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Grazer Philosophische Studien

80 (2010), 341–346.

Daniel D. HUTTO, Folk Psychological Nar- of that a more sophisticated folk-psychological

ratives. The Sociocultural Basis of Under- understanding may (but need not) be acquired
standing Reasons. Cambridge, Mass: MIT by “linguistically competent creatures” (4).
Press 2008, xxi, 343 pp. ISBN 978-0-262- According to this developmental and evolu-
08367-6. tionary theory of social cognition, the basis
of folk-psychology is socio-cultural, but folk
In the last decade or so, interdisciplinary psychology does not exhaust the repertoire of
research on the nature of social cognition social cognitive skills.
has made enormous progress. New develop- The core claim of his contribution to the
ments in developmental psychology and cog- family of theories about understanding oth-
nitive neuroscience and ethology have had er minds—the so-called Narrative Practice
(and still have) a huge impact on philosoph- Hypothesis (NPH)—is that “direct encoun-
ical work done in this area. The debates on ters with stories about persons who act for
how we understand other minds are no lon- reasons—those supplied in interactive con-
ger dominated by the choice between theo- texts by responsive caregivers—is the nor-
ry-theory (TT) and simulation theory (ST). mal route through which children become
Practically no one still defends either of these familiar with both (1) the basic structure of
theories in its pure form; instead, more com- folk psychology and (2) the norm-governed
plex hybrid accounts have been put forward. possibilities for wielding it in practice, thus
But in addition, new alternatives have been learning both how and when to use it” (p. x).
developed (by Shaun Gallagher for example) This claim has some major consequences for
in the course of a larger paradigm shift in the a variety of (quite general) issues in the Phi-
cognitive sciences. The computation-based losophy of Mind, e.g. the nature and scope of
cognitivist and representationalist framework animal cognition, the development of social
is currently being replaced (or at least com- understanding in infancy, the characteriza-
plemented) by an embodied, embedded and tion of pre-linguistic mental capacities and
enactive cognitive science emphasizing that the acquisition and mastery of mental con-
a full understanding of the workings of our cepts and so on. It also means that Hutto,
mind needs to go beyond the investigation of who himself regards his approach to cogni-
computational brain processes and take into tion as an “attempted fusion” of the approach-
account the body and environment of the es by Davidson and Millikan (p. xx), needs
cognizing organism, in particular its interac- to discuss (and often refute) a large number
tion with other organisms/people. of alternative accounts in these various areas.
Hutto belongs to this recent movement In this review, we can only mention some of
and emphasizes that “our primary modes of these debates.
interpersonal engagement … are characterized
by the possession of embodied expectations”
(3). In line with the enactive approach to cog- Outline
nition, he holds that in most ordinary encoun-
ters we can rely on a “wealth of telltale cues, Hutto first motivates an investigation of
expressions, and responses of a more embod- folk-psychological understanding from a sec-
ied variety” (12). Therefore, folk-psycholo- ond-person perspective (ch. 1–2). That is, in
gy, understood as “the practice of predicting, everyday face-to-face encounters, reasons for
explaining, and explicating intentional acting are typically delivered in “online inter-
actions by appeal to reasons” (2), covers only active dialogue” (20), i.e. they are embedded
a (small) part of our social cognitive capacities. in stories (narratives) of some kind. Typically,
The most basic intersubjective engagements we need not engage in inferential reasoning
depend on a biologically based perceptual sen- from the third-person perspective as defenders
sitivity to certain informational cues. On top of TT would have it; nor need we often rely

