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Dear Partner,

We are glad that you discovered our catalogue and that you are interested in premi-
um quality, healthy products. In our daily mission to satisfy the highest demands of our
customers, we are constantly expanding our product range in the service of health.

We adopt the traditional, ancient wisdom of folk medicine and shape it into cutting
edge, convenient, enjoyable solutions adapted to our hectic world and offering end-
less possibili­ties to our consumers.

We only proceed to product development if we have seen spectacular improvement

during the research phase. We don’t settle for good, we strive for great, and excellent
results are the only ones that we will accept from ourselves. In order to be fully satisfied
with the results, we need each of our three basic requirements to be met at the same
Editor: HLBS Global Marketing Ltd. time: during the use of our products the improvement should be measurable, visible
Orders: and sensible. Based on our philosophy we have created a company whose members
All rights reserved. are dedicated to do and be able to do something for others, making both their own
lives and other people’s lives better. Please keep in mind that our products should
not be used as a substitute for a varied, healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. Keep our
products out of the reach of children. Pregnant and nursing women or anyone under
medical treatment should consult their doctor before taking our products. Do not take
these products if you are allergic to any of their ingredients. Never exceed the recom-
mended daily dosage.

It is our sincere hope that we will be able to welcome you among our ardent customers
in the near future.

Best regards,
HLBS Management

FROM CHOCOLATE 30 INGREDIENTS 56 Sodium bicarbonate 74
ChocoDream Premium Chocolate Lavender oil, Humic acid, Fulvic acid 58 Green coffee extract, Zinc 75
AAG1 11
Silhouette 32
Sea buckthorn oil, Cordyceps 59 BioPerine, Dill seed oil 76
DK5 12
ChocoDream Premium Chocolate
Citrus oil, Rhodiola Rosea extract 60 Cannabinoid/Hemp seed, Guarana 77
CBR7 14 Selection 34
Grapefruit seed extract, Milk thistle 61 Panax ginseng extract, Vitamin D3 78
LXR7 16 Coffee 36
Silver colloid, Grape seed meal 62 Konjac glucomannan powder,
Astragalus (Lungwort) extract 79
WITH THE POWER OF NATURE 38 Psyllium seed husk, Soy genistein 63
CGS12+ 20
Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin K2,
LH+ face 40 Lyophilized raspberry powder,
IMS8 Raspberry 22 Phosphatidylserine 80
Soy lecithin 64
HC 80
24 LH+ body 42
L-carnitine, , L-lysine, Taurine,
+ Diatomaceous earth, Malva sylvestris 65
INZ8 26 LH fulvic acid 44 Alpha-liponic acid 81
Jerusalem artichoke powder – Inulin,
Berry SLM 28 SILVER formula 46 Sodium L-ascorbate, Rutin,Iodine,
Apple pectin 66
Vitamin B3 82
Citrus+ 48
L-arginine, Ginger 67
StartBox 50 Bitter orange extract, Chromium,
Curcumin, Sweet orange 68 Gymnema Sylvestre, White
SLMBox 52 Strawberry leaf, Cinnamon 83
Hyaluronic acid, Argan oil 69
HLBS All In Network Package 54
Castor oil, Coconut oil 70
Linseed oil, Vitamin E 71
Astaxanthin, Ganoderma 72
Vitamin C, Ginkgo Biloba 73
HLBS Global Marketing Ltd’s own product research and development team is relent-
lessly working on providing its customers and members with unique products that
meet the highest quality demands.

From the start of development to final testing all of our products are manufactured in
accordance with ISO 9001:2009 and in GMP certified laboratories.

We feel that it is important to offer products that are needed the most in order to pre-
serve our customers’ health.

Our research teams are devoted to pursuing the possibilities of developing chemi-
cal-free, natural products and implementing them in order to allow our consumers to
live a genuinely better, healthier life.

“In the human body, physical, psychological and mental
well-being requires an optimal concentration of vitamins and minerals.
Therefore the causes of all ails and diseases are
to be found in their deficiency.”

Dr. Linus Pauling,

Double Nobel Prize winner American chemist of German descent,
Father of orthomolecular medicine

In its activities and product developments, HLBS Network is committed to representing

the highest quality and traditional values. In our daily efforts we dedicate ourselves to
distributing outstanding food supplements and skin care products containing premi-
um quality ingredients.

Our food supplements contain minerals, trace elements and vitamins that are
indispens­able for the optimal functioning of a healthy body, ensuring optimum nutri-
ent intake.

Along with the chocolates our food supplement capsules also provide the body with all
the necessary elements that cannot be absorbed from foodstuffs produced through
industrial processes or from fruit and vegetables grown in our depleted soils.

8 9
Dietary supplement containing astragalus, ginseng and phosphatidyl within vegan

Astragalus is primarily known for its anti-aging effects, acting as an effective antiox-
idant, anti-inflammatory and strengthening the immune system. Phosphatidylserine
is a key building block for billions of cells in the brain and can increase the levels of
brain chemicals involved in memory while helping transfer information at the cellu-
lar level. Additionally, phosphatidylserine also gives off a mood-enhancing and an-
ti-aging effect. Panax ginseng extract is also a powerful anti-inflammatory antiox-
idant. The ginsenosides from within regulate inflammation and maintain cell health.
These ingredients can slow down aging, while building efficiency within the cognitive
functions of the brain and supporting mental health and your mood. This dietary
supplement greatly supports the immune system, increases energy levels and re-
duces fatigue.

Container Size: 60 pcs vegan capsules

Retail price: 75,4 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 58 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

10 11
Dietary supplement containing vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 in double vegan capsule
filled with olive oil.

DK5 uses modern, vegan, plant-based cellulose, double capsule technology to pro-
vide more efficient absorption in liquid form. This modern capsule prevents prema-
ture decomposition of vitamins in the product and improves the stability of the prod-
uct by preventing the ingress of water. The utilization of fat-soluble vitamins D3 and
K2 is also facilitated by the fact that the capsules are filled with virgin olive oil.

Vitamins D3 and K2 play an important role in maintaining a healthy bone structure

and may have a positive impact on the heart and the vascular system. It helps the
immune system and muscles to function properly. The combined presence of vita-
mins D and K can improve insulin metabolism and promote weight loss.

Artificial dye and excipient-free, allergen-free, gluten and lactose-free, GMO-free.

Container Size: 30 pcs vegan capsules

Retail price: 49,4 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 38 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

12 13
Food supplement containing vitamin C, citrus bioflavonoids, rutin, polyphenols, gin-
gerol and piperine in vegan capsules.

