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Non probability sampling

 Is used when the population parameters are either unknown or not

possible to individually identify
 Each unit in your target population does not have an equal chance
of being included. Here, you can form your sample using other
considerations, such as convenience or a particular characteristic

There are five common types of non-probability sampling:

 Convenience sampling
 Quota sampling
 Self-selection (volunteer) sampling
 Snowball sampling
 Purposive (judgmental) sampling
What is Purposive (judgmental) sampling?

 It relies on the judgment of the researcher to select the units (e.g.,

people, cases, or organizations studied)
 Is common in qualitative and mixed methods research designs,
especially when considering specific issues with unique cases
 Sampling is possible only when there is specific objective
 Appropriate characteristic required for the sample members
 The investigator has to pick up only such sample which is relevant to
his study

 Examples- Researchers want to study beggars

Purposive sampling and Convenience sampling?

 focuses on selecting  drawn from a source that is

participants possessing conveniently accessible
characteristics associated with  does not distinguish
the research study characteristics among the

Both sampling methods that are typically used in qualitative data

Types of Purposive Sampling

Depending on your research objectives, there are several purposive

sampling methods you can use:
 Maximum variation (or heterogeneous) sampling
 Homogeneous sampling
 Typical case sampling
 Extreme (or deviant) case sampling
 Critical case sampling
 Expert sampling
Steps to follow

Define your research problem

Determine your population

Define the characteristics of your sample

Collect your data using an appropriate


Analyse and interpret your results

Advantages and Disadvantages

 It gives better control of  Reliability of the criterion is

significant variable questionable
 Helps you make the most out of  The knowledge of the
the small population of interest population is essential
and arrive at variable research  Unable to make generalization
outcomes convening total population
 It lowers the margin of error in  It is subject to researcher and
your data because the data sampling biases
source is a close fit to the
research context

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