Your Ans C. 0
D. 5
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1675

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:58 Minutes

Q: 99 A sports store had 60 backpacks in stock, some with wheels and some without wheels, before a new shipment of
backpacks arrived. The number of wheeled backpacks in the new shipment was twice the number of wheeled backpacks
already in stock, and the number of backpacks without wheels in the new shipment was five times the number of backpacks
without wheels already in stock. After the new shipment arrived, there were 330 backpacks in the store. Before the
shipment, there were x wheeled backpacks and y backpacks without wheels. Which of the following equations can be used
with x+y=60 to solve for x and y?

A. 2x+5y=330
✓ Your Ans B. 2x+5y=270
C. 5x+2y=270
D. 5x+2y=330
Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1676
#Unique Exam ID: 7950172
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 40 Seconds

Q: 100

In the given figure, θ is an angle. If sinθ = , what is cosθ?



✓ Your Ans C.


Section: [PD7] MATH - MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 1677

Score Card Report

Start Time: Sep 27 2023 8:37PM

End Time: Sep 27 2023 10:39PM

Time Taken: 122:14 Minutes

Total Questions: 100
Correct: 87
Partially Correct: 0

Incorrect: 13
Unanswered: 0
Points: 87/100
Negative Marks: 0


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