The daily dose of the product contains more than 13 times the recommended intake
of vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to immune system defense by protecting our cells
from oxidative stress and greatly reduces fatigue. Vitamin C supports the nervous
system, the formation of collagen, maintains bone health and stimulates cellular en-
ergy production processes.

Other product ingredients include: bioflavonoids, gingerol, polyphenols and piperine

serve as antioxidant antioxidants. CBR7’s rutin is a bioflavonoid that allows vitamin C
to be used more efficiently. The discovery in the power of rutin came none other than
Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Nobel Prize-winning doctor.

Container Size: 60 pcs vegan capsules

Retail price: 49,4 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 38 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

14 15
Beverage concentrate dietary supplement with humic and fulvic acid, containing
hemp seed, milk thistle and soy extract.

LXR7 is made from common medicinal herbs. A true advantage of LXR7 is that its
agents are extracted from plant cells right before the appearance of the germ, so
the extract obtained from them contains the active form of natural vitamins, trace
elements, enzymes, stem cells, polyphenols, lipoproteins. Thanks to our unique ex-
traction process, the active agents are extremely stable. The active agents of the
LXR7 help the body’s cleansing processes (milk thistle), natural defense and sugar
balance maintenance (Cannabis Ruderalis).

Container size: 300 ml

Product available to members only.
Discounted price for HLBS members: 88 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

16 17
Food supplement containing magnesium, ginkgo, green algae (chlorella), alpha lipo-
ic acid and microalgae (astaxanthin) in vegan capsules.

Thanks to the all-natural ingredients of HMAX8, your body builds resilience, rejuve-
nates and boosts sports performance. The key ingredient of Magnesium engages
in energy-producing metabolic processes, inevitably reducing fatigue, and is vital in
developing muscle function.

Container size: 30 pcs vegan capsules

Retail price: 45,5 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 35 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

18 19
Food supplement in a vegan capsule containing green coffee extract, turmeric ex-
tract, microground grape seed, humic acid powder, vitamins C and B3, zinc, seleni-
um, chromium and dill seed oil.

The CGS12+ product follows the latest needs of our rapidly changing world with an
improved formula. Certain components of the product are involved in the metabo-
lism of carbohydrates and other macronutrients (zinc, chromium) and contribute to
the maintenance of normal energy production processes (vitamins C and B3) and the
normal functioning of the thyroid gland (selenium). During or after intense exercise,
they contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system (vitamin C) and the
normal metabolism of fatty acids (zinc), while helping to reduce fatigue (vitamins C
and B3). Its antioxidant ingredients help protect cells from oxidative stress (vitamin C,
zinc, selenium) and maintain normal psychological functions (vitamins C and B3).

Container size: 60 pcs vegan capsules

Retail price: 53,3 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 41 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

20 21
Dietary supplementary drink powder with natural sweetener containing vitamin C,
fulvic acid, cordyceps, wild mallow, rhodiola rosea, amino acids and minerals.

A natural raspberry and micronutrient cocktail to be enjoyed at any time of the day,
not only for its taste but also for its ingredients with no added sugar. IMS8 sup-
ports our body’s proper supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements and boosts
stamina and increases concentration (sedum). This tasty cocktail contributes to the
normal functioning of the immune system (zinc, selenium) and supports the proper
maintenance of hair, nails and skin (zinc, selenium, iodine). This great product comes
in a practical, convenient sachet, making it easy to carry and consume anywhere.

Container size: 30 sachet × 4,25 g of powder

Retail price: 54,6 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 42 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

22 23
Food supplement packed into a vegan capsule containing minerals, trace elements,
vitamin C, humic acid, caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis) and milk thistle.

The HC80 is one of our core products that we are extremely proud of. The ultimate
beneficial feature of HC80 is its special blend of ingredients building off of one an-
other for an overall powerful performance in one capsule. Humic and fulvic acids
help the body trace elements. One of the most important properties of these acids is
the restoration of the body’s acid-base balance. Research suggests that cordyceps
can help the body utilize oxygen more efficiently and allow absorbed nutrients to get
to all parts of the body faster. Additionally, HC80 contains milk thistle, one of the most
powerful detoxifiers known to man, and further supports vital liver functions.

By using HC80 on a daily basis, you can assure yourself of being more energetic and
feeling fitter.

Container size: 150 pcs

Retail price: 54,6 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 42 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

24 25
Food supplement containing Gymnema sylvestre (Gurmar) and L-leucine with herbal-
extracts, chromium and selenium.

Dosage: 2x1 capsules daily, to be taken with plenty of liquid prior to meals.

high blood glucose and insulin levels to go about their daily lives by reducing the
amount of food they crave to consume. It contains Gymnema sylvestre, known by the
world as the 'sugar destroyer', which helps to normalise blood sugar levels. It inhi-bits
the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. Suppresses appetite and the craving for
carbohydrates. It can improve our performance and stamina, thus helping to impro-
ve sports performance and overall energy levels. Leucine may regulate many cellular
processes (protein synthesis, tissue regeneration, cellular metabolism) It may contri-
bute to the healthy functioning of the thyroid and immune system.

Container size: 60 pcs

Retail price: 38 EUR (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

26 27
Psyllium husk, diatomaceous earth, lyophilised natural raspberry powder, Jerusalem
artichoke, apple pectin, vitamin C dietary supplement powder with ginger and nat-
ural sweeteners.

Berry SLM helps you cut weight and is packed with vitamins. The natural raspberry
content gives Berry SLM a delicious taste high in vitamin content and no added
sugar. Berry SLM is high in fiber content to improve your digestion. One of Berry SLM’s
ingredients is psyllium husk, which can absorb up to 20 times its weight in water,
passing through the digestive tract in a gelatinous consistency. It is able to softly
absorb the decomposition products deposited in the intestinal cavity and evacuate
it from the body.

Container size: 270 g of powder

Retail price: 54,6 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 42 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

28 29
One of our well-loved products is chocolate, which makes most people’s heart beat
faster. When it comes to regular chocolate, one bite is enough to bring the anxiety of
gaining weight to most people’s minds. While regular chocolate is only consumed for
pleasure, our customers can also enjoy health benefits alongside the delight.

The feeling of guilt that strikes when eating chocolate is now a thing of the past; our
products do not contain any harmful ingredients, not even sugar, so why would you
deprive yourself of this little pleasure? These chocolates, which are packed with nutri-
ents to protect health, have the additional benefit of supporting detoxification and
weight loss.

These healthy and high quality chocolates are a favourite with children, therefore it is
a great alternative to offer to them.

