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Eunice C. Soriano/
Marites G. Cerojales

Cover Illustrator: Christopher Mercado

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
understand the importance of pre-service to client in Wellness Massage Services.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

The module is composing of two lesson. Lesson is all about:

Lesson 1: Costumer Service Skills
Lesson 2: Record Keeping

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. learn to identify costumer needs and problems;
2. recognize the most common reasons for costumers complaints;
3. discover techniques to maintain and improve customer relationship and
4. practice client’s information confidentiality

Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the answer that best describes
the statement.
_____1. It is a pleasant tone of voice in a telephone conversation.
A. Shout B. Speak clearly
C. Speak in a very low D. Speak very soft
____ 2. Create a friendly working relationship with ________.
A. colleagues B. manager
C. clients D. all
_____ 3. Do not make false claims for treatments but explain the benefits__.
A. fairly B. reasonably
C. practically D. realistically.

_____4. Before picking up the receiver, ______ any other conversation.
A. continue B. disregard
C. discontinue D. hang
_____5. Be prepared with ________ when you answer the phone.
A. calendar B. information form
C. pen and message clip D. tissue paper

1 Costumer Service Skills
Customer service skills are those essential capabilities that make you well equipped
to handle one-on-one interactions with clients.
The foundation of every business entity is dependent upon the customers and
treating them like god is the first step in this direction. The ultimate technique of
business organizations is to cultivate a customer base that will encourage friends,
family members and acquaintances of the customer to visit the outlets.
Customer service includes greeting customers with warmth, handling complaints if
any and offering desired information about any product or service.

Express your thoughts on the following situations. Write ​thumbs up or ​thumbs
down​ and the reason why.
Write your answer on the space provided or write it on a separate sheet of paper.
Situation 1
1. You experienced on and off online connection. Upon calling your internet service
provider they advised you to just leave your contact number and they will call you
back soon.
2. You received an incomplete item from an online shop. No warranty as seller’s
said prior to shipping.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. You wrote an honest opinion on a certain fashion brand. After 1 week, you
received a bunch of their products as a token.

Customer service skills encompass a series of abilities. ​Good customer service

skills include an understanding of psychology and how to deliver the right message
at the right time. They include the ability to ask effective questions, to deescalate
anger, and to reassure without the ability to assure results. It is important to focus
on their ability to deliver communication that sets a positive tone and that helps
prevent common service triggers from being pulled

Customer service is the support you offer your customers — both before and after
they buy and use your products or services — that helps them have an easy and
enjoyable experience with you. Offering amazing customer service is important if
you want to retain customers and grow your business. Today’s customer service
goes far beyond the traditional telephone support agent. It is available via email,
web, text message, and social media. Many companies also provide self-service
support, so customers can find their own answers at any time day or night.
Why is customer service important?
Customer service is critical to competing effectively.
In the past, people chose which companies they did business with based on price,
or the product or service offered, but today the overall experience is often the
Great customer support drives an amazing customer experience, especially when
your support team moves beyond just reacting to problems and toward anticipating
customers' problems. When support agents are empowered to go above-and-beyond
with customers, or have a ​help desk solution​ t​hat makes it easy for them to upsell
or cross-sell relevant services, they can create winning experiences that help you
stand out from the competition.
Customer satisfaction a measurement we use to quantify the degree to which a
customer is satisfied with a product, service, or experience. It measures how a
customer feels about a brand interaction.

