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University of Lagos Faculty of Engineering First Semester E Examination, 2018/2019 Session GEG 311: Caleutus of Several Variables, 3 Units i a] Duration: 3 hours Instructions; Date: 3"# June, 2019 Answer question one (1) and any other three @). a . — Al. - oo teh Pon." is made ina rectangular form with bricks, such tha wo ofthe sides and the back cost Per square meter, thebottom 41,000 utce-metorancthf front W-000 per. square meter. What are the dimensions aft pont with ie lage apa at éan he made for 872,000 (15:marks) \ 4° — a oy] a. Ifx+ y= 2e%cosy and x~ y = 2ie%sing. Show that: 23 + 222 ts a ‘aay (42 marks) 4 Sq, Gmartsy f QUESTION, Find and classify the critical points of f(a, y) = x$++ y3 + 6x—12y +7 Wrav marks) 1b. Describe a removal discontinuity of f(x,y) at the point Pp = (xo, Yo) Saged % Esin +6= . b. Evaluate f2 em dy dx be ie Py mua) N % fee? ere AE EDENENE-N 2.12 QUESTION 4 t os SS ye to a as = a. Prove that Vf().= 1" 5 +270) ge - (10 marks) b. Find the mass of a cylinder centred on the z— axis which has height A, radius a and density plx,y) = 87 +9". ° (5 marks) 4 QUESTION 5 i 2 \ Let = 2yi +f and C be the positively oriented unt rele, Compute the work dane directly and \ a. Let F= “ 2 verify usirig the Greon’s 's p Hioarett: (10 marks) af le, find S marks) b. Given I(a) = is aS 5 Fe ausing Letbnitz’s rule, fin Sai ae SF sh ¢ s oy. hs a EN ww xe OS ve Sigh SS . a zy* nN WH Se Scanned by CamScanner | 7a015 Il ___ UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS | FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2018/19 ACADEMIC SESSION COURSE: Calculus of Several Variables a) COURSE CODE: GEG}311 He DATE: 06-05-2019 Question One I. Obtain the value of @and such that the surfaces ax? — 2pyé = (a+ 4)xand 4x?y +23 = 4 would be orthogonal to one another at point P,(1,—1,2). Th. Given that (2 = 75. al > 1. Use Leibnitz’s rule to find ioe Question Two I. Find the maximum and minimum values of x?+y?+2% subject to the constraint fit.Z atta thelline x = 3 and find the resulting volume, ‘ _ @ z= sine +29), show that e282 = 6 io~ (b) If the independent variables x and t are changed to f = (x4ct) and g = (-ct), . Show that the wave equation Fa 2 ZS is transformed to FAE=0, where c isa constant 2 Cy @ Find th limiting values ofthe function yy = Time AR _ (b) Sketch the graph of the function f@= rar for—10 Sx < 10 and obtain the points i‘ He of discontinuities io © MEF (x) = ("VT Rat, Find sre] = 4. -(@) Ysing the Euler Lagrange equation, obtain the extremum, function of the ie fimetional 1(y) = f° J+ ( Ha (©)Find the extremum function ofthe fanetionals 1 = f[y2 + (y? + (y 4 yFldx » yO) =1, y'(0) =2, yo) =0, y'(o) =0 5. (2) Find the directional derivative of ¢ = xy + yz 4 22x atthe point (1, ~1, 2) inthe direction of the vector A = 41+ 2j—5k. . \= Df A= (* — x72?) + (x? + yj — x2yzk, determine div.A and curl A (V x A) at the Point (1,3,—2) =e & The deflection y at the center of a circular plate suspended atthe edge and uniformly loaded is & siven by y= “Ty. Caleulate the approximate percentage change in y, ifw increases by 3%, T decreases by 25% and t increases by 4%, (©) Let $(7) beascalar field, Show that J,0%9 dix = §.%¢ as dt ae \ 2 ¥ ad Scanned by CamScanner i . / gure , University of Lagos «. . bh Faculty o: Enginéering First Semester Minal Examination (2015/2016 Session) — GPG 301: ENGINEERING MATHS 1 Time: 23 1re . an " ir evind ong Q ‘anud'aty other four (4) Questions * Donen ‘triculation Nuinber Doldly on The Space Provided Belov i tee ee Weir ANYTHING ‘BLSE ON YOUR QUESTION PAPER om Matriculation Number... (30401042 . . (*) Find the extremum of the functionals ; v te LG ay aes 2@ =y'0)=y"A)=0, yC4 1 OPC) = Ve ing Arey : 7 (14 marksy 3 (© Using the Euler Lagrange equation, oblain the exitemum fenetion ofthe: pak A Ainetional 1(y) = jx : ' | o) de a : wee y c # } (0) Evaluate 4 