Our chocolates are sugar free and flavoured with maltitol, erithritol and stevia and
they contain humic acid.

30 31
Dark chocolate with humic acid and konjac glucomannan powder with sweetener.

HLBS has created this unique, healthy chocolate, combining the centuries-old expe-
rience of chocolate production with the modern technologies and innovative solu-
tions in the field of health preservation. Silhouette is from the finest assorted ingredi-
ents, using the finest Belgian chocolate and no added sugar.

From now on we can enjoy chocolate free of guilt!

Made from 70% quality dark chocolate, the Silhouette contains 90 small cubes of
konjac glucomannan powder, reducing appetite with water-binding properties. We
highly recommend drinking at least 200 ml of water after consumption. Psyllium
seeds swell up when soaked in a sufficient quantity of water in our stomach, reduc-
ing appetite prior to a meal and boosting nutrient absorption.

Container size: 90 × 4,5 g

Retail price: 54 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 54 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

32 33
HLBS ChocoDream Premium Chocolate Selection is available in 2 flavors, all of which
guarantee the enjoyment of scrumptious and healthy sweets.


– Silhouette with Raspberry
– Sugar Free Milk Chocolate with Raspberry and Humic Acid

Container size: 90 × 4,5 g

Retail price: 79 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 60 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

34 35
Coffee specialty containing taurine, guarana and inulin.

A healthy coffee that effectively invigorates with the combined effect of guarana
and coffee. Thanks to a generous supply of taurine and inulin, Coffee wards off un-
desirable side effects commonly associated with traditional coffee.

Container size: 30 sachet × 4,15 g

Retail price: 45,5 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 35 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

36 37
Our skin care products are all chemical-free, with a composition that is unique on the
market. Their daily use will empower their consumers to live a better, healthier and
higher quality life.

Our skin, the largest surface organ of our body is extremely sensitive, thus it is crucial to
take good care of it, as it is through the skin that most harmful materials can penetrate
the body. The choices that we make for products to take a shower, wash our hair or
calm our skin therefore matter a great deal.

This is why we have made it our mission to ensure that with the use of our skin care pro-
ducts, our customers can avoid chemicals and be completely assured of their safety.

38 39
Face cream with argan oil, cocount oil, glycerin, fulvic acid, vitamin E and C, citrus oil,
lavender oil and hyaluronic acid.

With the help of nanoemulsion technology, the active ingredients of the new formu-
la of LH+ face are absorbed in the deepest layers of the skin even more effectively.
The LH+ face cream is a natural cometic that meets the regulations of the EU and
is made of the finest, 100% natural ingredients. An efficient help for your skin to pre-
serve its youthfulness and avoid the harmful effects of sunlight. A perfect anti-aging
product against wrinkles, which can be used for prevention and for fighting against
already existing wrinkles as well.

Container size: 30 ml
Retail price: 53,3 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 41 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

40 41
Body lotion containing coconut oil, argan oil, glycerin, fulvic acid, citrus oil, vitamin E,
lavender oil and hyaluronic acid.

LH+ body lotion is a natural cosmetic. As with all our skin care products, we utilize the
finest and natural ingredients in the production of LH+ body. A natural body lotion
that is ideal for all skin types, as nutrient-rich ingredients balance the pH level in your
skin. Those with dry or oily skin will absolutely love this fantastic product.

Fulvic acid blends with lavender and citrus oils, joining a powerful array of other in-
gredients of argan oil, coconut oil and hyaluronic acid – a truly unique blend all in
one body lotion.

Container size: 250 ml

Retail price: 54,6 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 42 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

42 43
Castor oils, lavender oils, citrus oils, lecithin, glycerin, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and C, hu-
mic and fulvic acids, sea buckthorn seed oil and grapefruit seed oil.

Our LH+ product promotes rapid regeneration and protection in your skin. LH+ ful-
vic acid eases symptoms of sunburn and insect bites on your skin. It also soothes
irritated, acne prone skin. After depilation, LH+ fulvic acid effectively helps the skin
to regenerate. When intense symptoms occur, use every 3 hours until the symptoms
improve or disappear.

Container size: 100 ml

Retail price: 62,4 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 48 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

44 45
Skin spray containing glycerin, fulvic acids, vitamin C, rhodiola rosea extract, grape-
fruit seed extract and silver colloids.

For users in the unfortunate position of working through epithelial injuries, SILVER for-
mula speeds up the recovery process, and eases symptoms of sunburn and insect
bites on your skin. It also soothes irritated, acne prone skin. Apply the product di-
rectly by blowing on your skin 2-3 from a distance of 4 inches and rub it in. Allow for
the spray to be completely absorbed in for roughly 2-3 minutes. If our symptoms do
not improve, repeat the procedure every 3 hours until the formula takes effect and
symptoms disappear.

Container size: 50 ml
Retail price: 50,7 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 39 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

46 47
A cleanser containing coconut surfactants, glycerin, sweet orange essential oil, lin-
seed oil, castor oil, lemon essential oil, lavender essential oil and beta-carotene.

Citrus+ gently cleanses and protects skin, while enhancing the regeneration process.
Our shampoo and shower gel soothes your skin, hair and scalp as active ingredients
produce antiseptic and antibacterial effects of reducing dandruff, scalp irritation
and the development of oiliness in both dry and oily hair.

Container size: 250 ml

Retail price: 36,4 € (+VAT)
Discounted price for HLBS members: 28 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

48 49
All HLBS products consist of natural and organic substances, ingredients and thanks
to this we can bring a fast, measurable and visible improvement in people’s life. The
StartBox is an essential collection of our products, with which you can get a large
picture of their quality, effectiveness immediately and people in your close environ-
ment can gain a lot of positive experience.

- ChocoDream Premium Chocolate – SILHOUETTE, 90 (2 x)
- LXR7 (1 x)
- Berry SLM (1 x)
- IMS8 raspberry (1 x)
- HC80 (1 x)
- LH+ fulvosavval (1 x)
- CBR7 (1 x)
- Citrus+ (1 x)
- Start Pack training kit (gift)

Product available to members only.

Discounted price for HLBS members: 430 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

50 51
HLBS offers high quality products to its users, supporting them in their lifestyle chang-
es and health. SLMBox is a package compiled by professionals, using carefully se-
lected products. SLMBox helps consumers shed extra pounds and kickstarts weight
loss cleansing. The products in SLMBox are made from natural ingredients, provide
effective protection in everyday life, and help consumers keep fit.

