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Course Syllabus

Course Code / Course Name Digital Image Processing (NC - 854)

Course Instructor Name(s) Sushree Sangeeta Behera
Hours Component
Lecture (1hr = 1 credit)
Credits (L:T:P) Tutorial (1hr = 1 credit)
(Lecture : Tutorial : Practical) Practical (2hrs = 1 credit)
L:T:P = 4:0:0 Total Credits = 4
Grading Scheme X 4-point scale (A,A-,B+,B,B-,C+,C,D,F)
(Choose by placing X against
appropriate box) Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S / X)
Area of Specialization (if applicable)
(Choose by placing X in box against not more than two areas from the list)
Theory and Systems for Computing Networking and
and Data
X Communication
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Digital Society
VLSI Systems Cyber Security
General Elective
Programme / Branch Course is restricted to the following programmes / branch(es):
(Place X appropriately. More than one is okay)
Programme: Branch:
X iMTech X CSE
X M.Tech X ECE
M.Sc. Digital Society
Course Category Select one from the following:
(Place X appropriately)
Basic Sciences
CSE Corel
ECE Core
CSE Branch Elective
X ECE Branch Elective
Engineering Science and Skills

Course Pre-Requisites (Where applicable, state exact course code/name)

Basics of Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Signal Processing, Basic

Programming skills (Python or MATLAB)
Additional Focus Areas
Select zero or more from the following and write one sentence explaining the how the focus areas covered as part of
the course.[NAAC criteria 1.1.3, 1.3.2].

Yes /
Focus Area Details
Yes This course enables the students to learn
the basics of Digital Imaging techniques
Direct focus on employability and their application in day-to-day life.
Yes This course includes regular assignments
and home works that develop their coding
Focus on skill development skills, preferably in MATLAB and Python.
Focus on entrepreneurship No
Provides value added / life skills No
(language, writing, communication, etc.)

Course Context and Overview

In today's digital era, the extensive usage of images across diverse sectors demands the need
for a fundamental understanding of digital image processing. Digital images are integral to various
fields, including medicine, entertainment, surveillance, and scientific research. Understanding the
principles behind digital image processing is crucial for analyzing, manipulating, and extracting
valuable information from these images.

This course provides a foundational understanding of fundamental concepts and techniques

essential for working with digital images. It is designed to provide students with a solid foundation
in digital image processing, emphasizing both theoretical concepts and practical applications. The
curriculum progresses systematically, starting from basic image representation and advancing to
fundamental image enhancement, manipulation, and analysis techniques.

Course Outcomes and Competencies (To be updated)

[Course Outcomes are to be stated using appropriate terminology and taxonomy as required by NAAC
and/or NBA. For every course credit, about 2-3 outcomes are recommended.]

PO/ Class Tut

Id Course Outcome
(Hrs) (Hrs)









Legend: PO/PSO: Programme Outcomes / Programme Specific Outcomes; CL: Cognitive Level (from Revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy); KC: Knowledge Category (from Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy); Class (Hrs): Number of hours
of instruction; Tut (Hrs): Number of hours of tutorial session (where applicable)

Concept Map of the Course (Optional)

Course Content
The following is the tentative list of topics to be covered in this course.
1. Introduction to Digital Images: Image representation, types and acquisition
2. Image Enhancement Techniques: Equalization, spatial- and frequency-domain
3. Image Filtering: Spatial- and frequency-domain filtering
4. Image Segmentation: Thresholding techniques, edge detection
5. Morphological Image Processing: Binary and grayscale morphology
6. Image Restoration: Noise models and restoration techniques
7. Image Compression: Lossless and lossy compression techniques
8. Advanced Topics and Applications

Instruction Schedule (To be updated)

[Provide session-wise schedule]

Learning Resources
 Gonzalez, Rafael C. Digital image processing. Pearson Education India, 2009.
 Gonzalez, Rafael C., Richard Eugene Woods, and Steven L. Eddins. Digital image
processing using MATLAB. Pearson Education India, 2004.
 Solomon, Chris, and Toby Breckon. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A
practical approach with examples in Matlab. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Assessment Plan
 Quizzes: 20%
 Assignments and Homework: 20%
 Mid-semester Examination: 20%
 Mini Project: 40%

Assignments / Projects (To be updated)

S. No. Focus of Assignment / Project CO Mapping

Evaluation Procedures
The course uses one or more of the following evaluation procedures as part of the course:
 Manual evaluation of essay type / descriptive questions
 Automatic evaluation of programming questions
 Automatic plagiarism check using tools
Students will be provided opportunity to view the evaluations done where possible either in
person or online

Late Assignment Submission Policy

As per institute policy

Make-up Exam/Submission Policy

As per institute policy

Citation Policy for Papers (if applicable)

Not applicable

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
As per institute policy
Accommodation of Divyangs
As per institute policy

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