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“TICX”/ “TICXN” LOC The “TICX’ Locking Mandrel operates inthe same way as the “TICR™ Locking Mandrel. The “TICX" Locking Mandrel is used in standard weight tubing instead of heavy weight tubing the “TICR' Locking Mandrel is used The “TIGXN" Lecking Mandel isthe ‘no go" version of the usually selecive locks. The keys have an angled shoulder on them instead of the square shoulder of the seective locks. A “no go" shoulder of an equalizing sub or a crossover sub made up the the bottom of the lock must make contact with a bore restriction in the “no go" nipple in arder to lock this mandrel in the appropriate nipale. This locking mandrel can be used in conjunction with pump through plugs. positive plugs, safety valves, botiom hole K j—FisHNECK | EXPANDER SLEEVE — KEY RETANER KEY SPRINGS kes PACKING MANDREL, BACK. UP RINGS thokes, and standing valves AEE bacine ADAPTER RING ADAPTER SUB ee {OPTIONAL} sot neyhare aro 7 —— rea 000 Jee vvaiel csi] aarsal Raven Toa _[ THOT eo] aT Tes] aTMODTaHO 23a] are as ass] a am, Tae] eto] oa fRewecel tei] ——2aia] asi] a5] aa taaiia|ayaiemal=iaiaas) aoieaal siacizas| faene Tox [aTHSOTES| AMOT=aO] ATHGTER|_aTMGOTSS|_aTHSTaDo| Rune Tex | acastaso] ~ aoosioo0] — ascstano] — aocsised] — aacstaoo] “TICX”/“TICXN” LOCK Mesa PRED PB EXE ao Part Number (TICX) OTICXOG300 10TICXO02B1_1OTICKO0360_10TICXO0400 PartNumber(TICXN) _10TIGXNO3O0_{CTICXNO281‘OTICXNO360._10TICXNOH00 ICOMPONEN. Fishneck sosco4oa 10800409 «10800600 10800401 Expander Seve yoBco4o7 10800407 10800601 19800400 Key Retainer yosco40s 10800415 10800602 19800402 Key Spring (Bj90a01077 (3) 90A01077 (3) 0AOTES3 (3) 90A0%493 Koy ForTICX Lock. yoBc0971 10800073 40800805 19800405 ForTIGXN Look yoBc1iss — T0B0087s ~— 1980088 19B0TIA0 Packing Mandrel yoBc0408 10800408 10800603 1B0004 Back Up Ring (2|19a00420 (2) 1oA00430 (2) 1oaoo441 (2) 1oAD0422 oe Packing (8)91V59760 (@)91VI3309 (6) 91V33170 (6) 9132000 ‘Adapter Rirg yoacos1a — 1000429 © 10A00860 © 10AO0K2 Flat Spring 0401490 O-Ring 033 #038 037 039 YN SSMS ToAcosos 10800512 —«T0RO0SI3.——1oAONSI4 “ ” API “TICX” LOCK «ucense 4141-0010) 2780 zor sans ToTEXERO.AP) OTR AP oTICKot00.4 A-28 “TICX” LOCK CHECK SET TOOL — — = Soe eee Seas | Zit Zee] 212 2527 31 4) —— a A-30 “TICX” LOCK CHECK SET TOOL Soa EERO A PEPE Par art Number TOCHK1SO—10CHK200.—10CHK213.—«TUCHK218 [COMPONENTS] Fishnock yoR01201 —toeD1253 © 10801253 10801257 ‘ShearPin Cover sopcr262 10801250 10801250 10801254 Housing yoB01263 10801282 10801282 10801256 Core ropor2s¢ 1080125 10801284 ——t0B01260 ASSEMBLY PATA 3 r Part Number TOCHK250. 10CHK300.—10CHK400 OMPONENTS] Fishnock topor2s7 0801272 —«toBota7a Shear Pin Cover sopoi25¢ — 10801279 10801275. Housing yopor2ss —toBor271——t0801276 core yopor2ss —ro8p1273.«—ton1z77 00-38-0008 A-31 “TICPR”/ “TICPX” PLUGS (PACKING STYLE) the Type “IGPR Pag postive EE ee ets are co Shin ne aaa = vote THREAD CORRECTION Time owe L| eaten nd a) om} 2313) eer] ‘sece] seis] CERES [sco] ees{ se] eats] a7eo| ers] ats} feesas a aoe” | eee sae! sane aes eees ee anaes [Seaccmea| -oasr} oo] ora 175 178) 175) 1754 B-16 “TICPX” PLUG (PACKING STYLE) ASSaINg PE ET Pan pon art Number 2ITICPX1250 2ITICPX130) 2ITICPX1231 ZITICPX1400 Housing 2ipooz9 —2yB0231 © 2roN4I2 21801578 cap 21001818 Prong Assembly 2ITICPX5250 2YTICPXS300 21TICPXSIOO 2ITICPXEOO Prong 2iporado 248019422 101SH2 21801360 Nose 2racoz23 2100235100235 © 21BO1STA ‘Spacer Ring 2racoz 2100283. »—21A00233 (21801575 Double Male (2)21A00220 (2) 