– ChocoDream Premium Chocolate – SILHOUETTE, 90 (1 piece)
– Berry SLM (1 piece)
– IMS8 Raspberry (1 piece)
– CGS12+ (1 piece)
– HC80 (1 piece)
– HMAX8 (1 piece)
– HLBS Shaker (1 piece)

Product available to members only.

Discounted price for HLBS members: 256 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

52 53
The HLBS All In Network package is a great help for our members who envision the
opportunity to build through HLBS. This compilation contains each of our products
for owners to gain greater command of our product line.


– StartBox (1 piece)
– Coffee (1 piece)
- INZ8(1 piece)
– Silver Formula (1 piece)
– HMAX8 (1 piece)
– LH+ body (1 piece)
– CGS12+ (1 piece)
– LH+ face (1 piece)
– AAG1 (1 piece)
– DK5 (1 piece)
– LXR7 (1 piece)
– HC80 (1 piece)
– IMS8 Raspberry (1 piece)

Product available to members only.

Discounted price for HLBS members: 967 € (+VAT)
Recommended by Hungarian Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

54 55
Lavender oil Sea buckthorn oil
Lavender flower essential oil, a popular oil Sea buckthorn has long been traditionally used
throughout Hungary, has become one of the as a valuable plant to strengthen the immune
most widely used essential oils. It has a positive system and give off a strong antioxidant effect.
effect on our life processes, enhances physical Sea buckthorn is one of the most significant
and mental freshness. It is absorbed through sources of vitamin C, trace elements and min-
the skin and reaches every point of the body erals found in nature. The oil extracted from sea
through the bloodstream. Due to its mild, gentle buckthorn seeds has an anti-inflammatory ef-
effect, lavender oil is also safe for children. fect on the skin surface. It acts as a skin-toner,
by regenerating and beautifying your, and also
strengthens the connective tissue of your skin,
and effectively reduces the formation of cellulite.
Sea buckthorns further act as an exfoliation and
anti-inflammatory tool for all skin types.

Humic acid, Fulvic acid Cordyceps sinensis (also known as Chinese cat-
erpillar fungus) is a natural adaptogen that has
Mineral complex containing more than 80 min-
long been used in traditional Chinese medicine.
erals and trace elements. Humic and fulvic acid
It’s also found more regularly in supplements for
restore the body’s acid-base balance and the
athletes, as it leads to a greater supply of ox-
uptake and utilization of other nutrients during
ygen, vitality of cells, and boosts energy levels
digestion. Consumption of humic substances is
overall. We continue to expand our knowledge
great for the optimal functioning of our body.
beyond cordyceps and turn our attention to-
wards other medical fungi. Adaptogens, plants
that increase the body’s ability to adapt to the
stress caused by physical, chemical and mental
strain, allow our bodies to harmonize the func-
tioning of certain endocrine glands (hormones)
and our immune system in the long run.

58 59
Citrus oil Grapefruit seed extract
Natural citrus oil is best known for having anti- Grapefruit seed extract contains large amounts
bacterial and antiviral effects. It is also used to of bioflavonoids, glycosides, vitamin C and pro-
disinfect the air around you. Citrus oil refresh- teins, a natural antibiotic. Thanks to its high anti-
es and improves your mood with its calming, oxidant capacity, Grapefruit seed extract is able
stress-relieving, sleep-promoting and mus- to successfully fight off free radicals generated
cle-relaxing effect. With the help of citrus oil, you during oxidative stress. The active ingredients
can learn and work more proficiently by concen- of the oil obtained from the seed are delivered
trating better and allowing your fatigue to fade to the body orally or through the skin, possibly
away. through aromatherapy. In addition to its gener-
al mood-improving effect, it has an invigorating
effect on your skin and is also used in case of
chronic fatigue.

Rhodiola rosea extract Milk thistle

Rhodiola, also known as fragrant crowberry, has Considered one of the most powerful natural de-
long been known and used in folk medicine as toxifiers, fleawort seeds support vital liver func-
an adaptogen to boost your immune system. tions. It can exert its beneficial, health-preserv-
It can improve mental and cognitive functions ing effects throughout the body. The main active
and increase the blood supply to the brain and ingredient fleawort seeds is silymarin, which is a
muscles. Research has shown that this extract mixture of three flavonoids. It also contains other
improves performance. Adaptogens, plants that bitter substances, essential oil and vitamin E. One
increase the body’s ability to adapt to the stress of the main functions of the liver is to protect our
caused by physical, chemical and mental strain, bodies from the effects of harmful substances that
allow our bodies to harmonize the functioning enter the bloodstream. Silymarin, on the one hand,
of certain endocrine glands (hormones) and our stimulates the breakdown of toxins in the liver and
immune system in the long run. activates the self-healing mechanisms of liver cells
(hepatocytes), therefore, forming new liver cells.
Fleawort seeds make the cell membrane of he-
patocytes impermeable to toxins (such as alcohol,
nicotine, and various other additives that enter
the body) and can stimulate the production of bile,
thus aiding your body in breaking down fats.

60 61
Silver colloid Psyllium Seed Husk
Made up of nano-sized silver particles dissolved The psyllium husk is known to be high in fiber con-
in water (in the colloidal state), silver colloid tent, making it extremely effective in absorbing
is considered a highly effective antimicrobial water. Psyllium seed husk satiates and promotes
agent (kills bacteria and viruses). The silver col- weight loss. On account of its water-insoluble fi-
loid particles come into direct contact with the ber, fiber is indigestible and contains negligible
pathogens and are done with them within min- amounts of calories and nutritional value. Nev-
utes. Reflecting on past usage throughout his- ertheless, dietary fiber intake is associated with
tory, silver colloid has long been used to treat a number of health benefits. Psyllium seed husk,
wounds, burns, and to prevent various infections. which can absorb as much as twenty times of
It can also be effective for mouth and throat is- its volume from water, travels through the di-
sues and can also be applied to the mouth for gestive system in the form of gel. It can gently
gum and mucosal issues. absorb and remove end-products from the vil-
li, preventing the proliferation of parasites and

Grape seed meal

Grapes have been highly valued for both their
nutritional value and medicinal uses. Grape Soy genistein
seeds are extremely rich in vitamins and oth-
er trace elements, as well as OPC (oligomeric By consuming soy, natural phytoestrogens, iso-
proanthocyanidin), considered one of the most flavonoid-type compounds of soy that help
powerful antioxidants in the world. Clinical trials maintain the health and well-being of women of
and consumer experience also show that con- all ages, are delivered into our bodies. One such
suming grape seed meal is proven to be ben- soy isoflavonoid is genistein, which is believed to
eficial in reducing cardiovascular problems and have a good effect on the natural regulation of
slowing signs of skin aging. The grape seed mi- cholesterol levels and to prevent the develop-
cro-milling process covers the largest possible ment of pathological cell changes in our body.
surface area during digestion, so that nearly When consuming soy, it is worth looking for a soy
100% of the polyphenols can be absorbed and product that has minimize anti-nutrients (such
utilized. as trypsin inhibitor) that inhibit the absorption of
various nutrients.

