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MBA Graduate Project (MBA-BRM)

Seminar Paper I



Talish1, Dr. Asmadi2

Faculty of Technology Managemnet and Business, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

International students pursuing higher education encounter a slew of obstacles, including linguistic stumbling
blocks, academic stress, and cultural barriers. The fundamental goal of the research is to investigate the link
between these difficulties, specifically, language hurdles, academic stress, and cultural differences and their
influence on student happiness. The research intends to give significant insights into the complex dynamics that
impact the overall happiness of international students in the educational landscape by diving into these linked
elements. Furthermore, this research utilizes quantitative approaches by means of survey distribution to the
participants. Respondents for this study are international students to whom the questionnaires are distributed. In
accordance with the sample size formula furnished by Krejcie & Morgan, a suitable number of 285 participants
is considered for incorporation into this research endeavor. The research, which combines descriptive and
correlational methods, finds a strong connection between a number of variables and the level of satisfaction felt
by students. Researchers need to know more about the challenges that international students encounter, and this
study helps fill that gap. Finding ways to make students satisfiy is the driving force behind this research.
Keywords: International students, student satisfaction, challenges, language, cultural, academic stress,

1.0 Introduction
Furthermore, immigrants have extra
The number of students opting to difficulties as a result of linguistic and
study in a foreign country has skyrocketed in financial constraints (Tseng & Newton, 2002;
the last several decades. This has prompted Lin & Yi, 1997; Poyrazli & Grahame, 2007).
colleges all around the globe to employ a This study aims to investigate how academic,
variety of strategies to entice overseas cultural, and linguistic aspects affect the
students. This includes institutions in the educational experiences of international
United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the students at Malaysian institutions. It focuses
United States, and even certain nations in Asia on Malaysia because of its unique educational
and the Middle East (Kearney & Lincoln, system and cultural variety. Its goal is to shed
2017; Wen & Hu, 2019). Now let's turn our light on the difficulties these youngsters
attention to the fast growth of Malaysia in this confront from different angles so that we may
specific case. better comprehend them.

Educational institutions are witnessing an 1.1 Problem Statement

increasing number of international students
enrolling, underscoring the significance of This study seeks to fulfill the urgent
offering education with a global perspective. requirement of constructing a comprehensive
In an effort to promote cultural diversity, model of student satisfaction by thoroughly
Malaysia actively promotes examining the various factors that impact this
internationalization, which has resulted in the crucial part of the academic journey. The
country being ranked eleventh worldwide for emphasis on student well-being by educational
foreign students by UNESCO. However, institutions stems from its positive impact on
international students may find it challenging academic performance and the competitive
to adapt to other aspects of Malaysian life, edge it offers. Positive student outcomes, such
including as the language, cuisine, weather, as favourable word-of-mouth communication,
money, healthcare, and housing, according to high student retention rates, and strong student
studies. loyalty, play a crucial role in assessing the

MBA Graduate Project (MBA-BRM)
Seminar Paper I

overall performance of an institution. In order international students in

to succeed in the international education UTHM?
sector, marketing academics like Kotler and 2) What is the relationship
Fox (2002) emphasize the importance of
creating and delivering more customer value. between academic stress and
The importance of comprehending and giving student satisfaction among
priority to student well-being becomes evident international students in
when considering the challenges posed by UTHM?
cultural diversity, varied learning styles, and 3) What is the relationship
the growing expectations of students in an
between cultural differences
ever-expanding range of study environments
and educational opportunities. Universities and student satisfaction among
want to acquire profound understanding of the international students in
intricate dynamics of global education through UTHM?
this study, especially in relation to the growing
emphasis on student well-being. 1.3 Research Objective

