CBAE and Environmental Economics

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The reference to this chapter is:

Ken Willis (2020) Environmental economics and cost-benefit analysis, in Simin Davoudi,
Richard Cowell, Iain White and Hilda Blanco (editors) The Routledge Companion to
Environmental Planning. Routledge, London. Pages 382-393. Chapter 33.
ISBN: 978-1-138-89480-8

Environmental Economics and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Ken Willis
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Planning approval for any project typically entails a fairly intuitive judgement about
whether the perceived benefits of a project exceed its perceived costs. Economics by
contrast uses a quantitative numeraire, typically a monetary unit, to appraise projects,
through cost-benefit analysis (CBA). CBA determines if a project, policy, or plan is
sound, that is whether benefits exceed costs and by how much; and as a basis of
comparing projects, to maximise the welfare of society by selecting projects where
benefits are maximised relative to costs. Many projects produce environmental
benefits, and environmental dis-benefits, which are not priced in the market place.
Environmental economic valuation can estimate values for these non-priced effects.
These non-market benefits are included in a CBA appraisal. In project appraisal, no
method other than CBA has such a sound theoretical economic base, and widespread

Cost and benefit analysis

Early applications of CBA were in water resource planning and flood control in the
USA; and in transport planning (see Foster and Beesley, 1963; Beesley et al, 1983).
CBA records benefits as financial revenue plus consumer surplus on intra-marginal
units of a good; and cost as the resource or opportunity cost of using resources to
produce the good, i.e. the social value foregone when resources are moved away from
another economic activity into the project.

The need for CBA arises precisely because environmental projects are affected by so
many distortions and non-marketed outcomes: the ‘public good’ nature of many
environmental goods; environmental externalities such as noise and air pollution from
development; the fact that items such as non-working journey time and the value of
preventable fatalities and injuries are not explicitly priced in the market; and the fact
that some goods (e.g. car transport) are highly taxed (through fuel taxes) whilst other
goods (e.g. public transport) are often subsidised by the State.

A CBA of a project is undertaken relative to some alternative, which is usually the ‘do
nothing’ scenario. The ‘do nothing’ is a realistic view of what is likely to happen in
the absence of the scheme.

In CBA, all relevant costs and benefits associated with the project are enumerated
over the life of the project. For example, in evaluating a motorway scheme, the
relevant costs would include land, construction, maintenance costs of the road. The
benefits would include savings in journey time, fuel, accidents, noise, and any other
technological externalities [i.e. any externality that affects production or satisfaction
(utility) of consumers]. However, pecuniary externalities or spill-over effects are
omitted in CBA, since under complete markets pecuniary externalities offset one

Market prices and ‘shadow prices’

Optimality in an economy requires marginal rates of substitution (MRS) (marginal
values in the demand for goods) to be equal between consumers (if this is not the case
then the exchange of products between consumers will make one or more consumers
better off and leave no consumer worse off). Optimality also requires marginal rates
of transformation (MRT) (marginal costs of factors of production) to be equal in the
production of goods (if this is not the case then by substituting factors of production
between industries it would be possible to reduce aggregate inputs with no change in
aggregate output). Finally, optimality requires MRS=MRT to ensure consumers
preferences and welfare are maximised (Winch, 1971; Layard and Walters, 1978).
Under these conditions market prices reflect appropriate MRS and MRT and are used
to measure costs and benefits in CBA.

However, market prices do not reflect appropriate MRS and MRT where there are (1)
monopolistic prices (2) unemployed resources (3) subsidies (4) taxes (5) constraints
on use (6) public goods and (7) externalities. In such situations implicit or “shadow
prices” are used to derive appropriate MRS and MRT in CBA; and these shadow
prices normally replace observed ‘market prices’ in a CBA.

‘Economic rent’ is any (transfer) payment to an owner or a factor of production in

excess of the cost to bring that factor into use. Economic rent is not counted in CBA.
Compulsory purchase can be used in planning to prevent monopolistic position and
‘hold-out’ by landowners demanding prices (economic rent) in excess of the existing
use value or opportunity cost of the land. Both compulsory purchase (eminent
domain in the USA), and the absence of compulsory purchase powers, can lead to
inefficiency (Munch, 1976).

