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Study and analysis of strength parameters of concrete with the addition

of stone dust, PVC, and fibres
M. Fayaz a, R.V. Krishnaiah a, K.V.B. Raju a, M.S. Chauhan b,⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai 600073, India
R V Institute of Technology, Bijnor 246728, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The strength parameters of cement can be upgraded through the expansion of different materials like
Available online xxxx ‘‘stone dust, PVC, and fibers”. ‘‘Stone dust”, a side-effect of stone pulverizing tasks, can be utilized as a
fractional substitution for fine total in concrete. It works on the functionality, toughness, and compressive
Keywords: strength of cement. PVC particles can be integrated in with the general mish-mash to improve the flex-
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ural and influence strength of cement. The incorporation of fibers, like steel or polypropylene, works on
Tensile strength the elastic and flexural strength of cement, ‘‘lessening breaking and expanding protection” from dynamic
Stone dust
burdens. This abstract investigates the impacts of these added substances on substantial ‘‘strength
Compressive strength
parameters, featuring” their expected advantages in development applications.
Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing.

1. Introduction harm to fish and other aquatic life. Flooding has increased due to
river course redirection and the stripping away topsoil minerals
Stone dust is produced as a by-product when aggregate is and vegetation. Therefore, the building industry needs to find a
crushed and blasted. Disposal of these materials after they have way to substitute natural sand in concrete with something else,
been employed in construction raises new issues related to waste such as waste goods or recycled resources, without lowering the
management [1]. The pollution of air, water, and soil is just the quality of the result [4]. Modern concrete recipes incorporate by-
beginning of the problems caused by these pollutants. Many new products like fly ash, slag, siliceous stone powder, and limestone
diseases can be traced to pollution. Waste disposal is a significant powder. Cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and water all
problem and source of worry due to the volume of trash generated form concrete. The plethora of new construction projects has
and the pollution it causes. Numerous construction projects have resulted in a rise in the need for construction services [5]. As a
used stone dust to replace river sand. By substituting stone dust result, there is now a greater demand for and price construction
for sand, we can lessen the impact that waste in landfills has on materials. Concrete is used to construct most modern buildings
surrounding environments. Utilizing steel fibre as a reinforcing because it is cheap and long-lasting. Concrete cannot complete
material in concrete has benefits over more common practices its function without the utilization of natural aggregates. Some-
[2]. Concrete’s load-bearing capacity, flexural reinforcement, shear times the fine aggregate for concrete production comes from min-
strength, and resistance to cracking due to temperature fluctua- ing in adjacent rivers [6]. Fine aggregate must be protected because
tions and shrinkage can all be improved by including steel fibres, of the shortage of natural resources. Utilizing alternatives and
which can be sourced from several different wires. Over a billion complements to the more standard techniques is crucial to
metric tonnes of concrete are produced annually, making sand a decrease waste and maintain consistent supply levels. River sand
crucial ingredient. Excessive and illogical sand mining from river- prices are increasing due to rising demand from the building
beds causes the water table to drop, which in turn causes bridge industry and decreasing availability [7]. Lower river levels, deteri-
piers to fail [3]. River ecosystems have been disrupted, causing orating riverbanks, and increasing groundwater salinity are all
environmental implications of depleting natural sand supplies. As
a result, research needs to be done to identify a potential substitute
⇑ Corresponding author. that could serve as a better option because it is less expensive, less
E-mail address: (M.S. Chauhan). harmful to the environment, and more robust.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing.

Please cite this article as: M. Fayaz, R.V. Krishnaiah, K.V.B. Raju et al., Study and analysis of strength parameters of concrete with the addition of stone dust,
PVC, and fibres, Materials Today: Proceedings,
M. Fayaz, R.V. Krishnaiah, K.V.B. Raju et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

2. Literature review 3.1. Materials

According to Amran (2022), The addition of ‘‘stone dust, PVC, Lessening human consumption of the planet’s natural resources
and fibers” to concrete can upgrade its strength parameters. Stone is one strategy to make human civilization more long-term sus-
dust, a result of crushing rocks, can work on the general strength of tainable. This study identified several procedures for safeguarding
concrete due to its fine particles, which make up for the shortfalls ecologically crucial resources like river sand. Quarry and metal
and further develop the pressing density of the blend [21]. ‘‘PVC dust are easily accessible and inexpensive by-products of the
(polyvinyl chloride)” particles can go about as miniature reinforce- stone-crushing and metal manufacturing industries.
ments, improving the tensile and flexural strength of the concrete.
The inclusion of fibers, such as steel or polypropylene, can further
work on the concrete’s toughness, break resistance, and effect 3.1.1. Stone dust
strength. These fibers give additional support and diminish the The studies employ crusher dust that was collected for this
arrangement and proliferation of cracks inside the concrete grid. purpose.
Generally speaking, the joined addition of ‘‘stone dust, PVC, and
fibers” contributes to a more robust and durable concrete
structure. 3.1.2. Steel fiber
According to Sosoi (2022, Stone dust, a byproduct of stone Numerous steel fibres exist, but researchers will be utilizing
crushing tasks, is generally utilized as a halfway swap for fine crimped flat yarn.
totals in concrete production. At the point when consolidated in
proper extents, it can upgrade a few strength qualities of concrete.
Stone dust goes about as a filler material, reducing the void content 3.1.3. Cement
in the concrete blend and working on its thickness. This prompts Ordinary Portland Cement Grade-43 was chosen for this
expanded compressive strength, as the denser framework offers a research since it was strong enough and had a quick enough setting
better burden-bearing limit [10]. The rakish state of stone dust par- time to satisfy Indian Standard 8112: 2013.
ticles upgrades the interlocking between particles, working on the
general attachment and shear strength of the concrete. Stone dust
can improve the sturdiness of concrete by reducing its permeabil- 3.2. Methodology
ity. This outcome in a more impermeable design, reducing the
entrance of moisture and harmful chemicals, subsequently work- But this is moot because metallic dust makes the material much
ing on the protection from weakening cycles like ‘‘freeze-defrost more accessible. IS 10262:2009, the standard reference document
cycles and compound assaults”. for mix design in the industry, was used to determine the mix’s
According to the mix design, the first batch served as a control,
3. Material & methodology while the second, third, and fourth batches had sand substituted
with stone dust in increasing percentages (20 %, 40 %, and 60 %,
The undertaking has used various resources, including stone respectively). The fresh concrete was subjected to destructive
dust, PVC, and fibre. and non-destructive tests at 8, 20, and 30 days.

