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Use of Virtual Reality in Farms in Turkey

Believe it or not, virtual reality is being used in farms in Turkey to increase the overall milk production of
cows! Apparently, the venture has been a success as the average milk production has increased from 22
litres to 27 litres per day!

A farmer in Turkey has fitted VR glasses to his cattle while feeding them to give them virtual feel of
green grasses and external environment. Izzet Kocak is a Turkish farmer who hails from Aksaray, came
forward with the idea to increase the average milk production of his cattle after he realized they were
being affected by the winter weather and wanted to bring a change in the situation.

According to studies, a pleasant atmosphere helps cows produce more milk as they are happier and less
stressed. Kocak went ahead with the idea with the help of vets who developed the special set of VR
glasses for the cattle.

Izzet Kocak said, "They are watching a green pasture and it gives them an emotional boost. They are less

The idea has really worked out for the farm as the average milk production has boosted from 22 litres a
day to 27 litres of milk a day. The special VR headsets have been developed by vets and has been
previously tested on cattle in Moscow before Kocak used them on his cows.

The VR heasets are quite similar to the set up of regular human VR glasse but it was built according to
the specifications of a cattle’s head. Experts them modified the colour palettes present in the software
which accommodates the virtual reality scenes as cow’s can’t see several colours and the colours had to
be tweaked according to the ones which are suitable for cow’s vision.

The surprising success of the venture has astonished many farmers and the incident has been a
sensation in the field of science and technology. Researchers are currently working to implement the
use of virtual reality further in similar scenarios.

The overall outcome of the study showed that as cows are happier and can produce more milk if they
experience a bring and sunny atmosphere. Farmers have been surprised and are optimistic of such
promising outcomes of the use of virtual reality in farms.

Apparently, the unorthodox use and implementation of VR headsets has once again proved the impact
of technology in diverse areas of everyday life. Over time, the usage of VR may spread across many
farms of the world as many farmers have shown interest in the venture.

Many farms in Turkey are already intrigued by the prospect and it will be a matter of time until the
usage of virtual reality is normalized in many areas across the country. As the news has spread far and
wide among scientific communities, many academics have lauded Kocak’s unorthodox initiative.

As science and technology keeps bringing us new surprises every day, the use of VR in farming has
accomplished yet another milestone. Let us know your thought on the usage of virtual reality in the field
of farming in the comments.

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