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on our first-person experiences to create pre- actions in more detail and explains how they
tend states that we project into others after enable children to participate in the social
putting ourselves in their mental shoes, as discourse where they ‘become familiar with
suggested by simulationists. Hutto holds that the forms and norms of folk psychology” (xii)
in most of our social interactions we take a by way of being exposed to the appropriate
more engaged second-person stance towards narratives. Ch. 8 and 9 contain the main
other people, whose expressive behavior is arguments against rival positions on social
a much more reliable and more immediate cognition, while the final chapters are devot-
guide to what they feel, believe, desire and ed to some speculations regarding the origin
intend (20). This general approach makes and evolutionary development of our folk
complete sense since we would expect that psychological skills (ch. 10–12). This review
social cognition is fundamentally different will focus on the viability of the NPH as an
when we are actively engaged with others, account of social cognition and on Hutto’s
embedded in ‘online’ interaction, than when industrial-strength anti-representationalist
we merely observe others ‘offline’. ‘Online’ approach to the mind with its implications.
interaction draws heavily on implicit modes
of processing and mechanisms of interperson-
al coordination – constituting a form of pro- Narratives and social cognition
cedural knowledge that may be our ‘default’
mode and pervasive way of understanding Any story that provides an explanation of
others, which appears to be prior to theory someone’s action in terms of (the ascription
and simulation, not only systematically but of ) reasons (belief/desire-pairs) is called a folk-
also ontogenetically. Hutto shares this view psychological narrative. There are all kinds of
with a number of philosophers and psychol- narratives, but in order to acquire folk-psy-
ogists (e.g. S. Gallagher, D. Zahavi, V. Reddy, chological skills through them, the ‘right kind
P. Hobson) who have recently criticized TT of narrative’ must feature people acting for
and ST accounts for presupposing a detached reasons. Then such narratives provide “snap-
and disengaged “spectatorial stance“ towards shots of the adventures of situated persons,
others (12). presented in the kinds of settings in which
Since the NPH ties the mastery of propo- all of the important factors needed for under-
sitional attitudes to the mastery of language, standing reasons are described – that is, those
Hutto needs to tell a story about the social that are relevant to making sense of what is
understanding of nonverbals and their men- done and why” (34). And even narratives of
tal capacities more generally. To this end, he this kind come in different guises. They might
introduces an important distinction between be spontaneously produced, have an auto-
(merely) intentional attitudes and proposition- biographical background, be mere gossip or
al attitudes in Ch. 3. Nonverbal responding established cultural facts. They may not only
(in human infants and nonhuman animals) be provided through face-to-face communica-
only involves mastery of the former, not the tion, but also through television and comics.
latter. The bold claim is that all interaction Interestingly, Hutto takes the paradigm nar-
with worldly objects and other people before rative, which presents people acting for rea-
the acquisition of language is explained and sons, to be fairytales with which children are
succeeds without invoking the notion of con- confronted from early on in their cognitive
tent, not even nonconceptual content. In this career. Fairytales like Little Red Riding Hood
context, Hutto argues both against Bermudéz’ provide the right kind of training (30), Hutto
claim that there is thinking without words claims, because by listening to them children
(ch. 4) and against Fodor’s claim that mentali- learn that what people do is determined not
ty is based on computations in a Language of only by what they believe and feel, but also
Thought (ch. 5). Ch. 6 and 7 are devoted to by their character, past choices and existing
the ontogenesis of folk-psychological under- commitments, and so on.
standing in infancy. In these central chapters, Now, one might object that in order for
Hutto describes our primary nonverbal inter- the children to make sense of the agent’s


