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Education is the process of receiving and giving systematic instruction and information.

In today's era, teachers face a lot of problems during teaching like unable to teach properly, lack

of understanding among students that have a negative impact on teachers and students. This

assignment is based on an article that highlights education issues and proposes a solution.

The main purpose of the article is to highlight issues in education also provide

information about the needs of teachers. It focuses on the boundaries of the traditional

DataInformation-Knowledge (DIK) pyramid in explanation of the levels of information (Acar,

Iverson, & Al-Gharaibeh, 2015).

Main idea

The main idea of the paper is to show the re-conceptualization of the pyramid into the

Environment-Information-Knowledge hierarchy (EIK). This new framework contains raw data,

treated data, potential information, as well as the environment, which includes all means of

obtaining information (Acar, Iverson, & Al-Gharaibeh, 2015). This hierarchy is seen as added

indicative of teaching or learning processes.


There are many different lessons learned from this article like the EnvironmentInformation-
Knowledge hierarchy is the framework that is based on the new concepts that are useful for the
teachers and the schools to improve the education of the students. Moreover, this model focuses
on the progression from the raw data to sensory contributions in the environment that leads to the
abstraction of meaningful information, also lastly the development of knowledge by processing
and organization (Acar, Iverson, & Al-Gharaibeh, 2015). The main focus of this model is that the
teachers have to be focused on the environment of children during the learning that helps to
improve education.

The paper emphasizes the Knowledge Management (KM) in education that is useful for

teachers to improve the learning of students. It provides the EIK hierarchy that is more complete

also relevant to today's knowledge achievement and organization. This method encourages a

more dynamic understanding of knowledge also its sources (Acar, Iverson, & Al-Gharaibeh,

2015). These method is helpful for me in my professional life. Further, it highlights the

significance of the environment as a foundation of information, such as collaborative learning,

for children.

There are many other benefits that it provides to me such as Encouraging the construction

of environments that helps to increase my communication with other colleagues. I will be more

focused on the environment of the workplace helps to increase improve my performance.

Moreover, these all concepts will be useful for me in the decision-making process. The

difference between raw and managed data highlights the significance of data analysis.


The reasoning for considering this method lies in its appreciation of the restrictions of the

outdated DIK hierarchy and its arrangement with the developing nature of knowledge attainment

and management. The planned EIK hierarchy presents a more nuanced kind of knowledge that

can inform enhanced practices in teaching and knowledge-based professions.


The article is based on the education issue and focuses on the benefits of the KM and

proposed EIK hierarchy that is useful for teachers to improve their services. From this article, I

have learned a lot of new concepts that will be useful for me in the future.

Acar, W., Iverson, S. V., & Al-Gharaibeh, R. S. (2015). Reconceptualizing the Knowledge

Hierarchy for Management Education. International Journal of Knowledge Management,

11(1), 84-100.


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