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traditionally pursue

private practice, re-

search, and teach-
ing as their career
Students can cus-
tomize their aca-
demic training and
degree to focus on
specialties that ap-
peal to them the
most with a psy-
chology degree. A
has a lot of career
options that include
Clinical Psychol-
ogy, Industrial Psy-
and Organizational
Behavior, School
Psychology, Foren-
sic Psychology,
Psychology, Reha-
bilitation, Cognitive
Neuroscience, and
so on.
Second argu-
ment would be
Also, many believe
that it is difficult
for them to
separate them-
selves as Psycholo-
gist from their per-
sonal lives. To be-
gin, let
yourself know your
job is what you do,
not who you are,
create routines for
working from home,
envision a mental
barrier, limit work-
related conversa-
tions at
home, and practice
Knowing what per-
sonal problems, you
may be
experiencing could
be family matters,
grieving a loss,
health issues or fi-
difficulties. Per-
sonal problems may
also include life-
changing events
such as
pregnancy or pro-
longed issues like
long-term illness
Personal problems
negatively affect
your productivity at
work. A quote by
Jitsuyo Eikaiwa
"You cannot
bring personal mat-
ters into the work-
place". A fact I for-
got to mention is
according to the US
Bureau of Labor
Statistics, psychol-
ogy jobs are ex-
pected to
grow by 8% from
2020-2030 due to
the effect of COVID-
19 on mental
health, many
specialties are ex-
pected to grow
faster, such as clin-
ical and counseling
The tasks and
responsibilities of
the Psychologist
should be to find
and effective
means of assisting
others with their
struggles, rather
than making
them deal with it on
their own. Almost
every job option in-
volves interacting
collaborating with
other people, in-
cluding psychology.
Some people might

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