pe sit ‘al | aie | (14 marks) 3. (a) Find the are length of the eycloid defined by the parameters FO = fay] = ; ai, es [at —sine),-a(d ~cost)], for 0 I. a. Find 2 i z exist? x Me Mogieae —b- Does Ue Hite Woy Bape 22. if 2=u(2) 2B ay te ae U(D), show that 3° F3 + xy EE +72 EE = 9 7% The deflection y atthe center of a circular ‘plate suspended at the edge and uniformly 4/~ loaded is given by ‘y = increases by 3% Zr Calculate the approximate percentaye change in -y, if w ¥ decreases by 29 and t increases by 4%, TE v= (t= x72) 4 (2? yj —x2yak, determine divergence v'and curly ato § © the point (1,3,-2) en set «D+ Find the extremum fimetion of the functional J = Siby' +O" dx at YO =0, yO)=1, ya)=2, y'a)=4 » Scanned by CamScanner eae , aot) boo UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Vv DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING GEG 301: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II FIRST SEMESTER ‘TION, 2013/2014 SESSION CANDIDATE'S MATRIC No. A ISI ONTO! is Date: 5 July, 2014 . Time Allowed: 150mins A > INSTRUCTIONS ( OR AMO? ONLY Sry QUESTIONS WITH THREE FROM EACH ®8CTION f Gi) Do. on por “ANY REASON WRITE ON THIS QUESTION PAPER IN THIS «...AM EXCEPT YOUR (MBER. FAILURE TO. ABIDE BY THIS. INSTRUCTION WOULD ATTRACT A STIFF A PENALTY. joe \ | SECTION A (OMARKSEACH) ANSWER ANY rime J}, | “| \ tin (a3 ina “LFini the timitas Gy 7° 47 JG 29 1 anth®ao2 any?) gy Zt - eonnton He Tp ey (ii) > (ivy 2a. Find a unit vector perpendicular to botlt of tle. veertnss io S ~ dA force F = 31 + 2j—4kis applied at the point (1,1, 2) Find the moment ofthe force about the point 2,1, 3) 5: (@) fz = f(x,y) and w = e*cosy and v = e~*siny, find the devivatives ax ax ay ay Gu’ dv’ au’ av 4.) fu= (1 -2xy + y? =yhe prove that x3 — ay (b) Show that the function u (x jy) = e*sin y is a solution of Laplace’s equation SECTION B “(10 MARKS EACH) ANSWER ANY TARYT M4) Obtain the Euler Lagrange equation of the functional 1(y) = 2 ee Scanned by CamScanner ‘. (0) Find the of the functionals | i T= RL4+ Gee y= 0, y1) =¥'(0) = ya) 4 q H. 10) = fb? + OP +O" + y"Fldxy(0) = 1,y'(0) = 2, y(00) = Oy'@)g ~-2. (a) Briefly describe Five (6) Elementary Functions and Give at least three (3) | examples of each of them (b) IEFG@) = fi" VIB, Find elle) costs aye © Evaluate £ feat i ad} 2d: | 3-@) Evatunte MOVIdy + yxtdx (©) Find the volume .of the soli fo ¥-=2—sinx, and the lines x == =Ox=2n, y= 4} (c) Find the'Leng gth of the Cardio 5. +c0s0) (Ge id given in por *¢ Fig. 1 below) “coordinates by the equasion A: (a) Show that the complex variable Fanction p the origin. = (b) Show that the function f(2) =u + fy, hee 76 C- Requations at z= If the function is analytic gt » — O jagyel . si (9 Hf@) = 2 inthe domain (rel: > 9," 7 at it differentiable for all #0 and that raw 5 ™ ake Ww al ‘Rat Fe) ig Scanned by CamScanner Seni UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS ns teint of Electrical and Electronics Engineering emester E a i BG S5; Rate ilreral, Mi lions 2018/2019 Session Instructions: Answer Question 1 and any other two ‘Time Allowed @ 2hrs 1 eyatiseh SECTION A: COMPULSORY QUESTION tds we anges cease NEN ‘Table QL de test No-load test | Blocked-rotor test | Va=13.8V Vu 23.5 13.04 l= 129A P= 469 W | f= 15 He Use table QI above to compute the following: @ stator resistance ts, 1 mark stator olimic loss 1.Smorks 15 marks iil) power loss due to friction and windage and core losses (i) stator referred rotor resistance 1's 1S marks (0) stator leakage reactance Xs and stator referred rotor leakage reactance i, # mat 1.3 marks (vi) magnetizing reactance Xw. {b) A 3-phase generator possesses asynchronous reactance of 6) pe hase ‘and the excitation aaage Ee is 3 KV per phase. [fa star connected resistive load of 8 2 per Past is connected Toth S-phase output terminals, then calulate the phase voltage ofoss ie Toad. 2.3 marks (© (0 State six basic control schemes deployed on mechanical wind turbines for regulating marks fer extraction: * . @ Par contol schemes stated in (identify the most versatile in functionality. 