62 63
Lyophilized raspberry powder Diatomaceous earth
A member of the rose family, raspberry is among Diatomaceous earth is made from the decom-
the tastiest summer fruits. Raspberries are also position of the skeletal materials of fossilized di-
relatively high in minerals and vitamins (calcium, atoms (aquatic organisms) over millennia. These
potassium, magnesium and iron), antioxidant, aquatic organisms contain mostly microscop-
fiber and pectin help digestion. Lyophilization ic algae and large amounts of silicon. Silicon
(freeze drying) causes far less damage to the is, among other things, a building block of the
preserved ingredients in opposition to various structure of our skeleton. Diatomaceous earth
other dehydration methods performed at high typifies a cylinder full of hollow holes through-
temperatures. Aromatic and fragrance sub- out the side. Millions of these cylinders, passing
stances both remain unchanged. through the digestive tract, are able to bind
harmful substances that the digestive system is
often unable to remove on its own and allow for
these harmful substances to be easily excreted
from the body.

Malva sylvestris
Soy lecithin Malva sylvestris, also known as high mallow or
common mallow, is one of the oldest crops. In
Soy is particularly rich in lecithin, a natural fatty
ancient times, it was used as a vegetable and
substance called phospholipid. It is an important
its young leaves were made like vegetables like
building block of cell wall membranes, found in
spinach. The leaves were often used to com-
greatest amounts in muscles, neurons, and the
press wasp and scorpion bites. It contains large
brain. Soy lecithin transfers lipids and cholester-
amounts of vitamin A, iron and calcium. Based on
ol in the blood and breaks down fat in the bile.
bioenergetic measurements, its immune-boost-
As our diet usually contains more fat than nec-
ing effect rivals that of Rhodiola.
essary, regularly consuming lecithin is highly rec-
ommended for improving cholesterol levels and
helping your body deal with physical and mental

64 65
Jerusalem artichoke – Inulin L-arginine
The high fiber content of Jerusalem artichoke Arginine is an amino acid that our bodies nat-
reduces the absorption of simple carbohydrates, urally produce. However, production of argi-
thus helping with weight loss. High in minerals, vi- nine slows down when facing physical or men-
tamins, and vital amino acids: L-lysine, L-arginine, tal stress. It promotes protein synthesis and
L-histidine, L-cysteine, L-tryptophan, L-asparag- strengthens the immune and nervous systems.
ine. It is characterized by a high inulin content Through the stimulation of the thymus, arginine
and contains very limited amounts of starch. The boosts the immune system and strengthens the
main active ingredient in Jerusalem artichoke is body’s defence mechanisms. Arginine also in-
inulin, a large water-soluble plant fiber. Because creases the amount of oxygen transported to
it remains almost completely intact throughout the blood through the production of nitrogen
the digestive system, Jerusalem artichoke serves oxide. Thereafter, arginine is converted into nitric
as an excellent nutrient for beneficial intestinal oxide in the body. Nitric oxide (NO) is a highly un-
bacteria in the colon and is considered a pre- stable, short lifetime compound. As we age, our
biotic. bodies produce less arginine, therefore it needs
to be supplemented.

Ginger is a relative of turmeric and marjoram
Apple Pectin and is primarily cultivated in India and China.
According to research, apples possess the high- Ginger has been known as a medicinal plant for
est pectin content among fruits. Apple pectin is a thousands of years. Its roots contain pungent
water-soluble fiber that has a gel-forming effect substances and essential oils, it stimulates sali-
when mixed with water. Because apple pectin vation, bile, intestinal and gastric function. More
is an indigestible, water-soluble fiber, it is most and more publications about its anti-inflamma-
likely to affect digestion. Regularly eating apples tory and analgesic effect appear in the literature.
and fibrous apple juice effectively lowers blood Ayurvedic healers say it strengthens the soul
cholesterol levels after consuming fatty foods. along with the body and also benefits cognitive
functioning. The pungent ingredients of ginger
not only stimulate the expedited secretion of
enzymes that aid digestion, but also reduce the
feeling of discomfort (nausea, dizziness).

66 67
Curcumin Hyaluronic acid
Turmeric (also known as Indian saffron) is well Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural polysaccha-
known for being one of the healthiest herbs ride, protein building block naturally occurring in
found in the world. It’s a prominent member of the human body (skin, cartilage, joint fluid, heart
the ginger family. An important feature turmeric valves, eyes and muscles), where it is responsible,
is it easily dissolves in fats. Turmeric has a strong together with collagen, for elasticity. Hyaluronic
antioxidant effect in binding free radicals harm- acid is like a net in the connective tissues, con-
ful to the body. Ongoing research has revealed necting and filling the spaces between cells to
that turmeric can help protect and strength- keep the skin supple and firm. At a young age,
en joints and preserve joint flexibility, as well as our skin contains high levels of hyaluronic acid. As
stimulate the production of digestive fluids and we continue age (beginning in our twenties), the
boost liver function. production of this enzyme slows down. Our skin
gets thinner, dries out, wrinkles and pigmentation
begins to appear. Hyaluronic acid is responsible
for elasticity, the water absorbing and retaining
capacities of the tissues. One gram of hyaluron-
Sweet orange ic acid can bind 6 liters of water and reinforces
With its pleasant fragrance, the essential oil ex- the skin’s moisture binding capacities while also
tracted from sweet orange is a highly popular
Argan oil strengthening the outermost layer of the skin.
ingredient in the perfume, beauty and food in- The oil extracted from the fruit of the argania is
dustries. It naturally fights off cellulite, skin prob- well-known as an elixir for skin and hair. Argan oil
lems, joint and rheumatic pain, water retention. is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins A, E and
Sweet orange reinforces the body’s own internal F and linoleic acid (it improves the skin’s protec-
mechanisms, possesses antiseptic properties tive barrier and prevents moisture loss). Argan oil
and is a powerful source of vitamins A and B. deeply moisturizes and nourishes effects, in ef-
Oranges are a reliable solution for those strug- fect softening and protecting our skin. It can slow
gling with infections and pain relief. Additionally, down ageing in the skin and comforts worn-out,
it promotes collagen formation in the connective dry skin. Argan oil combats age-related thinning
tissues and contributes to healthy circulation. Its and offers effective relief for scarred, injured skin
antioxidants, flavones, carotenes, anthocyanins (e.g. on burns, stretch marks and wrinkles). Addi-
and limonene can bind free radicals in the body. tional benefits include: high quantities of vita-
Skin care benefits include: regenerating, renew- mins, antioxidants and minerals. Overall, argan
ing, rejuvenating, soothing and softening. Over- oil lets pores breathe and is a powerful tool in
all, oranges invigorate and revitalize the body, combating wrinkles, regenerating skin, acting as
possessing antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antivi- an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
ral, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

