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1ST Assessment Examination 2023-2024
Subject: English Class: III Shift: Afternoon Max Marks: 25
Name of student_________________ Roll no __ Date _____
Invigilator’s sign________ Subject teacher sign__________
Re-Checker’s sign___________ Principal’s sign___________

Q1: Write the meaning with their given words. /5

Words Meanings
i) Thorn ____________________________

ii) Responsibility ____________________________

iii) Suddenly ____________________________

iv) Pricked ____________________________

v) Fence ____________________________

Q2: Answer the following questions. /5

i) What did the little sparrow ask the flowers to do?

ii) Who was unhappy? Why?


Q3. Write down how many syllables each of the following words have.
 Discussion: _______________
 Attention: _______________
 Sick: _______________
 Tell: _______________
 Notice: _______________

Q4. Underline the words with the soft sounds “c” and “g” and circle the hard
sound. /5
 There are many ginger roots in the garden

 Sara is binding the book with glue.

 I celebrated my birthday in December.

 Zain is pouring some cool water into a glass.

 The boys are watching a circus performance.

Q5. Select the most suitable action verb from the word bank to complete
the paragraph.
works, give, cooks, provide, love, teaches, fulfill, thank

My parents __________ all my needs. My father ____________ in a bank to

_________ us a better future. My mother __________ in a school. She __________
delicious food.
2ND Assessment Examination 2023
Subject: English Class: III Shift: Morning Max Marks: 25
Name of student_________________ Roll no __ Date _____
Invigilator’s sign________ Subject teacher sign__________
Rechecker’s sign___________ Principal’s sign___________
Q1: Write the meaning with their given words. /5
Words Meanings
i) capture ____________________________

ii) pleasing ____________________________

iii) shelter ____________________________
iv) plenty ____________________________

v) grateful ________________________
Q2: Answer the following questions. /5
i) Where did the ants and grasshoppers lived?
Ans ____________________________________________________________
ii Who was lazy and careless in the story ?
Ans ____________________________________________________________

Q3: Choose the correct answer. /5

1) Adam’s family lives in __________.
a) Muzaffarabad
b) Abbottabad
2) The meaning of Thandiani is _________.
a) Warm
b) Cold
3) ____________ is called ‘base-camp’.
a) Muzaffarabad
b) Thandiani
4) _____________ brought a digital camera to capture pictures.
a) Raza
b) Adnan
5) They all went boating, hiking, and __________.
a) Riding
b) Fishing

Q4. Read the given words and put in to correct columns. /5
girl, Quaid-e-Azam, River Sutlej, room, cat, K-2, Lahore, pencil, chair,
Allama Iqbal.

Proper Noun Common Noun

Q5. Fill in the blanks with the past forms of verbs. /5

 Pakistan ____________ into being on 14th August. (come, came)
 Adam _________ to his cousin on skype. (talk, talked)
 Everyone _____________ happy. (feel, felt)
 I _________ a letter yesterday. ( write, wrote)
 All the girls ___________ in poem recitation on the last day.
( participate, participated)

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