5 nts SECTION B: ATTEMPT TWO OPTIONAL QUESTIONS ng at 200 rpm is connected {0 a synchronous generator. Ifthe suming quency of 50 Fz, how many poles does the rotor have? wars in ea ws ‘State two applicati per bars in synchronous generators 2 marks (State v0 ea a bse xian tem nsyehones gee. | nd (sie nate ange wae ee pen Co Blt cena gent yo San wel ii Smale Gin’ sketch an electrical power eteuit diagram of 3-phase thyristor bridge rectifier that can ed to replace the commutator slip-rings, and brushes of the main exeiter system of @ generator 15 marks Synchronous EERE aie t neraios spend), mode of operation enrain $(@ Deseret votive or negative), ad slip (positive or negative) for each of torn) sarong gee nd prin a sero y the following smart of eo si tp Siny-fed induction machine (#) Doubly-fed induction machine ay na 2 (a) A hydraulic turbine tri Scanned by CamScanner s (@ Sketch graphical ilestraton to establish the fot quadrants/regions of operation of etion machines, defined by the characteristic plot of electromagnetic torque against slip it for the following machines: 3maris 1b Based on (a), identify the quadrants of operation for | " } 0 Sauce Hvetion machine. (i) Wound-rotor induction mmachine (0) () State and sketeh four examples of generator topologies used for variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) wind power operations/aplieations Gants {i State one characteristic feature for each of the generator topologies that you have stated for wo 2 mare (6 A wind turbine that is connected toa squirrel cage induction generor through a gear box ee inGd rpm. The gear box ratio is 41 (generatorturbine). Ifthe stator voltage of the induction generator has a frequency of 50 Hz, calculate the: {i numberof poles ofthe stator 2m (i) slip ofthe induction generator | mais (4 @ State the equation that defines the tip speed ratio of a mechanical wind turbine, Define the parameter(s) and variable(s) in your equation. 2mars (iy Use a relevant equation to explain the reason the mechanical power extracted by a wind turbine varies by a factor of # whenever the wind speed doubles. 2 marks 4. (a) State en applications of eletre machines in a moder day electric vehiele(EV). Snark 4s ar tony else ey te eps oars i State the effect of the Slow response of fuel cells on an electrical load during transients mals dit, State a method by which the effect of (byt) can be managed 1S marks in, State what will occur to a fuel supply. cell generator when more current is taken than it ca (6) @ State the part ofa fuel cell system that ela Ce lnothrdopnadecyen senerates de electric power by an electrochemics! (Gi Sketch an electrical equivalent cic ise 1S marks of the part mentioned in (e)(i) a List the constituent cements (Components) of a single unit cell within a fuel cll i 4 é Scanned by CamScanner pzawes) Weoto ot 7 UNIVERSITY oF LAGOS Department of Hlectrica and Ele ronies Engineering or82019 FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION BEG 317/207: Measurement and Instrumentation L mi nye tse Scion ee Meese cocn0a espinn meter’ teal, secroNs Gece emai (gana = yaaure ‘evens wan cena vine 9p Staeura oor bawe Dioseumeyane Donen eet te (Geman oe menet ne Eaten it tot eset Wee Semen memes ory omer poeanenmmer near, me THEEEUEITE Sipe re ch Sushma instance ein Ose PREC Ow ate ehiinimaoee (paver pa tty entre (Shel tee een testing tp {heures ten en yer onan eatin tn Lien roman rem Sie goa ieee eats ecttanesore arr et atonren orate no San Caterer Earners 07 emma nero see be te tn ub Scanned by CamScanner fervent et msl Tait (eer) Theme Mermleree Oia one (any 8 nape ‘eptonsumon em heaped mri pat C20 “rere ctr tb pen 5 Ses ee: Chiat Temi eu) an) ad ‘ota at oun oer acinusaeait we moving tm pedo “Theses cron ren ‘ment