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behavior in fairytales in the first place, they seems to imply that they should have enor-
already need to be provided with what expo- mous problems acquiring folk-psychological
sure to a fairytale is supposed to explain. Does skills. To be sure, the confrontation with nar-
the capacity to participate in narrative prac- ratives (in the general sense that Hutto allows)
tices presuppose the possession of a ‘theory of is a major factor fostering the development
mind’? According to Hutto, the imaginative of social understanding that may have been
abilities and the “practical grasp of the atti- neglected so far; and Hutto is to be applauded
tudes” (xv) needed for such participation fall for providing such a strong case and remind-
short of a theoretical understanding such that ing us of their impact. But no defender of one
circularity can be avoided. Even if we grant of the rival theories need deny that.
the relevance of narratives, it is not clear that However that empirical issue turns out,
the merely implicit reference to reasons dis- given Hutto’s embodied-enactive account of
played in them can be made out and under- cognition, it is not clear why he puts so much
stood by infants without any prior grasp of emphasis on narratives at all. While he gener-
what a belief and desire is and how they inter- ally downplays the role of folk-psychology for
act. After all, there are different ways of for- social cognition, saying that we only need it
mulating something like the NPH. In a weak in exceptional cases, nevertheless he refers to
sense, it may only be claimed that engagement it as a “core mentalistic framework” that con-
with narratives plays a major role for social tains “rules for the interaction of the various
understanding among other, equally impor- attitudes” (xii). Here, one might ask why we
tant factors, which would then be specified should not call such a ‘framework of rules’ a
by TT, ST, or some other account. This is “theory”? Much more interesting is what Hut-
not Hutto’s claim. Instead, he argues for the to has to say about the work that is done by
NPH in a stronger sense, claiming that being less sophisticated cognitive mechanisms dur-
exposed to narratives is “the normal route” ing the development of the infant prior to the
(x) and that this “socio-cultural grounding” exposure to narratives, not by the narratives
is all we need: “Folk psychology is, by my themselves. That takes us to Hutto’s embod-
lights, in essence, a distinctive kind of narra- ied-enactive account of cognition.
tive practice” (xi). Whether this is true seems
to be a straightforward empirical issue and
calls for more experiments. If only the weak- Content, simple minds and superminds
er claim can be substantiated, then Hutto
has not succeeded in providing an alterna- Most of Hutto’s claims in the book depend
tive account but can merely supplement TT on his notion of content. Contents are “ways
and ST. If the stronger claim is to be true of grasping or apprehending complex states
then it should be possible to provide empir- of affairs that enable organisms to represent
ical support for it that rules out the necessi- and reason about them in truth-evaluable
ty of a further capacity X needed to acquire ways” (43). Content-involving mental states
folk-psychological forms and norms. After all, are essentially intensional, i.e. one represents
less engagement with texts in infancy should something under a certain mode of presen-
be correlated with a diminished folk-psycho- tation. Contents must be apt to potential-
logical understanding. ly “enter into nondemonstrative inferential
That is, it seems that (at least so far) the liaisons”. In order to have a content-involv-
(strong) NPH is not supported by empir- ing propositional attitude then, one must
ical evidence. Hutto claims that “children be a “supermind” that understands sentenc-
are repeatedly exposed to stories detailing es since only they have the relevant syntac-
the reasons why characters act, as related by tic and semantic properties. This is heavily
caregivers and others who support them …” influenced by Davidson’s approach. There-
(28). But is this true? Does it hold for all fore, Hutto rejects the notion of noncon-
children? What about those children who ceptual content—a notion, which has been
are not exposed to the “right kind” of sto- introduced by various philosophers to solve
ries often enough or not at all? Hutto’s view a number of philosophical problems of per-