The guiding rule for estimating the shadow price of a resources, whether land, labour
or capital, is the value it produces in the use from which it is being transferred, plus
any additional amount above its existing use value required to induce the transfer.

Where labour is drawn from the unemployment pool, the true cost of the unemployed
labour to society is zero, apart from any loss to the black economy. However, an
unemployed worker will not remain unemployed for ever, so the social opportunity
cost of labour needs to be estimated over time, which is not an easy task.

Resources subject to subsidies are measured not at their market price but at their
resource or factor cost (market price minus subsidy element). For example, where
agricultural land is used in a project, its opportunity cost is not the lost agricultural
output minus agricultural inputs, nor its market price since this is artificially raised by
price guarantees and tariffs at the EU frontier, but what it would cost to replace this
lost agricultural output on world markets.

Taxed inputs are measured at their factor cost, not their market value. In calculating
the operational benefits of a new road, fuel savings are valued at the market price of
fuel minus the tax on fuel. Tax is merely a transfer payment, and not the resource
value of the fuel saving.

Land-use planning creates constraints on land use. Resources subject to constraints

should be valued at their opportunity cost rather than their current use value, since the
former is what society is losing by transferring the land, for example to housing rather
than designating it as green belt land and restricting its use to agriculture and amenity
purposes. Cheshire and Sheppard (1989) used a hedonic price model to estimate the
opportunity cost of the planning system, by comparing the house price consequences
of planning restrictions in two towns with different degrees of development

Public goods and externalities, such as air pollution, noise, visual amenity, etc., are
non-market goods. They can be valued by environmental economic techniques.
These techniques include production function approaches (expenditure to mitigate or
avert an externality), revealed preference (how much people spend on related goods
and services, such as housing, to acquire or avoid the public good or externality), and
stated preference approaches (how much people ‘say’ they would be willing to pay to
acquire the public good, or would require in compensation to avoid its loss or endure
the detrimental externality).

Decision rules
Since people have time preferences, benefits and costs are discounted using a social
time preference rate. Project appraisal should also include an adjustment for risk (HM
Treasury, 2016). Projects are deemed economically feasible if the net present value
(NPV) of benefits (B) and costs (C) discounted over each year (t) of the life of the
project from year 0 to the end of the life of the plan or project (T), is ≥ 0.
t=T t= T
NPV = Σ Bt (1+i) - Σ Ct (1+i) –t
t=0 t=0

where i = discount or rate. The discount rate is either an opportunity cost rate or a
social time preference rate. Any project is socially profitable if NPV > 0, or if
projects are mutually exclusive the project with the highest NPV is implemented. A
project which has a negative NPV now, may have a positive NPV in the future, if
costs are declining over time, and/or benefits are increasing.

In the presence of a budget constraint, projects should be implemented in descending

order of their NPVs or benefit/cost (B/C) ratios. However, where projects are
implemented over more than one time period, in the presence of budget constraints,
welfare is maximised not by taking the absolute advantage of one project over
another, but by the comparative advantage between periods. The objective is to
maximise the combined NPV of the chosen projects over time (Willis, 2005).

Social welfare
The Pareto criterion in economics approves a project if one person in society is made
better off by a change and no one is made worse off. However, planning projects and
policies invariably have both gainers and losers; and planning rarely compensates
losers. The Kaldor-Hicks criterion sanctions projects where gainers could
hypothetically compensate losers, and still be better off, thus leading to a Pareto
improving outcome. But unless compensation takes place, the project will lead to
someone losing.

Lichfield (1964) was an early advocate of CBA in planning, but he simply suggested
a planning balance sheet which tabulated who gained and who lost as a result of a
policy. This left the decision to politicians as to which variant of a plan was
acceptable economically and politically. Since planning decisions are primarily
political decisions, this led to the use of public choice theory to analyse planning
policies. But as Evans (2003) points out, while public choice theory can explain
which planning policy is selected, this does not mean that this planning policy
maximises economic welfare: it may only maximise the politician’s chance of being
re-elected. Economic analysis has more general applications to planning than merely
CBA (see Willis, 1980; Evans, 2004).