Student discontentment is a 1) To identify the relationship

widespread concern that significantly
contributes to the yearly decrease in
between language barriers and
enrollment. It is primarily caused by obstacles student satisfaction among
including academic pressure, communication international student in UTHM.
barriers, and cultural differences. The 2) To identify the relationship
participants in this research encounter between academic stress and
difficulties pertaining to the management of student satisfaction among
health issues and the navigation of peer
relationships. The variety of personal international student in UTHM.
adjustment issues that international students 3) To identify the relationship
face is highlighted in the research of Thomas between cultural differences
and Althen (1989). These issues include and student satisfaction among
withdrawal, alienation, anxiety, melancholy, international students in
helplessness, resentment toward the host
country, and loneliness. These substantial
obstacles discourage prospective students from
applying to institutions of higher education. 1.4 Scope of study (Description of
The objective of this study is to examine Product/Services)
particular elements that contribute to
discontentment, including academic pressure, This study will be using quantitative analysis
language barriers, and cultural disparities. By by questionnaire distribution where this will
doing so, it will provide a unique insight into be conducted on telecommunication sector
the fundamental factors that are influencing only. Through this research will only examine
the decrease in student enrollment. few dimensions of total quality management
Establishing an atmosphere that effectively with the impact on satisfaction of customer in
engages and retains a greater number of telecommunication in Selangor. The
contented students becomes a feasible
dimension of total quality management that
objective upon identification and resolution of
will be focused in this study are process
these obstacles (Zhai, 2002).
quality and interaction quality The data and
1.2 Research Question information obtained will be recorded in the
SPSS software for analysis.
1) What is the relationship
between language barriers and 1.5 Significance of study
student satisfaction among

MBA Graduate Project (MBA-BRM)
Seminar Paper I

This study examines the factors that influence further investigation in the field of
foreign students' decision to pursue higher international education.
education abroad. The findings of this study
have significant implications for academic
communities and institutions. The findings of
this study can serve as a foundation for
developing recruiting efforts, programs, and 2.0 Literature Review
support services that are tailored to the diverse 2.1 Student Satisfaction
needs and preferences of this global
population. By gaining a thorough Student satisfaction is a dynamic
understanding of these elements, educational indicator that displays the results and
institutions may enhance their capacity to consequences of an educational system, hence
effectively cater to international students. increasing student loyalty (Zeithaml, 1988).
Elliot and Shin stress the importance of
Furthermore, the findings of this study have individual assessments of learning experiences
the potential to challenge and improve upon and outcomes on student satisfaction,
existent frameworks and assumptions that are emphasizing its role as a dependent variable in
associated with global education. The results this study. A main area of study is the subtle
of this study might possibly motivate a rethink interplay of language barriers, academic stress,
of current frameworks, which would provide a and cultural differences, which includes
intellectual, social, and institutional factors
more complete knowledge of the variables that
(Weerasinghe, Lalitha, & Fernando, 2017).
effect the decision-making process of foreign
students. In addition to providing a scholarly Student satisfaction is a key indicator
contribution, the findings of this research of both academic achievement and the quality
could also make a contribution to the field of of the educational experience as a whole,
research. From a broader perspective, the according to the study's authors. Highlighting
results of this research may provide valuable the challenges posed by language barriers,
insights to policymakers who are interested in academic pressure, and cultural differences, it
fostering international student mobility and shows that student satisfaction is directly
cross-cultural understanding on a global scale. related to expectation fulfilment (Saif, 2014).
The findings of the research may contribute to Concerns about Malaysia's capacity to meet
the accomplishment of these overarching the rising demand for higher education on a
global and domestic scale persist despite the
objectives by providing direction for the
country's efforts to revamp and enhance its
development of more effective programs. educational system (Sohail & Saeed, 2003).
These programs will go beyond the limits of The potential and challenges that higher
certain academic environments in order to education institutions face on a global scale
address difficulties that are prevalent in a are brought to light by this.
variety of geographical locations. A variety of socioeconomic and
environmental factors impact international
This research has the potential to become an students' country and academic institution
invaluable resource for academics in the future selection (Veloutsou et al., 2005; Arambewela,
who are interested in gaining a better grasp of 2003; Smith et al., 2002). The research
the difficulties involved in decision-making emphasises the need of understanding and
among overseas students. The purpose of the managing these complex dynamics, which
ongoing research is to improve our involve individual factors, academic
understanding of the shifting needs and curriculum, tuition, amenities, educational
preferences of international students. This has excellence, and cultural features. Despite
the potential to stimulate interventions and being essential to worldwide expansion,
advancements in intercultural education, international branch schools face selective
thereby establishing a solid foundation for enrollment, curriculum duplication, and
building and service limits.