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ception: For example, it is invoked to explain in rules and representations, and views that
the richness of our phenomenal content, i.e. ascribe abilities to them that involve the hav-
why we can discriminate more colors percep- ing or manipulation of content. He challeng-
tually than conceptually. It may also be apt to es such theories to specify the precise contents
explain the difference between perception and of either such rules or any putative nonverbal
judgment and the possibility of knowing how beliefs. Moreover, Hutto questions the whole
to do something without knowing that one is project of trying to specify such intensional
doing it, or what one is doing. Importantly, contents, since there is apparently nothing on
perceptions with nonconceptual content may the level of nonverbal thoughts that can play
be the normal grounds for the acquisition of the role played by Fregean ‘modes of presenta-
the concepts that later enable conceptual per- tion’ on the level of language (e.g. names). In
ception. And finally, it is invoked to allow for his view, the “most important thing to note is
perceptual experiences of creatures with “sim- that infant interactive responding is not con-
ple minds” who lack conceptual abilities alto- tent-involving” (124). Infants’ basic ways of
gether. The challenge in this regard has always being intentionally directed towards objects
been to offer a viable positive characterization can be captured in purely extensional terms
of nonconceptual content in contrast to mere- (45), in terms of intentional attitudes instead
ly defining it negatively, saying that it is con- of propositional attitudes. This is possibly the
tent devoid of concepts. But even though this most central distinction of the book and it is
might not have been achieved yet to full satis- an interesting one.
faction, the notion as such is neither contra-
dictory nor completely useless. And it is not
clear whether it is “best avoided if at all pos- Intentional attitudes, joint attention and
sible” (110). Thus, the dispute concerns the biosemiotics
question whether we can allow for content that
is not straightforwardly truth-evaluable and For Hutto, basic intentionality is a behav-
cannot enter into logical reasoning. iorally expressed feature of the organism as
Instead of discussing the multiple a whole being directed at and practically
accounts of nonconceptual content on offer, engaged with worldly features, objects, and
Hutto’s argument against it focuses on Ber- other organisms; it is not first and foremost
múdez’ (2003) attempt to describe nonverbal a feature of mental states (xiii, 57, 117). In
thoughts. From the fact that rats can navi- this framework, the latter form of sophisti-
gate by using and reidentifying landmarks, cated cognitive intentionality turns out to be
we should not conclude, Hutto argues, that a special case grounded in more basic practi-
this involves contentful states. Similarly, the cal forms of engagement with the world and
instrumental thinking and tool use of wild with others. This general approach to inten-
chimpanzees may display a certain stimulus- tionality (also suggested by Evan Thompson
and perception-independence, but such ‘pro- recently) is welcome because if intentionali-
tological thinking’ need not be belief-based, ty is at its base sensorimotor in nature, the
i.e. involve the manipulation of proposi- perplexing problem of naturalizing it looses
tional contents, as Bermúdez thinks. Hut- much of its bite.
to’s main criticism of Bermúdez’ approach is This is where Millikan enters the story,
that he cannot provide a medium (or vehi- since such unprincipled engagements are to
cles) by which such nonverbal thinking is be explained in biosemiotic terms. This is the
supposed to be achieved, as a viable alterna- result of taking away the semantics from Mil-
tive to the linguaform mental representations likan’s (1984) ‘Biosemantics’. What she calls
suggested by Fodor’s Language of Thought “pushmi-pullyu-representations”—icons car-
hypothesis (which Hutto rejects in ch. 5). rying informational content—is replaced by
Hutto rejects all views that postulate infer- Hutto with “local indexical guides” (LIGs).
ential reasoning mechanisms in infants and These are not representations but natural
higher animals, views arguing that infantile signs, which guide and coordinate actions
interpersonal engagement must be grounded in a very immediate way. In order for a bee