wo to) tal var voting indent sone ue ed wt Guseut i Luss ‘nae emtieg ehnens pv ning rman Sarna a ft ei en ese er on @ m tmaem Denia ani piel del eine ing mn etme oa nae eel on gach wo Tay Btoly (a tet mace Teva tacf obi mg gett 1, eeysene en co Tal Gytane oileen othe ‘emo ening erates (6 tame tcon Scanned by CamScanner (a bh aon ew 6 pam 14am erry oad ih age rb ee tbe eevee mattst_ oe (tla) pelvic peg (ayes en ane () esto snes (iy tsetse (0 Soa ey i upeet () cee (roi eee st tweens ee eared eta mee (ohare icra) wien eens 2 eens (errecame (0 eae (scum, eve (6) nme erie nd ar to saterue | postmen sts HS tatty inte (Ua ot Law o renefavoveage 0) ress Geren. ce ee Aven even iar ea sary wh ton (teresa (tena oa om wtf eka ne rin ot ogi © te Oe (easier (See (octet. sein ge aoe ‘pepe ofe bdsingncane bebe eet we wo meta? oui! gat ng 4 me 18 ona a fey @usmy usw ouster ins ttt cn Scanned by CamScanner econ Beaten Gaede 1810107 ape, 0 snes) Useless ‘eee mina nn amet yey italy ates (ote (a tad (@) Yeny 0) Moy foe 6 ana © megane omnes (6 bsg etn (aOanie O)eatetnanis (omic) ert Mie uontent ei ied Qyeamntance (mage (tem Cevdpcmee et (een Oyen me dea ‘echt ne wiheisnay erat nes cet ae el Geen San Sapa Pare fen Oe a ea sh Wha Blade) Se (Sour fo ween ete forsee abe enen a RSet (Bet) ss (goer ge ‘ela nepmi rn att ag sete (0) nas) ey (Oper) ne = secnoxs eit, (0) Din sing get rep ec arf Coo Osnare. in) (0) Bean ney ete baste wl of be oper Rang ACEO (ony (Dee hem di a in ith ep aeRO. mts Wa smpint pits ee Ccnpean arora bese ean ‘erin afte frst ce Baan mel) Scanned by CamScanner oa (2) Draw the basi and aviar funcional elements ofa Measurement Sytem. (Saris) (©) Explain with short motes the fems Funes Elements and Avnilary elements in measurement systems, (Smaris) (©) Give atleast thre reasons why Measurements are implant for process and indeed ‘manufscturing industries. inant) omaris) (2) State four reasons wy instrumentation is useful in aboratory work (2) The torque ofan ammeter is directly propetiona ote erent Rowing though i Ifa ument of 10A causes a deflection of 61", dereine the value of curentfor a deection (oF 40° when the instrament is (9) spring controled (i) gravity controled ‘Yomarts) Oucstion, (4) List thre main categories of erors marks) marks) (@) Explain briefly each category in), (0 A (0-10)A ammeter has guaranteed accuracy of 1.5% o ill seal reading The erent ‘measured bythe instrument is 3A. Calculate the limiting value ofeurent and the percentage liming ero. * Smarts) ( Tie cumrentpassing trough aesistor of (100-42) is (200+ 0.01)A. Using the relationship P=I'R caleuat the limiting erin he computed value of paver Aissipaton. (marks) — (e) A-wanmeter has. a range of 100W with an eer of #1% of fl eae deflection. Ifthe true power passed trough itis 1O0W. Cleat the limiting eer. (marks) List out four sources of ers in Measurement system (marks) Scanned by CamScanner (10 BO? a (o Recerca banner ring Atop AL ros Sa Be tn ee NE costepenasre teases acd ‘Sigerd nwo sone dey ee ve (08 sein a eine nr nit pielbeet egh e ees tata eto Tecan ine ‘ns nee een homer smi : oot mec oy bycemang hihi wi pode aa oh 1 whsieneany Sete nme! ls) Qussyetenanret —() Gapdeftimuene | (2 Meet (0 Saogeanae| (2 The ent of ne coy hannn i aid apa a Seca el (Gh tectipmetemee (Te dae nme 9 racers eae tit (shears ene inn md yrs Wn Sern se (Sisiaenpowy tors Unga ipa are (o Nepti nesmnet (Aer ci ¥ (0 Downs sce ihe eer ie fi ofan (0 mopar geek (io pea (0 Bee teense (10. Tieton aig si ft ey oe (oD ven pk mene ae Paton set acme mchtverat met es qo oe (Areata ten lo Somotegegt, diag oes eg (Dr (ommac ( tose) ynaer vunenr (oe a ec itn te ig en en nig ae 1 Pepe ttl ay ee meno. (ota 13 tpn cm men pi pa ta oO Scanned by CamScanner wher cmap fen heen OH Neweaietidmbconiieetncin memes 1, Sechees esa : Se i @esy Mita fe) May. 216 Fen tig a inonseee ee (17 Wp weaning ec ove ia fo inate oie etc ae opt tor Co