They have also developed a solution to de-escalate interactions with angry

customers and help turn things around. Their technique is called H.E.A.R.D and is
used by many in the customer service industry.
H.E.A.R.D. stands for:
H​ – Hear. Hear the customer’s complaint and do not interrupt them. Let them tell
you, in full, why they are angry.
E​ – Empathize. A little empathy can go a long way toward calming an irate
A​ – Apologize. A sincere apology can help your customer feel heard and understood.
R​ – Resolve. Finding a solution to help resolve the issue with the customer is
important. Do not hesitate to ask them, “What can we do to make this right?”
D​ – Diagnose. Figure out what caused this issue to arise and find a solution to
prevent it from happening again. Feedback from negative experiences can be

invaluable and can show you how to take steps toward preventing the same issue
from occurring again.
Three customer service skills every employee needs
1. Communication skills. ​Good listening and speaking skills are essential to
effective interactions. You can hone your communication skills by listening without
interrupting, summarizing the gist of a conversation partner’s message, and taking
a moment to formulate what you want to say before speaking.
2. Patience. ​ Interacting with others is not always easy, and people can try your
patience for any number of reasons ranging from rudeness to a lack of
organization. However, you must always stay professional. Whenever you feel
yourself becoming impatient, take a deep breath, and count to 10 before
3. Resourcefulness. ​ Even the most skilled conversationalist cannot predict what
someone might say next. Certain questions or remarks might be totally
unexpected—and that is not necessarily a bad thing, since it can make you
approach the topic in a different manner. Being resourceful and keeping an open
mind will allow you to continue a conversation in a way that could benefit both
parties instead of shutting down communications. It’s better to say, “That’s a good
point. Let me think about it and get back to you” than to awkwardly end the

The T.H.A.N.K.S. process:

T. Thank the caller
H. Hear the caller out
A. Assess the situation
N. Needs fulfillment
K. Keep the responsibility
S. Sell something extra

2 Record Keeping
Record keeping is an orderly and disciplined practice of sorting business
records. It ranges from simple to complex filing. This provides fast retrieval of
records. Remember, keep good records, both business and personal.
Proper records management is not a process that happens organically. It is a
system of processes that help your organization keep up with each piece of
information from the moment it is created until it is destroyed.

Since many vital records are kept permanently, they should be stored in an
environment designed to protect them from damage. A records management
program incorporates strategies to ensure that vital business records are preserved
in optimal condition and safeguarded from physical damage and theft.
Your paper and digital records must be protected against internal and
external threats. But what is the best way to do that?
Professional offsite records storage offers a solution for controlling access to
your information. Hardcopy documents and media containing digital files are
stored in secure facility with strictly regulated access. Only authorized staff
members in your organization can request information, and barcode technology
tracks your inventory so you can always verify who has retrieved a file and when.
Bookkeeping is important for helping you maintain accurate financial
records. Yet still, many businesses fail to implement this integral process. Besides
the fact you are required under law to maintain accurate books and records, doing
so will save you frustration later.
Tracking the financial activities of a business is the truest purpose
of ​bookkeeping​, meaning it allows you to keep an up-to-date record of the current
incoming and outgoing amounts, amounts owed by customers and by the business,
and more. Traditional bookkeeping. Bookkeeping has a long history as an integral
part of accounting.
Bookkeeper​ is a person who records the accounts or transactions of a business

Reasons Why Bookkeeping is Important.

1. Bookkeeping Helps You Budget. ​When income and expenses are properly
organized, it makes it easier to review financial resources and expenses.
2. Tax Preparation. ​Bookkeeping is important for filing your personal tax return
too. As a business owner, a large part of your income comes from your business. To
know how much you earned, you must know what your business earned first.
3. Organization. Being organized is a skill every business owner should have. You
should be able to find information regarding your business at any time. There are a
few parties that are interested in your compa​ny’s financial records – the ROI​,
employees, customers, investors, and lenders. Being able to provide the information
requested by these parties are vital to your ongoing operation.
4. Analysis. Bookkeeping is important because it helps with business analysis. It
is a tool used by management to analyze business performance. The product of
bookkeeping is financial statements. Financial statements should be regularly
generated and used for analysis.
6. Planning Purposes​. Bookkeeping presents the past financial performance of the
salon. To plan, you must have a good understanding of the past. Bookkeeping will

