Analysis of Variables Influencing The Cost of Wood Freight The Case of Southeastern Brazil

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Analysis of variables influencing the cost of wood

freight: the case of southeastern Brazil

Thainar Rodrigues da Silva, Stanley Schettino, Roldão Carlos Andrade Lima,

Rafael dos Santos Figueiredo & Maria Fernanda Lousada Antunes

To cite this article: Thainar Rodrigues da Silva, Stanley Schettino, Roldão Carlos Andrade Lima,
Rafael dos Santos Figueiredo & Maria Fernanda Lousada Antunes (2023): Analysis of variables
influencing the cost of wood freight: the case of southeastern Brazil, International Journal of
Forest Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/14942119.2023.2255360

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Published online: 06 Sep 2023.

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Analysis of variables influencing the cost of wood freight: the case of southeastern
Thainar Rodrigues da Silva a, Stanley Schettino a
, Roldão Carlos Andrade Lima b
, Rafael dos Santos Figueiredo a
and Maria Fernanda Lousada Antunes a
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Montes Claros, Brazil; bSchool of Agriculture, São Paulo State University
(UNESP), Botucatu, Brazil


This study aimed to analyze the variables that influence freight cost in the forest supply chain and to fit Received 16 April 2023
nonlinear regression models to estimate the freight cost of wood transportation from the production Accepted 30 August 2023
areas to the processing units. The data used for cost analysis considered the following variables: volume of KEYWORDS
wood (m3); average fuel consumption (km/l) and average speed of the complete journey (km/h) per round Forest sector; wood supply
trip. The results showed that there is a strong positive correlation between the variables transport distance chain management; wood
and the freight cost of the wood, as well as between the moisture content of the wood and the freight cost transportation; road modal;
of the wood. The load capacity of the vehicle combinations showed a mean negative correlation with the freight cost; nonlinear
freight cost of the wood, and the length of the wood did not show a correlation with the cost of the regression analysis
transported wood. The fitted models for estimating the value of wood freight showed a high degree of
adjustment of the dependent variable, indicating a good capacity for extrapolating the results from these
variables. Such results emphasize the importance of optimizing transport routes, controlling wood
moisture, maximizing vehicle volumetric load capacity, and using cost forecast models in order to make
correct and efficient decisions in the forest supply chain context.

Introduction improving coordination between the different links in the chain.

Also, the efficient transport of wood can reduce carbon emissions
In the supply chain, transport is a fundamental activity for the
and fuel consumption, minimizing environmental impact.
global economy, which consists of the movement of loads from
There are several types of transport modes, such as rail,
one place to another. This activity is responsible for approximately
most used in countries like Russia (81%), Canada (46%),
60% of the total cost of logistics and can cost up to 10% of the
United States and Australia (43%); waterway, river or lake,
gross cost of the forest base final product (Machado et al. 2006;
most used in the United States (25%); the pipeline and air
Frisk et al. 2010; Soares et al. 2010). Furthermore, wood is
modes; and, finally, the road mode, which is the main type of
a product with a relatively low specific value, that is, the volume
wood transport used in Brazil, responsible for 59% of the
transported is very high and the value of the load is low, which
transported wood (EPL and ONTL 2021). Since the country
makes transport one of the main problems in a forest company. In
the forest sector, transport consists of moving wood from forest has an extensive road network, several types of vehicles are
plantations to the final consumer, to sales yards, or to processing available and they can transport large volumes of wood, redu­
factories. The high cost of transport motivates conducting studies cing freight prices. This type of transport system is also respon­
and planning to reduce costs and optimize yield (Machado et al. sible for 65% of the total cargo transport of the country (Jiang
2009; Schettino et al. 2022). et al. 2019; Simões et al. 2022; Khajavi and Rastgoo 2023).
As the transport of wood represents a significant part of the Among the various factors that can influence the efficiency
logistic costs in the forest supply chain, understanding and of wood transport and the performance of trucks, road infra­
analyzing such costs allows making the best decisions related structure, methodology adopted, human factors and the types
to transport routes, transport modes, vehicle selection and oper­ of vehicles used stand out. The variables that can affect the cost
ating cost estimates, aiming to optimize its operations and plan of shipping wood are the distance of transport, load capacity of
actions that lead to greater operational and financial efficiency. trucks, time, equipment for the loading and unloading process,
This analysis enables an assessment of the economic viability of and the size of the wood, expressed by the length of the logs
forestry projects, including the determination of wood transport (Varol et al. 2019; Asher et al. 2020; Schettino et al. 2021;
costs in relation to market prices, as well as the analysis of different Soranso et al. 2022).
scenarios. Thus, it is possible to analyze the efficiency and profit­ The analysis of wood transport costs is a crucial topic in the
ability of the entire supply chain, which includes identifying management of the forest supply chain. Regarding cost analy­
logistical bottlenecks, seeking improvement solutions and sis, studies have focused on identifying the key components