cla (1 cit eerie pin sr nmi ne iin pov nm a tei nse ‘Bia etl weed etal etn eco epee (@ Hoyt) tat Gh Man 1, wig ans pil nee ig anne (ewig ied oo To” ate a naa (bate) vated de (0 Auk (2 net it ih ec eile ome (tein 0) cram (Buin 4) tee {Aneta mtn (0 m8) poe eon) ph (4 enters cannes mt (0 se tai ace gh 1 rt ay (0 fey tengo (a ewe yy (To nok tne pe mi (0 peta, 0) bas (te eee (ear 8) pion (ate tern Scanned by CamScanner a (24 Tieton sain pc mp eat prea 0) cera aes.) ieee ipaingtne ) capt eee Asse tee comet gen agin (ects oama ing) iti ane. (Resemes cecal opal anaes epee OF Astin eens disimiamet ar ae ied (9 camino ease) erase) Semon (Or. Acemocueed unpete censenn mes —— pin on eo (DE The ened ne ed in eras seme pg (9 ens ht, i male) mc (emia, eo Sem emir (0 ter re eatin ge ge (1 Mpa nen meee br pace (92, MeCRO cmt he mt epi ——- al iy, (Wane tee (ere “the (95. 18Vevaeontn nem 30 eon Foc nie trip oY ke WN Gate Ca om 2 wD exw 29H 265 Wintec ofe nanan ane i et rots 08050 amano 00, oo 10 49 Ie (a tame (6 Teer nani ey ely seem spn 1, weit bmg pt (0 | cayitony Ion et (7 Fara so a sens ot ama en new Scanned by CamScanner (Chena) dermis (0 mest dm (08, ee nea = (5 Ai tion cy rman ran pnt ye — (Ceti ong pring (8 ig (5 Ateteumason ada cane ens fan mepiliges i) eh) dee el me (Arbeit et tiene eV ene ees 8 Tecan pity (oom 0) er on me Mh ep ee eng —— (en NEL Gam ae (tose sir enaige adler wet t uate apt ern spe eft — en ta aero 0) peeipnnt matin (2 (28 Fraime ieee ARO a ee (8 ase pe (sean (0. Teh er eine ei 6 fu Ooms pm ene (0, Menatenmencrtet siete tet at oeathoe mohair teeta Wve. eerie me rm pond Scanned by CamScanner (6) Given thatthe magnitude ofa given quantity having a measured value Am and a ‘maximum or limiting error +A is given by Am AgtBA & Use this information to answer the following questions @) IF R= 20250 and 0.220, determine the absolute error of the ‘measurement (Gmarks) (3) Tawattmeter reas 50.68Wats and its absolute eror is -O.22watt. What isthe} true value ofthe power? (Gmaris) f (©) A (0-20)A ammeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 3% of fll scale reading, The curent ‘measured by the instrument is SA. Calculate the limiting values ofthe current and the percentage limiting error. (marks) (6) The current passing trough a resistor of (100 + 0.2)0 is (2.00 0.01)A. Using the ‘lationship PIR, calculate the limiting ero in the computed value of power dissipation, (Tmarksy (©) Determine the limiting err (in incase ofan instrument reading of (66V with ¢(0- 3000V voltmeter having a guaranteed accuracy of 1% ful cate deflection, (7marks) Question 2, (2) i. List out the two classes of instruments and briefly explain each of them. (2marks) li, Why is classification of measuring instruments useful in Measurement and Instrumentation? Qmarks) (©) i. List ou the two modes in which secondary instruments operate marks fi List out the tres groups in which analog instruments canbe classified. marks) (€) In gravity controlled instrument, the controlling weight is 0 Olkg and acts ata dstece of 4 Bem from the axis ofthe moving system, Determine the deflection in degrees corresponding oa deflecting torque of 2.110" kgm. (marks) (4) Ifthe deflection torque ofan instrument is directly proportional tothe cureat to be measured andthe maximum curtent produces a defection of 90% Compare the deflections in spring controlled instrument wih smile insrumen having gravity Control fora current equal to half the maximum value (Pmacks) (©) A torque ofan ammeter varies a the square of the current through it If'aeurent of 25A produces a deflection of 90°, what deflection wll occur fora current of 20A when the instrument is spring controlled? (Smarks) (9, List out four applications ofthe Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (marks) Scanned by CamScanner Lowrer® 5 4 UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS Department of Electrical and Electronics Engine 2017/2018 FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION EEG 307; Measurement and Instrumentation I INSTRUCTION: 1, Attempt all questions in Section A on the OMR sheet and any other one in S 2, All worlcings must be shown clearly. 