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Jesus Reveals

Who the Father Is

Prepared by: Marifel Chavez

Read and reflect on the Gospel Reading
Share experiences/ideas about the values
learned from the Gospel
Tell how Jesus reveals God to mankind
Give ways how we can help reveal God to
the people around us
Activity: The Baptism

Who among you here

have watched/read when
Jesus was baptized at the
river of Jordan?
Why is Jesus considered to
be the “Supreme Revealer”?
How did Jesus reveal the
What attributes of the Father
did Jesus reveal?
How can we help reveal the
Father to others?
The Beloved Son,

This truth is very

presented in the gospels
when Jesus was baptized
in the river Jordan and
during the Transfiguration.
Jesus was introduced
as the Son of God. The
Father called Jesus His 6

beloved Son.
The Beloved Son,

God’s Son Jesus has an

intimate relationship with
the Father. By revealing
the Father to us, Jesus
shows us how we, too,
can develop an intimate
relationship with the
Father. 7
The Beloved Son,

This relationship of Jesus and the

Father is additionally stated in the
book of Matthew “All things have
been handed to Me by My Father. No
one knows the Son except the Father,
and no one knows the Father except
the Son and anyone to whom the Son
wishes to reveal Him” Jesus said.
The Beloved Son,

Jesus as the son is the Supreme

Revealer who has direct
knowledge of the Father. “No one has
ever seen God. The only Son who is in
the bosom of the Father, was Himself
the Revelation” (cf. John 1:18)
The Beloved Son,

As God’s only beloved Son, Jesus

stands in an exclusive and intimate
relationship with the Father. He has
the knowledge of the Father and His
plan of Salvation. This plan was
revealed by Jesus and fulfilled
through His teachings, preachings,
and sufferings on earth.
Revelation of Jesus of
the Father

Jesus revealed God through his

teachings, preachings and sufferings
on earth. We come to realize that
Jesus has given us the attributes of
the Father. These same attributes of
God were even more manifested by
Jesus during His earthly ministry.
Jesus Christ

revealed God
by His words
and deeds 12
Jesus Christ

revealed God
by His words
and deeds 13
How can we help
Jesus in revealing
God to people around
us? 14
1. Jesus showed us
God used his
to help His
people. 15
2. Jesus showed us

God is
3. Jesus showed us

God’s LOVE
is unconditional
Jesus calls us to be
authentic signs of
His presence by our
gestures of loving
service to others.

We affirm our collaboration with Him in the

work of God’s plan of revealing Himself. 18

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