CONTACT Roldão Carlos Andrade Lima School of Agriculture, São Paulo State University (UNESP), 3780 Universitária Ave., Botucatu,
© 2023 Forest Products Society

that contribute to transport costs, such as labor, fuel, vehicle Data collect

Data Acquisition
maintenance and logistics. This detailed analysis allows com­
panies to assess the cost structure and identify opportunities to
reduce spending.
Through mathematical models and optimization techni­ Data treatment
ques, researchers have sought to determine the most efficient
routes, the proper allocation of resources and the optimized
scheduling of transport activities. These optimization
approaches aim to minimize transport costs while ensuring Variables defini"on

Data Processing
efficient and timely delivery of wood (Kogler and Rauch
2018; Rocha et al. 2022).
Another important aspect of wood transport cost analy­ Methodology defini"on

Literature Review
sis is the consideration of uncertainty factors. Changing
conditions such as fluctuations in fuel prices and changes
in road conditions can affect transportation costs. Sta"s"cal analysis
Therefore, models that incorporate probabilistic scenarios
or simulation techniques are used to assess the risks and
Interpreta"on of results
uncertainties involved in transportation costs and to

Results analysis
develop robust strategies to deal with these situations
(Acuna et al. 2019).
Discussion of results
The state of the art in wood transport analysis involves
analyzing and understanding the current advancements and
research findings in the field of wood transport, specifically Conclusions and recommenda"ons
focusing on different transport modes. Unimodal transport
refers to the use of a single transport mode, such as trucks or Figure 1. Flowchart of the methodology used to develop this study.
railways, for transporting wood. Multimodal transport involves
the combination of multiple modes, such as trucks, trains, and
ships, to transport wood. Lastly, multi-echelon wood transport is mountainous, which favors the appearance of several stream
corresponds to the use of a single transport mode with multiple sources; and 10% is flat, characterized by floodplains.
intermediate locations or echelons involved in the transport The region covers areas with an average annual rainfall
process (Kogler and Rauch 2019). According to Malinen et al. ranging from 750 mm to 1,400 mm. According to the Köppen
(2014), by analyzing and explaining the state of the art in wood climate classification, the predominant climate types in the
transport analysis for these different transport modes, region are Aw – tropical savanna climate, that is, dry winter
researchers and industry professionals can have insights into and maximum rainfall in the summer, with the rainy season
the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities for the efficient occurring between the months of October and March
and effective transport of wood within the forestry supply (Nascimento et al. 2011), and Cwb – subtropical highland
chain. climate, with a preponderance of rain in mild to hot summers
Given this scenario, this study aimed to analyze the variables (Junior MS de et al. 2016). As the predominant soil is the red-
that influence the freight cost of transported wood and, yellow latosol and the forest areas have a low slope, harvesting
through these variables, fit nonlinear regression models to and wood transport operations take place throughout the 12
estimate the value of wood freight considering different types months of the year, with no operational losses during the rainy
of vehicle combinations. season.
The transported wood comes from forests planted with hybrid
eucalyptus clones (Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis) with an
Materials and methods average productivity of 245 m3/ha, in a high forest system with
a seven-year rotation, 3 × 3 m spacing, in a flat to gently wavy
A summary of the methodology used for this study is presented
relief. Thus, at seven years of age, the wood has an average basic
in the form of a flowchart (Figure 1).
density of 0.650 g/cm3 (or 0.65 t/m3). Harvesting was performed
using the full-tree system, a system in which the tree is felled and
taken to the side of the road or intermediate yard, where it is
Study area
processed in the form of small logs, of less than six meters long,
Data were collected from a forestry company located in the State according to Camargo et al. (2022). To determine wood moisture
of Minas Gerais, in southeastern Brazil, between the meridians after harvesting and processing, during the drying period at the
from 42º48’00“to 43º43’00” longitude West of Greenwich and margins of the stands, it was assumed that the daily moisture loss
the parallels from 16º49’00“to 17º42’ 00” latitude South of the of eucalyptus wood is 0.1288% (Eufrade-Junior 2019), based on
Equator. The altitude varies between 600 and 1,100 m, with an 60% humidity at the time of felling.
average of 872 m, and relief is composed of ups and downs. Wood transport distances ranged from 25 to 170 km, with
About 60% of the relief is undulating, with a low slope of up to an average of 55 km, or 110 km considering the total cycle, of
10º, which allows the mechanization of foresty operations; 30% trip empty and return loaded. The roads in the study region are