4 Use appropriate units where possible Time Allowed: 2Hrs SECTION A 1. The resolution of a 12-bit analogue to digital converter in percent is (a) 0.01220 (b) 0.02441 (©) 0.04882 (a) 0.09760 2, Agalvanometer with a full scale current of 10mA has a resistance of 10002. The rmultiplying power (the ratio of the measured current to galvanometer current) of a 10002 shunt with this galvanometer is (@) 110 (b) 100. @ill 10 jyi0 ‘eyo 3. Which of the following statements is correct? ue Anelectronic voltmeter is more reliable as compared to multi-meter for measuring voltages across low impedance because 4 (@) its sensitivity is high _(b) it offers high input impedance = ve (it does not alter the measured voltage ae (@ its sensitivity and input impedance are high and do not alter the measured value 4. Anadvantage which a VTVM has over a non-electronic voltmeter is (@) low power consumption (b) low input impedance _(c) greater portability (W) the ability to measure wider ranges of voltage and resistance 5. The function of input attenuators in measuring instruments like VTVM, CRO etc is to (@)inezease the input impedance (b) attenuate the frequency range (attenuate the input signal amplitude without altering the frequency contents @) attenuate the input impedance 6. Which of the following is basically a current sensitive instrument? (@cro aA (b) Electrostatic instrument (©) FET input electronic voltmeter (d) PMMC instrument 7. Which amplifier is used in an electronic multimeter? (@) Buffer amplifier (b) Differential amplifier 4, © Power amplifier (@ Wideband ampli Beam of electrons in a cathode ray tube emanates because of (2) diffusion (b) post acceleration 9, ©)secondary emission (@) thermionic emission In CRT, aquadag carries (@) aqueous solution of graphite 1p, ©) sweep voltage . In aCRO, the time-base generators supply ramp voltage to (horizontal deflecting plates (b) vertical deflecting plates {© oth horizontal and vertical deflecting plates _(d) none of the above - In CRY the highest positive potential is give (@) cathode (®) secondary emission electrons (@) none of the above nto (b) focusing electrodes Page 10f9 Scanned by CamScanner sb (©) post deflection acceleration anode (@) vertical deflection plates ©) post deflectiot 12, In CRO astigmatism is i ) ri g fast electrons a) a source of generating fas! =a ® medium for absorbing secondary cinission electrons fonal focus control (c) an additional focus cont ; 5 (@) a time-delay control in the vertical deflection system = 1 Which of the following measurements can be made using Lissajous figures? I. Frequency IL Phase difference IIL, Time interval between pulses IV. Pulse width . V. Fundamental and higher harmonic components (a) land I (b) If and TH (©) Mand Iv (IV and Vv 14. Inadual beam oscilloscope (@) there are two separate vertical inputs and two separate horizontal inputs (©) there are two separate vertical inputs and there is only one set of horizontal deflection (©) there is only one vertical input but there are two separate horizontal deflection plates (d) there is only one vertical and one horizontal input. 1S. Which of the following is a passive transduces? wy {@) Photovoltaic cell (b) Piezoelectric Sv & (©LVDT (4) Thermocouple & ¥? 