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dance, say, to fulfill its proper function (the ated by language or representations. In such
one it was selected for) other bees have to basic intention understanding, Hutto sees the
be “informationally sensitive and responsive” major function of mirror neurons. These sen-
to certain relations in nature (between sun, sorimotor neurons, found in macaque mon-
hive, and nectar). But Hutto claims that this keys, are activated not only when the monkey
is possible without any informational content performs a certain goal-directed action such
being either conveyed by or extracted from as grasping food, but also when the monkey
the dance. Appropriate responding does not observes another subject performing this or
involve any content. According to Hutto, all a similar goal-directed movement. This pro-
views, which postulate content on this level, cess is immediate and automatic, not in need
are misled by the confused “idea that parts of inferential reasoning or projective simula-
of world or parts of organisms might be con- tion. Some hold that this firing gives rise to a
tent-involving” (57). “shared manifold” for acting and responding
Although LIGs can be misleading and to the goal-directed actions of others (Gallese
misinterpreted, they cannot enter into any 2001, 2006). Hutto subscribes to Gallese’s
logical operations, and although the bee’s account while rejecting his interpretation of
dance only makes sense if it prompts cer- mirror neuron activation as simulation. Yet,
tain actions in other bees, Hutto claims that he does not follow Gallagher (2001) and hold
the bees “are not using their dances to say that we can directly perceive mental states in
anything at all”. Nevertheless, “they give us their bodily expressions. After all, what the
everything we need in order to understand the monkey does is observing the others’ behavior.
determinate intentional directedness and nor- Instead, Hutto says, somewhat vaguely, that
mativity of basic forms of perceptual respond- we are “directly moved” (116) by the other,
ing” (56). But animals can also go beyond thus avoiding the challenging task of charac-
the immediate here and now and respond in terizing direct perception. But merely to be
flexible ways to nonpresent objects. This is told that understanding others amounts to
supposed to be possible through “recreative an involuntary “affect program” (117) is not
imaginings” (79ff.) as characterized by Currie really satisfactory.
and Ravenscroft (2003). The vehicles of such Particularly dissatisfying is Hutto’s attempt
nonverbal thinking are not propositions but to explain the significant phenomenon of joint
images and icons. But whether we can make attention in terms of mirror neuron activation
sense of the idea that images or icons are con- plus the “recreative imaginative perspective-
nected in a quasi-logical fashion such that the shifting capacities” mentioned earlier (127).
cognitive operation is sufficiently similar to This is surprising since mirror neuron acti-
logical thinking to deserve the name, does not vation has primarily been found in macaque
become clear in the brief discussion of ch. 4. monkeys who, according to current wisdom,
In contrast to approaches which argue that lack the capacity to engage in joint attention.
the intersubjective engagements of infants It will not do to take such automatic respond-
relevant for social cognition are conceptu- ing and add some imaginative abilities to pro-
ally grounded in rules and representations, duce joint attention. Obviously, proponents of
Hutto argues for an unprincipled approach, nonconceptual content can agree that partic-
according to which these engagements are not ipants in acts of joint attention do not make
belief-based, but more immediate and direct. “full-fledged propositional attitude ascrip-
Infants’ social cognitive capacities are “non- tions”, but they would insist that mere ‘inten-
theoretical, unprincipled, downright noncon- tional attunement’ is not enough to capture
ceptual, and embodied” (121). Infants don’t this sophisticated state of consciousness. It is
read minds, they read the bodily expressions not clear how to comprehend joint attention
of others, and such expressions serve as “reli- without invoking content, considering the
able enough guides” to what others are up to complex perspective shifting and the under-
(116). At this level, mindreading is not nec- standing of the attentional focus of the other
essary, since there is no gap to bridge between that is involved here (where the other is con-
self and other. Such knowledge is not medi- sciously experienced as other).


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While joint attention may be exactly capa- LITERATURE
ble of bridging the gap between precognitive
non-representational forms of responding and Bermúdez, José-Luis (2003). Thinking with-
sophisticated propositional (and linguistically out Words. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
mediated) social understanding, Hutto can- Currie, Gregory, Ian Ravenscroft (2003). Rec-
not tell a persuasive story that leads us from reative Minds. Oxford: OUP.
intentional to propositional attitudes. Just Fodor, Jerry (1975). The Language of Thought.
like Davidson, he retains a strong dichotomy Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press.
between precognitive, non-mental activities Gallagher, Shaun (2001). “The Practice of
on the one hand and sophisticated linguistic Mind. Theory, Simulation or prima-
communication and triangulation on the oth- ry Interaction?” Journal of Consciousness
er, leaving no room for an intermediary link. Studies 8: 83–108.
This book is enjoyable to read. The style Gallese, Vittorio (2001). “The Shared Mani-
is, well, narrative, witty and anything else but fold Hypothesis. From Mirror Neurons to
boring (apart from too many abbreviations Empathy”. Journal of Consciousness Stud-
used). It makes some important contributions ies 8: 33–50.
to the debate and provides a variety of new Gallese, Vittorio (2006). “Intentional Attun-
insights. Most of all, it forces the opposition ement: A neurophysiological Perspective
(on various fronts) back to the drawing board. on Social Cognition and its Disruption in
But Hutto spends too much time arguing Autism”. Cognitive Brain Research 1079:
against rival positions, while neglecting the 15–24.
task to make a compelling case for his orig- Millikan, Ruth G. (1984). Language, Thought
inal alternative. Thus, at the end, too many and other Biological Categories. Cam-
open questions leave the reader unsatisfied. bridge, Mass: MIT Press.
One would have desired to learn more about
the constituents and dynamics of the second-
person approach to other minds (which, apart
from being emphasized in a methodological
context at the beginning of the book, is not
pursued any further) and about the facilita-
tion of social understanding on the basis of
embodied abilities.

Center for Integrative Neuroscience,


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