Distributional issues can be incorporated more formally in CBA. Economic welfare

can be maximised by making choices through a social welfare function (SWF) e.g.

W = (1/α) μrα + (1/α) μpα , α<1 α≠0

where W is welfare, µ is net social benefit to the rich (r) and the poor (p) respectively,
and α is a distributional weight e.g. based on marginal rates of income tax, or more
theoretically and correctly the marginal utility of money. The utilitarian position
assigns everyone a distributional weight of 1.0; so if the NPV of a project is positive
then the project should go ahead, irrespective of who gains. The smaller α, e.g. -1 or
less, the more egalitarian the criterion (Layard and Walters, 1978). As α → -∞ then
W comes to depend on the income of the poorest person (the position advocated by
Rawls, 1971). Adler (2016), in a review of benefit-cost analysis and distributional
weights, shows that a SWF framework depends on an interpersonally comparable
utility function; but also requires moral judgement, and an estimate of the appropriate
degree of inequality aversion.

However, redistribution is not without benefit and efficiency losses. Consider a

simple SWF:
W = (μra, μpb)
where µ is net social benefit to the rich (r) and the poor (p) respectively, and a and b
are distributional weights. If money or utility changes from a project were: rich +200
and poor –100, and the distributional weights were 0.5 and 1.5 respectively, the
project would be deemed undesirable since

ΔW = 0.5 (200) + 1.5 (-100) = -50 < 0

The distributional anomaly here is that if the project went ahead, the rich could
compensate the poor and leave them no worse off, with the rich still gaining 100.
Indeed, if the entire 200 were redistributed from the rich to the poor, the poor would
gain by 1.5 * (100) = 150, which would be better than not undertaking the project at
all! The marginal cost of redistribution can be high (Browning, 1996).

Environmental economics
Public goods and externalities
Central to environmental economics is the concept of market failure. Market failure
comprises ‘public goods’ and externalities (negative and positive). A ‘public good’
is one that is non-rival in consumption (its consumption by one person does not lessen
its availability to others), and non-excludable (property rights cannot be extended over
the good, so a price cannot be charged). Winch (1971) suggests three criteria to
define public goods: opportunity cost, property rights of the producer, and property
rights of the consumer. These criteria can be permutated to produce different classes
of public goods and externalities.

Non-marketed benefits are often associated with town planning and sustainable
development projects. Environmental economics estimates “shadow prices” for
public goods and environmental externalities in a number of ways: in terms of effect
on production (EOP), opportunity cost (OC), replacement cost (RC), mitigation
expenditure (ME), revealed preference (RP), and stated preference (SP) methods
(Garrod and Willis, 1999).

Effect on production approaches

The EOP approach is widely used to assess compensation to farmers for loss of
agricultural output, due to restrictions prohibiting damaging operations to agricultural

land, in the interests of protecting the environment and wildlife. Compensation is
based on net annual profit foregone e.g.

FC = (c – a) – (b – d) + k

where FC = financial compensation payable, c = revenue from farming more

intensively, a = variable costs incurred for this output level, b = revenue from
restricted agricultural output, d = variable costs for this less intensive agricultural
output level, and k = annuitized value of any capital (barns, machinery, etc.) made
redundant by farming at the less intensive position.

There are limitations to the EOP approach. Some physical relationships between
activities affecting the environment, and the resulting effect on output, may not be
well understood. It may also be difficult to separate the physical effects from multiple
pollution sources, in trying to assign consequential losses in productivity. And the
opportunity cost may differ from the financial cost. For example trade restrictions
and tariffs on agricultural goods entering the European Union (EU) result in the social
value of agricultural output foregone being less than financial compensation paid to
farmers. The shadow price of agricultural output can be estimated by calculating
producer subsidy equivalents (PSE). PSE measures the social value of output
foregone by revaluing domestic output, minus direct subsidies and taxes, at world
market prices:
PSE = [Vm + D – Vw] / Vw

where Vm = output at domestic market prices, D = direct subsidies, and Vw = world

market prices. PSE only concentrate on outputs. Where the effect of protection on
inputs is significant then protection needs to be measured through the value added
element in production, e.g. by calculating an effective protection rate (EPR).