give you the clear picture of what exactly works or does not work. Bookkeeping not
only helps with planning for strategic purposes but also plays a major role in tax
8. Financial Management​. Bookkeeping is important because it allows you to take
control of your business’ finances. Bookkeeping paints a clear picture of how you
spend money. You can see outstanding invoices owed by you or your customers.
9. Peace of Mind. ​Disorganized books can weigh heavy on your mind as a
business owner. With all the other factors of running a salon, your bookkeeping
should not be keeping you up at night. When your books are complete, you can
rest easy knowing that your company’s financial information is review ready.
10. Requirement Under Law. Last, but certainly not least, the law requires you to
keep financial records for your salon. Depending on your legal structure, the law
requires you to keep financial records separate from your personal expenses.
Failing to do so, can lead to termination of your business.
​One of the most important steps that can be taken is to maintain proper
documentation of your communications with clients. This becomes extremely
important when face issues or problems with the client.
Documentation plays a crucial role in any wellness business setting.
Documentation helps assure continuity of care. There are many important
moments in treatment. Proper documentation can help the massage therapist to
recall those moments. It can help track the progress in addressing thought
patterns and unhealthy behaviors.
It is important to identify patterns and track the client’s progress; if the new
therapist isn’t aware of the knowledge, insight, and progress you have made, it
would be a hindrance to any further progress until the therapist is able to discover
and the learn the insight on their own.
It is important to minimize as much risk as possible. Documentation is a great tool
in protecting against lawsuits and complaints. Documentation help ensure consent
and expectations. It helps to tell the narrative for decisions made, and how yourself
or the client responded to different situations. It is important to record information
that can help support the proper treatment plan and the reasoning for such
Client’s Record
Like with any business, you still must engage in standard business procedures,
including maintaining client records.
People come in, shell out some cash for a new piece of stuff, and then leave. What
is there to keep a record of?

You might be surprised to find out there are a lot of important reasons for
maintaining an accurate record of all your clients.
The longer you work in the beauty industry, the more you will notice trends among
your clients. Depending on your specialty, your client base may consist mostly of
men or mostly of women. Most of your client may be younger, middle-aged, or
Maintaining an accurate record of your clients will allow you to determine your
client base’s specific demographics. Once you had done that, you can form or
improve your marketing strategy.
Client records have more uses than just market analysis. They act as a memo
system that lets you keep notes about your clients.
One key point of ensuring any business’s success is providing excellent client
service. Likewise, keeping a client record will help you remember which clients are
more difficult to deal with than others.
Another “extra touch” of client service that maintaining client records will allow you
to provide is sending out sale coupons and appointment reminders. You can also
use your client records to send out holiday greeting cards to regular clients.
Confidentiality ​can be defined as keeping the employee, customer, and client
information private. It is the employee’s responsibility to treat all the information in
the workplace with care and caution. An employee should be prudent enough not
to disclose any information that the organization considers sensitive and
confidential, to a third party, until and unless the employee has consulted and
taken permission from his supervisor regarding the same. Also, one should refrain
from sharing any personal details with fellow colleagues at work. This helps to
maintain a professional attitude at work.
Ways to Keep Accurate Client Records
Paper Records
Old-school business owners will be familiar with the various paper methods for
keeping records. Such methods include index cards, record books, and
appointment books.
Nowadays, electronic records are the much-preferred method of record-keeping.
The only room they take up is the space on your hard drive, and each record is
limitless in terms of how much information they can hold. Plus, you can search
through or sort them at the click of a mouse.
Another advantage of electronic records is they can be backed up easily. So, in the
event of a virus or mishap with your computer, you will still have a copy of your
Cloud Storage
Cloud storage primarily functions to back up files via a limitless Internet storage
space. Many cloud storage units back up files automatically, so you do not have to
fiddle with it and chance messing up any of your records.