68 69
Castor oil Linseed oil
Extracted from the castor plant, castor oil pen- Linseed and the oil extracted from it are among
etrates the skin and stimulates collagen and the richest sources of omega fatty acids and vi-
elastin production, leaving the skin soft and tamins A, B, C, D and E. Linseed and its oil are also
moisturized. It can delay the appearance of rich in various minerals (potassium, phosphorus,
wrinkles. Ricinoleic acid, a compound rich in cas- magnesium, calcium, sulphur, iron, zinc, sodium,
tor oil, gets rid of bacteria (acne-prone skin) by manganese, copper, fluorine, iodine, chromium),
reaching the deepest layers of the skin as it is and characterized by high protein and fiber con-
a highly concentrated fatty acid. Castor oil is a tent. Linseed oil is among the oils with the highest
wonderful moisturizer and can be used to light- essential fatty acid content. Products containing
en the appearance of scars. The fatty acids it linseed oil contribute to the healthy functioning
contains penetrate deep into the scar tissue and of our cells, support metabolism and possess
stimulate the growth of healthy tissues around anti-inflammatory properties. It can prevent skin
the scar. Castor oil has a deep moisturizing ef- dehydration by plumping the skin and giving it a
fect, reduces wrinkles, softens skin (making it supple, healthier, youthful appearance. Linseed
feel and look youthful and smooth), possesses oil soothes irritated, burning, itching skin, pre-
anti-inflammatory properties, and has antisep- vents further dehydration and renews the skin,
tic, antimicrobial properties. Finally, castor oil it has anti-inflammatory and skin regenerating
soothes the skin for itching, irritation and general Vitamin E properties.
Coconut oil skin pain. It stimulates hair growth by generating Vitamin E allows for long-lasting moisture reten-
Coconut is incredibly nourishing and rich in vita- better blood flow to the hair follicles. tion, silkiness, smoothness, making it a funda-
mins (C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6), fibers and minerals mental skin care ingredient. Because of its mois-
(iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and turizing capacity, if used in sufficient quantities, it
phosphorus). When rubbed into the skin, the oil combats wrinkles, regenerates and rejuvenates
extracted from the meat of mature coconuts, the skin (“anti-aging vitamin”), and is also known
rich in antioxidants, can delay skin ageing and for protecting against harmful radiation Vitamin
the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. It is E is a powerful antioxidant binding harmful free
a powerful moisturizer for offering relief to ec- radicals responsible for damaged skin struc-
zema-stricken skin. It can be used all over the ture, such as damage caused by UV radiation.
body (for example to soften and care for the In large quantities, vitamin E protects revitalizes
cracked skin of the soles and heels). The minerals the cells, even to the point of fading out existing
of coconut oil regulate circulation and make skin deep scars. It offers efficient relief for inflamed
healthier, softer. It is also a great ingredient for skin or from skin problems. Vitamin E is crucial for
hand, nail and foot care with its skin softening hair stimulates hair growth and even prevents
effect and is known for its antiseptic, antibacte- hair loss. It stimulates blood flow to the scalp
rial properties. and is also great for dry hair.

70 71
Astaxanthin Vitamin C
Considered to be one of the most potent antiox- Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant that
idants in the naturally occurring red carotenoid regenerates cells. It must be obtained from ex-
compound. astaxanthin is proven to be a stron- ternal sources as the human body is unable to
ger antioxidant than vitamin E, C, and coen- synthesize the vitamin, which is why this element
zyme Q10. It is able to bind harmful free radicals is essential for the body’s optimal function-
released during cellular respiration in our body, ing. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which requires
helping cells regenerate. Astaxanthin adheres to a generous fluid intake for absorption and the
both inside and outside the double lipid mem- excess is eliminated in urine. Vitamin builds re-
brane of cells, providing even greater protection sistance within the body and is best known for
for the cells. strengthening the immune system. It plays a
pivotal role in collagen production and in the
synthesis of carnitine (amino acid), essential for
muscle development. Vitamin C promotes the
absorption and the bioavailability of iron, zinc,
calcium, magnesium and other minerals. It ac-
tively contributes to the body’s energy supply.
Ganoderma Overall, vitamin C makes the body more vigorous
and boosts energy.
Ganoderma lucidum, also known as seal wax, is
one almost ubiquitous in medicinal mushrooms, Ginkgo Biloba
which is often referred to as the king of medic- Ginkgo (aka fern) is one of the most fascinating
inal mushrooms. The active immunomodulatory trees found on Earth and can live up to 1,000
polysaccharides and several triterpenoid com- years. Extracts from its leaves have been used
pounds in ganoderma are responsible for the in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of
beneficial effects of the drug. Ganoderma is an years. Researchers at the University of Michigan
ingredient that has been used in folk medicine shows that ginkgo effectively treats Alzheimer’s
for decades. Consumers looking for anti-inflam- disease, glaucoma and age-related cognitive
matory, anti-allergic, sedative, antihypertensive decline. The best known property of ginkgo bilo-
and anti-tumor effects have truly found an ally ba is that it improves memory as well as increas-
in Ganoderma. es blood flow throughout the body.

72 73
Chlorella pyrenoidosa algae Green coffee extract
powder Best-known for its active ingredient of chloro-
Chlorella algae powder is an extremely resource- genic acid, green coffee belongs to the family of
ful and nutrient-rich ingredient. It is a unicellular polyphenols and is a powerful antioxidant ca-
plant rich in protein, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, pable of binding harmful free radicals. It benefits
plant fiber, chlorophyll and carotenoids among carbohydrate and fat metabolism in cells. Some
others. Due to its chlorophyll content, it is high in research suggests that it can reduce the amount
vitamins B, C, E, as well as phosphorus, potas- of adipose tissue, thereby initiating weight loss.
sium, magnesium, calcium and other sources of Unlike traditional coffee beans, it does not in-
trace elements (e.g. iron, manganese, copper, crease blood pressure when consumed.
zinc, cobalt). Research has shown that chlorella
strengthens the immune system and stimulates
the production of white and red blood cells (the
latter helps the body to supply better oxygen).
Furthermore, it can also help detoxify our bodies
from heavy metals and act as an antioxidant.