divided into unpaved without primary coating (29%), unpaved into the following partial components: travel empty; loading;
with primary coating (37%) and paved with single carriage­ travel loaded; unloading; and pauses and interruptions.
way (34%). The wood transport trips of 16 trucks were monitored from
January to December 2020, totaling 1,387 round trips, consid­
ering the following average data per vehicle combination:
Wood transport vehicle combinations volume of wood (m3) per trip; average fuel consumption
(km/l), average speed of the complete round trip, round trip
In Brazil, the most used vehicles in road forestry transport are
speed (km/h), and travel time (hours) (Table 2). Based on these
classified according to their load capacity, which can be light
data, other analyses were carried out to calculate wood freight
vehicles (up to 10 tonnes), heavy vehicles (from 30 to 40
tonnes) and extra heavy vehicles (more than 40 tonnes), with
several models according to the combinations of types and
quantities of trailers and semi-trailers applicable to different
Wood transport cost
operational realities (Kogler et al. 2020; Yun et al. 2020).
For the purposes of this study, truck, semi-trailer truck, The cost of transporting wood (BRL/m3) was calculated for
B-train truck and Tri-train truck vehicle combinations for each type of vehicle combination using the Cargo Transport
wood transport were evaluated (Figure 2). Operation Cost Simulation Worksheet, developed by ANTT –
The types of wood transport vehicle combinations, as well as Brazilian National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT 2017).
their specifications, are listed in Table 1. The worksheet considers monthly fixed and variable cost
In order to determine the average travel times and speeds of values per kilometer traveled as inputs, in addition to opera­
the vehicle combinations, as well as the number of trips tional variables. With regard to fixed costs, the following are
per day, a study of transport time and movements was carried reported: vehicle and implement acquisition and depreciation
out using the continuous time method, with the use of a digital costs, labor (wages and charges), taxes and insurance. In turn,
stopwatch and a form for data recording. Under the conditions variable costs refer to the sum of fuel and lubricants, main­
of this study, the transport operational cycle was subdivided tenance, tires and washing/lubrication. Finally, operational

Figure 2. Types of wood transport vehicular combinations analyzed in the study.

