Effect of serio-WPS Office

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Effect of serious intimate relationship towards the

behavior of the selected grade 11 students of ACLC

college of Taytay

Group 5
Cristine joy Cruz
Jeby Jumao-as
Abegail Rangel
Aleser Rae Mahilum
Stephen Joshua Bagayas

Sir Rostum Flores
Statement of the problem

Serious intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves emotional or physical

closeness between people or date to marry.

Serious intimate relationship can have different effect to different persons based on how they defined it,
it is either can cause a certain level of happiness and satisfaction or negative impact to the lifestyle of
grade 11 students of aclc college of taytay.


Adolescence is a critical stage of growth and development, characterized by a range of physical,

emotional, and social transformations. At this juncture, numerous Grade 11 students embark on
exploring profound intimate relationships, such as romantic partnerships. These relationships hold the
power to significantly impact their conduct and overall welfare. It is imperative for educators, parents,
and policymakers to comprehend the influence of serious intimate relationships on the behavior of
Grade 11 students, in order to provide appropriate support and guidance.

The objective of this study is to scrutinize the impact of serious intimate relationships on the behavior of
a selected group of Grade 11 students. Through this investigation, we endeavor to gain valuable insights
into the potential ramifications, both positive and negative, that these relationships may have on various
facets of behavior, encompassing academic performance, social interactions, emotional well-being, and
overall development.

Background of the study

The significance of studying the impact of serious intimate relationships on the behavior of Grade 11
students lies in understanding the context surrounding this issue. It is important to recognize that during
adolescence, individuals undergo significant physical, emotional, and social changes. This period is
characterized by the exploration of personal identity, the formation of relationships, and the
development of a sense of self.

Serious intimate relationships, such as romantic partnerships, can have a profound influence on the
behavior of Grade 11 students. Research indicates that being involved in such relationships during
adolescence can affect various aspects of behavior. On the positive side, these relationships can provide
increased social support, improved self-esteem, and enhanced emotional well-being. They can foster a
sense of belonging and companionship, which in turn can positively impact academic motivation and

However, it is also important to acknowledge that serious intimate relationships can have negative
effects on behavior. Adolescents may experience heightened stress, conflicts, and distractions, which
can potentially impact their academic performance and overall well-being. The dynamics within these
relationships, such as jealousy, possessiveness, or dependence, can also influence behavior and social

Therefore, understanding the background of how serious intimate relationships affect the behavior of
Grade 11 students is crucial. This understanding allows for the identification of potential challenges and
opportunities for support. By delving into this topic, educators, parents, and policymakers can gain
valuable insights into how to promote healthy relationship dynamics and provide appropriate guidance
to students during this critical stage of development.

1. What is the specific issue or problem that the research aims to address?

2. Why is this problem important or significant in the context of the field or subject area?

3. What are the existing gaps or limitations in the current knowledge or understanding of the problem?

4. What are the potential implications or benefits of solving this problem?

5. Are there any alternative approaches or solutions that have been proposed for this problem, and how
does the proposed research differ from them?

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