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English 2

First Grading
Name: _______________________ Grade &Section _______Score: ______
1. Which below produced the sound Broom!!Broom!!
A. Bus B. jeep c. tricycle
2. Which is the sound of a train?
A. Eeeng! Eeeng! B. toot!toot! C. beep!beep!

3.Which is the sound produced by a jeep?

A. priit!!priit! B. Eeeng!Eeeng!! C. beep! Beep!

4. Which animal have a sound of tweet! Tweet!

A. cat C.bird
5. Which below is a sound of a goat?
A .Aww! Aww ! B. meow! meow! C. mee….mee..
6. Which animal below having a sound of quack! Quack! B.bird

Box the letter if it is in English and underline if it is Filipino.

7. Nn 9. Ng ng
8. Aa 10. Oo
Underline the word having medial /e/
11. pan doubt men
12. drive sight ten
13. sister Ben kind
14. hen clock father
15. flag dance fed
Encircle the word having medial /a/
16. pot jet bat
17. wet rat bone
18. below cry fat
19. cat rose fly
20. hen hat ten
Underline the word having medial/ i/
21. fat fix fun
22. hip hen pan
23. cap dip bed
24. sit bag pop
25. what wig bop

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