Table 1. Specifications of wood transport vehicle combinations used to assess wood transport costs.
Types of wood transport Diesel Load Average Acquisition
vehicle combinations Brand/Model Traction consumption (km/l)c capacity (t)1/ speed (km/h)c value (BRL)c
C1 (Truck) Mercedes Attego 2426 6 × 2 3.00 15 45 479,157.00
C2 (Semi-trailer truck) Mercedes Axor 2536 LS 6 × 2 2.50 30 40 648,524.00
C3 (B-train truck) Mercedes Axor 3344 6×4 2.00 37 35 736,699.00
C4 (Tri-train truck) Mercedes Axor 4144 K 6 × 4 1.50 51 30 839,287.00
Manufacturer data.
Considering the complete cycle (travel loaded and empty return), obtained from the study of times and movements.
New vehicle combinations, based on FIPE Table – Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas, on 04/25/2022.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the data used to calculate the cost of wood freight (average and minimum and
maximum values).
Wood volume Diesel consumption Average speed Total cycle travel
Vehicle type (m3/trip) (km/l) (km/h)b time (h)b
C1 11.54 3.05 46.4 4.71
(9.23–13.85) (2.79–3.16) (40.9–52.1) (3.42–9.67)
C2 23.08 2.49 38.9 7.50
(18.46–27.69) (2.31–2.59) (34.2–43.5) (5.96–13.41)
C3 28.46 2.03 35.1 8.89
(22.77–34.15) (1.89–2.35) (30.9–39.5) (7.18–15.45)
C4 39.23 1.36 31.5 11.44
(31.38–47.08) (1.10–1.55) (27.9–35.1) (9.54–18.74)
Considering the round trip (travel loaded and empty return).
Considering the total cycle: round trip plus loading and unloading time.

