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Name: Chop Virtue: Loyal Chronicle:

Age: 25-26 Vice: Ambitious Faction:

Player: Concept: Era:

Power Intelligence ●●
OOOOO Strength ●
OOOOO Presence ●●

Finesse Wits ●●●

OOOOO Dexterity ●●●
OOOOO Manipulation ●●●●●

Resistance Resolve ●●●

OOOOO Stamina ●●
OOOOO Composure ●●

Skills Other Traits

Mental Merits Health
(-3 unskilled) _______________
Contact (Merchants?) ●
OOOOO ●●●●●●●
¨ Academics __________OOOOO _______________
Quick Draw ●
OOOOO ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨ Crafts__________ _______________
Fighting Finesse ●●
¨ Enigmas________OOOOO
Area of Expertise - Persuasion ●
¨ Investigation _________
OOOOO _______________
Interdisc Specialty - Fast Talk OOOOO
● ●●●●●
Medicine ___________ _______________ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨ OOOOO Untouchable ●
¨ Occult _____________●
OOOOO _______________
Light Weapons - Rapidity ●
OOOOO Integrity
■ Politics____________
¨ Bureaucracy ●●
OOOOO _______________
Light Weapons - Thrust ●●
OOOOO ●●●●●●●
¨ Science _____________
OOOOO _______________
Light Weapons - Feint ●●●
Light Weapons - Flurry ●●●●
OOOOO Conditions
Light Weapons - Vital Shot OOOOO●●●●● _________________
Not surprised
Physical _______________
Barfly ●●
OOOOO _________________
(-1 unskilled) _________________
¨ Archery__________ OOOOO Size:__________________
5 _________________
¨ Athletics___________
OOOOO Speed:__________________
¨ Brawl_____________OOOOO Defense:________________
3 Aspirations
¨ Larceny_________ ●
OOOOO Armor:_________________
1/2 _________________
Perception: 5 dice
¨ Ride___________ OOOOO Initiative Mod:_____________
+6 _________________
het respect krijgen dat in redania de nobles krijgen

¨ Stealth _____________
OOOOO Beats: ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ■ ¨ _________________
¨ Survival ____________
OOOOO Experiences:______________ _________________
■ Weaponry___________
¨ Dagger ●●●●

Weapon/Attack Dmg Range Clip Init Str Size

Social ____________
Dagger (8 dice) ___
2 ______
melee ____
/ ___
-1 ___
1 ___
(-1 unskilled) ____________
Watchful blade (8 dice) ___
2 ______
melee ____
/ ___
+1 ___
1 ___
¨ Animal Ken________ OOOOO ____________ ___ ______ ____ ___ ___ ___
¨ Empathy_________ ●●●
OOOOO ____________ ___ ______ ____ ___ ___ ___
¨ Expression _________ OOOOO
¨ Intimidation_________ OOOOO Equipment Durability Structure Size Cost
■ Persuasion___________
¨ Fast Talk ●●●●●
OOOOO _________________
Leather Armor 1L/2B ______ _____ ____ ____
¨ Socialize ___________ ●●
OOOOO _________________
Donkey ______ _____ ____ ____
¨ Streetwise __________ ●●
OOOOO _________________
Signet Ring ______ _____ ____ ____
¨ Subterfuge__________ ●●
OOOOO _________________
2 karren + ossen ______ _____ ____ ____

Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Merits 7 • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower = Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult humans
Defense = Lowest of Dexterity or Wits + Athletics• Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed = Strength + Dexterity +5 • Starting Integrity = 7
Other Traits History
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
Skill Tricks
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
Master of Red Tape (Politics)
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
Dark Underbelly of the City (Streetwise)
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
Reverse Con (Subterfuge)
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
_______________OOOOO Goals
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
_______________OOOOO _________________________________________
breaking points description
Light Weapons - Rapidity: _________________________________________
Born in Redania as the son of a merchant. Tongue smoother than silk.
Adds +2 to initiative -2 to dmg _________________________________________
Family / friends mean everything. Frustrated by Redanian social system.
_____________________ _________________________________________
Light Weapons -Thrust: _________________________________________
Sacrifice defesne for bonus attack dice _________________________________________
_____________________ _________________________________________
Light Weapons - Feint: Age:______________ Height:____________
No dmg, target loses #suc+2 defense and Hair:______________ Weight:____________
takes # suc as additional damage on next attack Eyes:______________ Race:______________
_____________________ Sex:_______________ Nationality:_________
Light Weapons - Flurry:
1L dmg to all opponents in range if you have Allies and Contacts
Vizima Citywatch (contacts/allies 1) ____________________
Merchants Guild 1
_____________________ ____________________
Detchka en Vespula ____________________
Niels : the silver Hydra => Faustus
Light Weapons - Vital Shot:
____________________ ____________________
Gessler R => Allies 1
Sacrifice defense => +1 aggrevated dmg
____________________ ____________________
Loward D => Contacts 1
_____________________ ____________________ ____________________
_____________________ ____________________ ____________________
_____________________ Weapons and Equipment
_____________________ Weapon/Attack Dmg Range Clip Init Str Size
_____________________ ____________
Dagger ___
2 ______
melee ____
/ ___
-1 ___
1 ___
_____________________ ____________ ___ ______ ____ ___ ___ ___
_____________________ ____________
Party Outfit ___ ______ ____ ___ ___ ___
_____________________ ____________
Disguise Kit ___
+2 ______
7 uses ____ ___ ___ ___
_____________________ ____________ ___ ______ ____ ___ ___ ___
_____________________ Equipment Durability Structure Size Cost
_____________________ _________________
Leather Armor 1L/2B ______
/ _____
/ ____
/ ____
_____________________ _________________
2 * kar + os ______ _____ ____ ____
100 gp
_____________________ _________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
_____________________ _________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
_____________________ _________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
_____________________ _________________ ______ _____ ____ ____

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