MBA Graduate Project (MBA-BRM)
Seminar Paper I

Exorbitant tuition and poor facilities

and services at international branch schools This study divides language concerns
make student happiness a major issue. This into speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
study raises questions about Malaysian It acknowledges international students' various
students' foreign branch campus education. obstacles and offers solutions. Academic
Quantifying student happiness helps English challenges like identifying viewpoints
understand the effects of cultural differences, and using proper methods affect student
academic pressure, and language limitations. satisfaction. Communication issues hinder
(Syed, 2014). academic communication, making notetaking,
discussions, and coursework review difficult.
2.2 Dimensions of Student Satisfaction
Andrade (2006), Chen et al. (2019),
Student happiness is complicated and Juan and Zainol-Abidin (2013), and Singh
affected by many things. Walker-Marshall and (2019) have shown that several factors affect
Hudson (1999) stress the importance of GPA communicative language learning for
on academic success and satisfaction. Marzo- international EFL students. Individual
Navarro et al. (2005) and Appleton-Knapp & differences, past learning experiences, and
Krentler (2006) divide these components into cultural differences exacerbate educational
personal (age, gender, and job position) and challenges (Brown, 2005).
institutional (training quality, feedback
urgency) categories. Libyan students studying abroad,
particularly in Malaysia, are understudied.
Wilkins and Balakrishnan (2013) Despite the Libyan Ministry of Education's
identified lecturer competency, physical encouragement to enroll in top overseas
amenities, and technology use as major schools, Abduljalil (2018) and Said & Yassin
contributors. Further study addresses (2014) note pupils' unpreparedness for the
instructional materials, educational resources, English-medium curriculum. Research and
peer interactions, and feedback mechanisms, intervention are needed to close this gap, with
which all affect student happiness. Teaching a focus on meeting Libyan students' unique
competency, a flexible curriculum, a strong needs to improve their academic experiences
reputation, instructor autonomy, student- and satisfaction.
centered policies, and campus climate are key
factors in an institution's quality.

Student satisfaction is expected to be 2.4 Academic stress

affected by UTHM's unique characteristics.
Due to the complex relationship between Academic stress is common among
UTHM's attributes and student satisfaction, an international students. According to Rienties et
in-depth study is needed to understand student al. (2012), academic pressure negatively
contentment. affects social adaptability and academic
accomplishment. According to Lowinger et al.
2.3 Language barrier (2014), Chinese students in the US experience
stress differently by gender. Kuo (2011) noted
International students face significant that linguistic difficulties for understanding
linguistic barriers that affect their academic and expressing concepts complicated stress
and social lives. Lund University in Sweden causes.
and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia's This research aims to understand international
rigorous language requirements show the students' academic stress at UTHM. By
challenges non-native English speakers revealing the institution's support mechanisms,
confront when studying abroad. The need for the goal is to improve these students' academic
full English language aid, including writing, experience. Adapting to new evaluation
understanding lectures, learning vocabulary, methods, financial issues, and academic
and speed, is stressed by Ramburuth (2001).

MBA Graduate Project (MBA-BRM)
Seminar Paper I

guidance are the primary sources of stress communication skills, staff telecommunication
(Mesidor & Sly, 2016). knowledge, tangibles such as location
Academic stress from exams and surroundings, and office resources,
evaluations causes student anxiety. Academic interpersonal characteristics, financial
stress increases blood pressure and pulse rates, arrangements and the efficiency of the system
according to Gopal et al. (2011). The study (Agyapong et al., 2018). Hence, in this study,
emphasized the intricate relationship between the customer satisfaction level has been
stress and physiological health markers, chosen as a performance indicator for
focused on stress's influence on immune measuring the organization performance
response regulation and health risks. similar to prior studies (Anil & Satish, 2017).