Sodium bicarbonate Zinc is an essential ingredient for every living
organism, present in all our cells. This mineral
Sodium hydrogen carbonate is a water-soluble is involved in maintaining a normal acid-base
salt, which enters into a strong basic reaction balance. Research shows that zinc is one of the
with stomach acid, resulting in the generation most important components for proper growth
of sodium chloride, water and carbon dioxide. and maintenance of the human body and is vi-
It neutralizes acids, contributes to the mainte- tal for key functions such as regulating genetic
nance of the body’s acid-base balance and is activity and maintaining a balance of carbohy-
especially known for building up the immune sys- drate metabolism and blood sugar levels. Zinc
tem, guarding against digestive problems and contributes to the maintenance of normal men-
mood disorders. Beyond its neutralizing, calming tal and immune function, vision and the normal
effects, sodium bicarbonate has anti-inflamma- condition of the skin and also plays a crucial role
tory and pain-relieving properties. in protecting cells from oxidative stress.

74 75
BioPerine Cannabinoid/Hemp seed
BioPerine is a patented bioavailability enhancing Cannabinoids extracted from the hemp plant (fi-
nutrient, black pepper extract, which contains ber hemp) are becoming more and more widely
98% piperine. It plays a prominent role primarily known. Hemp has approximately 66 compounds
in food utilization and nutrients delivered to the in the group of cannabinoids; yet, extracts made
body. Piperine, according to some theories, en- from fiber hemp seeds do not contain psycho-
hances cellular metabolism, thereby influencing active substances, including THC. Recognized
heat production by metabolic processes. The in- benefits of cannabinoids include acting as a
gredients in BioPerine also improve the utilization sleep aid, relieving allergy symptoms, cutting
of nutrients and food supplements. down pain and serving as potent anti-inflam-
matory agent.

Dill Seed Oil Guarana

Dill is an excellent source of fiber and high in po- Guarana is a coffee-like shrub native to South
tassium, beneficial to normal musculoskeletal America that invigorates from its relatively high
functioning. In addition, it’s well known for acting caffeine content (2-3 times more than coffee
as a sedative as well as remedying digestion is- beans) and enhances mental alertness. It in-
sues. Research shows that Dill lowers high blood creases physical endurance by reducing fatigue,
pressure and can also benefit blood flow to the improving focus and generating long-lasting
heart muscle. Dill has also been used to prevent freshness (up to 6-9 hours). Guarana even helps
bloating and stomach cramps. convert fatty acids into energy. Research has
shown that guarana has a positive effect on
memory and mood. It is recommended to con-
sume before exercise and intense mental activity.

76 77
Panax ginseng extract Konjac glucomannan powder
Ginseng has been used in traditional Chinese Konjac, also known as devil’s tongue (Amorpho-
medicine for centuries. Its key ingredient is the phallus konjac), is mostly grown today in South-
root of Panax ginseng, the main active ingredi- east Asia and the Americas. Its molecules can
ent in its potency – ginsenosides. Studies have bind up to 300 times more water than their own
shown that ginseng extracts and ginsenoside weight. The dietary fibres of konjac flour are the
compounds can inhibit inflammation and in- best of the water-soluble dietary fibres. The glu-
crease the antioxidant capacity of cells, there- comannan in konjac flour is not hydrolysed, as a
by strengthening the immune system. It has also result of which the digestive enzymes and organs
been shown that ginseng may have beneficial cannot convert it into calories, but it can absorb/
effects on mental function, help combat fatigue bind cholesterol and bile acid. In addition, vege-
and help increase physical activity by reducing table fibres aid digestion / passing stool by stim-
oxidative damage and increasing cellular ener- ulating digestion, speeding up bowel movement,
gy production. and cleansing the bowels. These dietary fibres
have invaluable benefits to the human body and
help to prevent a number of diseases.

Vitamin D3 Astragalus (Lungwort) extract

Plant-derived cholecalciferol is a form of vita- The most commonly used part of this plant in
min D, also known as vitamin D3. It promotes the herbal medicine is the root. Astragalus has
absorption of calcium in the digestive tract and been used in traditional Chinese medicine for
maintains adequate calcium and phosphate at least 2000 years. Its main active ingredients
concentrations to allow normal mineralization are flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids with telo-
of bones, teeth and muscles. D3 contributes to merase-activating properties. The telomerase
maintaining normal blood calcium levels and enzyme is able to re-extend telomeres (the pro-
plays a major role in cell growth, repair and tective capsule called the telomere at the end
metabolism. It is instrumental to the normal of each strand of DNA), thereby rejuvenating our
functioning of the immune system and plays a cells and prolonging their lifespan.
key role in reducing obesity and maintaining a
healthy weight. Furthermore, D3 restores the
function of the appetite hormone leptin, which
gives a feeling of a fully satisfied appetite, thus
reducing the tendency to constantly snack and
promoting weight loss.

78 79
Vitamin K2 Phosphatidylserine Alpha-lipoic Acid L-carnitine
The vitamin K2 in DK5 is a patented “organic Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid that per- Alpha-lipoic acid (alpha fatty acid) is a non-es- L-carnitine is an amino acid best-known for
synthesis” of the most active naturally occurring forms numerous vital functions in the body’s tis- sential nutrient, meaning that our bodies pro- helping the body produce energy. Free fatty
menaquinone-7 trans form with 99.7% purity. The sues and organs, and is a key building block for duce relatively small amounts. Unfortunately, acids that enter the bloodstream while exercis-
organic synthesis process provides a purer and billions of cells in the brain. The results of several such small amounts provide little to no benefit ing are transported to mitochondria, the ener-
more stable result than the fermentation pro- experiments have continuously proven that lev- to the body, therefore, it’s absolutely absolutely gy-producing center of muscle cells, where they
cess. Vitamin K2 can activate proteins that help els of this substance in our bodies decline signifi- necessary to take alpha lipoic acid in a supple- are burned during an energy-producing process
calcium to be properly incorporated into bones cantly with age, so it is worth paying attention ment. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant, called terminal oxidation (fat burning). This pro-
and teeth. In the absence of K2, calcium cannot to your daily intake to protect your body from i.e. it binds and neutralizes harmful free radicals vides energy to our body as we move, shedding
be incorporated into bones, but is deposited in cellular damage for many years to come. Re- in the body and promotes cell regeneration. It fat stored within the body.
soft tissues and blood vessels. Vitamin K2 con- search has shown that phosphatidylserine can can aid B vitamins impact carbohydrates, pro-
sumption can therefore reduce the risk of coro- help slow and even reverse age-related cogni- teins and fat metabolism.
nary artery atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. tive decline, boost memory, increase concentra-
tion and speed and accuracy of thinking, and
reduce stress and anxiety.