Fig. 1. Different Types Materials.

Please cite this article as: M. Fayaz, R.V. Krishnaiah, K.V.B. Raju et al., Study and analysis of strength parameters of concrete with the addition of stone dust,
PVC, and fibres, Materials Today: Proceedings,
M. Fayaz, R.V. Krishnaiah, K.V.B. Raju et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Detailing of protecting Treatment of Concrete.

4. Result and discussion

Table 2
Physical properties of fibre.
The endurance of the concrete was tested in several different
ways. Destructive and non-destructive tests are performed on con- Properties Values
crete at 8, 20, and 30 days (see Figs. 1 and 2). Tensile Strength 600 N/mm2
In experiments, replacing sand with fibre (1 % of cement com- Fibre Diameter 1.0 mm
Deformation Continuously deformed
position) boosted compressive strength by 19.5 % after 7 days.
Fibre length 50 mm
When fibre (1 % of cement content) is partially used to replace sand Aspect ratio 50
(50 %) in concrete, the result is a 33.5 % improvement in compres-
sive strength. To sum up, replacing some sand (60 %) with fibre (1 %
cement content) increases compressive strength by 26.12 %.
After 14 days, experimental investigations found that the com- Table 3
pressive strength increased by 23.17 % when steel fibre (1 % Mix the proportion grade of concrete.
cement content) was partially used to substitute the sand (40 %). Mix Fibres (g) Stone dust (kg/m3) Stonedust ( %) Cement (kg/m3)
When half of the sand is replaced with steel fibre, the compressive
M1 5225 200 40 525
strength increases by 24.65 percentage points (one per cent of M2 5225 310 50 525
cement content). Finally, by substituting steel fibre for a portion M3 5225 400 60 525
of the sand (60 % of the cement content), the compressive strength
is increased by 7.89 %.
Compressive strength is found to increase by 12.67 % when steel
fibre (1 % of cement content) is used to partially replace the sand 18.04 % after eight days, replacing 50 % of the sand with steel fibre
(40 %) after 28 days, by 27.05 % when steel fibre (1 % of cement (1 % of cement content) increases it by 21.95 %, and replacing 60 %
content) is used to partially replace the sand (40 %) after 7 days, of the sand with steel fibre (1 % of cement content) increases it by
and by 6.39 % when steel fibre (1 % of cement content) is used to 20 %.
partially replace the sand (40 %) after 7 days, according to experi- Steel fibre (1 % of cement content) increases the split tensile
mental studies (for sixty per cent). strength by 9.25 % after 14 days compared to when sand (40 %)
Based on laboratory tests, replacing 40 % of the sand with steel is used instead. When fibre (1 % of cement content) is added to
fibre (1 % of cement content) increases the split tensile strength by replace the sand (50 %) partially, the split tensile strength can
increase by as much as 20.37 per cent. Finally, when the sand is
replaced with steel fibre (1 % of cement content), the split tensile
Table 1 strength increases by 14.44 %, and when only 60 % of the sand is
Physical properties of Stone dust. replaced, the strength increases by a still-impressive 14.26 %.
Properties Quarry Rock Dust Experiments show that replacing 40 % of the sand with steel
Particle size less than 0.075 mm 12.15
fibre and adding 1 % of the cement increases the split tensile
Absorption ( %) 1.20–1.50 strength by 6.08 % after 28 days, replacing 50 % of the sand with
Properties 2.54–2.60 steel fibre and adding 10.25 % of the cement increases the power
Sieve analysis Zone II by 5.44 % after 28 days, and replacing 60 % of the sand with steel
Density (kg/ m3) 1720–1810
fibre and adding 1 % of the cement increases the strength by 6.08
Moisture content (%) Nil
% after 28 days (see Tables 1-5).
Please cite this article as: M. Fayaz, R.V. Krishnaiah, K.V.B. Raju et al., Study and analysis of strength parameters of concrete with the addition of stone dust,
PVC, and fibres, Materials Today: Proceedings,
M. Fayaz, R.V. Krishnaiah, K.V.B. Raju et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4 [3] N.G. Reddy, A. Vidya, M.R. Sri, Review of the Utilization of Plastic Wastes as a
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Please cite this article as: M. Fayaz, R.V. Krishnaiah, K.V.B. Raju et al., Study and analysis of strength parameters of concrete with the addition of stone dust,
PVC, and fibres, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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