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Name: _______________________________ Date: _____________
Grade and Section: _____________________
Strand:  ABM  GAS  HUMSS  STEM  ICT  HE
Subject: Science

Type of Activity:  Concept Notes  Skills: Exercise/Drill  Illustration  Performance Task  Others:______

Activity Title: Minerals

Learning Target: To explore the different types of rocks, their formation processes, characteristics, and their
significance in Earth's geology.
References (Author, Title, Pages, website, *Cengage Link) Canvas module 2


Rocks are solid, naturally occurring aggregates of minerals or mineral-like substances. They are integral to the Earth's
crust and provide insights into the planet's history and processes.

Types of Rocks

a) Igneous Rocks: Formed from the cooling and solidification of molten magma or lava.

b) Sedimentary Rocks: Created through the accumulation and compaction of sediment over time.

c) Metamorphic Rocks: Result from the alteration of existing rocks due to high pressure and temperature.

Rock Cycle- A continuous process through which rocks change from one type to another over geological time scales

Rock Characteristics

a) Texture- The size, shape, and arrangement of mineral grains in a rock.

b) Mineral Composition- The types and proportions of minerals present in a rock.

c) Color- Reflects mineral content and composition.


Retrieved from:

1. How are igneous rocks classified based on their texture and mineral composition?
2. How do metamorphic rocks differ from igneous and sedimentary rocks in terms of their formation
processes? What role does pressure and temperature play in the formation of metamorphic rocks?

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