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**Theme: Social Media Influencers**

**Title: "Influence Unveiled: Navigating the Social Media Landscape"**


1. **Moderator:**(hairy) Responsible for guiding the discussion, introducing participants, and

facilitating Q&A sessions.

2. **Influencer 1 (ahmad suliman) - Lifestyle & Fashion:** Discusses experiences and challenges related
to being a lifestyle and fashion influencer.

3. **Influencer 2(izzat) - Tech & Gaming:** Shares insights on the tech and gaming influencer space,
addressing the unique aspects of this niche.

4. **Influencer 3(vemal) - Health & Wellness:** Focuses on the world of health and wellness, discussing
trends, and the impact of influencer marketing.

5. **Influencer 4 - Beauty:**(thayalan) Explores the beauty which product are suitable for our skin,
talking about trends, collaborations, and audience engagement.

**Title of the Forum/Webinar: "Influence Unveiled: Perspectives from Diverse Social Media


Certainly! Let's break down the key points for your forum/webinar titled "Influence Unveiled:
Perspectives from Diverse Social Media Influencers":
1. **Introduction:**

- Welcome participants and create an engaging atmosphere.

2. **Panel Introductions:**

- Briefly introduce each influencer.

- Highlight their specific niche and experience in social media.

3. **Discussion Points:**

a. **Influence Dynamics:**

- Explore how influencers build and maintain influence.

b. **Challenges & Opportunities:**

- Discuss challenges faced by influencers and the opportunities in social media.

c. **Authenticity in Influencing:**

- Delve into the importance of authenticity and transparency in influencer marketing.

d. **Evolution of Trends:**

- Examine the evolution of trends in social media and influencer marketing.

4. **Audience Q&A:**

- Open the floor for questions from the audience.

- Encourage engagement and interaction.

5. **Closing Remarks:**

- Summarize key takeaways from the discussion.

- Thank participants and the audience for their valuable insights.

6. **Next Steps:**

- Provide information on how the audience can follow or connect with the influencers.

- **Moderator:**

Opening Segment

"Hello and welcome, everyone, to 'Influence Unveiled: Perspectives from Diverse Social Media
Influencers.' I'm ANAS ZUHAIRI BIN ZULLKEFFLE, your moderator for today's insightful discussion. We
have an exceptional panel of influencers from various niches, and we're here to unravel the dynamics of
social media influence."

Introducing Panelists

"Let's begin by introducing our esteemed panelists. Joining us today are influencers who have left a mark
in their respective domains. From lifestyle and fashion to tech and gaming, health and wellness, and
beauty and makeup, our panel represents the diversity that makes social media so vibrant."

Setting the Tone

"We're here to explore the behind-the-scenes of being a social media influencer, discussing challenges,
opportunities, authenticity, and the evolving trends shaping this dynamic landscape. Our goal is to
provide you, our audience, with a deeper understanding of the world of social media influence."

*Panel Introductions:*

- Each influencer briefly introduces themselves, their niche, and their experience in the social media

-INFLUENCER 1 -introduce lil bit about there life & experience

-INFLUENCER 2-introduce lil bit about there life & experience

-INFLUENCER 3-introduce lil bit about there life & experience

-INFLUENCER 4-introduce lil bit about there life & experience

Engaging Panelists

"Let's dive into our first topic: 'Influence Dynamics.' Each panelist will share insights on how they've built
and maintained their influence. [Influencer 1], could you kick off the discussion by sharing your
experiences in the realm of influence dynamics?"
*Discussion Points:*


1. **Influence Dynamics:** Explore how influencers build and maintain their influence in their
respective niches. (INFLUENCE 1)



Transitioning Between Topics

"Thank you, [Influencer 1]. Now, let's shift our focus to 'Challenges & Opportunities.'

[Influencer 2], could you shed some light on the challenges you've faced as an influencer and the
opportunities you've discovered along the way?"


2. **Challenges & Opportunities:** Discuss the challenges faced by influencers and the opportunities
that social media presents.(INFLUENCE 2)

Today, I want to dive into the fascinating world of tech and gaming influencing. It's more than just playing
games and sharing experiences; it's about connecting with a community passionate about the same
things we love. What makes this niche so unique is the constant evolution. From the latest graphics cards
to revolutionary gaming consoles, staying updated is crucial. But it's not just about the hardware; it's
about storytelling. As influencers, we're not just players; we're storytellers, curators of experiences that
resonate with our audience. Building authenticity and trust is key; our followers look to us for genuine
reviews, tips, and even just a good laugh. Plus, collaborations and networking are game-changers here.
Partnering with brands aligned with our values not only brings exciting opportunities but also enhances
the gaming experience for our community. And let's not forget the importance of diversity and inclusion
in this space. We have a responsibility to make gaming more accessible and welcoming to everyone. So,
fellow gamers and aspiring influencers, keep creating, keep innovating, and remember, the gaming and
tech influencer space is limitless, filled with opportunities to make an impact and have a blast while
doing it.

