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Progress Test 3 (Units 7-9) Answer Key

1 got / deal
2 take / action
3 reach / settlement
4 make / accusations
5 prove / innocence
6 believe / importance
7 overemphasise / risk
8 ant
9 ment
10 rs
11 multi
12 under
13 pre
14 were / 15 was caused / 16 might be convinced / 17 made / 18 responsible / 19 greatest / 20
aggressive / 21 centrally / 22 should you / 23 Not only
Note that the groups of four sentences can either be 24-27, 28-31 32-35 as long as they are in the
correct order shown below.
g) Global brands are able to cross cultural boundaries
c) which means they are recognisable both at home and abroad.
a) So any business planning on expanding overseas needs to look after its image
h) and may even employ a manager whose job it is to take care of it.
b) The activities of all companies are subject to national and international laws,
l) which set down the rules under which they may operate at home and abroad.
k) Any businesses can be sued if they fail to respect their obligations
f) though in many cases such lawsuits are finally settled out of court.
e) Every business starts out needing investment
i) which means that they might need to approach venture capitalists.
j) These are people who will risk supporting the company financially

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d) though it’s also important to remember that they will also want a return.
Career Skills
36 out / 37 over / 38 on (or) out / 39 towards (or) on / 40 about

Career Skills
Students should write similar sentences as shown in bold below. Take off 0.5 marks per mistake.
(41) To: All managers
From: The project team
Subject: Plan of action for new service.
(42/43) Further to our meeting to brainstorm ideas for setting up a new ethical fund,
here is a report on what was decided:
(44) First of all, it was decided to establish a list of ethical companies to propose to clients.
(45) Secondly, it was also agreed to hold a press conference about our new socially
responsible investment product.
(46) Finally, the team planned to come up with criteria to evaluate companies according to
financial, social and environmental performance.
(47/48) The next meeting to finalise the criteria will be held on 23rd May at 2pm in the
conference room.
(49/50) Please note that any managers who are interested in contributing their ideas to this
project are invited to join us at the next meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there.

51 Brand asset manager
52 A good corporate image
53 A brand
54 What its products and services stand for
55 Price
56 (Brand) identity
57 Any of these three: Letterheads, business cards, vehicles, signage, packaging, ads.
58 Neither more nor less.
59 The firm that produces them

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60 The product brand’s reputation
Mark the talk using this scorecard. Circle 1 mark if a student includes the area and circle 2 marks
for an accurate and effective assessment. There is a maximum of ten marks.
The student assessed:
- the guaranteed bond paying 2% interest a year 1 2
- the junk bond 1 2
- the blue-chip shares 1 2
- the high-tech company shares 1 2
- the new business venture 1 2

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