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Siblings Template

Notes for Writer:

1. Create 3 titles: 1 SEO, 1 H1 and 1 Social Title
2. Article should follow exact structure as highlighted in this template
3. Make sure proper keywords are used in the article
4. Include target keyword in the SEO title, meta description and introduction of the article

Estimated Word Count: 300 - 1,000

Keywords to Use:
● {personality name} sister’s name
● {personality name} brother’s name
● {personality name} step brother
● {personality name} step sister
● who are {personality name}s sisters
● who are {personality name}s brothers

On-Page SEO

SEO Title (60 characters): Who are {Personality Name}’s Siblings: All Details You Need to

For e.g. Who are LeBron James’ Siblings?: All Details You Need to Know

H1 (60-80 characters):

Social Title (60-100 characters):

Meta Description (160 characters):


For e.g.

Content Format

Introduction (Do not add this as an H2)

Talk about the personality and their siblings. Include how many siblings they have including step
siblings if any. Include their parents' names. When do all siblings meet together or family time
details their family dynamics and equations.

H2 - Who are {Personality Name} Siblings?

H3 - Sibling 1
Cover below pointers:
Personality's sibling name
Are they younger or elder to the personality
Where they live
What they do for living
Who is the spouse of the sibling
Equation of personality and the sibling
Add the quote if any opinion shared by the personality or sibling publicly about each other
Add their photos and videos

H3 - Sibling 2
Cover below pointers:
Personality's sibling name
Are they younger or elder to the personality
Where they live
What they do for living
Who is the spouse of the sibling
Equation of personality and the sibling
Add the quote if any opinion shared by the personality or sibling publicly about each other
Add their photos and videos

H3 - Sibling 3
Cover below pointers:
Personality's sibling name
Are they younger or elder to the personality
Where they live
What they do for living
Who is the spouse of the sibling
Equation of personality and the sibling
Add the quote if any opinion shared by the personality or sibling publicly about each other
Add their photos and videos

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