Selenium Magnesium Taurine L-lysine

In the human body selenium is found in the Magnesium is found in all of our cells, playing a It is a sulfur-containing amino acid found in the L-lysine is an amino acid required for the synthe-
largest quantity in the thyroid and plays an im- role in every process of our metabolism, and tak- body, most abundant in and essential to both sis of some vital proteins. Essential amino acids
portant role in the synthesis of several enzymes ing it as a supplement is essential. Unhealthy eat- the brain and nervous system. Research sug- cannot be produced by the human body on their
(e.g. glutathione peroxidase) related to thyroid ing, sedentary lifestyles, stress, and experiencing gests that taurine consumption may affect the own, including lysine, one of the 9 essential ami-
functions. It protects the cells that produce thy- personal tragedy can lead to magnesium defi- body’s energy use processes and may also play no acids essential for the human body. Research
roid hormones. Selenium’s most important role ciency. By replenishing our daily required amount a role in regulating the immune system and met- shows that L-lysine is critical for the development
comes from its antioxidant properties, which of magnesium, we can promote proper muscle abolic processes. Taurine is recommended for of bones and tissue regeneration, as well as for
make it suitable for decreasing oxidative stress work and sports performance, prevent muscle both mental and physical exercise. the formation of vital antibodies, hormones and
as well as strengthening the immune system. cramps, increase muscle regeneration, and sup- enzymes in the body. L-lysine also promotes the
port the immune and cardiovascular systems. formation of muscle proteins and exerts its over-
Magnesium further reduces stress and anxiety, all immune-boosting effect even more so when
promoting better sleep and clearer thinking. combined with vitamin C.

80 81
Vitamin B3 Sodium L-ascorbate Bitter orange extract Chromium
Vitamin B3, or niacin, plays an active role in nor- Sodium ascorbate is the sodium salt of L-ascor- The positive health effects of bitter orange ex- Chromium is an essential trace element that af-
malizing energy-producing metabolic processes bic acid (vitamin C). It is a known and effective tract have been recognized and were well ex- fects normal carbohydrate, protein, and fat me-
and converting the nutrients in the foods we eat antioxidant and helps Vitamin C strengthen the ploited in ancient China. Bitter orange helps in tabolism. Research shows that it plays a role in
into energy. Vitamin B3 advances functioning of immune system. Sodium ascorbate keeps mus- the absorption of vitamin C and protects it from maintaining normal blood sugar levels by sup-
the nervous system and maintaining the normal cles, ligaments and tendons attached to the oxidation, in addition to strengthening the cap- porting transport through the cell membranes.
condition of the mucous membranes and skin. bones, keeps joints strong and healthy, and re- illaries. The extract contains synephrine, which is With age, its concentration is reduced in our
Regular intake of vitamin B3 can reduce fatigue juvenates gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth. known for its thermogenic effects, among other body and requires regular consumption.
and exhaustion, as it actively optimizes intracel- Vitamin C contributes to the maintenance of things, and can work towards removing excess
lular mitochondrial processes. normal energy-producing metabolic processes fat pads by speeding up metabolic processes White strawberry leaf extract
and the normal functioning of the nervous sys- and reducing appetite. It also improves endur-
tem. Research has shown that higher amounts of ance, stimulates the body to provide more en- White strawberries contain a number of be-
sodium ascorbate can be ingested daily com- ergy for workouts or sports. Perhaps, bitter or- ne-ficial substances such as organic and amino
pared to pure ascorbic acid. ange’s greatest advantage is that it exerts its acids, sterol, rutin and other flavonoids that in-hi-
positive effects without exerting adverse side bit or slow down the enzymes that break down
effects on the cardiovascular system. carbohydrates/sugars. In turn, white straw-berry
extract is not converted into glucose, i.e. some of
Gymnema Sylvestre - extract the carbohydrates are not absorbed. Reduces
blood sugar levels, increases muscle strength,
This plant is known in the world as the "sugar relieves cough, relieves symptoms of oral disea-
Rutin Iodine destroyer". The compound found in the plant is ses, helps to heal eye inflammation; in-creases
gymnemic acid, which helps normalize blood su- milk secretion.
Rutin is a bioflavonoid that coexists with vitamin Iodine is a trace element required for thyroid
C, protecting it from oxidation and promoting its hormones to function. Without Iodine, our meta-
gar levels. It can inhibit the absorption of fats and Cinnamon extract
absorption. The term “bioflavonoid” or “flavonoid” carbohydrates and also reduces carbohydrate
bolic functions and almost all of our physical and cravings and hunger, making it easier to avoid
is an umbrella term for thousands of antioxidants Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum zylanicum) is
mental functions would be unbalanced. Iodine snacking. Gymnemic acid suppresses the taste
of similar construction. Flavonoids were discov- one of the oldest known spices in the world. It
deficiency can become an issue in places where of sweet foods and thus the craving for these
ered in 1936 by Nobel laureate Professor Albert originated in Asia and is extracted from the in-
drinking water doesn’t contain iodine, thus peo- by preventing the intestines from absorbing su-
Szent-Györgyi, when he noticed that flavonoids ner part of the bark of the cinnamon tree. An
ple living in these settlements need to include io- gar molecules during digestion.This compound
prevent venous insufficiency or fragility, therefore, excellent choice for naturally supporting optimal
dized salt in their diet. It is a vital element for the may even help stabilize normal blood sugar le-
averting varicose veins and edemas. Rutin as blood sugar levels. Ceylon cinnamon has anti-
regulation of the glandular system. vels and further support healthy cholesterol le-
a protective factor is necessary for our body in septic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant prop-
conjunction with vitamin C. It strengthens capil- vels. Gymnemic acid is proven to be one of the erties,and may improve glucose and lipid levels,
laries, reduces cholesterol level, and slows down most natural ways to help achieve and maintain helps kill viruses, bacteria and fungi. Consum-
aging processes. Rutin’s absence causes the ve- normal blood sugar levels as well as help in rea- ing high doses of cinnamon lowers risk of health
nous walls to weaken and become inflexible, and ching and maintaining normal blood sugar levels. conditions such as cardiovascular disease.
capillaries to potentially burst.
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