variables are composed of loading and unloading time, average The results indicate that the transport distance variable has
speed, load capacity and transport distance. As output, the a strong positive correlation with the wood freight cost
spreadsheet provides the freight costs per trip, per km and (r = 0.92), emphasizing that the increase in the distance traveled
per tonne, which is converted into m3 according to the moist­ directly increases the freight costs of the transported wood. The
ure content of the wood. variable wood moisture content showed a positive and median
correlation (r = 0.32), indicating that a decrease in wood moist­
ure content, individually, improves transport efficiency and
Statistical analysis reduces freight costs. The load capacity variable of the vehicle
combinations presented a mean negative correlation (r=-0.32),
It was evaluated whether the values found for freight cost
indicating that an increase in the volume of transported wood
(BRL/m3) are associated with each other and with wood length
represents a reduction in the wood freight cost, although not
(m), transport distance (km), wood moisture content (%) and
very pronounced. And finally, the variable length of wood did
load capacity of vehicle combinations (m3). For this, the degree
not correlate with the cost of transported wood.
of association was obtained by analyzing the Pearson correla­
The results of these analyses indicate the existence of
tion coefficient matrix (r) using the t-test at 5% probability.
a strong correlation between the evaluated variables and the
Thus, the correlation can be considered strong when r ≥ |0.50|,
value of wood freight, demonstrating the importance of under­
medium when |0.50| > r > |0.30| and low when r ≤ |0.30|,
standing the behavior of such variables to improve operational
according to Cohen (1988).
transport costs. This strong negative correlation indicates that
The nonlinear regression technique used was developed by
the drying of wood in the field (before transport to the con­
Seber and Wild (2003) and its adjustment was carried out for
sumer units), the reduction in the transport distance and the
the wood freight cost, aiming to establish a relationship
increase in the volumetric load capacity in the trucks contri­
between this dependent variable and the transport distance,
bute, alone or jointly, to the reduction of wood freight cost.
the moisture content of the wood and the load capacity of the
With this, it is possible to infer that every 10 days of drying
vehicle combinations, having been adjusted for each type of
the wood in the field, starting from a moisture content of 60%
vehicle combination analyzed (Equation 1).
at the time of harvest, represents an average reduction of 2.0%
β1 β in the content of wood moisture and a consequent increase of
FC ¼ β0 þ þ 2 þ β3 � LC (1) 1.5% in the volumetric capacity of the trucks. Thus, the value of
the wood freight is indirectly reduced by 3.0%, keeping the
where: FC is the freight cost (dependent variable); TD is the
other conditions constant.
transport distance; WM is the wood moisture; LC is the load
In turn, an average increase of 15% is observed in the value of
capacity (independent variables); and β0 , β1 , β2 , β3 are model
wood freight for every 50% increase in transport distance regard­
less of the type of truck, keeping the other variables constant.
The model fits were evaluated using the coefficient of deter­
After analyzing data that indicated the variables that influ­
mination (R2), the coefficient of variation (CV%) and the
ence the freight price of transported wood, nonlinear regres­
correlation coefficient between the observed and estimated
sion models were fit to determine the freight prices of
values squared (Ryŷ2), using the STATISTICA for Windows
transported wood for different types of vehicle combinations
software (STATSOFT, Inc 1995). To verify the results of resi­
evaluated (Table 4).
dual assumptions, Anderson-Darling test (A2) and Fischer’s F-
The results refer to the statistical parameters obtained by the
test were applied for normality and for variance, respectively,
fitted models for determining the price of wood freight from
both at 5% probability.
data observed in a forestry company. The values of the coeffi­
cients of determination (R2), ranging from 97 to 98%, indicate
a high degree of adjustment of the dependent variable (wood
freight price) to the independent variables (transport distance,
To verify the association between the freight cost, the length of wood moisture and volumetric load capacity). The coefficient
the wood, the moisture content of the wood and the load of variation (CV%), comprised between 10.17 and 13.67%,
capacity of the vehicle combinations of wood transport, the indicates low data variability and good ability to extrapolate
results of the analysis of the matrix of the Pearson correlation results from them.
coefficient (r) using the t-test at 5% probability are presented in The results of the Anderson-Darling test prove the normal
Table 3. distribution of the data used for the regression analyses and
according to the p values the variances of the original data are
statistically equal to those of the estimated values by the
Table 3. Matrix of Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients (r) between the study
variables and the wood freight cost. models.
Variables Freight cost The graphic representation of the high adherence of the
Freight cost 1 fitted models to the observed data (Figure 3) made it possible
Wood length −0.02ns to verify the same behavior for all four types of vehicle combi­
Transport distance 0.92* nations evaluated, according to the correlation values between
Wood moisture content 0.32*
Load capacity of vehicle combinations −0.32* the observed and estimated squared values. Those values were
Note: * is significant at 1% probability; ns is not significant, by the t-test with n-2 constantly very close to the unit, which provides a good indica­
degrees of freedom. tion of a high fit of the models to the observed data.

Table 4. Fitted model for determining the price of wood freight.

Vehicle combination type Fitted model R2 CV Ryŷ2 A2 p
C1 (Truck) 533.67 - (13536.90 ÷ TD) + (9301.56 ÷ WM) - (33.53 × LC) 0.97 10.17 99.61 2.758* 1.699*
C2 (Semi-trailer truck) 338.32 - (8516.67 ÷ TD) + (5758.82 ÷ WM) - (10.49 × LC) 0.98 12.58 99.65 3.679* 1.725*
C3 (B-train truck) 312.27 - (7973.65 ÷ TD) + (5411.59 ÷ WM) - (7.97 × LC) 0.98 13.67 99.63 2.548* 1.415*
C4 (Tri-train truck) 273.75 - (6859.95 ÷ TD) + (4679.74 ÷ WM) - (4.98 × LC) 0.97 10.93 99.62 1.977* 1.691*
Where: TD is the transport distance; WM is the wood moisture content; LC is the load capacity of vehicle combinations; R2 is the coefficient of
determination; CV is the coefficient of variation (in %); Ryŷ2 is the correlation coefficient between observed and estimated values squared; A2 is the
Anderson-Darling normality test; and p is the Fisher’s F test for variance.
*Significant at 5% probability.