Although it is not as common as storing files on your computer, some companies
elect to keep records in a cloud storage unit. For example, Google Sheets is an
excellent cloud alternative to Excel for storing basic records.

Write YES if the statement is correct and NO if it is not.

_____ 1. Having an updated number of the client is a part record-keeping.
_____ 2. No need to list down names of walk-in customers.
_____ 3. Client’s record can serve as our basis in solving service conflicts.
_____ 4. ​Bookkeeping is important for helping you maintain accurate financial
_____ 5. ​Bookkeeper is a person who records the accounts or transactions of a

1​. What steps should you do if need to correct something on a client record?
2. A certain costumer acted so strange and she cannot hold her temper. You looked
at her record and found out her health status and you shared it to your
coworkers as a warning. Have you violated the client's confidentiality?
_______________________________________________________________________ .

Both for Online and Offline learners.
Direction: ​Supply the missing word/s in the following statements. Below are the
1. ​__________ ​primarily functions to back up files via a limitless Internet
storage space.
2. ​Tracking the financial activities of a business is the truest purpose of ​__________.
3. ​ __________ ​can be defined as keeping the employee, customer, and client
information private.
4. ​They act as a memo system that lets you ​__________​ notes about your clients.
5. ​__________ ​have more uses than just market analysis.
6. ​One of the most important steps that can be taken is to maintain ​__________
documentation of your communications with clients.
7. ​The ​__________ ​requires you to keep financial records for your company.
8. Being organized is a ​__________ ​every business owner should have.
9. ​Record keeping is an orderly and disciplined practice of __________ business
10. ​It can help __________ the progress in addressing thought patterns and
unhealthy behaviors.

Choose the correct answer. Write the letter only.
1. ​Tracking the financial activities of a business is the truest purpose of?
A. Bookkeeping B. Bookkeeper
C. Client’s Record D. Class Record
2. ​Defined as keeping the employee, customer, and client information private.
A. Confidence B. Confidentiality
C. Trust D. Secret Keeper
3. What most likely to happen if the massage therapist did not check client’s record
prior to massage service?
A. She cannot track the client’s progress
B. She cannot choose what massage services is suited to the client
C. She is not aware of client’s present health situation
D. All the above
4. What should you do if a client’s record cannot be found?
A. Trace who is the latest therapist who served her
B. Blame the bookkeeper
C. Proceed to massage service to avoid problems
D. Get initial information for the meantime before proceeding to the service
5. What precautionary measure should you take to protect client’s information?
A. Cover client’s appointment record right after services rendered
B. Never open her appointment record
C. Open and update her record before closing time
D. Let the bookkeeper do his work

Both for Online and Offline learners.

A. Sharing
Cite one situation with your friends that you think your privacy was violated.

B. Reflective Slogan
In your slogan answer the question:
What have you learned on activity A?

Relevance to the theme - 30%

Originality - 20%
Creativity - 30%
Visual Impact - 20%
Total - 100%

Learner’s Material

Collado, M.J MAEd and Tabora R. (2017). Technology and Livelihood Education
(TLE) Home Economics Specialization: Wellness Massage. Cubao, Quezon City.
Trinitas Publishing Inc.

Online Source
Health and Wellness: Definition and Dimensions – Video & Lesson. Retried from​ >
Health and wellness – NCBI. Retrieved from ​​>
Massage: HEALTH CONCEPTS. Retrieved from ​​ >
Massage Can Improve health and Wellness – AMTA. Retrieved from​ >
Massage Therapy – Encyclopedia of Children’s Health. Retrieved from​ >
Mind, Body, and Spirit: The Massage Connection – Sandhills Sentinel. Retrieved
from ​​ >

Health Definition. Mind Body Spirit Quotes & Saying. Mind Body Spirit Picture.
Retrieved from
Hilot Massage Treatment Benefits; a Natural Filipino Healing Art. Retrieved from >
Confidentiality. ​
Agreement Forms.
The Department of health.


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