21000232 (2) 21000282 (2) 21801577 ‘Adapier Ring Back Up Ring (2)21A00222 (2) 21A002%4 (2) 21A00284 (2) 21801576 Vee Packing (12)91V34500 (12) 91V34709 (12) 9134700 (12) 9145140 Viton O-ring #033 azar «dB 2 “TICPX” PLUG (cronmer stvie) The Type “TICPX" Plug is a positive plug used in conjunction with the Type ‘TICX" Lecking Mandrol to hold pressure from above and below ine ‘ype “TICK” Landing Nipple. This plug might be used to test tubing or to plug tubing to perform repairs or replacement of surface equipment Equalization is achieved by pulling the equalizing prong from the plug PRONG sssembly HOUSING cROMMENTS: op 270] 233) fiecoan iaa| 276 ees Gave Tarte Tia tel Taare] Taare Daas SaaS Prova Fine Jancis] —aocias] — neste) —aalecano] — aneca0o] — sane] aarp Pew A on| om] on | ___-17 175 B-22 SEMBLY Part Number EES Housing Prong Assembly Prong Grommet [ASSEMBLY Part Number ICOMPONENTS} Housing cap Prong Assembly Prong Grommat ‘Oring “TIC PX” P LU G (GROMMET STYLE) oi 2ATICPXOTSD 21800398, arao1sia 2iriepxa1s0 21801336 (2) 97001142 2.313) ‘ITICPXO250 24801400 21400836 2rricpxazso 21801338 (2) 97000878 1.625 2ITICPXO1ES 21800304 ziA0i414 2imicpxat60 21801338, (2)97a01142 PRES 2ATICPXO300 21801410, 21a01418 2mcpxaa00 21801341 (2)97A01130 #030 1-800-338-0308, CoE 2ATICPXOZ00 21801408 2n00e18 2aTioext200 ziBo1337 (2) s7001032 pon 2ATICPX0281 aipownt ziA01418 2TICPX4300 21801341 (2) 7A01130 1033 B-23 “TICR”/ “TICX” PLUGS The Type “TIGR” Plug is a positive — HOUSIS: plug used in conjunction with the Type “TIGR Locking Mandrel to hold pressure from above and below ina Type “TICR® Landing Nipple. This plug might be used to test tubing or to plug tubing to perform repairs or replacement of surface equipment. Equalization is achieved by shifting an equalizing valve into the open Ll position before the mandrel is Unlocked. (0-RINGS 1 vave The Type “TICX" Plug is a positive plug used in conjunction with the Type “TIGX” Locking Mandrel to hold pressure from above and below ina Type “TICX" Landing Nipple, This plug might be used to test tubing or to plug tubing to perform repairs or replacement of surface equipment Equalization is achieved by shifting an equalizing valve into the open position before the mandrel is Unlocked. NOT 1.78" 2000] 2125 2iee] ass] 26a" Marra es| ver] ver ver] 761] 1.005] 1.005] 1.1907 [ERAime Row mes] os| can] c2e| o2n| cas| oan} oa] oar} Gos 5 EET EE a Tees] 2x00] 2700} ae00f aso a0} ‘s7a|_1zz3| 150} 1e0| 200] 2500} PEA? RETYPE TEE PETE ENTE “TICX” PLUG cI Ei Part Number 2ATICXOTSO 2ITICXONIGS ZITICXO1200 21TICXO1250, Equalizing Sub Assembly 21TICX00160. 21TICx00163 21TICXO0200 21TICxXON250 Housing 2rBorsa7 21801395 21800887 -21BODETT Vale 21acos47 «2100347 21AO0S4B—_21A00N10 Viton Ong Qene ane yao (ay a25 cap 2IAI414 —21AD1414 2101S 2100838 ASSEMBLY, 2.750" PAE 3.313 rE art Number ‘2ITICXOT3OO 2ITICXDIZB1 ZATICXO1S50. ZITICXON400 Equalizing Sub Assembly 21TICX00200 21TICxO02e1 24TICXONASO 21TICXODLOO Housing 21por3e8 21801395 2180120 21801309 Vale 2iAct4te = -21AD1416 = 2tOIm2 = -21AOTHIT Viton Ong @yeise (aya wer (2) 31 Viton O-ring #033 033 037 030 cap 2raotgte = 2101418 1801121801420, B-26 “TICXKR” PUMP THROUGH PLUG The Type “TICKR™ Pump Through Plu used i conkneton wat tbe ype TIGX: Leek Manart an the Type TGK: Equalizing Sub 4 — sear Assembly fo held progr fro below in a Type “TICX” Landing ee Nipple. This plug has pump through SPRING {apatites tat would alow on tse spetator fs pune fide ni wel bore a = = Ee tie eae - Trcocowecron | 11816 12614 