Figure 3. Representation of the behavior of observed and estimated values of wood freight (BRL/m3) using the fitted models in this study.

The results of the statistical adjustment models were satis­ increasing the energy efficiency of wood transportation
factory, indicating their adequacy, as very interesting statistics (Schettino et al. 2022; Kärhä et al. 2023), which inevitably
were presented (R2 and Ryŷ2 close to unity and low coefficient leads to a reduction in wood transportation costs.
of variation). Therefore, the fitted models can be used as an Furthermore, it is important to highlight the subsequent
auxiliary tool in making decisions involving the variables that reduction in CO2 emissions (Sauna-Aho 2021; Schettino
directly or indirectly interfere in the composition of wood et al. 2022).
freight value. Such gains are increasingly important as global climate
change continues to advance. Although environmental costs
were not assessed in this study, their indirect reduction is a key
Discussion factor for the sustainability of the forestry business. From this
The results of this study indicated that transportation distance was perspective, the findings of Souza et al. (2019) are noteworthy,
the variable that most affected wood freight cost, demonstrating as they concluded that wood transportation is responsible for
an increase in the cost of transporting wood to the consumer unit 15% of all CO2 emissions in the eucalyptus supply chain,
with the increase in the distance traveled by vehicle combinations. considering all stages from planting to wood delivery to the
Thus, the greater the distance traveled, the higher the cost of consumer unit. Hence, it highlights the real need to seek
transporting the wood, as already demonstrated by Mokhirev technical and operational alternatives to reduce emissions of
et al. (2019) under other operational conditions. Peyrov et al.
this and other greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate
(2021) highlighted that the distance traveled interferes with the
productivity of vehicle combinations, as longer distances result in change (Väätäinen et al. 2021).
longer forest operation durations, fewer trips, reduced productiv­ Furthermore, it is necessary to consider that when planning
ity, and increased transportation costs. to increase truck load capacity, compliance with the specific
The use of high-capacity vehicle combinations for long regulations of each country and/or region must be mandatory
distances can be an alternative to reduce wood transport (Thompson and Taniguchi 2017), as well as considering topo­
costs, as it increases the average load of each truck combi­ graphical restrictions, urban center crossings, and road condi­
nation and reduces the total number of wood loads tions (existence or absence of pavement, soil type, and bridges)
required, consequently reducing fuel consumption and along the routes to be traveled (Demir et al. 2011; Strandgard