2.5 Cultural Differences TQM and service quality have been

shown to have beneficial and substantial
Jibreel (2015) highlights the challenges benefits on customer satisfaction, and
international students face in the US. Students customers' trust and commitment have a
must modify their culture and be persistent as considerable impact on customer royalties in
they adjust to a new lifestyle. The literature previous studies (Nguyen & Nagase, 2019).
review examines difficult issues, focusing on Therefore, considering these findings, the
cultural adaption in Malaysia. following hypothesis for this study is proposed
International students' reactions to as
their host country and culture differ. Perceived H 1=¿ There is relationship between
discrimination, communication skills, cultural
affinities, extraversion, and desire to connect language barriers and Student satisfaction.
affect these feelings, according to Ying
H 2=¿ There is relationship between
(2002). Traditional cultures like Asian ones
may struggle to transition into American Academic stress and student satisfaction.
society, causing a sense of alienation (Poyrazli
et al., 2004). H3 ¿ There is relationship between
Cultural differences strongly impact Cultural differences and student
how much foreign students identify with satisfaction.
fellow international students or host nations.
Schmitt, Spears, & Branscombe (2003) note 2.5 Research conceptual framework
that cultural differences affect reported
prejudice. Creating inclusive environments By adapted from the previous study of
that identify and bridge cultural differences (Nguyen & Nagase, 2019), the research
improves students' education satisfaction and framework for this study is shown as in Figure
makes it more supportive and pleasant. 1.

2.4 Hypothesis Development (SWOT


Process quality and interaction quality

have been studied as TQM factors within Process
organization. The findings prove that TQM quality H1
has positive influence on customer satisfaction Customer
at the 95% confidence level. In the service satisfaction
process, organisational TQM influences
service quality, provides value to the H2
organisation, and enhances its capacity to
perform in a competitive environment.
(Nguyen & Nagase, 2019). Customer
satisfaction, for instance, is said to be
2.0 Methodology
influenced by a variety of factors such as

MBA Graduate Project (MBA-BRM)
Seminar Paper I

The research methodology means the research the individuals. Second section consists of
procedure which refer to an approach to twelve question regarding total quality
proceed for solves a specific problem. It management (TQM) under two TQM
covers topics containing research design, dimension; process and interaction quality.
population and sampling of the study, research Third section consists of three question
instruments, data collection and data analysis regarding the satisfaction of the customer. All
used for analyse the data obtained. of the items in sections two and three for this
study will be measured using a Likert scale of
3.1 Research Design measurement with a scale ranging from one to
five. The items study for measuring each
Quantitative research methods will be used in component were modified and based from
this study to achieve research objectives which previous study.
include the use of questionnaires to collect
quantitative data. For using of Likert scale, a score of 1
indicate strongly disagree, score 3 indicate for
3.2 Population and sampling moderation and score 5 indicate strongly
agree. This study is consider using 5-point
The target population is the units of nature that Likert scale because it is simple to understand
a researcher intends to study. The study for survey and respondents alike. Respondents
targeted 285 respondents drawn from the may convey both the direction and the
different customers of the mobile intensity about their opinion regarding a topic
telecommunication industry in Selangor. The by using the midpoint on a Likert-scale
sample size based on Krejcie and Morgan (Chyung et al., 2017).
table. Sampling strategies provide a variety of
approaches for reducing the quantity of data 3.4 Data Collection (Operational
required for a research by focusing on data Plan/Flow)
from a subset of the population rather than all
available components (Saunders et al., 2009). The key data that will be utilised to
The research instrument will be distributed to fulfil the study will be acquired using primary
data where the data will be collected by
the intended respondents using a simple
distribution questionnaire. This study collects
random sampling technique.
data via electronic mail and the direct
approach survey technique, both of which are
3.3 Research Instruments (Business regularly used in previous studies (Anil &
Operation Management) Satish, 2019).

The questionnaire will be selected and tested 3.5 Statistical Analysis (Operational
to fit the needs of the current study and the Budget)
research idea. To evaluate the model and
hypothesis in this research, a questionnaire Descriptive analysis and correlation
survey will be conducted. The Likert 5-point analysis were used to analyse information on
scale will be utilized in every survey. A score TQM dimension; process and interaction
of 1 indicates strongly disagree, a score of 3 quality on customer satisfaction among mobile
indicates moderation, and a score of 5 service provider customers. The data was
indicates strongly agree.
entered analysed by using the SPSS (version
25.0) statistical software. Meanwhile,
correlation analysis is a technique for
3.3.1 Questionnaire Variables finding relationships between the two
The questionnaire has been divided into three Figure 1: Research Framework
major sections. First section consists of References
demographic and personal information about

MBA Graduate Project (MBA-BRM)
Seminar Paper I

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International Journal of Healthcare
Management, 11(4), 276–288.

 Maximum 15 pages for Seminar Paper excluding references and appendices

 The similarity percentage must be less than 30%

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