EPR = [VAm – VAw] / – VAw

where VAm = value added at domestic prices, VAw = value added at world prices,
where VAw = Pj(1 – Aij), VAm = Pj [(1 – Tj) – Aij (1 + Tj)], and Pj = nominal price of
commodity j in free trade, Aij share of input i in cost j at free trade prices, and T =
nominal tariff on i or j as the case may be. A social OC measure can result in the
opportunity cost of environmental protection being much less than its financial cost
(Willis et al, 1988).

Some EOP policy impacts, such as a restriction on agriculture to promote natural

habitats, may seem relatively easy to specify. But some policy effects on production
may not be obvious for a CBA. For example replacement of traffic lights with LED
lights, in Sweden, reduces electricity consumption. But from what source is the
electricity saved: coal fired or hydro-electric stations? This assumption makes quite a

difference to carbon emission savings, and ultimately to whether CBA judges a
project to be sustainable and socially beneficial (see Willis, 2010).

The RC approach assesses the value of a natural resource by how much it costs to
replace or restore the resource after it has been damaged. This is the position adopted
by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
(CERCLA) 1980, or “Superfund” in the USA, which requires full restoration or
replacement of natural resources damaged by pollution incidents. Liability for
damages rests with the polluter, who also has to pay for the clean-up of contaminated
sites. Damages are assessed as the cost of restoration or replacement, plus
compensable value of the services lost to the public for the time period of the
discharge until the attainment of restoration or replacement. CERCLA is concerned
with the use and non-use value of natural resources and recovering any loss of
consumer surplus associated with the resource. The Deepwater oil spill in 2010 in the
USA resulted in an estimated cost to British Petroleum of US$62 billion, in natural
resource restoration, criminal liabilities, and civil damages for loss of fisheries,
tourism, etc. (see Wikipedia 2018; NOAA, 2017).

Restoring resources to their pre-damaged state ensures that lost consumer surplus and
non-use values are recovered. But restoration and replacement costs will over-
estimate society’s loss if these costs are greater than the value of use and non-use
benefits lost. In such a case it is rational to compensate individuals for their lost uses
rather than impose the cost of restoration or replacement. The environmental loss,
under sustainability or the need to maintain the stock of natural capital, can be valued
in terms of the monetary requirement for (1) full restoration; (2) economic efficiency,
where the difference between marginal costs and marginal benefits is maximised; or
(3) some intermediate restoration level, where restoration costs do not exceed the use
and non-use value of the environmental good (Ward and Duffield, 1992).

Preventative expenditure (PE) and mitigation expenditure (ME) are sometimes used to
value non-marketed commodities or mitigate against an environmental externality.
ME expenditure e.g. on double or triple glazing to mitigate road noise in houses will
not mitigate road noise in gardens, so ME will not necessarily restore an individual to
his pre-externality welfare position. Dickie (2017) provides examples and discusses
the issues in the use of averting behaviour methods to value non-market goods, such
as air pollution.

Revealed preference methods

Travel cost (TC) and hedonic price (HP) methods infer values for non-market good
and externalities from related expenditures on market goods.

TC uses the amount people are willing to spend travelling to gain access to an open
access non-priced recreation site, as a means of inferring the recreational benefits that

the site provides. TC is weakly complementary to on-site recreation. The individual
TC method takes the form:
Vij = f(Pij, Tij, Qi, Sk, Yi)

where Vij is the number of visits made by individual i to site j; Pij is the travel cost
incurred by individual i when visiting site j; Tij is the time cost incurred by individual
i when visiting site j; Q is a vector of the perceived qualities of the recreation site j; Sk
is a vector of the characteristics of available substitute sites (this may refer only to
sites of a similar nature or may be extended to include other recreational attractions);
and Yi is the household income of individual i.

The key issues surrounding the application of TC methods involve travel cost per mile
or kilometre (do individuals use the marginal fuel cost of operating a car, of full cost
including depreciation in judging travel cost), the value of non-working time to apply
for the time cost involved, the allocation of costs between car occupants, the
allocation of utility between the journey to the site and recreation on the site, multi-
site journeys, the presence of substitute sites, as well as the particular model to use
e.g. censored regression model, or a count data model such as a Poisson or a Negative
Binomial model. Different assumptions about these key issues can give rise to
different economic estimates for the value of the public good. Hanley et al (2003)
used a count data negative binomial TC model, based on actual trips made, trip costs,
and perceived bathing water quality, to assess the value of improvements to bathing
water quality across different beaches in south-west Scotland.

