Duran Proton Health Poster

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Question I: Overpopulation is the condition of having a population so dense Question 2: If the number rr of people becom nes = more 5 significant than available resources, we'll be forced fo take more than our environment can take, and also environmental impaired I chose this as to deterioration quality of life. cause our and make us create more waste in the process. Because of this, we've affected “numerous ecosystems throughout the world. specific issue because humanity is one of the direct causes of all environmental problems, so having more of us will surely make this issue much significant than it already is, as it poses a threat to our society in more Question 3: economic, environmental and SL It limits the amount of resources that will face a rise in prices and and an intense drop of available goods for the people. | Question 4: ) Asa scholar, I must adocate for women's all of us get to share. Chances are,we | ff empowerment and sex education implementation in schools and news programs. Birth control is still a form of healthes births guaranteed to cause the mother harm and isa straightforward solution to overpopulation. Family planningisa good option. -e,as it prevents unwanted

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