Wrapping Up

"We're approaching the end of our forum, but before we conclude, let's delve into our last topic:
'Evolution of Trends.' [Influencer 3], [Influence 4 ]how have you witnessed trends evolve in your niche,
and what do you think the future holds?"
We start with influence 3 first what do you think


3. **Authenticity in Influencing:** Explore the concept of authenticity and transparency in influencer

marketing. (INFLUENCE 3)

Health and Wellness is the current trends as well as how influencer marketing affects this part of the
content explores what's currently popular or gaining attention in the health and wellness world. It could
include new types of exercises, diets, mindfulness practices, or other lifestyle choices that people are
adopting to improve their well-being.

Influencer marketing involves popular individuals on social media promoting products or ideas. In the
health and wellness context, influencers often share their experiences with various products or lifestyles.
This section discusses how these influencers can influence people's choices, for better or worse, and
how it shapes trends in health and wellness. So, it's like exploring what's cool and working for people to
be healthy, and also looking at how famous people talking about it can make a difference.

And now we move into influence 3 points

4. **Evolution of Trends:** Discuss how trends in social media and influencer marketing have evolved
over time. (INFLUENCE 4)

Hello, beautiful souls! I'm Thayalan, your go-to beauty enthusiast. Today, we're going to explore
the intricacies of skincare, discuss the latest trends, dive into collaborations, and of course,
engage with our fantastic audience. So, let's embark on this beauty journey together!
"To kick things off, let's talk about the art of personalized skincare. Our skin is as unique as we
are, and finding the right products is like creating a masterpiece. DR.G, DR Leo. These have
become my go-tos, but remember, the key is to tailor your routine to your specific needs.
Alright, let's dive into the fascinating world of understanding our skin. Each of us has a unique
canvas, and comprehending our skin type is the foundation for curating the perfect skincare
routine. So, let's break it down. There are four main skin types: oily, dry, combination, and

 Characteristics: Oily skin is characterized by an overproduction of sebum, the skin's
natural oil. This excess oil can lead to a shiny complexion, enlarged pores, and a
propensity for acne and blackheads.
 Concerns: People with oily skin often grapple with managing shine throughout the day,
controlling acne breakouts, and minimizing the appearance of enlarged pores.
Dry Skin:
 Characteristics: Dry skin lacks sufficient moisture, leading to a tight or flaky feeling. It
may appear dull and feel rough to the touch.
 Concerns: Individuals with dry skin often experience discomfort due to tightness, may
notice redness or rough patches, and are more prone to fine lines and wrinkles.
 Combination Skin:
o Characteristics: Combination skin is a mix of different skin types in various areas
of the face. Commonly, the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) may be oilier, while
the cheeks remain normal or dry.
o Concerns: Managing both oily and dry areas can be a challenge. People with
combination skin may need to address oiliness in specific areas while ensuring
proper hydration for drier regions.
 Sensitive Skin:
o Characteristics: Sensitive skin is prone to irritation and reacts more easily to
external factors such as weather, skincare products, or environmental triggers.
o Concerns: Those with sensitive skin often deal with redness, itching, and
discomfort. Finding products that are gentle and suitable for sensitive skin is
crucial to prevent adverse reactions.

Thank you all for joining this exploration of beauty trends. Whether you're a trendsetter or
someone who loves to observe, remember that beauty is about embracing what makes you feel
fabulous. Stay beautiful, stay curious, and I'll see you in the next beauty trend rendezvous. Until
then, keep glowing!

Audience Q&A

"Now, it's time for our audience to take the stage. If you have any questions for our panelists, please type
them in the chat, and we'll do our best to address as many as possible."

*Closing Remarks:*

"As we wrap up today's forum, I want to express my gratitude to our wonderful panelists for sharing
their valuable insights. Remember, this is just the beginning of our exploration into social media
influence. Stay connected with our panelists on their social media channels for more."

*Next Steps:*

- so here where you can connect with our guess ask theme abt there sos med

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