Ch. 4 Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

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Ch. 4 Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

(Her notes are worthless)

 Mitosis = every cell has same set

 Meiosis = one member for each gamete cell
 Leeuwenlock
o Sperm and egg fertilize hypothesis
 Staining = allows people to see chromosomes move
o Allowed for research
 Homolog = same genes, but different alleles
o Size, banding, position of centromere
 No correlation between species complexity and number of chromosomes
o Goldfish have 94 genes, humans have 46
 Sutton
o Grasshopper
o Games have half the number of chromosomes
o Found that X and Y, XX – female, XY = male
 Haploid = only half as many chromosomes
 Diploid – full set 2n
 Sex chromosomes
o One sex has matching pair, the other has different pair
 Karyotype - uses amniocentesis
 Cytogeneticists – look at chromosomes for cancerous stuff or they do karyotyping jobs
 Autosomes – nonsex chromosomes
 Sex-linked
o Mostly on X, if not all, instead of on Y
 XY is not universal
o Look in book at how the other organisms determine sex
 ZW, # of X’s, etc.
 2X = female moth, 1X = male
 Female may determine the sex
 Wrong number of Sex chromosomes = problems
o Compare drosophilia to humans
 Cell Cycle
o S phase = makes DNA
o G1 = normal growth
o G2 = grow and get ready for mitosis separation
 Checkpoint (figure 4.11)
o Cell can fix what’s wrong
o G1 to S
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 1st major checkpoint

 Good = replicate DNA
o G2 to M
 Are chromosomes replicated, good = divide
o M to G1
 Cells don’t make DNA during mitosis
 Mitosis
o Prophase
 Condense
 Animals – nuclear membrane dissolves
o Metaphase
 Chromosomes move toward equator
o Anaphase
 Pull apart
o Telophase
o Cytokinesis
 Meiosis
o Haploid cells
o Reduce copies by 2
 Only 1 copy
o 2 divisions
 1st division
 Homologs separate
 2 division
 Separate sister chromatids from a single homolog
 Meiosis Prophase 1
o Uncondensed chromatin
o Dissolved nuclear membrane
o Zipped up chromosomes
o Microtubules at centromeres
o Synaptonemal complex – proteins that zip up homologs and recombination nodules
crossover DNA info
 2nd way to get genetic diversity
o Figure 4.14 a-c
o She doesn’t care about the zygotene, diplotene stages etc. just know the traditional
 Telophase I and interkinesis
o 4 haploid gametes
 Anaphase II and Telophase II
 2 types of genetic diversity
o Independent assortment of nonhomologous chromosomes
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o Crossing over
 Drosophilia
o First letter capitalized out of 2 like (Cy or Sb)
o Wild type dominant has a +
o Don’t ever change capitalization
 Sex Linkage in Drosophila
o White male and hetero female will give some white females and white males
 Females inactivate one of the two X chromosomes of body cells at random
o Females have patchwork of cells that have different X chromosomes active
 Cat picture
o Heterozygous cat has patches of orange or brown (tortoise shell), normals are not
o Males with orange allele is all orange
 X-linked
o Most are X-linked recessive,
 More often in males than females
 Mutation never goes from father to son
 Affected male passes x-linked mutation to all daughter, who are hetero carriers
 Trait often skips a generation
 Trait only appears in successive generations if a carrier married to an affected
male. If so, only half of her sons will show trait
o Hemophilia
 X-linked dominant
o Affected males can’t pass it to sons, but affects all daughters
o Affected daughters are 50/50 passing it to sons or daughters
o More common in women – 2 chances, but males only have 1
o Rare
o Hmm – X chromosome inactivation, but it doesn’t affect dominant thing, because
dominant is strong enough to show up with only 50% cells affected
 Summary
o Chromosomes
o Cell cycle
o Mitosis
o Meiosis
o Sex-linked inheritance

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