16. Which one of the following tranducers is an active transducer? (a) Piezoelectric pressure transducer (b) Metallic strain guage (©) Semiconductor strain guage Qo (A) Platinum resistance thermometer 17, Pair of active transducers is (a) Thermistors, Solar cell (b) Thermocouple, Thermistor (c) Thermocouple, Solar cell 18. The resolution of pote © Soler cell, LYDT (@) infinite ) (©) very high a (b) medium, 19. Which one of the following is the most sensitive device? (@) Pyrometer a det (©) Thermisior ; @) Thermoc. “asuring instruments are sung (©) analog and digital instruments © Spina Pinay incument 21. Analog instruments can be elosiged gig PMY and Secondary instruments two groups. wh © four groups (0) three groups 22, The torque that makes the moving syste Brours Ping tonnes is connected inan gee ot 8 instrument to rotate Samay 8 () damping torque I "an clectric circuit to measure dre nena quantity is the (©)contrelling torque | (a) Selecting torque 23. In the final deflection (@) magnet Position of tig (2 MABNetic torque, ee Ta, then Yi" System in an indicating instrumient where Scanned by CamScanner LSD 0S y 51, The various techniques of obtaining damping torque are 1 air fiiotion 11 fluid friction IN, eddy-current friction (@) Vand IL (b) I and I (©) Wand Il. @)1, Wand I, 32. A kWh meter can be classified as a/an____ instrument (a) deflecting (b) digi (©) recording (A) indicating, 33, The most efficient technique for obtaining damping in electrical instruments is through (@) air friction. (b) eddy-current. (©) fluid friction. (@) thermo friction 34. Ammeters are normally connected in with the circuit carrying the current under measurement, therefore the ammeter must be of resistance. (@) parallel / high (b) parallel / low. (© series/ high (@) series / low 35. Voltmeters are normally connected in with the circuit across which the voltage is to be measured and therefore the voltmeter must be of. resistance. (@) parallel / high (b) parallel / low series high (@) series / low ‘The three basic requirements of a transducer are (@) electrical and mechanical and ruggedness, (b) light, linearity and stationary. © linearity, mobility and velocity. @ linearity, no hysteresis and ruggedness. 37. The electrical parameter used in the potentiometer passive transducer type is (@) capacitance, (b) inductance. 8 Tesistance (d) resonance. 8, ‘The errors that remain after the systematic crrors have been substantially reduced or at least accourited for are the (@) absolute errors (b) accidental errors (©) dynamie errors (W) relative errors 9. Relative error is expressed in ©) degrees (b) metres. 9 metre/see. (@ percentage. Systematic errors can be categorized as ©) environmental errors. cnvironmental, instrumental and observational errors ) instrumental, relative and static errors, ) static errors, - Static errors are ) dynamic errors. (b) gross errors ©) systematic errors, @MA&B 42.” Random errors are the same as () accidental errors (b) environmental errors. Page 4 of J Scanned by CamScanner (@) relative ae ; ae change to a change in i = wheat-stone bridge converts @ Oates! ey fa) resistance / electrical signals. s 8 = istance / input voltage. (d)_resistan i oulgat valine Me 44, A junction between two dissimilar metals that produces a voltage pends on the junction temperature is referred to as (a) thermocouple. (b) thermostat. (c) transistor. (@) theostat. dal 45. A thermocouple based temperature measurement requires: junctions, one at a known temperature. (GS) tone’ (&) two (©) three (@) four. 46. Arresistor made of a semiconductor whose resistance depends on temperature is referred to as (2) thermistor. (6) thermocouple, (©) transistor. (@) theostat. 47. Restoring torque can also be referred to as (@) controlling torque Te (b) damy iping torque T, (©) deflecting torque Ts @ timing torque Tn! Tene Pointer ofan indicating instrument will be brought to rest at a Position where ; ) Tw=T,. Permanen- magnet moving-oil amm ee heey mnanent-magn ‘ing-coi i (0) of eddy eument daring on Neel! ammeter have a uniform seales because (b) they are spring controlled c) their deftecti varies di ® (Rei deflecting torque varies directly as current 50. Using a 4—- digit voltmeter, hiow wo ; 5 n nuld 16.58 be disp| Vv all latonees 7 i isplayed on a 10V range? (© 16.580V ese » i : 51 2 @ 16.s8y \ 7 7 al a 8 . Using a 44. digit voltmeter, h \ 9 2 + how would 0.5467 be di (@) 0.546V and 0.5467V © displayed o a 1V and 10V range? (©) 0.5467V and 0.546V 0) 0.sa7y, and 0.5467y iat 52. Wh t it £0 OSA6ry secs emi wy teen et OY and 9.1 x 107%y mie “to velocity? Charge and trae cleuton ne oe wee ve of electron is 1.6 x 10C ore BLM ta : 53. The hot-wire amineter Wks 10fnvs : (a) is used for D.C circuits ; (b) is high precision in i (c) is used only for A.C cite (@) reads equally well on D.C andor A.C circuits il i Page 5 0F9 es Scanned by CamScanner proc BY | Pera Control electrical instruments, the pointer will not come to rest when jonly (b) only oe (@) Mand I ‘The main component of a cathode ray oscilloscope is the de. (b) cathode ray tube. rol grid. . (@) filament. ‘The instrument which gives a continuous record ofthe variations ofthe electrical quantity to be measured are called cating instruments (b) integrating instruments. solatng instruments. (@) recording instruments ‘Moving iron instruments use. effect. smical (b) electrodynamics netic (d) thermal Hot wire instruments use __ effect. emical (b) electrodynamics gnetic (d) thermal Electrolytic metet uses effect. nical (b) electrodynamics agnetic (@ thermal “Ai fiction eddy current in an instrument is opposed by the ___toraue. controlling ® damping i timing he damping force acts on the moving system ofan indicating instrument only when iis ving (b) stationary arts full deflection (@ just starting to move. Digital instruments are those which peta ftp (a) have numerical readout (es Felton ype move hve a rity of re lho 1) Seotrial instruments is that an electronic ain nt contains (b) a transducer (@) an electronic device (@ electrons © adigital readout ic instrument isare The essential element of an eteowonic Sone aig deve ont | i ed in oT curent sensitivity of mere “(p) ohm/ammeter ame (@) ampereldivision ne arsonval meter moverent ca BE ‘converted into an audio-frequency ac ammeter 1D’ Arsonval mi Mitnga tot i (o) rectifier moses (@ transducer page 6 of ts Scanned by CamScanner yr is percent of the 67. Inaliner meter, half scale deflection occurs when there is_p rated current through its coil . (a) 100 (b) 25 ©)50 @ 68. A 0-LmA meter has a sensitivity of (a) 1kQvolt (b) Ima @1kQ (d) 1000 eect meNine coil instrument has a resistance of 100 and takes 4OmA to produce full scale Geflection. The shunt resistance requited to convert this instrument for use as an ammeter of range 0 to 2A is teynt ce (a) 0.1021 (b) 0.2041 : (c) 0.2561 70, (@) 0.4210 ‘ moving coil ammeter has a fixed sh Meter is 10000, hunt of 0.020 resistance. If the coil resistance of the potential difference of 50\ Under this condi OMY is required across it for full-scale deflection, ion, the current in the shunt would be (@) 2.54 (b) 254: (©) 0.25 (@) 0.025 71. This desired to convert a FatlOHA meter movement, with an internal resistance of 1000 Ga) 1 ey LOMA meter. The required value of share resistance is about @ia () 10 ©9990 @1000 72. Loading effect is principally caused by ___ instruments (a) high resistance (b) Tow-sensit (©) high-sensitivity tivity i (@) high-range 73. A multimeter is used to measure (a) resistance (©) voltage (b) current 74, (A) all of the above A sinusoidal voltage of'r.m.s value | OV is applied to pr in series with a half-wave rectifier will show reading of oe MPvement connected @9 4s a (©) 10 75. A VIVM produces neg (a) it virtually draws y (b) of its very high internal resist (c) it uses high vacuum tubes (@) it is a null deflection instrument . 76. Inu 34- digit volumeter, the largest number that ean be read ig 2 (a) 0999 % 1999 (©) 4999 / 9999 71 1A 54 ight voltmeter havingar Simon TOO ce asus xian i \ ; voltage of (6) 20v Mi ae (a) 100V (@) 5000V es o ‘ON nal to be observed on the a a aha pplicd ‘The sig :) 8c @ across its X-plates page 7 of 9 Scanned by CamScanner

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