et al. 2021), as well as possible weather or forest disaster Although the results of this study have proven to be robust
restrictions (Kogler and Rauch 2020). from an economic standpoint, it is important to consider that
In turn, the moisture content of wood affects the volume potential transportation bottlenecks, climate crises and forest
and logistics costs, since it determines the volumetric weight calamities such as fires and strong winds have the potential to
ratio of the cargo to be transported. The higher the moisture significantly impact future scenarios in the forestry sector and
content of the wood or biomass, the higher the weight per unit consequently influence wood freight costs.
volume, thus increasing transportation costs and other impor­ Transportation capacity constraints, represented here as
tant activities for the forestry industry, such as wood storage inadequate infrastructure and logistical limitations (Soliani
and processing (Chen et al. 2020; Palander et al. 2020). 2015), regulatory restrictions (Stolarski et al. 2021), and com­
From the perspective of maximizing the volume of wood to plications at land borders (Ngarachu et al. 2019), can hinder
be transported, this study highlights that the lower the moist­ the efficient flow of wood. This can result in delivery delays,
ure content of the wood, and consequently the higher the increased transportation costs and reduced profitability for
volume per unit weight, the lower the freight cost per unit of forestry companies. Moreover, a lack of adequate transporta­
volume transported. However, among the various items pro­ tion capacity can affect the availability of wood for consumers,
duced by the forestry chain, some may be dependent on and which can disrupt market supply and demand.
limited by the moisture content of the wood. It is necessary to In turn, climate crises such as forest fires, storms, and insect
determine the optimal moisture content limit for each wood infestations (Kogler and Rauch 2020) can have devastating
utilization purpose, to avoid deterioration of the raw material effects on forests, destroying extensive forest areas and result­
(Monedero et al. 2015; Zhou et al. 2015; Lopes-Junior et al. ing in the loss of timber resources and significant environmen­
2017; Lestari et al. 2019; Canal et al. 2020). tal damage. This reduces the availability of quality wood and
From this perspective, in the production of wood for energy hampers forest productivity. It can lead to increased wood
biomass or charcoal, the more water contained in the wood, the prices, supply shortages, and the need to relocate forestry
more energy is required for its evaporation. A longer drying operations to other areas.
time in the field is desirable, favoring the improvement of To address these challenges, forestry companies and indus­
biomass quality and reducing freight costs (Canal et al. 2020; tries need to develop adaptation and resilience strategies. This
Lima et al. 2022). Furthermore, substantial indirect gains can may involve implementing sustainable forest management
be achieved by using vehicles with large volumetric capacity in practices, investing in transportation infrastructure, diversify­
this context, as evidenced by Väätäinen et al. (2021). ing the wood supplier base, developing emergency plans to
In the manufacture of panels and boards, the necessary address climate crises, and adopting more efficient and resili­
dimensional stability for the process is directly affected by ent technologies and production methods.
moisture. Additionally, the higher the water content in the
wood, the heavier it becomes, which can compromise its sale Conclusions
in the market, resulting in a lower value due to the lower wood
volume per unit (de et al. 2021; Strandgard et al. 2021). For the Study results indicate the importance of understanding the
production of cellulose fiber, the storage time of logs can vary variables and how they both individually and collectively influ­
from a few weeks to several months. To maintain wood quality ence the cost of wood freight, in order to provide insights for
planning operations related to wood harvesting and transpor­
for the process, Giesel et al. (2020) suggest that the maximum
tation while ensuring cost reduction and improved perfor­
storage time for Pinus wood in the field is 30 days. On the other
mance in operations in the forest supply chain. Additionally,
hand, Gomes et al. (2015) state that eucalyptus wood remains
the nonlinear regression model fit proved to be an auxiliary
suitable for pulping processes even with a minimum moisture
tool of great value for this planning, allowing the extrapolation
content of 15%.
of this study.
Under the conditions of this study, the length of the wood
The impacts arising from wood transport surpass the scope
did not correlate with the price of wood freight. However,
of the forest supply chain and also affect other sectors. It is
Machado and Lopes (2000) showed that wood size is
crucial to ensure an efficient and economical transport of wood
a variable that influences productivity and transportation to guarantee a stable supply of this fundamental resource in
costs. Increasing the length from 5 meters to 6 meters several industries that use it as a raw material. Optimizing
improved the performance of vehicle transport combinations logistics and reducing costs in the forestry sector can contri­
by 10% and reduced the cost of transported wood by 11.1%. bute to the competitiveness and profitability of downstream
Therefore, from this perspective, vehicle combinations will industries, such as construction, furniture manufacturing and
make better use of their capacity if the wood is longer, as it paper production.
represents an increase in the volume of wood transported, Possible future research directions and extensions can dee­
thereby reducing transportation costs. Nonetheless, although pen our understanding of wood freight costs and their implica­
loading and unloading activities were not analyzed in this tions. One area of study could focus on exploring innovative
study, Arcego et al. (2019) pointed out that the length of technologies and methods to improve transport efficiency,
Eucalyptus and Pinus logs affects the duration of these activ­ such as the use of advanced tracking systems, algorithms for
ities, which can subsequently impact the productivity and route optimization or alternative modes of transport.
operational costs of wood transportation by influencing truck Furthermore, investigating potential synergies between differ­
cycle time. ent industrial sectors and developing collaborative supply

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