130122141288 aw tea ee ee ASSEMBLY KA ED ai Part Nonber RTTOXRSTGL CTTCNRCECD ITICXSESO 2TTIORROSOO See cop zreo1si) 21801502 21801803 21801805 soot 2rBoisi2 21601601 2tBotsoA 21801508 ‘Spring Sleeve 21801510 21801509 21801508 21801507 Spring 9001499 S0A01084 90A00895 S0A01136 bal S5850075 95SS0001 9ESSOISY _esSS0I25 A new oa CNS Spring gonoz120 © scnozt2t B-27 1-800-338-0308 “TICR” / “TICX” RUNNING TOOL The “TICX" and “TICR™ Running Tools are used to tun, lecate, and set Type "TICK", “TICXN®, “TICR’. and “TICRN’ Locks and subsurface safety equipment. — MANDREL SUB ASS'. | uzio] 17er] 1.78] 2000] arzs fewer [etal | al tal it, | K}—aerance om fon oem | 1.600] 1.704 1700] 900] 200s — SHEAR PIN eS CORE” SPRING poe at et eo pun woven C rer aaa racanrecnos |e tol Warol Tool Tae OG RETAINER Soares | are Seer Saar Tae bes Sn Sais east asst amet se SFr aes Se EE -LocaroR soes tee [ asf ane] surf am —1u6 seowents . —eraner nocs a — 2a ta = mage iets =o 3 = va core a as (pees [are eel oral sia peewee ete a Ese ene ame | So a H-16 “TICX” RUNNING TOOL Sang 23 iE Part Number A TTICXO1250 SITICKO1281 Mandrel Sub Assembly 41TICX8250 4171605300 41 TIGx05300 Core 41800360 a1B00111 anBoottt Dog Spring sonotz21 sono1225 ‘soN01225 Core Spring ‘9000964 90401139 spa0139 Split Ring (2) 44800732 (2)41B00112 (2) 41800112 Lug Seament (2) 41400960 (2) 41400040 (2) 41A00080 Locator Dog (2) 41An0868 (2)41B00113 (2) 41800114 Retainor Dog (2) 44800965 (2) 41800207 (2) 41600207 Dog Retainar ateD0202 41800208 41800208, ring Housing 41400201 44A00208 ‘asA00204 Retainer Pin 41400733 41A00203 41400203, Dog Spring sono1221 soN01225 sono1225 Cote Spring saNo0221 90N00225 ‘soNo0225 ec H-21 PRONGS ‘DALAT ELE TET EDP TICR PULLING PRONG mas Su TICR RUNNING PRONG SPECIFICATIONS TICK PULLING PRONG canna EF £} mt ww sy TICK RUNNING PRONG ES 218112 218812 208" TIC running and equalizing prongs are commonly screwed into running and pulling tools to perform functions necessary in mianipulating subsurface Sevices. “TICR” TYPE uns a710° 1.78111 87572.125" 2.18872.313" 2.562" 3.888" 49TiCxKt150 49ricRo1213, 49ricRo1218 49ricxx1250 49ricroseaa “TICX” TYPE sure 1.500" 1.625" 1875" 2313 275072813" aa 3ei3" s49TICxK1150 agricxxt150 ASTICXX1200 A9TICX1250 49TICXX1300 49TIOxx1350 49TICXX1400 PRONGS RUNNING 49TICxx2150 49TICRO2213 49TICROZ218 49TICR02256 -49TICRO3688 RUNNING. 49TICXX2150 A9TICXX2150 49Ticxx2200 soricxxa250 49TICxx2900 A9TICXx2350 49TICXx2400 1-800-336-0308 “GS” PULLING TOOL The "GS" Running/Pulling Tool is a shear down releasing tool used to run or pull subsurface devices which have Internal fishing necks. E + Sonn FISHNECK SET SCREW core 4 —rop sua SHEAR PIN |—core serine SPRING RETAINER Dos SPRING (0G RETAINER runner “GS” PULLING TOOL i B 10851250 40681300 (auiEINg EKIPA A art Number 40GS1150 40G31200 With Inconel Springs 406S1200NC_40G81250.NC 40GS1300.1NC Fishneck 4opor22 40a00432 © 4000152 4900028 Core 40B01185 40800857 4cB00858 49800030 Top Sub 4opot297 —40an01e2 © 4caO00e4 4000861 vince 4opot09s —40ao0663 40800155 49800029 Core Spring S0A01S03 —-90AN080$ —9OAO0E44 =—SDANTTT Spring Retainer 4oactze1 40an0085 © 40AO0R80 ©—-49A00025 Dog Spring S0AG1SO4 —9OND1Z32-«ONOTZ33.«—«N01237 og Retainer 40A01297 40800041 40A00153 9800144 Dog (3)40800830 (4) 4oAo0087 (4) 40A00154 (4) 40A00024 SSAC Core Spring 0No0232 —goNO0z%3—-90N00237 Dog Spring 9ono1232 $ONO1Z33.-««9N01237 EINER “ 40Gso200 40680250 4080300 RASA "+ ggagoae! 4000802 © 4nA00803 0 I 7

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