Hedonic price models (HPMs) infer values for externalities from expenditure on
housing purchased to “consume” these public goods. HPMs been used to estimate
WTP to avoid noise, air pollution, to gain access to good schools, to commuting rail
stations, and pleasant landscape features such as open space, woodland and trees,
lakes, rivers and the coast, etc.

Problems encountered in the application of HPMs include multicollinearity between

variables, omitted variable bias, and non-linearity in relationships. Some attributes
are quite difficult to encapsulate in a HPM even with GIS and view-sheds, e.g. the
spatial configuration of landscape attributes in relation to each other.

HPMs were used by Cheshire and Sheppard (1989) to estimate the cost of the
planning system, principally in terms of house prices, by comparing two towns at
polar extremes of planning restrictiveness on development. Planning was estimated to
have a significant impact on house prices. They later extended the application of the
HPMs to assess the welfare benefits of town planning in terms of creating, preserving
and maintaining public goods (Cheshire and Sheppard, 2002). However, it is quite
difficult to identify which public goods are solely attributable to planning, and which
public goods are provided privately through non-development and charitable

ownership and protection. HPMs can therefore over-estimate the value of the
planning system in terms of welfare benefits.

HPMs of separate housing market segments, and the use of semiparametric smoothing
estimators rather than standard specifications of HP functions, have been used to
derive more accurate estimates of externalities such as noise (Day et al, 2007). GIS
has also been used to provide additional information on the house characteristics, to
derive more accurate estimates of the value of views of parks, etc..

In some cases it is impractical to use RP methods to value public goods. For example,
it may not be possible to observe visits to a cultural heritage site if the good is
inaccessible to the public (e.g. in the case of undersea or underground archaeological
remains, or paintings and books held in storage in galleries and libraries). RP requires
data with variance in demand, to allow variables to be used to explain the variation in
demand, and to estimate a model. This can make RP data quite difficult, time
consuming, and expensive to collect. RP methods may be subject to confounding or
multicollinearity problems. But in SP, experimental design can ensure orthogonality
between variables in the experiment. RP cannot be used to estimate non-use values,
although charitable giving partly reveals altruistic, existence, and bequest values to
preserve some public goods. Stated preference (SP) methods can overcome these
problems encountered in RP methods. SP asks consumers to state their willingness-
to-pay (WTP) for a good.

Stated preference methods: contingent valuation

SP methods embrace both contingent valuation (CV) and choice experiment (CE)

CV asks respondents their WTP for a specific change in a good. This question can
either be asked as an open-ended (OE) question (How much are you willing to pay for
X rather than go without it?), or as a single bounded (SB) discrete choice (DC)
question (are you willing to pay $A for good X ?: ‘yes’ or ‘no’). After the first DC
question has been asked, this can be followed by a second DC question with a (1)
higher bid if the response was a “yes” to the first DC question; or (2) lower bid if the
response was a “no” to the first DC bid question, giving a double bounded DC CV.
Iterative bidding provides yet another estimation method.

WTP values can be calculated non-parametrically as a distribution free model, or as a

“smoothing” Turnbull model; or alternatively as a parametric model. For a SB DC
parametric model

WTP = 1/β ln [1+ e α ]

where β is the coefficient associated with the bid amount, and α is the constant term
in the model.

There have been many CV applications valuing public goods and environmental
externalities. One early application of CV, within a CBA, in Britain was to assess the
amenity value of green belt land (Willis and Whitby, 1985). CV has been widely
employed in the USA to assess environmental losses under CERCLA (1980).

Some CV studies have investigated whether CV estimates are subject to biases, such
as part-whole bias, starting point bias, bid ranges, the probability mass assignment
within the interval bid range, and the individual valuation summation issue in CBA
(Hoehn and Randall, 1989). There has also been substantial research to assess under
what conditions CV is incentive compatible (will respondents answer truthfully), and
whether CV is applicable to derive accurate willingness-to-accept (WTA)
compensation values for the loss of an environmental good (Vossler et al, 2012).
Auction mechanisms such as a Vickrey auction, or a Becker-DeGroot-Marschak
auction may generate more accurate and reliable estimates.

Stated preference methods: choice experiment

The value of a good is dependent on its attributes. A choice experiment (CE) allows
respondents to trade off attributes against each other, and against price. A CE is thus
more flexible in determining the value of different combinations of environmental
attributes and attribute levels. CEs are now widely applied in environmental
economics to investigate the value environmental goods and policy components.

The experimental design of a CE can ensure orthogonality, balance, and efficiency.

The design allows for main order effects of attributes to be estimated, but can also
include second order, or higher order effects, if these need to be estimated. First order
or main effects typically account for most of the variance in WTP values.

In a CE, the individual i is assumed to choose alternative attribute bundle j over

alternative k iff the utility provided by attribute bundle j is greater than that provided
by attribute bundle k :
Uij > Uik

Choice is modelled using random utility theory: individuals will make choices based
on the attributes and attribute levels (an objective component) along with some degree
of randomness (a random component). This random component arises either because
of randomness in the preferences of the individual or because the researcher does not
have the complete set of information available to the individual (Train, 2003).

The conditional logit (CL) models the probability of choosing j over the k other
attribute bundles, depending on differences amongst alternative attributes. Attributes
that do not vary by alternative do not affect probabilities. Where Xij is a vector of
attributes of good j, individual i, then the probability that individual i choosing
alternative j is (Haab and McConnell, 2003)

Pr i(j) = e Xijβ / Σ Jk = 1 e Xikβ

The CL model differs from the multinomial logit (MNL) model. The MNL uses
individual characteristics to explain the choice of an alternative (Haab and
McConnell, 2003).

The CL model assumes preference homogeneity across individuals, the independence

of irrelevant alternatives (IIA), with error terms which are independent, have zero
correlation, and are homoscedastic. Other models relax these assumptions. The
nested logit, heteroscedastic extreme value, mixed logit, error component,
multinomial probit, latent class, and other models, relax the CL assumptions and
allow for heterogeneity in preferences, and different structures for the error term
(Train, 2003).

CE research in valuing public goods, has explored the effects of choice complexity,
attribute non-attendance, WTP v WTA asymmetry, interaction effects between
attributes, scale v taste heterogeneity, utility maximisation v regret minimisation, and
the impact of respondent attitude and socio-economic characteristics on value
estimation (Willis, 2014). Other extensions include the reparameterization of utility
in WTP space, rather than in preference space. Scarpa and Willis (2010) provide an
example in relation to renewable energy.

The ‘true’ effect on welfare of a planning or environmental change is measured by the

amount of money (∆£) households are willing to pay for (or accept) a positive (or
negative) change in environmental or public good. This is the amount that sets the
two utility levels equal to each other. The general formula is:

∆£ = [Σjβi(xj0-xj1)]/α = [Σj βj (∆xj)]/α = Σj(βj/α )(∆xj)

where: βj is the parameter estimate for the attribute j; x is the numerical level for a
particular environmental attribute; α is the parameter estimate for the utility of
money; the superscripts 0 and 1 refer respectively to the initial and final state; the
subscript j refers to the generic j-th attribute. Thus a change in value is given by the
sum of the products between part-worths of each cultural attribute and the respective
change in provision ∆xj. This type of analysis can also be used to estimate market
share, to the proportion of respondents who sanction a project or policy with a
particular combination of attribute levels (Willis, 2006).

Environmental economic values in CBA

Atkinson et al (2018) provide an excellent review of the use of revealed and stated
preference methods to CBA applications. There are many techniques in
environmental economics which can be used to estimate the value of public goods and

positive and negative environmental externalities; and from labour economics and
other areas of economics, to estimate other shadow prices for a CBA. Often
assumptions have to be made about the “with-without” project positions. Such
assumptions can ultimately determine whether CBA judges a project to be sustainable
or socially beneficial (see Willis, 2010).

Climate Change
Climate change, and resource depletion, pose special challenges to environmental
economics and the cost-benefit analysis of sustainability; because of issues on the
extent to which depletion in natural capital can be offset by additions to human
capital, (Pearce et al, 2006), uncertainty about the effects on production of climate
change, the specification of the “with-without” positions, the extreme long run life of
the effects, the likely non-marginal nature of the changes, and how the future impacts
should be discounted.

The atmosphere is a global commons, into which pollution is emitted by firms and
individuals, creating environmental externality effects, or a “public bad”. Greenhouse
gas emissions, and the increasing levels of these gases in the atmosphere, have wide
ranging effects on freshwater supplies, food and agriculture, human health, coastal
areas, and ecosystems, as documented by the Stern Report (Stern, 2007) and others
(e.g. Harris et al, 2017). The analysis by Stern (2007) suggested the benefits of strong
early action on climate change outweigh the costs of not acting.

The Stern Report has been criticised on the grounds that the science of climate
change, the impact of greenhouse gas emissions, the absorption rates of greenhouse
gas by oceans, trees, etc. as well as human adaptation, is not well known, and
uncertain; as well as making pessimistic assumptions about the effects of climate
change on production.

There have also been a number of economic criticisms. Stern used a social discount
rate based on the pure time preference rate and the Ramsey formula:
s = γ + ηg
where s = the social discount rate; γ = pure time preference rate; η = the marginal
elasticity of utility; and g = rate of growth of per capita consumption. Assumptions
about γ, η, and g gave rise to a low discount rate. Nordhaus (2007) thought this low
interest rate untenable, and inconsistent with market place real interest rates.
Weitzman (2007) thought the Stern Review adopted extreme assumptions about the
impact of climate change; and discount rates which were too low.

Conventional CBA assumes that any project of policy is marginal: it will not
significantly change relative prices; and can be analysed using a partial-equilibrium
approach. Dietz and Hepburn (2010) point out that this assumption may be
inappropriate for large development projects in small economies, or in the analysis of
mitigation of global climate change. Where changes are not marginal a general

equilibrium approach should be adopted. A partial equilibrium approach is more
likely to give rise to errors where η is high; with the possibility of counter-intuitive
results arising when projects are evaluated in the content of a growing population.

The principles of CBA are well established (Brent, 1996), but environmental
economic values need to be carefully applied in CBA. Often environmental values
are transferred through meta-analysis from other studies. However a ceteris paribus
assumption can rarely be applied. Values cannot readily be transferred (Florax et al,
2002). Individual valuation and summation (IVS) will result in valuation bias if
programs have substitute or complementary projects (Hoehn and Randall, 1989). IVS
over-estimates the true value of environmental benefits if program schemes are
substitutes. The values or benefits of a program of sustainability projects may need to
be either sequentially estimated, or simultaneously estimated, or individually
estimated, depending on the circumstances.

Assumptions often have to be made in applying environmental values in CBA. For an

energy consumption saving project, will energy savings be attributable to renewable
or non-renewable sources (see Willis, 2010, for an example). And if a non-renewable
source what price should be attached to the reduced carbon emissions, given the wide
disparity in the implied and estimated social price of carbon (Pearce, 2003).

Sustainable development often involves additional government expenditure on

projects, raised by public taxation. Additional taxation causes a surplus loss or
‘excess burden’, which ought to be included in a CBA. Excess burden is the loss of
utility incurred by the private sector from giving up resources to the public sector.
The marginal cost of public funds (MCPF) is >1, assuming a negative substitution
effect between work and leisure (Browning, 1987). Because taxes are not generally
hypothecated, most public expenditure cannot be ascribed to a tax source. If it is
assumed that public expenditure is derived from income tax, the marginal excess
burden (MEB) depends upon the marginal tax rate (m), the elasticity of labour supply
(η), and the progressivity of the tax system. Estimates of the MCPF have been made
for different European countries (see Kleven and Kreiner, 2006).

Continued development and refinement of environmental economic techniques will

result in more accurate, reliable, and robust value estimates to include in a CBA. For
example, allowing consumers to express uncertainty about intended behaviour would
allow stated choice methodology to more accurately mirror actual behaviour; and
applying incentive menu regulation mechanisms should ensure increased welfare for
consumers where goods, including environmental goods, are supplied under
monopoly and oligopoly frameworks.


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